Steam nuked my profile!
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46 Kommentare
whyteworth 22. März um 14:19 
@KI1s0n3 They don't allow free speech. I'll end that there with past experiences but at the end of the day, the only nation that has ever had that law and applied it was through constitution. Even at that, companies bypass it by suggesting that they are a public space.
whyteworth 22. März um 14:09 
Hopefully you can bounce back gracefully and do the exact opposite the (((media))) and the establishment proposes. They can get fucked :kcdhead:
whyteworth 22. März um 14:05 
They've tried to silence me also. This platform has gotten worse since its turn to its own 'social media' but I think we should remember the true enemy. That being the state that pushes their narrative onto these 'companies', whether they get funded for it or not.

We have sadly given them too much power in this industry. I loved a physical disc, I hate the entire digital cloud.
JG Wentsworth 21. März um 6:49 
When dealing with them remember the key difference. Men poses unique qualities such as stoicism and honor they never will. A man will stand up to you, challenge you on the field of battle. They're not men tho... and a woman's weapon of choice is poison. The kind of poison you never expect without someone else pointing it out. The slow kind with promises and smiles until its too late.
JG Wentsworth 21. März um 6:45 
"Steam support is also staffed by third worlder diversity hires too or something."

They're volunteers. I have over half a dozen on my block list if you need names.
JG Wentsworth 21. März um 6:43 
"Its crazy whats happening but what do you expect? Google, youtube everyone is censoring everything its Orwell 1984 all over again."

The New York times just ran an article praising Reditt for its harsh censorship, removal of "toxicity" and called Reddit a bastion of modern knowledge. Thankfully I pirated that garbage article.
Gohan Creates - PromCreations 20. März um 23:16 
@Shugo - Well said.
Shugo 20. März um 21:32 
They never tell you what rule you broke or why either. They just say you violated the community guidelines and please reread them. I opened a ticket once and asked what community guideline I broke and it took about 20 messages before the even cited one guideline and then wouldn't elaborate how i broke it. I had no clue what offense they were trying to ban me for because it just said artwork has been removed for community violations and I have no idea what they had removed. Steam support is also staffed by third worlder diversity hires too or something.
Shugo 20. März um 21:27 
If a community moderator doesn't like you and sees your profile they just start deleting your stuff in mass. It happened after I got banned from Steam forums for making fun of the volunteer tra­nny mods working for free for a billion dollar corporation.

It's the same on every big online forum (reddit etc). Volunteer tra­nnies who have no friends no job and no goal other than promoting their ideological views online have the most posts and reports and volunteer the most to babysit online forums 14 hours a day for free. Then they get to delete all the comments that make them feel bad.
Shugo 20. März um 21:23 
tra­nny jannies have infiltrated steam and valve and are running it into the ground. they can't make any video games anymore, the ones they do make are broken (CS2) or filled with women and black main characters (Half Life Alyx abandoned no mod tools or multiplayer) and don't sell