Two Point Campus

Two Point Campus

29 ratings
Two Point Campus 100% Achievement Guide / Walkthrough
By Kruulos
Achievement guide & Walkthrough for Two Point Campus. I will explain achievements and levels where you get them in order so you won't accidentally miss one
Welcome to Two Point Campus!

Two Point Campus has 48 achievements of which 35 are in the base game and 13 are in the three DLC packs you can purchase. There is no need to purchase DLCs before completing the base game as the achievements are DLC level/mechanic specific.

This guide will explain achievements in order as you play through the levels in the base game campaign. If you deviate from the guide, like for example hopping to next level once you reach 1-star requirements, you will of course get some achievements later or miss them altogether. There are no true missable achievements as you can always continue playing a level. We will 3-star each level of the twelve base game levels before moving to next level as we need to 3-star each level for the final 36-star achievement.

Just like in Two Point Hospital there are a lot of cumulative achievements that you get basically by just playing the game for long enough like having 1000 students graduating achievement. It will take estimated 50-70 hours to fully complete all the achievements excluding the DLCs. There's no way to speed up some of the achievements.

This guide will hold your hand a lot during the first three levels and then gradually change to just pointing starting tips, giving hints for all the different star requirements and explain which achievements we are going for in the current level. If you need more detailed walkthrough for each level I suggest reading along the great guide here: . Using that guide will make your playthrough take longer though.

There are two achievements that are annoying to track. These are the 'The Academic Rainbow' and the 'Enough Experts'. One requires you to train teachers to level 5 on each of the 17 courses and one requires you to have a student graduate on each of the 17 courses. We will start progressing these achievements after beating level 3. I will put stats down after each level so you can compare what you have against what you should have.

Beware! With the two above achievements if you don't track which courses you have 'completed' it can be really annoying to see your achievement progress to be 16/17 and you having no idea which course you are missing! To make matters worse once you train your teacher to be level 5 or your students graduate and leave during the Summer Break the game doesn't automatically progress the bar right away. And you might Save and Quit the level without noticing that to happen. Sometimes it requires a month or two in game to register or five minutes in real time. You can always progress everything in creative mode sandbox but as you might imagine it will be annoying to replay stuff that you should already have. Pay attention to the stats after level 3!

Space Academy
This space themed DLC has three new levels and five achievements.

Medical School
This DLC has also three new levels and five new achievements.

School Spirits
This haunted school themed DLC has only one new level and three new achievements.
Kudosh - what to unlock and when
Kudosh is the currency that you use to unlock new decorations and items for your campus. You will start with 0 Kudosh and gain it by playing the game and completing challenges and collecting rewards in the Career Goals view. You can randomly gain small amounts of Kudosh by clicking the bookworms that appear from the ground every now and then.

Don't worry about Kudosh too much. There's 0 items that you need to unlock to complete the game but some items are either good or help your students to complete their assignments. After the first two levels try to keep few hundred Kudosh in bank just for those assignment items.

In the first levels you probably have way too many students asking you to unlock something even though you don't have enough currency. It's safe to reject the first request for example for a poster or a bench but if you see more requests for it just unlock it. You will get a feeling what is useful to unlock while you play.

Here's my list what you want to unlock. You should always start every level by placing a single love bench outside. The two different carpets and posters are for you to decorate rooms and hallways. Never put more than three of the same item in a room as they will give diminishing returns after the first two. Two to three same items seems to be the sweet spot. Water cooler is really good item that helps building friendships, quenching thirst and not increasing toilet need.

First level
  • Love bench (K 25)
  • Two different carpets (K 20-100 each)
  • Two different posters (K 10-100 each)
  • Water cooler (K 50)

After first level try to keep few hundred Kudosh in your bank. Reason is that students sometimes during later years get assignments and they need specific items to complete those assignments. For example a Records Cubicle (K 5) for library is one such item as is Magic Tome (K 75). Do not unlock these items before someone asks for them.

The two more expensive food and drink dispensers can be useful. Alternate them and the cheaper ones so that all your campus buildings have one of each for student needs. Once you have enough money and Kudosh unlock the Autocue and Surround Sound for Lecture Theatre. Autocue give you +4% Learning Power and three of those give 12%. Remember that you should not use more than three items per room as you will start to get diminishing returns! Surround Sound gives +3% each so plan your Lecture Theatres so that you can few of those there. Most courses need Lecture Theatres so it's very beneficial to unlock and use these.

Level 2+
  • Course specific Bookcases for Library (K 100)
  • Course specific Assignment items (too many to list)
  • Pulpitation Machine (K 100)
  • Morsel Men Machine (K 100)
  • Autocue for Lecture Theatre (K 75)
  • Surround Sound for Lecture Theatre (K 75)

Temperature will become an issue in later levels. Your first cold climate will be in Level 3 and your first hot one in Level 6. You will automatically unlock larger items and you should unlock the smaller versions yourself. The small ones are plenty enough for your 3x3 or 3x4 rooms. After level 6 try to get a selection of cheap (in-game cheap, like $50 or $100) posters so that you can decorate your walls and hallways without using the same posters over and over.

Level 3 and 6
  • Small radiators (K 50)
  • Small air con (K 30)
  • More different posters (K 10-100 each)

Career goals

As you can see the list of good items is pretty short and you will have plenty of Kudosh to play with outside of the suggested ones. While you play you will get Kudosh from Career Goal challenges like leveling up 100 students. If you don't pay attention to the notifications the game shows you you might miss a few. You can later collect your rewards from Career Goals view shown above.
Power of 8
You can skip this part if you are not interested in optimizing your Campus courses.

In summary your teachers can teach maximum of 8 students at a time. So it's best to modify your courses so that your Student Intake is in multiples of 8. That's 8, 16, 24, 32 etc. Each teacher can teach two different groups of 8 students each year that means one teacher can teach 16 students each year.

The point is to have Student Intake always in multiples of 8 or a bit lower but never ever above by just one student or two. For example for 1 to 16 students you need one teacher, one course lab and one lecture room. For 17 students you need two teachers, two course labs and two lecture rooms. Such a waste for that one extra student!

