Bad North
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Do you have a flag? A Bad North Guide to Commander Traits
Por AngusOfTheDandelion
“No flag, no traits, those are the rules that I just made up and I’m backing them with this being the developer I have!” ~Raw Fury Games, probably

This guide will cover every Commander Trait, and how good each one is on each troop type, including Militia
About me
Hey everyone! I make guides for Wildermyth and write...things? And now Bad North! I may eventually share some of my (original) fictional works when I get the time and inclination!

I have played Bad North for years, since way back when the enemy still had red shieldy bois and you could get away without using archers, and I play on Very Hard, allowing level restarts (because I already did my many no restarts runs, and don’t feel the need for stresso) and at minimum attempt to visit every island and protect every house. Even at this difficulty, there’s a fair few ways to go about assembling your armies, and I’ve probably missed something. If you do things differently to me and it works for you, that’s awesome! Please let me know how you do it!

This means you can be sure that my guides will work on all difficulty settings. It doesn’t mean I believe in a handful of hyper-specific builds as the only way to play – I said it in the last paragraph and I’ll say it again; I love to hear what works for others!

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Further, while I may throw my voice behind things from time to time, I will never accept money or control over my works to do so. There will be no adverts here or anywhere else I create

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THIS GUIDE CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS! If you want to discover the traits for yourself, maybe come back later?

If anyone has feedback, I'd love to hear it! There will always be a few mistakes slip through and it’s nice to catch those

This guide is of short-ish length (2.8k words including intro and titles)

This guide was written for Jotunn edition and finished on 2024-03-23 – I will list any updates it receives here
2024-04-15: minor adjustments to Fleet of Foot on Archers
2024-04-15: deleted a confusing and partially incorrect line in the Popular section
2024-04-18: swapped the word “ability” for “trait” in some of the ranking descriptions. Not sure how that slipped in but eh
Unusual terms
Throughout the guide you’ll see me refer to what the game calls “infantry” as “shields” this is because every unit in the game is a type of infantry and the most important thing about this unit is the shields that allow them to block ranged attacks.

I draw a distinction between melee and a melee. Only archers aren’t melee units, but shields and militia both fight in a melee (intermingled and loose) where pikes are melee units that fight in formation
Ranking system and Overview

There are 13 commander traits, each with a unique flag design, though they can be of any colour. I will be covering them in alphabetical order and will rank them for each unit type as follows:

S = Super: this is a superlative option, will specialise the unit in a positive way, and competes for the best trait you can have on a unit of this type

G = Good: a solid trait that’s a distinct buff for this unit type. You’ll always be happy to recruit a unit of this type with this trait after your run starts

N = Neutral: this trait isn’t detrimental to this unit type, but it doesn’t really help it out either. You’d be just as well off with a trait-less unit of this type

B = Bad: this trait is actively harmful to the way this unit type operates, or at best is extremely situational and risky in its downsides

T = Terrible: you will curse your luck when you see this trait, and hope to Hel you never have to face the music for it

Additionally I will have + & - within the ranks, and I will be handing out one * for the best trait you can get on each unit type. S+ traits will be contenders for the coveted S*, so if you see your fav not getting the star and it has S+? know it was a close-run thing, in some cases tipped by my own preferences.

And with no more ado, the rankings!
Trait Rankings
“Receives a 50% discount on all item upgrades”

All: G-

I’m not going to rank this for each unit type, since it is so dependant on relic – a unit with a Jabena will find this completely useless, whereas a unit with ring of command will find it pretty solid. Overall, I’d say it sits at a G- because you can often get more ahead on economy by having a stronger trait that lets you do more islands. and you can end up in a situation where you need to pretend it’s not useful because you need a unit with a Jabena or something like that. Not the worst but I don’t rate the economy traits highly. The economy relics are just better.
“Reduced cooldown time on all abilities”

Militia N+
Pikes S
Shields S+
Archers S-

I think militia can *technically* use this trait if they have relics with cooldowns, but it’s far, far better on actual units with skill abilities, since it can change a “once per battle, maybe twice if you used the first instance early” into a twice per battle, maybe 3 times if you get going early”.

Plunge is an essential part of the shield unit’s kit, without which they can suffer greatly (RIP shield units on flat islands), in addition to some of the best relics for shields (Warhammer, War Horn) having cooldowns this trait can affect.

