디지몬 월드 넥스트 오더

디지몬 월드 넥스트 오더

평점이 부족합니다.
Best Training Spot to Gain Stats (Digimon World Next Order Guide)
Rickyexorz 님이 작성
즐겨찾기 해제
From Egg (In Training)
Train until rookie in Gym
Goblimon (lvl 5)
Location : Powerplant #2
Leveling Strength until 400

Goblimon (lvl 8)
Location : Old Cableway
Leveling Strength from 400 until 650

Numemon(lvl 7) 4pm evening
Location : Old Cableway / Powerplant #2
Leveling Stamina until 500

Garurumon Black (lvl 7)
Location : Hallowed Hall
Leveling Strength from 400 until 900

Psychemon (lvl 20)
Location : StepStep
Leveling Strength from 900 until 1200

Garurumon Black (lvl 21)
Location : StepStep
Leveling Strength from 1200 until 2000

Snow Agumon (lvl 36)
Location : Absolute Zero
Leveling Strength from 2000 until 3000

Waru Seadramon (lvl 28)
Location : Ship Cabin 2.0
Leveling Strength from 3000 until 4000

-- Evovle to Champion --

Wargrowlmon (lvl 35)
Location : Control Island
Leveling Strength from 4000 until 4500

Weregarurumon Black (lvl 45)
Location : Night Chruch
Leveling Strength from 4500 until 5000

Wizardmon / Sorcerormon (lvl 41)
Location : Layer 01
Leveling Strength from 5000 until 6000
-- Evovle to Ultimate --

Platinum Numemon (lvl 43)
Location : Layer 05
Leveling Strength from 6000 until 7000