This information comes to play more on the second year as usually you wont have 17 students on a single course at the start of the level. Just keep in mind 1 teacher = 16 students per year.

Magic number is... 16

Let's learn about the magic of multiples of 8! If you go to Course Management and hover over the course you will see the Student Intake. If your course level is 1 it probably is 10. Now each teacher can only teach maximum of 8 students whether that's in the lecture theatre or in the course lab. So if you have 10 students coming this year you have to do two classes: one for 8 and one for 2. That should not be a problem for a single teacher as each student has 3 teaching events scheduled each year and each teacher has 6 teaching event slots during a year. A single teacher can handle those two classes of 8 and 2 no problem.

Now that you know that a teacher can handle two different classes of 8 each year you should always try to optimize your course capacities so that there are as close to 16 students or multiples of 16 as you can get. 16, 32, 48.

Let's say you had Student Intake of 15 during the first year and you upgrade your course and now have a Student Intake of 20 for the second year. That means you need your original teacher to handle the fifteen Year 2 students and you need to hire two new teachers to handle the 20 new students. One teacher will take 16 students and one teacher will take 4 students. That also means you have to build a new lecture theatre and a new course lab just for those 4 extra students. That doesn't sound optimal at all, doesn't it! So instead of having a Student Intake of 20 modify the course to have an intake of 16. Now you only need to hire one extra teacher for the new Year 1 students and while your original teacher teaches the Year 2 students.

This is something that you might want to keep an eye on. Every single year you need to modify & check your every course so that you have have Student intake in multiples of 16. 15 is fine because that is very close to 16 and you are only one student away from being optimized. 17-18 is horrible because you need to build and hire for just one or two extra students
1 - Freshleigh Meadows
As you might have guessed the first level is the tutorial level. Just follow the instructions and play along. The only thing that you should do that they won't mention is to keep an eye on the green field. Occasionally you will see some sort of mole-like animal peeking there. It's a bookworm. Click on it to get your first achievement.

Bookworm Collector - Capture your first bookworm. Just keep your eye on the green fields outside and click on the burrowing animal.

Keep in mind that we have to find and click bookworms for total of 50 times to get the cumulative achievement. Don't worry too much about it. Make a mental note that if you capture five bookworms each level you are well on par to get the achievement before end of the game as there are twelve levels. Most likely you will click more than five per level.

Continue playing and keeping eye on those bookworms while focusing on your objectives and these next two achievements should come pretty much the same time. Your first star and an achievement for students being best friends.

Best Friends - Have students become best friends

Campus Management 101 - Get your first star

After you get your first star you have the opportunity move to the map and to the next level. This guide will 3-star every level before continuing to the next one so if you feel like moving to new levels you can do that but make a note that you won't get the cumulative achievements, like the 'Have 1,000 students graduate', at the same time on the same level as this guide and you need to come back for stars anyway for the 24 and 36 star achievements.

2 Star requirements
  • Campus level 9
  • Earn $150k
  • Average Dormitory Rating 70%
  • Satisfy 10 Personal Goals

You should be easily tackle the last three requirements by just playing and improving what you have. To get campus level up you need to build more rooms and buying new plots. You should have enough money to spend a lot and have fun. Campus level is much more than just rooms but for level 9 it should be alright to just build new stuff and decorate with variety of items. Just note that there are more things that improve your campus level like room prestige and staff and student levels but you should not focus on them on the first level.

Note that this game punishes for copying items or rooms too much by giving diminishing returns. In Two Point Hospital every room had walls full of gold certificates because it was the best decorative object. They fixed that sort of item spam in this game. Phew. So while you can copy let's say bathrooms you made multiple times each time after the second it will give less and less campus level points. It's best to have variety.

3 Star requirements
  • Upgrade a Course to Level 4
  • 10 A Grade Classes
  • Average Happiness Rating 65%
  • Students Graduate (10)

You should not have any problems with the average student happiness or getting 10 A Grade Classes. To get a course to level 4 you need to spend course points on it in the course management screen. Scientography is cheaper to upgrade so focus on that. You get course points by improving your campus level so keep purchasing more stuff in your campus. You can spend your course points during the summer break or from the course management screen.

To get 10 students graduate you need to wait for the original students that started Scientography to complete the 3-year course. You just need to wait. And while waiting and playing you probably get the 1,000 kudosh achievement. Finally you get the third star and last achievement we want here and it's time to continue to the next level

Unlocked & Loaded - Earn 1,000 kudosh. Remember to click the inbox email to receive rewards.

Take a Scroll - Have a student graduate. You will get this and the third star at the same time most likely.

Stats after I finished 1st level
25/50 soul mates
70/500 friendships
21/100 staff
10/1000 graduates
3/36 stars
4/50 bookworms
2 - Piazza Lanatra
Piazza Lanatra will teach you about private tuition, student unions, scheduling events, organizing clubs and how to check timetables.

Bookworms appear all around the main building. If you wait a bit and don't build rooms it's very easy to spot them and capture 10 or so for kudosh and the achievement while you're planning where to put your rooms before you start the year.

Don't go overboard with your money this time. I had to restart my level as I overspent initially. Try to only meet the current requirements and that's it. Do not over-hire either. Keeping salaries in check is crucial. Just the bare minimum or cheapest stuff for now is fine. You can plan your rooms ahead buying only the minimum necessary items needed and reserving open space for when you have more income.

Before I started the year and had built everything I had $80,000 in my bank and campus level 3. This meant that I could upgrade the Gastronomy course immediately to level 2 which I did. Now if you read the Power of 8 chapter you should know why. One teacher can easily handle two classes of 8 during the first year.

Most of the fun in this game comes from building your own campus with your own style. If you still want some starting tips I will give my initial layout in every level with spoiler tag.
I started with a 6x6 Gastronomy lab with few of the cheapest extras, a compact 5x4 lecture theatre with 2x autocues for extra learning power %, larger than needed library with the big reception and room to add more course specific bookcases and then this quite nice U-shaped dorm+bath+shower combo. The dorm is level 10 prestige which increases rent nicely. For the dorm place 3 of each color bed, the big pink double bed and one extra bed for total of 10 beds. Then decorate with posters and carpets (max 2 of each) until you hit level 10. Add a single love bench outside.