Charge is a very solid and easy to use ability that can really help out pikes in a pinch, and give them a way to handle units they otherwise stand no chance against but normally they won’t need it more than the once or twice, and they need it less against their good matchups.

Volley is good, but annoyingly slow and thus slightly harder to use.
“This commander will never flee from battle”

All: T-

It’s a pure downside. It should be called “Stubborn”. And it should say “flee from an island” not “flee from battle” because it is extraordinarily vague otherwise. At best it never comes up. At worst you’ll lose the unit over it. Absolutely awful and the entire reason the T ranking exists. I’d be less cross about it if there were other negative traits and/or it was correctly labelled and described.
Fleet of Foot
“Increased movement speed for the whole squad”

Militia G+
Pikes S
Shields S-
Archers S+

The actual speed difference is shockingly large – Fleet of foot units are extraordinarily fast, maybe twice the speed of regular units. It won’t help you when you’ve reached the enemy, but it might help you be there in time to lower your spears, loose your arrows before they land, or bail out a beleaguered squad (pikes, archers, and shields/militia respectively), so it can make a pretty big difference, especially on islands where the fighting is done at battlegrounds far from each other (especially common if you try to protect every house – which you should). This effect is especially notable with archers on account of how far away they can start attacking from
Heavy Load
“Gains one extra use per level on all abilities”

Militia S-
Pikes G
Shields S-
Archer G+

This is another trait that affects relics (since skills have unlimited uses, but on a cooldown), so how good it is depends on your relics and whether it has limited charges.

So this is good for War horn, Mines, Bomb, etc. When it’s good it’s dramatically better than Collector, but it is more relic-specific and, since some relics are better for certain units, there’s a bit more granularity – War Horn specifically and arguably Mines (both of which are generally best on shields/militia) are the best two, and Bomb (which is best on archers) is a distant second (because it’s so easy to explode your own troops (yeah, yeah, skill issue, but I really dislike the slow travel speed and how shields/militia just love to run up into the splash zone)
Heavy Weapons
“Basic attacks from this squad deal increased knockback and stun effects”

Militia: S
Pikes: B
Shields: S
Archers: S+

Militia & Shields:
Getting more knockback means more enemies end up on their arses for you to kill quickly, and they won’t be killing your soldiers in the meantime. It’s a solid trait.

On paper it seems like this should work out the same way as it does for militia & shields. In practice this trait increases the time a pike unit takes to kill enemy units, because the knockback will sit the enemy down beyond the range of the spears. This can lead either to getting flanked and murdered by the next wave, or several waves stacking up together to overwhelm the block. which is uh.. really bad.

This was extraordinarily close to my S* for archers. With this trait you can knock every soldier in a shielded unit off ships with shocking reliability, even if the angles aren’t particularly favourable. Dramatically increases the favourability of the matchup if you can loose at them from the shoreline (not always possible, but commonly an option).
Militia S
Pikes G+
Shields S
Archers S*

Not dying on the first hit is pretty strong for a unit type known for being extraordinarily squishy. Really helps keep the squad in the fight

it is strictly better than nothing, and pikes will occasionally catch a stray arrow or hit that will reduce their effectiveness without this trait, but really you should be avoiding that enough for it to not matter

Very solid, can make individual soldiers pretty tough to kill, even so far as to survive a shot from the great creaking bows

It seems weird to call a boost to defence the best possible upgrade for a ranged unit, doesn’t it? So what makes this not only an option, but the option? This upgrade sees your archers survive the first arrow that hits them, allowing them to fight enemy archers with extraordinary efficiency. Every archer unit will take casualties from enemy archers from time to time, especially if you’re smart enough to use shields to tank most of the shots and kill them before they reach the shore (losing shield units to enemy archers in melee is very frustrating). With this skill and a bit of luck you don’t even need the shield unit (although you should use it if given the option). You’ll also take fewer casualties when enemies leak past your other units for one reason or another
“This Commander is a giant, towering over other soldiers”

Militia S*
Pikes N+
Shields S+
Archers N+

Militia & Shields:
the BEEG commander is an awesome asset in a melee, with bonus damage, knockback, and durability. One of the few traits that can let shields take on some brutes without destroying the unit, and the toughness can be the difference between losing the commander and survival in desperate circumstances

Pikes & Archers:
You.. shouldn’t be engaging in a melee with these units. Very occasionally the BEEG commander will bonk back something that slips through and it’ll be cool, but you get very little out of your 1 militia troop (because really a commander is just a quasi-immortal militia with a flag) being stronk.

