Cities: Skylines
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Chevrolet Express 2003
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Assets: Vehicle
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2.595 MB
27 берез. 2024 о 8:22

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Chevrolet Express 2003

В колекціях (1) автора Nucity
W) 2000 - 2009 | CITY STYLES (by Nucity)
Предметів: 150
EN: The Express is a series of vans produced by Chevrolet. This version corresponds to the first facelift available between 2003 and 2019. It was manufactured in the United States and exported to several countries. It was also called Savanna in the Philippines and Israel. For prop version visit the link below.

PT: O Express é uma série de furgões produzido pela Chevrolet. Esta versão corresponde a primeira reestilização disponibilizada entre 2003 e 2019. Foi fabricado nos Estados Unidos e exportado para diversos países. Também era chamado de Savana nas Filipinas e Israel. Para versão prop acesse o link abaixo.

Follow @xnucity on your favorite social media!!!


Jogadores Brasileiros: Quem joga C:S sabe o quão frustrante é ter um ativo que você gostaria muito de usar e não pode, pois ele só está disponível apenas para quem faz doações. Por isso decidi deixar todos os meus ativos abertos para quem quiser usar, sei que muitos não podem contribuir com $ e eu entendo, mas você pode ajudar dando dando seu like e favoritando cada item que usar, seguindo @xnucity em suas redes sociais favoritas e acessando o blog. Pra quem pode doar, qualquer valor é bem vindo, isso me apoiará e ajudará a continuar neste trabalho. Obrigado a todos!

Cities Players: Those who play C:S know how frustrating it is to have an asset that you would very much like to use and cannot, as it is only available to those who donate. That's why I've decided to open up all my assets to anyone who wants to use them, I know that many can't contribute $ and I understand, but you can help by liking and favoriting each item you use, following @xnucity on your favorite social media and visit the blog. For those who can donate, any amount is welcome, it will support me and help to continue this work. Thank you all!


EN:: Here you will find links to download files, video tutorials for series, images, as well as unique tools such as the Personalized Search Platform.

PT:: Aqui você encontrará links para baixar arquivos, vídeos tutoriais de séries, imagens, além de ferramentas únicas como Plataforma de Busca Personalizada.


Note: I want to give a very special thanks to Ninjanoobslayer for authorizing the use of his model. This asset was a prop converted into a vehicle and can be found in the workshop here:
Коментарів: 2
FIGHTING 29 24 січ. о 8:57 
it wont let me place any any of you trucks or cars on the road i can barley place the fire trucks in the front of the fire house i have to put them in the middle of the road and the fire house and it wont let them go to the calls like it said they would and showing them going to calls in the pictures and the same for police and ems so they just sit there and i really cant even put them anywhere in my city and there lights don't tern on ether witch really sucks because they look really cool and beater then haven the other fire trucks and some of the fire police and ems it wont even let me use at all it won even let me spawn the airport fire trucks and the same for just cars and semis
jayden 31 берез. 2024 о 11:47 
Van americana com emplacamento brasileiro? Primeira vez que vejo carros importados na oficina! Hehehehe
Brincadeiras a parte, bom trabalho! <3