Keep filling those pre-requirements and soon you will need to start your first Student union event. Pause here. I suggest you keep the yearly timeline in the bottom of the screen visible at all times. It will help scheduling with events. If it is still October or November you can schedule the required SU event (from the Student Union room view or from Course Management -> Timetable) on the first or second half of December. If you missed December then slot the event to first available slot where there are no classes.

Completing the SU event should finally give you the 1-star requirements.

1 Star requirements
  • Students Complete Private Tuition (10)
  • Average Student Entertainment of 70%
  • B Grade Gastronomy Classes (5)
  • Win Campus Cook-Off

The first set of requirements are easy. You just need to wait basically. To win a campus cook-off event you first need to schedule it (1st year April is great). To schedule an event go to Timetable or schedule it from the Savoury Kitchen room view.

While completing the first requirements you will be introduced with clubs. Just put the Power Nap club stand somewhere and soon you will get this achievement

Club Sandwich - Have a club with 5 members

You most likely will end Year 1 while still trying to complete 1-star requirements. That's fine. I had 130,000 in the bank after Year 1 with 2 teachers, 3 assistants and 2 janitors. Salaries and tuition + rent were pretty equal so my monthly income was the XP bonus.

During the summer break let's upgrade our Gastronomy course to level 3. If you don't have enough course points for that you get those by improving your campus level. For Gastronomy level 3 you need Campus level 6. To increase your campus level it's easiest to do by building a Sweet Kitchen which is something you will need anyway. For easier time modify your course Student Intake so that it doesn't go over the optimal of 16 students. I felt I had enough money and took 20 students which meant I had to build and recruit for just four extra students. I don't think it was worth it.

At the very start of Year 2 I was able to fulfill the 1-star requirements and move to 2-star requirements. You should be able to do the same somewhere around Year 2.

2 Star requirements
  • Level 5 Club
  • Average Hygiene Rating 70%
  • Campus Level 12
  • Win County Cook-Off

Level 5 club is just waiting and If you don't have average hygiene already over 70% just slap hand sanitizers in every room (you should always place hand sanitizer & bin in every room) and in hallways. To win County cook-off we will schedule it during Year 2 December or April.

For campus level 12 you will want to purchase another plot and consider to move your dormitories & student unions to there. As you might imagine the Campus level 12 will take the longest to achieve as you need money to purchase new rooms and decorations. Most likely you will able to get the Campus level high enough during Year 3 so don't worry too much about it. Just keep your income in check and hover over $100,000 at the end of Year 2.

While you might want to explore other clubs only use the Power Nap club in this level as we want the level 10 club achievement somewhere around Year 4 and 100 members in a single club during Year 5 (After we have beaten the 3-star requirements). So stick with just one club during this level.

I finished Year 2 with $160,000 and Campus level 9. During summer break I upgraded Gastronomy to level 4 with Student intake of 24. That meant I had 15+16+24 which is over 50 students so I needed another 10 bed dormitory which, in addition of adding new Lecture Theatre, Savoury Kitchen and Science Lab, increased my Campus level to 11 and cost almost $150,000 draining all my money. This is why you want to keep your salaries in check.

Around halfway Year 3 I had enough money to complete the Campus level 12 requirement and move to 3-star requirements. You should be able to do the same Year 3 or early Year 4.

3 Star requirements
  • Students on Campus (100)
  • Satisfy 20 Chef Personal Goals
  • Average B+ Grade in Gastronomy
  • Win Celebrity Cook-Off

You should easily be able to tick the personal goals and average grades off. For Celebrity Cook-Off you need level 5 Gastronomy course. And for the students on campus requirement you need to add new courses. You can't get 100 students with only Gastronomy as you would need Student Intake of 34 for three years. It's up to you which course to add. I went with the Funny Business as it only uses Lecture Theatres and nothing else.

While completing requirements for 3-star you should be able to get these achievements

Soul Mates - Develop 50 soul mates. This should come easily if you place 2 love benches somewhere in your campus. If you didn't on the first level you will get this later no problem.

Club Dub - Reach level 10 club. Remember to add different club items all around the campus. There are different club items for levels 1-3, 4-6 and 7+. Focus on one club only this level.

At the start of Year 5 I was able to get all 3-star requirements fulfilled. I still continued half a year until I got 100 people in the same club by spamming Power Nap club recruitment items literally everywhere.

The Populous Kids - Have 100 members in a single club

Stats after I finished 2nd level
300/500 friendships
57/100 staff
41/1000 graduates
6/36 stars
20/50 bookworms
Intermission - Room templates & 'perfect rooms'
Now that you have a hang of the game and have unlocked some good items with your Kudosh I suggest that you learn how to use room templates.

The most important room in your campus is the dorm room. Tuition fee stays the same per student depending on the course but rent is determined by the prestige of your dorm rooms. You want to have high prestige dorm rooms and I mean high. Level 10 high. So the next part is up to you: Go to sandbox or a level where you have money and a bit of space and build yourself a level 10 dorm room that accommodates 50 students - that's 10 beds and try to make the room as small as possible. Then use the 'save/update room template' tool and save your room as a template. You will use this template in every single level often multiple times so spend some time, decorate it to your liking and make the room 'perfect'. It will save a lot of time later. The 10 beds is not a must but it will help when counting how many dorms you need for your students. Counting in multiples of 50 is easy.

Next up make room templates for both a 2x4 bathroom and a 2x4 shower - they don't have to be perfect but rather functional. Try to build them so that they fit nicely together with your dorm room and you can build 'blocks' that have 1 dorm, 1 bathroom, 1 shower and space for vending machines and tables. I found that U-shape works well.

Do not bother making templates for any of the course specific rooms like Computer Labs.

Next up is to build templates for a Lecture Theatre, Library, Staff room, Private Tuition and Student Lounge. In every room remember to reserve space for temperature control for certain levels: either a radiator or an air cooler should fit there.