If there was a trait that let the actual squad be BEEG? That’s be awesome. Get yourself your own creaky bows or pikes that can reach forever, that’d be Hela strong. Probably OP, since it’d effectively be equivalent to like, 2-4 other traits combined (heavy weapons, ironskin, and maaybe sharp weapons, sure-footed) you’d have to increase replenishment time and reduce troop size or something, and then watch it be insanely strong with ring of command.
“Increases maximum squad size by 1”

Militia G+
Pikes S
Shields G+
Archers S

It’s just really solid. Every unit benefits from an extra soldier, the only downside is a fractional increase in replenishment time (which affects militia and shields the most) – but, unlike Ring of Command, it’s only by 1 soldier, so it isn’t ever crippling the way it can be when you’re juggling an extra 3 or 7

Pikes and Archers specifically benefit the most from this since they deal damage based on the number of soldiers, without taking any in return (most of the time) so it can be a 12.5% damage boost for them (increasing the number of active (i.e. non-commander) soldiers by 1/8 from 8 to 9), and keep them in the fight when they otherwise might have fallen below the required effectiveness.
Rousing Speeches
“Reduces the time taken to replenish in a house”

Militia S+
Pikes G+
Shields S+
Archers G+

Another really solid pick. Every unit’s gonna end up in a house sometime, and this will get them up and at ‘em faster – maybe even fast enough to fight the wave that’s incoming when they entered the house! Also pretty solid to stack with Ring of Command, since it can take the edge off the increased replenishment time problem.

Militia & Shields benefit the most because they take the most casualties and thus need replenishment more often
Sharp Weapons
“Basic attacks from this squad deal increased damage, but with reduced knockback and stun effects”

Militia G+
Pikes S*
Shields G
Archers B-

Militia and Shields do ok with a bit of extra damage, but the loss of knockback & stun effects is a bit sad. It’s not the most meaningful trade-off when a lot of their enemies are 1-hit anyway, but it definitely matters for their worse matchups, giving them a slight edge (pun intended) as well as reducing kill time against brute/giant archers, a surprisingly useful feature

Pikes love Sharp weapons for the same reason they hate Heavy Weapons – less knockback more damage is some 200% of what they need to clear waves quickly and efficiently

Archers do in some ways benefit from sharp weapons, but is one of those “this slightly helps my best matchups and completely destroys my ability to fight a bad matchup” I really don’t recommend giving up the power to efficiently knock shield units off boats for marginal damage increases
“Recieves a 50% discount on all Skill upgrades”

Militia N
Pikes G
Shields G+
Archers G-

It’s an economy trait, and frankly that just makes it a worse version of energetic. Slightly better on shields because Plunge is life, slightly worse on archers because Volley’s a bit slow, perfectly ok on pikes because Charge is solid. Obviously doesn’t do anything for militia, but they do upgrade into the others so eh.
“Resistance to knockback, stun, and launch effects”

Militia S
Pikes S
Shields S*
Archers N+

This trait allows melee units to stand in the path of a beaching ship and murder whatever is trying to disembark. It does exactly nothing for archers outside of the nichest cases. Shield units? They get to fight in the big leagues with this, able to go toe-to-toe with brutes of all stripes and those stupid jumpy bastards. It’s still not ideal to be taking those fights but they’re no longer an untenable matchup, and you won’t be run through the wringer when you’re forced to take them. Plus the creaky bows of doom can’t push you into the sea as often
There used to be more banner designs, something that confused the meme out of me when I was looking through my old screenshots – it’s sad that we lost a couple of good ones, and all we’ve really got left is this image gamefile and whatever screenshots veterans like me happened to take. But there weren’t traits back then so I get why they were depreciated.

