Hellboy Web of Wyrd

Hellboy Web of Wyrd

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Box Full of Evil - Achievement
Tekijältä Sam
This Guide will help you to unlock the Box Full of Evil Achievement.
I myself struggled to obtain it and the requirements arent clearly stated.
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For the Achievement to be obtainable you need to have progressed into the game until you can atleast Modify the Bell Jar - aka being able to do a long run which takes you through each Biome.
However I would highly recommend doing this after upgrading most of your things, as these runs are a bit tougher.

After Interacting with it the left door should close, leaving you only one option to start a run.
Getting the Achievement
After starting a long Run, you need to ignore the modifiers.
Selecting a Modifier will make you unable to obtain the achievement and waste your time.

So ignore this Arch, do not interact with it.
Pick up the free Norn Blessing at the beginning of each Biome, buy one in the shop, and get one from the Norn Room where you can also buy a Lore Piece for 200 Runes.

The Norn Room is not guaranteed to show up, so you will always get atleast 2 Blessings per Biome, and 3 max.

Reminder that the Achievement may take multiple runs, and you are likely to get the last needed Blessing in the fourth Biome.