For Lecture Theatre aim for a room that has space for three autocues and three to four surround speakers. Remember to decorate the walls with posters for attractiveness.

For Library you should place two of each cubicle and at least three book cases with space for more. Start with the small reception and later upgrade your template with a giant reception. Don't worry if the template feels expensive - you can always sell few bookcases and one of the more expensive cubicles to save money while reserving space for them later when you have money. You could also do a 'starter' library and a 'complete' library templates for early and late game. Remember to fill the template with different carpets and posters. Library does not have to be small and compact.

Staff room is a room that I myself often forgot, didn't make a template for and hastily just threw a 3x4 with few sofas and a carpet - but it's better to make template as you need to build them so often. Don't go overboard - make them cheap rather than expensive as teacher energy levels are not that important. You want to build a staff room close to teaching labs and lecture theatres so make it small also. 3x4 is big enough.

Private Tuition should be as small as possible. 3x2 can fit everything you need.

Student lounge is also a room that you should place near your teaching facilities. Place a few refrigerators, both of those 2-player tables, dartboard and a table football there. Remember to decorate with posters and carpets. It's fine if you don't have Kudosh to unlock all the cool entertainment in this room yet - you can always update it later. Aim for level 7 prestige ultimately but don't spend all your Kudosh in this room in the beginning - it's not that important.

Later, when you unlock the corresponding rooms in different levels, you want to make a template out of these rooms too: 6x4 Double Training room (unlocked in level 3, this room has two training machines), 3x3 Medical (level 4) and 3x3 Pastoral (level 5).

If you don't want to bother making your own rooms you can follow this Youtuber who made pretty compact rooms - I used them as a good starting point for my rooms.

Building templates by Pinstar:
Bathroom & Shower
Lecture Theatre & Training Room & Private Tuition & Student Lounge
Medical & Pastoral

3 - Mitton University
In Mitton University we learn about research, training your staff and temperature.

Remember to click those Bookworms!

I suggest you purchase the Plot 2 for some extra space at the start of the year and the build the prerequisite buildings to get Campus level to at least 3 and upgrade your Robotics course level to 2. Try not to go too low with your bank. At the start of the year you need almost $100,000 immediately. You get few months of income but try to hover around or over $100,000.

At the start of the year you can freely pick the best staff and dismiss everyone that has negative traits. You should always check the staff trait list from here on. Avoid hiring any staff that have negative traits like the slow walk or gross hygiene. When you see someone with only bad traits or multiple bad traits do not even consider them and use the dismiss button freely. You will free that slot for better candidates. During Summer Breaks and start of levels, when time doesn't progress, is the best time to get only staff with good traits. You don't pay monthly salary before you start the year so you might just as well pick only staff that have positive traits.

My initial layout if you want some starting tips.
I used the tried and true U-shaped dorm+toilet+shower combo in one of the smaller buildings and turned the other small building to be Student Union / Cafeteria. Then I built the three necessary course rooms in one of the larger buildings with a minimal student lounge. This left $85,000 in the bank. Remember to place the love bench again somewhere. Notice that I did not build any private tuition rooms as I wanted to save on teacher salaries.

Once you start your Academic Year you will be required to build an expensive Training Room (mine cost $40,000) and train your janitor to have Mechanics skill which will gain you an achievement. After that you need to pay $10,000 to upgrade your Robotics lab. You should attempt to keep someone in the training room at all times. You cannot train staff during summer break.

A little Wiser - Train your first staff member.

After upgrading your Robotics lab you will be required to build a Research room. Do that and hire a second teacher (we can use them for private tuition while not researching) and research the Robotics bookshelf which you should place in your library. After researching you will get your first star requirements.

1 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 12
  • Level 6 Robotics Students (10)
  • Complete 2 Research Projects
  • Build a Robot

The two first requirements come as you play as will the last one. For the 2 research projects you should aim to research and upgrade your research pod and your training pod first. After those two research the new 'General Knowledge' course. It will be beneficial later.

During Year 1 December-January you will be notified that temperatures are dropping and you need to place radiators. Unlock the small radiator and splash big and small radiators in every room and every hallway. Use the temperature view to see which places need more heat. Keep an eye on training, research, those bookworms and that you have at least one club going on.

I started Year 2 with Robotics course level 3 and lowered the Student Intake to 16 and raising tuition fees a little. For Robotics course level 4 you need Campus level 9 which I was unable to get during the first year.

During Year 2-3 summer break I finally was able to get Campus level to 12 which meant the 2-star requirements were unlocked. I upgraded Robotics to course level 5.

2 Star requirements
  • Train a Teacher to Level 5 in Robotics
  • 40 Students Attend Events
  • Average B+ Grade in Robotics
  • Develop 3 Sweethearts Romancess

It might be easier to just hire a level 3 or 4 Robotics teacher and then train them to level 5 than to train your lower level ones to level 5. If you cannot find any suitable candidates don't worry. It just takes longer. For the student events you just need to host few Student Union and Student Lounge events (you could even make them repeat yearly). Everything else is just waiting. I was able to get all requirements done before Year 3 end.

3 Star requirements
  • Students on Campus (100)
  • Average Staff Happiness 55%
  • Upgrade 10 Items
  • A Grade Robotics Students Graduate (30)

For students on campus you need to add new courses. You will hit 100 probably at the start of Year 5, just like you did in the previous level. Consider purchasing a new plot for your new course. I suggest you start with the Internet History course. For an achievement we want each course have level 5 teacher. This means that while you wait for the 3-star requirements to be finished you can train your Internet History teacher to level 5. Other requirements are pretty easy this time. For happiness just check what your students are usually missing and decorate your most used hallways and check temperatures.

