Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV

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Evil Ryu's Axe Kicks | USF4
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Everything you need to know about Evil Ryu's Axe Kicks
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My name is Saki and I'm playing Street Fighter IV since 2012 December. My mains are C.Viper, Ibuki and Evil Ryu, but I am familiar with over 20 characters. I'm playing on a Razer Atrox Arcade Stick.
F = frame(s). 1F = 1/60th of a second
normal = punch or kick
xx = cancel (normal > special) or chain (normal > normal)
, = link
LP= Light Punch
MP = Medium Punch
HP = Heavy Punch
LK = Light Kick
MK = Medium Kick
HK = Heavy Kick
PP/PPP = Any two/all three punches
KK/KKK = Any two/all three kicks
cl. = Close Standing
st. = (Far) Standing
cr. = Crouching
L., M., H., or EX.Special - Light, Medium, Heavy or EX Special

Inputs are indicated with numbers. The numbers' place on the Numpad determines the input.
Few examples:
236 - Quarter-circle forward
214 - Quarter-circle backward
5 - Neutral
About Ryusokyaku, or the "Axe Kick" in general
Evil Ryu's secret lies in his most versatile move, the Ryusokyaku, or often called the Axe Kick.
Like almost every special move in the game, the Ryusokyaku has four versions: Light, Medium, Heavy and EX.

Information and Frame Data:

Light Ryusokyaku
  • Input: 41236 + LK
  • Hits: 1
  • Block Level: High or Low
  • Damage: 100
  • Stun: 200
    • Startup: 17
    • Active: 2
    • Recovery: 22
      • On Hit: +1
      • On Block: -7
  • Cancel: Super Combo
  • Notes: -

Medium Ryusokyaku
  • Input: 41236 + MK
  • Hits: 1
  • Block Level: High or Low
  • Damage: 80
  • Stun: 100
    • Startup: 20
    • Active: 2
    • Recovery: 20
      • On Hit: +4
      • On Block: -2
  • Cancel: Super Combo
  • Notes: Juggle Potential Infinite, Hard knockdown on airborne opponent

Heavy Ryusokyaku
  • Input: 41236 + HK
  • Hits: 1
  • Block Level: High or Low
  • Damage: 130
  • Stun: 150
    • Startup: 25
    • Active: 2
    • Recovery: 18
      • On Hit: -
      • On Block: +1
  • Cancel: Super Combo
  • Notes: Hard knockdown, Juggle Potential 1

EX Ryusokyaku
  • Input: 41236 + KK/KKK
  • Hits: 1
  • Block Level: High
  • Damage: 160
  • Stun: 200
    • Startup: 21
    • Active: 2
    • Recovery: 22
      • On Hit: -
      • On Block: -4
  • Cancel: Super Combo
  • Notes: Hard knockdown, Juggle Potential 2
About Light Ryusokyaku
The light variant of Ryusokyaku is the fastest and the unsafest variant as well as one of the most stunning variants.
Connects after cl.MP, cl.MK, cl.HP, cr.MK, cr.HP and st.MP.
Ideal in FADC combos because L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC is +3, thus cl.LP, cl.MP, cl.MK, cr.LP, L.Shoryuken, M.Shoryuken, H.Shoryuken and EX.Shoryuken link. Make sure you land the move successfully, otherwise you may face big punish.
About Medium Ryusokyaku
The medium variant of Ryusokyaku is the weakest, least stunning but the most rewarding variant.
Connects after cl.MP, cl.HP and cr.HP.
Ideal in high damaging combos, as air combo finisher or as a pressure tool. It is one of the best meterless options of Evil Ryu. It has an on hit recovery of +4 which enables you to follow up with cr.LK, cr.LP, st.LP, cr.MP, cl.MK or even with any Shoryuken. Unfortunately Close Standing options fall out because the move takes you out of range (see below for some exceptions). Having an on block recovery of -2, it is only vulnarable to some Super combos and grab moves.
It has infinite juggle potential and applies hard knockdown on airborne opponents, making it a great air combo finisher.
About Heavy Ryusokyaku
The heavy variant of Ryusokyaku is the slowest but the safest variant.
Connects only after cl.MP.
Ideal as ground or air combo finisher, just like as a pressure tool. It applies hard knockdown and has an on block recovery of +1 which makes it more than safe, in fact advantageous on block. Its usage is limited due to its slow startup and limited comboability.
About EX Ryusokyaku
The EX variant of Ryusokyaku is the strongest variant and one of the most stunning variants of the Ryusokyaku.
Connects after cl.MP, cl.HP and cr.HP.
Ideal in mixups, or as ground/air combo finisher since it applies hard knockdown, but its usefulness lies in the fact that it's an overhead attack (must be blocked high) which makes it harder to block when assuming pressure. A successful hit rewards 160 damage and 200 stun dealt as well as a hard knockdown. On the other hand, it has an on block recovery of -4 which leaves you vulnerable to reversals.
The seven meterless, high-damage M.Ryusokyaku combo
There are seven combos with M.Ryusokyaku that are meterless, knock the opponent down and deal significant damage. Shoryuken applies soft knockdown, but if you are looking for hard knockdown, replace Shoryuken with sweep (cr.HK). See the list of appropriate characters here.