Thanks and sign off!
I’d like to thank the folks on the Bad north channel of the Raw Fury discord who helped me puzzle out the mystery of the missing banners, and shamelessly re-plug my Patreon[]! I’d love to spend more time making guides but… well, gotta pay bills
7 comentarios
AngusOfTheDandelion  [autor] 25 MAR 2024 a las 1:28 a. m. 
most likely, yes, although I maintain that RoC is the way to go and taking more casualties is a side effect of that, regardless of the trait. even trying to hide a unit of pikes with RoC behind a wall when there're archers abroad can be an exercise in frustration sometimes

hmmm, I suppose the extreme emphasis my personal doctrine puts on not letting your pikes break, or at minimum having a shield unit to prop them up if there's a risk might be leading me to undervalue that aspect of mountain on pikes - I'll have to make a run with that in mind!
notafatasian 25 MAR 2024 a las 12:09 a. m. 
I tried using RoC ironskin archers once, and their performance was a little disappointing, like losing an archer when facing off against a average archer boat. Perhaps I was positioning them too aggressively, or RnGesus was looking the other way that run. Funnily enough, a normal sized ironskin archer didn't take any losses in the same situation, so many presenting a smaller target = more survivability?

Also, I have a mountain pike commander in one of my current runs, and she helps take out units if the squad breaks formation and I have to reposition them, usually resulting in fewer losses. I'd rank the mountain trait higher for pikes.
AngusOfTheDandelion  [autor] 24 MAR 2024 a las 1:26 a. m. 
Ah, yes, that makes more sense! the ambiguity of english strikes gain!!

I do still think that's not a mark against ironskin on archers though, for many of the same reasons: ultimately no archer squad will escape that unscathed, but the ironskins might be able to wipe the wave solo, where no other traits will, and they can be positioned much more aggressively than other archer squads when they are supported by shields, since you don't have to fear a stray arrow killing one of them
notafatasian 23 MAR 2024 a las 8:27 a. m. 
Sorry, when I said big archer boat, I meant a big boat of normal archers.
AngusOfTheDandelion  [autor] 23 MAR 2024 a las 5:15 a. m. 
some of what you've said goes beyond the scope of my guide, so I'll not about about that beyond that I personally prefer Jabena + Popular as a starting econ strat (though perhaps I should revisit Collector + Philosophers - it's been quite a while!!

oh yeah, I very nearly gave heavy weapon archers the coveted S*. it was a very tough call!

hmmm, I'll have to double check that militia claim - I'm pretty sure they do get an extra hit against low level enemies (and if you take militia against high level enemies nothing can save them xD perhaps that's what I need to be more clear on?)

I uh... don't think "not taking brute/giant archers without losses" is that much of an issue for archers - I'm not convinced any archers can do that without shield support
AngusOfTheDandelion  [autor] 23 MAR 2024 a las 5:15 a. m. 

hmm, I'll have to give Ironskin pikes a whirl - haven't done that anytime recently, and nothing beats practical experience!

you lost a whole unit of mountain militia to 3 viking militia?? how?? on a more serious note I know you mean the commander themself soloing. but like... that's not how you should be fighting with any commander, and every other commander has a solid chance of dying to 1 viking militia. the mountain commander is good for what they bring to the unit, not for how they stand alone (though that's also a boon)

I believe I did cover sharp weapons being a boon for shields against giants ok apparently I forgot to actually type that out, good catch!

Sure-Footed shields are my fav shields! I think most shields with at least 1 upgrade are capable of no losses with archer support, but I should probably check the Sure-Footed t1s again
notafatasian 22 MAR 2024 a las 11:53 p. m. 
Collector and philly stone on a commander is a GOAT starting combo.

Heavy weapons on archers definitely earn the S* rank. One RoC heavy weapon archers can crush a big brute boat on their own if you keep your distance.

Ironskin on militia is useless, they're still 1 hit kills.

I'd rank ironskin archers lower, more like G+ to S-. They can't take a big archer boat w/o losses.

On pikes, ironskin is pretty great and I'd rank them higher, more like S. They can tank a few stray hits due to poor positioning or wandering archers, plus IIRC they can take one huscarl axe.

Don't forget ironskin synergies very well with warhorn.

Mountain on militia is bad, they died to like 3 viking militia.

Sharp weapons on lower ranked infantry is good for taking out brute archers quickly.

Sure-footed shields + archer support = dead enemy archers

Use bombs on the shore. Place friendly units 2 tiles away, and throw the bomb when the boat pauses right before it lands [\u].