I got 3-star at the start of Year 5. We're not done yet though - make sure you have a level 5 trained Internet History teacher and you steam achievement progress bar has moved. Then we go back to both level 1 and level 2 and build training rooms there and train the highest level course teacher to level 5. If you have followed this guide you should then have level 5 teachers in these courses: Scientography (level 1), Virtual Normality (level 1), Gastronomy (level 2), Funny Business (level 2), Robotics (level 3), Internet History (level 3). Check your 'Enough Experts' achievement progress to make sure the game acknowledges your teacher levels before leaving the level. It sometimes lags a bit and you need to wait for the achievement progress to update. So don't rush out of the level before the progress bar moved.

We will return to Mitton University for research purposes later after we have unlocked more projects in later levels. This means we don't have to wait for the Internet History students to graduate for the achievement progress yet. That also means that we have little lower graduate achievement progress than the level 5 teacher progress. We will keep this in mind and note it in the stats below.

While I was returning to levels 1 and 2 I got these two achievements

Super Group of Friends - Develop 500 friendships. I was 492/500 at the start of Year 5 in this level.

Staff Boom - Hire 100 staff members. I was at 92/100 at the start of Year 5 in this level

Stats after I finished 3rd level and revisited levels 1 and 2
104/1000 graduates
9/36 stars
16/100 upgrades
11/50 research projects
29/50 bookworms
6/17 different level 5 teachers (Scientography, Virtual Normality, Gastronomy, Funny Business, Robotics, Internet History)
4/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Funny Business and Internet History. Otherwise the list is the same as level 5 teachers.)
4 - Noblestead
In Noblestead we learn how to be a Knight and what Money Wanglers are. We also get to deal with medical problems and annoying invaders.

Before starting your first year get the Campus level to 3 and only hire staff that have positive traits (If you follow optional part below, don't hire anyone yet). You have all the time you need and you can click those bookworms at the same time. Upgrade your Knight School course to level 2 so that you can start with 15 students. Put a love bench outside.

(Optional) I have a proposition for you: Get your Campus level to 4 by building for example a Training room and take General Knowledge with only 8 students as your second course. We want to do all the 17 courses and General Knowledge, just like Funny Business, is never enforced by a future level so we might as well do it here and now. Make sure you only take 8 students so you don't have to build another lecture theatre.

With Campus level 4 and Knight School level 2 before starting your year you can hire staff with level 2 skills. So make sure your Knight School teacher has positive traits and 80% (lvl 2) teaching skill. Also hire Janitor with Mechanics and positive traits and same goes with librarian and the General Knowledge teacher.

Here's my initial layout.
Since we wanted to get Campus level 4 I made a training room that has enough space for an another trainer later. This room drained my bank a lot. Going with the trusty U-dorm and the basics for Knight School course. Make it 6x6 or 6x7 Battle Ground as you need space for new improvements to fulfill 2-star requirements.

I started the year with $30,000 in the bank. You need $25,000 for a medical aid room + hire an assistant with first aid skill. Once you have done that the 1-star requirement are revealed. Aim to build Training Room and Research Lab during the first year. You will need to research new items for Knight School Year 2 students like the Dragon Tower so you want to start on that during Year 1.

(Optional) While aiming for the first star requirements here are some tips about staff now that you have training available. Read the next chapter 'Intermission - Staff archetypes' to learn about staff training.

1 Star requirements
  • Cure 5 Medical Issues
  • Attractiveness Rating 75%
  • B+ Grade Knight School Classes (10)
  • Remove 15 Invaders

Three first ones should be easy. For the last one hire and prepare your janitors with Security. You will most likely complete the Invader requirement late Year 2. Three trained janitors should be enough for most invades if you help your janitors by picking them manually.

I started Year 2 with Campus level 8, General Knowledge course level 2 with 15 students and Knight School level 3 with 16 students. Since General Knowledge is only one year you should have no problem keeping just your original teacher. If you feel like you have a lot of money you can raise your Knight School Student Intake higher. During Year 4 and Year 5 you need to get cumulative 30 students graduate with A's. It's easier with larger student pool.

Near the end of Year 2 I was able to finish all 1-star requirements. This unlocked a new course: Money Wangling which I started for Year 3.

2 Star requirements
  • Win Jousting Tournament
  • Build a Level 5 Battle Ground, Jousting Field and Medical Office
  • Students on Campus (80)
  • Develop 10 New Romances

Improve your Knight School buildings and schedule a few Jousting Tournaments and you're almost half way. For student count you need the Money Wrangling course. Purchase Plot 2 and make that your Money Wrangling hub.

I started Year 3 with lvl 3 Knight School and Money Wrangling. General Knowledge was lvl 2. All had only 16 Student Intake. During halfway Year 4 I managed to schedule the third Jousting Tournament and 3-star requirements were revealed.

3 Star requirements
  • Win The Grand Joust
  • Campus Level 20
  • Average Student Happiness 75%
  • A Grade Knight School Students Graduate (30)

All of these requirements should be easy. Just schedule the Grand Joust and wait. Only thing you need keep an eye on is those 30 A-grade Knight School students. Make sure to private tuition your B-students so that at least 15 of your Year 3 class will graduate with A's at the end of Year 4. Do the same during Year 5 otherwise you won't be able to finish the 3rd star at the end of Year 5. I didn't pay enough attention and had 28/30. Don't repeat my mistake.

While playing Year 5 make sure you have level 5 Money Wrangler, General Knowledge and Knight School teachers trained. I managed to pick the 1000th litter gaining an achievement and after beating the Grand Joust you get another achievement.

Dropped on OUR Floor - Clean up 1,000 bits of litter

Huzzah! - Defeat Lord Blaggard in The Grand Joust.

At the end of Year 5 you should get your 3rd star if you most of your 16 Knight School students got A's. I had to play Year 6 on double speed just to get few missing ones. After you get the last star you will get 12-star achievement and perhaps you also got the 100 medical treatments. If not, don't worry you will build Medical Offices in other levels too.