Combo 1: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (349dmg)
Combo 2: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (373dmg)
Combo 3: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (382dmg)
Combo 4: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (389dmg)
Combo 5: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (392dmg)
Combo 6: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (406dmg)
Combo 7: cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, st.LP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (406dmg)

When it's possible, beginning with a jump-in or a focus attack, or doing a cr.MP before cl.HP greatly increases the damage.

Since not all combos work on all characters, here's a compatibility list.
  • Abel - C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
  • Adon - C1, C2
  • Akuma - C1, C2
  • Balrog (Boxer) - C1, C2, C3
  • Blanka - C1
  • Cammy - C1, C2, C3
  • Chun-Li - C1, C2, C3
  • Cody - C1, C2, C3
  • C. Viper - C1, C2
  • Dan - C1, C2
  • Decapre - C1
  • Dee Jay - C1, C2, C3
  • Dhalsim - C1, C2
  • Dudley - C1, C2, C3
  • E. Honda - C1, C2
  • Elena - C1, C2
  • El Fuerte - C1, C2
  • Evil Ryu - C1, C2
  • Fei Long - C1, C2, C3
  • Gen - C1, C2
  • Gouken - C1, C2
  • Guile - C1, C2
  • Guy - C1, C2, C3
  • Hakan - C1, C2
  • Hugo - C1, C2
  • Ibuki - C1, C2
  • Juri - C1, C2, C3, C6
  • Ken - C1, C2
  • Makoto - C1, C2, C3
  • M. Bison (Dictator) - C1, C2
  • Oni - C1, C2
  • Poison - C1, C2, C4
  • Rolento - C1, C2
  • Rose - C1, C2
  • Rufus - C1, C3, C7
  • Ryu - C1, C2
  • Sagat - C1, C2, C3
  • Sakura - C1, C2
  • Seth - C1, C2, C3, C4
  • T. Hawk - C1, C2
  • Vega (Claw) - C1, C2, C3
  • Yang - C1, C2
  • Yun - C1, C2
  • Zangief - C1, C2, C3
More combos using Axe Kicks
Here I list some combos utilising the Axe Kicks. I will continuously change the ending options as the list proceeds.

BnB/Meterless combos

  • cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku
  • cr.MK xx L.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.MP xx H.Ryusokyaku

Combos using one meter

  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx EX.Tatsu, Metsu Hadoken (Corner)
  • cl.HP xx EX.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.MP xx EX.Shakunetsu, M.Ryusokyaku

FADC combos

  • cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, H.Shoryuken
  • cr.MK xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken xx FADC, H.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, H.Shoryuken xx FADC, Metsu Hadoken
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Hadoken xx FADC, Messatsu-Goshoryu
  • cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx H.Ryusokyaku

Combos using three meters

  • cr.MK xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx EX.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx EX.Shakunetsu, Mestu Hadoken
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx EX.Shakunetsu, M.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken xx FADC, EX.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx EX.Hadoken xx FADC, Messatsu-Goshoryu
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx EX.Tatsu, Metsu Hadoken (Corner)
  • cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, EX.Shoryuken

Combos using four meters

  • cr.MK xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.MP xx H.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx EX.Hadoken xx FADC, cl.HP xx EX.Tatsu, Metsu Hadoken (Corner)
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx EX Hadoken, cr.HP xx EX.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken xx H.Ryusokyaku
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Hadoken xx FADC, Messatsu-Goshoryu
  • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • cl.HP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, H.Shoryuken xx FADC, Metsu Hadoken

Character specific links

  • Abel/Dhalsim/Hugo/Juri/Sagat/Seth/T. Hawk/Zangief: ...M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP...
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx L.Hadoken xx FADC, cr.HK
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx EX.Hadoken xx FADC, Messatsu-Goshoryu
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx EX.Shakunetsu, M.Ryusokyaku
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.MP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
  • Abel/Poison/Seth: ...M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK...
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken xx FADC, Metsu Hadoken
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cr.LP, cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cl.MK xx EX.Hadoken, cl.MK xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken (Corner)
  • Rufus: ...M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP...
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, st.LP, st.MP xx EX.Hadoken, Messatsu-Goshoryu (Corner)
    • cl.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, st.LP, st.MP xx L.Ryusokyaku xx FADC, cl.MP xx M.Ryusokyaku, cr.LP, cr.HP xx M.Ryusokyaku, st.LP xx L.Tatsu, H.Shoryuken
16 kommentarer
Tarteaussitron 22. jan. kl. 8:38 
Thanks you
A Warrior 16. jan. 2024 kl. 17:06 
Dragon Slam.
Marcel 23. nov. 2020 kl. 20:07 
Evil Ryu is cool love picking him
FlySpark 15. nov. 2016 kl. 23:27 
Flqn (BR) 9. apr. 2016 kl. 18:39 
btw cr.lp into cr.hp doesn't work anymore.
Hery D. Cardero 2. okt. 2015 kl. 16:22 
burba  [ophavsmand] 5. feb. 2015 kl. 7:20 
Thanks! I don't know how I managed to confirm that.
BooTy 4. feb. 2015 kl. 21:49 
Great guide.
C2 doesn't work on Blanka (tatsu whiffs).
✪ living melon :o3 1. feb. 2015 kl. 18:37 
great guide, thanks for the write up!:squirtyay:
burba  [ophavsmand] 21. dec. 2014 kl. 5:50 
Practise the timing. If that doesn't work out very well, learn how to plink it. Upon a successful plink the link becomes a 2F link.