Outcast - A New Beginning

Outcast - A New Beginning

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[Savegames] Dirty Little Helpers
Bliccer tarafından
These savegames help to get instant access to most achievements or help to get around plot stoppers
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Savegames - Gaamsavvs
Update: - Added more savegames (should be all the relevant ones, now)
- fixed the download privileges of the link (before you needed to ask me for authorisation)

We collected these savegames to help others with achievements or maybe bypass their plot stoppers (which occur less, but still happen).

You can find your savegames here:
Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\O2\

There is always one *.sav file in the savegames folder itself AND a *.sav file with the corresponding name in the preview folder. Be sure to use/copy/overwrite both files! Numbering order is, as in any programming language, starting at 0. So your first manual save slot ingame is named manualsave_0.sav; second ingame slot is manualsave_1 etc.

Savegames Zipped - Download here[drive.google.com]
(if someone else can host the zip file, please don't hesitate to send me a link and I include it as a second mirror)

Although those folder names are probably self-explanatory, I will write a small description below.

By the Yods! What do those names mean?
  • 01 - ALL ITEMS OF GAME - LAST SCROLL - ManualSave1 - Desan
    Talk to Naduul and ask him for the last scroll for the Prokriana Library.

  • 02 - ALL UPGRADES - ManualSave0 - Desan - Talk To Fulg
    Talk to Fulg and let him craft the last upgrade.

  • 03 - ALL DAROMONS - ManualSave3 - Kizaar
    Talk to Yel to place the last daromon.

  • 04 - LAST MAIN QUEST HELIDIUM - ALL VILLAGES - ALL 32 SKILLS - Palana - Sappas Daromon - Last Upgrade Jetpack
    In this savegame you can quick unlock all 32 skills by upgrading the last jetpack slot; if you travel to Sappa it will unlock the last Daromon, hence finishing all villages and sappa separately; going to Kizaar will finish the helidium quest.

  • 05 - LAST DIARY BEFORE ENDING OUTSIDE - ManualSave0 - (Only with latest patch_doesnt work with the original version, as a diary bugged out)
    This is a savegame with only one diary left - but before the ending bit.

  • 06 - LAST DIARY - ENDING - ManualSave0 - Kizaar
    Careful! This is right at the end before the final boss. Walk onto the bridge and collect the last diary.

  • 07 - ALL GUN MODULE SLOTS - ManualSave3 - Sappa - Unlock Module
    Open up your backpack and upgrade your gun slots.

  • 08 - ALL MODULES - ManualSave0 - Sodoth Ganzaar - Mazum
    Talk to Mazum to get the last gun module. If you don't get the achievement right away, try to unequip all modules at once. Should trigger after some re- and unequipping.

  • 09 - LAST DRILL - ManualSave0 - Sodoth Ganzaar
    The last pit awaits you. Jump down and destroy the last drill.

  • 10 - LAST OUTPOST - ManualSave1 - Desan Outpost
    Find the last outpost on your map and clear it. Done!

  • 11 - LAST BASE - ManualSave0
    Find the last base on your map and clear it. Done!

  • 12 - ALL RECIPES - ManualSave1
    Talk to the merchant to buy the last recipe.

  • 13 - ORBITAL STATION - ManualSave3 - Kizaar
    Cutter Slade finds himself on the spaceship in the last act. (Rifle has a powerful damage)

    You start right after the tutorial island on your way to Emea. Skips some minutes of play. Be sure to set your difficulty right in the settings.

    With this savegame you can easily complete all map collectibles (last outpost, last base, last orym trail, last daoka, last shrine, last gork eruption), unlock all 8 module slots, buy last recipe, get all upgrades from merchants, spend 5000 NanoCells, unlock all skills.

  • 16 - EMEAS DAROMON - ManualSave0 - Emea - walk into Emea
    What an amazing lush vegetation awaits us on entering. Absolutely astonishing and jaw-dropping. Don't forget to visit the poorest Talan of Emea, up up at the top of the main tree (hierarchy is upside down in here)
    Walk straight into the village to obtain Emea's Daromon and finish the village achievement.

  • 17 - PROKRIANAS DAROMON - ManualSave1 - Prokriana - walk to Rhifar
    The wise village. Sadly the huge library got destroyed, also the stairs up to the (obviously) most important museum on whole Adelpha and Earth - ours, I mean his, I mean Ulukai's,,,,
    Sprint up the stairs into Rhifar's arms to grab Prokrianas Daromon.

  • 18 - BIDAAS DAROMON - Bidaa - fly into the village
    Look around you! How beautiful is that landscape. Watch the Twon-Has run around in their pen, see the workers going to the Rizi fields and don't forget to grab a bottle of Lampé and drink with the chief of this town - Hiron; Ahh Zort, I forgot to mention you only have to jump down that rock and glide towards him to get that Daromon...

  • 19 - PALANAS DAROMON - ManualSave3 - Palana - walk to Herax
    The village of the blessed, where all souls find their rest. The Daroshams of the four essences await you. Walk to the Shamaaz to receive the daromon.

  • 20 - DESANS DAROMON - ManualSave0 - Desan - walk towards Desan
    The village in the sky. The highest spot of Adelpha, yet the most oppressed Talans and therefore the most willingly rebels. After running into the city to quickly grab the Daromon, be sure to jump up to the highest platform and glide ALLL the way to the temple Fae (the fiery one in the north, if you might have forgotten...) and collect the 3 minute achievement as well...

  • 21 - SAPPAS DAROMON - ManualSave0 - Sappa - walk to Zaleb
    Fishy Galentas and Ventilopes. A very lively fisher village. Could imagine living there for a while, with all the sand and beaches and the sun... wait with the 2 suns - great double tanned...
    Walk up the stairs to Zaleb to get the Daromon.

  • 22 - MUSEUM - Prokriana
    A lot of people miss this one, as later in the game one crucial item is missing... you haven't looked at everything in detail when you were there the first time? What kind of tourist are you? Neglecting the holy items of the Ulukai!

These savegames have been brought to you from Adelpha by Vigilant Sentinel, Bliccer and the Ulukaï