Bachelor of Smarts - Earn 12 stars across your career

There's Always a Hospital- Treat 100 medical issues

Stats after I finished 4th level (had to play Year 6)
335/1000 graduates
12/36 stars
40/100 upgrades
28/50 research projects
40/50 bookworms
9/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +3 this level. Knight School, General Knowledge and Money Wrangler)
7/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Funny Business and Internet History. Otherwise it's the same as the level 5 teachers.)
Intermission - Staff & course schedule
If you haven't already now it's time to learn more about staff and job assignments. Check the Personnel Management -> Job Assignment view and make sure your librarian is only allowed to be in the Library and the medic is only allowed to be in the Medical Office and the normal teachers are only allowed to do classes and not allowed to Research etc. Now every time you hire a new staff check the job assignment view either from under personnel management or directly when observing the staff member and make sure your new hire does only what they are hired for.

Always check the traits: being a litterer is not as bad as being lollygagger, weak bladdered, hungry or dry mouth. Try to avoid all negative traits in all your staff. If you have to hire a bad trait staff member rename them with 'BAD' or something so that you will remember to replace them later. There is no need to only wait for a perfect staff that have multiple positive traits but there also is also almost never need to hire a teacher that has negative traits.

When hiring think about the role the staff will be assigned. Here are few archetypes.


Course Teacher - Level them with corresponding course and later a single point in Inspirational Speaking and in the last two levels with a single point in Comic Timing. For example a good teacher has course level 3 and Inspirational Speaking 1. A really good teacher has 5 & 1. That one point in Inspirational Speaking gives randomly 5% chance to boost student learning. Not high but not zero either.

Substitute Teacher / Private Tuition - Give them one or two levels of the two courses you are teaching and for substitutes give a single point of Inspirational Speaking and for Private Tuition teachers you want few points in Private Tuition. PT skills should be 2,2,2 instead of 1,4,1. Substitute skills should look like 2,2,1. Remove 'classes' from your PT teacher job assignments so that they actually do PT. You want your substitutes be flexible and cover one or two classes. More of that later in course schedule.

Researcher - Give them one level of each course you have running and then level the Research. You want them to be able to do research projects from two different courses instead of just one.

Librarian - Level up Library Management and give a single Comic Timing. 4&1 is fine.

First Aid/Pastorical - Train your Medic to have Pastoral and vice versa. An assistant with one point in both makes them flexible. 1&1 is fine. You probably have more important staff to train than these.

Kiosk/SU/Cafeteria assistants - Single Comic Timing is enough, don't focus on these people at all. Get the cheapest ones from the roster and forget them later. Never hire Kiosk attendants during the first years unless you have plenty of monthly income. I usually hired Kiosk keepers only when I was waiting for some long 3-star requirement to progress.

Mechanic/Janitors - You usually need only one janitor with Mechanics for the first two years. Others can be just Maintenance & Aerodynamics. Janitors really benefit from the rapid trait so try to hire rapid janitors.

Security - You will encounter invaders. Get one high level janitor that will be your 'brawler'. You could even change their skin to be more visible when you need to find and fight with them. Level all your janitors with at least level 2 security to fend most of the invaders off. Invaders have levels and your Security level means how likely they can beat the invader. I found that one high level security was useful around the fourth or fifth invasion where there are many low level invaders and then few higher ones which escape from level 2 security.

Course schedule / timetable

(Optional) This chapter is for optimizing so that your best teachers are used the most but it can get tedious. If you don't feel like doing this you can skip it safely and just hire more teachers and lose more money each level. If your monthly income is $30,000 losing $3,000 might be worth instead spending time optimizing.

Learn how to use the Course Management -> Timetable. The first view shows rooms which can be of some use during Year 3+ and with multiple courses but the main thing you should come here for is the Staff timetable.

Ideally you want your teachers to have three blocks of 2 classes for total of 6 to be fully utilized. And you want your highest level teachers to be fully utilized and your worse teachers to have free time for training. The game will not see them like that and try to autofill all teachers equally. It might put you in situation where your new level 1 hire has 6 classes and your best teacher only have 4.

I suggest that once you have upgraded your courses during Summer Break and before you hire all new teachers it says in the top right you go to job assignment and remove all classes from each teacher. Then come back to the timetable and pick your best teacher and turn the classes back on for them. It will fill the slots completely. Do this for each of your teachers from the best to the worst.

Once you have put all your teachers back on teaching duty the last one(s) most likely have free slots. You can use those slots to train your teacher. It might also be that you are only missing a few classes (seen from the room view) and the game suggests to hire a new teacher to cover those. Now here come the substitute teachers in play. Consider that you have two courses and both of them have one class missing a teacher. Instead of hiring two different teachers for that situation hire & train a substitute teacher who can handle both of those classes by themselves. Or you could pull your researcher or private tuition teacher to cover them. This method will give you more insight what you actually need. You might even start the Academic year if that class missing a teacher is later in the year so that you can train one of your existing teachers to cover for it.

This method can get tedious later when you have over ten teachers and multiple courses but you can try to help yourself by renaming your teachers so that you know which ones are good class teachers and which can cover multiple courses and which are researchers etc. Usually you want to do this method maybe for the first three years and then you should have enough money to just hire new teachers and spend more time playing the game instead of optimizing the fun out of it. Huh. Feels like real life companies & bureaucracy.

5 - Spiffinmoore
Let's do some magic this time: Wizardry and Dark Arts. This is the first harder level as you will struggle for resources in the beginning and with open building space later. Invasions are also really annoying here.

Start by taking the required $100,000 loan. You can either use the already placed rooms or you can sell all the buildings to get $188,000 to play with. Remember to place radiators in the rooms and hallways - Spiffinmoore is in cold climate. While building my initial layout I collected the 50th Bookworm gaining an achievement.

Bookworm Fanatic - Capture 50 bookworms. You might have collected them already or half-way there. No worries. There's plenty more levels to gain this.

Here's my initial layout after selling all buildings.
As always I'm building my 10-bed dorm+toilet+shower combo. With two lecture halls (no autocues this time), 6x6 Potion Room with another 6x6 empty space reserved next to it, staff room and a library. I had $20,000 in the bank.

