Goat Simulator 3

Goat Simulator 3

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How to change skin for Non-Playable Character Alt Goat (+Fun Facts!)
By shoeliver
A simple guide on how to change characters, since at first I was sad that there was only the default, but after I found out I felt I needed others to know :)
1. Preperations
After completing the "Crack in Time" quest in SuburbsVille, you'll unlock the Non-Playable Character as an alternative goat. This should be what you look like.

Now we can get started :steamhappy:
2. Actually Doing It
Once you unlock the character, open your menu. Click on Fur, as shown here.

Now clicking on it will show you all the skins from both the original, and GoatZ!
Fun Facts!
Heres all the fun facts for all the characters in the menu, plus some background info, and some of my own!

Regular (Bigge): This one came included with the goat. (Possibly a nod to him being the first person you see when starting the game, or just sample text) + You can see part of his beanie texture on his shoe.

Anton: Big Boss Man (A nod to Anton being the boss of Coffee Stain Studios)

Armin: Was possibly or likely raised in the rural town of GoatVille (self-explanatory)

Bartek: Not yet infected (Nod to GoatZ)

Elin: One of the 3 judges at Whiplash (Another nod to GoatZ)

GSTFS: Not much is known about GSTFS (Odd right?) +This guy made the soundtrack for GS1

J.Sjoo: Loves drifting in his orange sedan (Nod to the "Hillbilly" driving in circles in GoatVille)

Joel: The only character showing skin (This guy sits on the second balcony of Goat City Bay) +You can see the sleeve line that used on the clothed characters on his arms. Nasty right?

Jolle: He sometimes works as a construction worker possibly to ear a outcome of cash (Nod to the constructions workers in GoatZ and possibly old mobile.)

Line: She is a woman in a red shirt, brown hair in a pony tail and jeans (She sure is isn't she?)

Marie: Likes many activities unlike other characters (I have nothing to add to this)

Moa: Loves pizza and the circus (Nod to GoatZ)

Molle: Is seen with Line quite a lot

Ocke: Loves watching goat fights

Oliver: Loves driving his boat around (Nod to GoatZ)

Paul: The least prominent human character in Goat Sim (Boom there's your fact!)

Philip: Remastered in Goat Sim 3. Happy Birthday! (Strange how they didn't say anything about him right? Well I think he kinda looks like Rick Astley in a way.)

Santi: Can be seen walking his static dog (Nod to GoatZ)

Sebbe: Still suffering from GTSD (Goat Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Stek: Stek translated into English is Steak (+ In Goat Simulator Payday, you can find a building named Stekhouse.)

Styvman: Drives a blue car through GoatVille (Self-Explanatory) +Did you know you can also blow him up with the boulder just like the Hillbilly?

Wassse If you look closely at Wassse, you'll notice that he has a beard (Oh yeah, he does! Also 3 S's?)

Wille Shares similarities with Conrad O'Ryan and Ronald Hump (Nod to GoatZ)

Zipper: Don't swim close to him (Nod to GoatZ)

Bonus facts!
They redid all the hands for Goat Sim 3
They have Reebok shoes on

Thanks for reading :D
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this guide, it means a lot :D

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shoeliver  [author] 25 Jan @ 12:57pm 
goatz is a dlc for the original goat simulator, it included Bartek, Elin, Moa, Oliver, Philip, Santi, Wille, and Zipper
colorv01d 25 Jan @ 12:07pm 
who's goatZ?
shoeliver  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 3:29pm 
The guy 13 Oct, 2024 @ 10:21am 