Now to hire staff. Hire a Dark Arts teacher with best traits and then depending on how much patience you have you can wait for a janitor that has both Mechanics and Security and keep an assistant with Pastoral Care and an assistant with First Aid skill in the hiring roster. If you lack patience just hire a Security janitor. Start of Year 1 we need a Pastoral Care assistant and few months later we need a First Aid assistant. You can save in salaries if you don't hire the First Aid assistant immediately. Mark your bad trait staff by renaming them like with BAD so you remember to fire them later.

Start the Year 1. Make sure you have bit over $10,000 in the bank as we need it almost immediately. Our first objective is to build a Pastoral Support room and hire an assistant there. The room will cost $9,000 and assistant around $2,000. If you didn't wait for a good one grab the first one you get and fire them later if they have bad traits.

After you resolve the first Pastoral Issue the 1-star requirements are revealed. For an achievement we need to deal with 100 Pastoral Issues. I didn't get that many while playing this level but got it in the next one.

1 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 15
  • Average Thermal Comfort Rating 85%
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Repay Your Loan

Every requirement should be easy. Raising Campus level 15 will take time and you will probably be somewhere Year 3 when you get it.

Year 1 will be bit chaotic and you will struggle resource wise. Just play along and try to minimize your salaries - Avoid hiring which means no Student Union, Kiosks or Cafeteria during Year 1. Keep an assistant with First Aid in your hiring roster and wait until you get the notice that someone needs Medical Office. Medical Office and an assistant will cost you $30,000. You will get invaded during Year 1 and when that happens you might want to hire another Security janitor. Manually pick up your Security janitor(s) to handle the invaders.

During Year 1-2 Summer Break purchase the Plot 2. Take the biggest loan if needed. Upgrade your courses to level 2. You also want the Training Room now to get the training rolling. Year 2 will be easier money wise. Keep hiring & training. Try to get one or two Personal Tuition teachers with at least one level in both courses and few levels in the Personal Tuition and lock them to do only Personal Tuition. Upgrade the courses later. Keep hiring and training your Security janitors and main teachers.

Start Year 3 with course levels 3 and a Research Lab. Keep someone in the Training machine(s) at all times. It's a good idea to have two training stations in the same room. You can chain-train for example your researcher during the first part of the year, then during December train your main teachers and continue with your Substitute/Private Tuition teachers when others are teaching classes. Add more lvl 2-3 Security janitors in there too.

I fulfilled the 1-star requirements halfway during the Year 3.

2 Star requirements
  • Resolve 20 Pastoral Issues
  • Attractiveness Rating 75%
  • Students on Campus (80)
  • Level 10 Wizardry Students (10)

If you followed the course leveling suggestions you should have 84 students on Campus. Attractiveness is just placing stuff both inside and outside. Use the attractiveness visual tool to cover every room, hallway and outside where your students roam in bright green. That leaves level 10 students and 20 Pastoral Issues which should not be problems. Again it's just waiting.

Halfway Year 4 I got all 2-star requirements done.

3 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 22
  • Monthly profit $50,000
  • Average Staff Happiness 65%
  • A+ Grade Students Graduate (20)

You should have $50,000 monthly profit already unless you went overboard with staff. Consider firing a few if that's the case. You can rehire once you get the requirement done. Campus level 22 and happiness should be easy.

For those 20 A+ Graduates check your Year 3 Wizardry and Year 2 Dark Arts students and if there aren't enough A+'s make more Private Tuition rooms and send your 85%-89% A-students there. Better teachers will result better grades. Level 4 or 5 teachers are enough though. Otherwise just research, improve and upgrade your learning rooms (library, lecture theatre, course labs). It's unlikely that you can get the 20 during the Year 4 but try to get at least 10. Remember to train at least one Dark Arts and Wizardry teacher to level 5 during the 3-star requirements.

Magic Staff - Train a staff member to level 5 in the Wizardry qualification. You will get this somewhere between Year 3-5 if you keep training your teachers.

Smart Money - Earn 100,000 from research projects. If you didn't get it this achievement don't worry. Research will not end and you will get it.

I got 10 A+ graduates at the end of Year 4 and then plenty more at the end of Year 5.

Stats after I finished 5th level
453/1000 graduates
15/36 stars
61/100 upgrades
75/100 pastoral issues
34/50 research projects
40/50 bookworms
11/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +2 this level. Wizardry and Dark Arts)
9/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Funny Business and Internet History. Otherwise it's the same as the level 5 teachers.)
6 - Fluffborough
Halfway point! It's sports time. This time we learn how to handle hot climate and about marketing.

Before starting the year get your Campus level to at least three and upgrade your Academic Exercise to level 3. Then modify it to have only 16 Student Intake. You can also put a tiny bit higher tuition fee if you want. Just make sure you don't go under or over 16 students.

If you don't have the bookworm achievement yet - click those worms! This is the last time this guide will remind about this.

Besides the normal Lecture Theatre and the new Cheeseball Field and student housing build a gym for your students. Keep enough money in bank for Pastoral and Medical rooms and assistants. You will need to build them during Year 1.

My initial layout.
The Cheeseball Field is pretty big: 9x14. I added some additional items every room and hallways to improve their attractiveness. Library has one Academic Exercise Bookcase and room for two more. Lecture Theatre has three autocues for +12% and room for three speakers for additional +9%. I built the gym to be big enough 6x7 for Year 2 assignment items. I started the year with around $35,000 in bank.

Start the Year and schedule the first Cheeseball match to be in September. You will lose but that's ok. We want to lose 5 times for an achievement. This is important: Schedule two more $5,000 matches for October and November. It's expensive but we want losses. You could schedule more but some of your students might complain too much and drop out. After you lose the first match you will unlock 1-star requirements.

1 Star requirements
  • Complete 1 Marketing Campaign
  • A Grade Academic Exercise Private Tuition Sessions (30)
  • Level 5 Rooms (5)
  • Defeat the Hogsport Porthogs at Cheeseball

The level 5 rooms should be easy - just decorate your existing rooms. You should be able to win the Cheeseball match later Year 1. Build a minimal Marketing Office and hire an assistant to complete the first requirement. Hire a Private Tuition teacher for the second requirement. PT count will take the longest time and you should manually send your students that have free time to PT.

Note about Marketing
If you don't care about Marketing or optimizing your student's Learning Power meter you can safely ignore it for the rest of the game. There's no achievements related to it or star requirements after the one in this level. Marketing makes more people to be in the course applicant pool and that means you can increase Student Intake or can modify your tuition fee and Learning Power. Marketing is most beneficial during the first two years - during the time when you have no money to spend for marketing or salaries which makes it bit silly inclusion in the game.

If you do want to optimize your average grades Marketing is a great tool. What Marketing does is it will increase the number of applicants for the next year to the course you chose to advertise. Once you have larger pool of applicants you can then modify your Student Intake so that you either get more students (more money) or better students (better Learning Power). So if you feel Marketing is your thing - keep repeating those campaigns.

Whether or not you're doing more Marketing schedule a match against Smogley Salamanders on December. You should be able to win it and after you do you will be challenged by the Porthogs. So schedule a match against the Porthogs on April (do not be too hasty - wait for their challenge appear in your inbox)

During later part of Year 1 I took a $100,000+$50,000 loan, bought the Plot 3, installed an entrance closer to my main plot and bought a Training Room to get that going on.

I started Year 2 with Academic Exercise level 4 with a 24 Student intake. I was contemplating to start another course like Funny Business as our Lecture Theatre was underused but decided against it as money seemed to be a problem. Maybe Year 3. Keep scheduling Cheeseball matches. We need to win 15 matches for an achievement as well as lose 5. Hire & Train your janitors with Security as you will be invaded during Year 2.

Year 3 started with Academic Exercise level 4 with a 32 Student intake (I was Marketing for it) and Funny Business course level 3 with 16 Student Intake. Also I finally started a Research Lab with a researcher. I still needed 10 more PT sessions as I wasn't paying enough attention to manually send more people to Private Tuition. I scheduled two of the hardest match I was able to get at the very start of the year to get the necessary losses. I managed to get the 2-star requirements halfway during Year 3.

2 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 20
  • Average Student Hygiene 75%
  • Average A Grade in Academic Exercise
  • Defeat the Flemington Flobtrotters at Cheeseball

During Year 3 while aiming for 2-star try to keep your monthly income over $30,000. It's not a 2-star requirement but it is a 3-star requirement to get $50,000 monthly income so don't go overboard with staff salaries now. Also remember to train your level 5 Academic Exercise teacher. Keep scheduling matches. I managed to lose my fifth match late Year 3 gaining the following achievement.

You Lose Some - Lose 5 cheeseball matches. We got three losses Year 1 and at the start of every Year challenged the hardest team available.

To get Hygiene to 75% just spam hand sanitizers in every room and hallway and increase your showers. Also you can use the Year 3-4 Summer Break to your advantage. As the students don't have classes they won't get so dirty.

Year 4 started with Academic Exercise level 5 and Funny Business level 4. I managed to get Campus level 20 and beat the Flemington Flobtrotters early Year 4 but the Student Hygiene lowered below 75% again so I had to wait for Year 4-5 Summer Break to unlock 3-star requirements.

3 Star requirements
  • A+ Grade Students Graduate (20)
  • Monthly Profit $50,000
  • Average Student Happiness 70%
  • Defeat the Jumbo Mega Team at Cheeseball

Hopefully you didn't go overboard with salaries. These requirements feel easier than the 2-star Hygiene requirement. Keep scheduling matches against lower teams to get the 15 wins achievement. During Year 5 you should get these achievements:

Jumbo Mega Team - Win a cheeseball match against the Jumbo Mega Team.

You Win Some - Win 15 cheeseball matches. Keep scheduling those matches.

We're Listening - Resolve 100 pastoral issues. If you didn't get this in the previous level you most likely got it here at some point.

I managed to get more than 20 A+ students graduating at the end of Year 5 gaining the third star.

Stats after I finished 6th level
565/1000 graduates
18/36 stars
82/100 upgrades
40/50 research projects
12/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +1 this level. Academic Exercise)
11/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Internet History. Otherwise it's the same as the level 5 teachers.)
7 - Upper Etching
Music, music, music and some countercultural studies. This time we won't get money from tuition fees or rent or from bonus xp.

You won't earn any level specific achievements this level. You might get one of the cumulative achievements like pastoral issues, upgrading machines or research projects - if you haven't yet. Just remember to make sure you train the level 5 teachers for both of the courses.

As we only get money when our students level up we need to be very strict with salaries. The first year is the hardest but it gets easier the more students you get on your Campus. Later you will get few extra methods (Orb Club & Research) to gain money but be very strict how you spend early - no Marketing, Private Tuition, Kiosks etc etc. You won't get invaded until you fulfill 2-star requirements so you don't have to worry about invasions or hiring security guards during the first years.

Before starting your first Year hire a Mechanics janitor to clean the Campus Building 1. Sell the broken furniture in Student Union and add a single table. This will unlock the 1-star requirements. Build your basic student facilities but do not go overboard with spending. For example instead of having 3 autocues and 3 speakers in Lecture Theatre for +21% Learning Power, get only 3 autocues and save $12,000. Like in last Level build your Gym a bit bigger so that you have room for a Vaulting Course item.

Upgrade your Campus so that you have Campus Level 4 and then upgrade your Counterculture Course to Level 2 with 15 Student Intake. Counterculture is only 2-year program and it's faster to level up 1st year students than it is 3rd year students so we get to kick..graduate the students out of our Campus faster. They aren't paying for tuition or rent anyway so the faster they leave the better. You should be able to recruit Level 2 teachers before starting the first year. Don't add clubs yet.

My initial layout
I started the year with my usual U-dorm and the required rooms + staff room and library. In the Lecture Theatre there are only 3 autocues. Library has one of each of the new course Bookcases. I started with $65,000 and -$133,000 fees per year.

Try to start your first year with at least $50,000.

1 Star requirements
  • Level Up 150 Students
  • Complete 3 Open Mic
  • Train 1 Staff Member to Level 5 in Musicality
  • Campus Level 15

At the start of Year 1 schedule your first Open Mic during December and second one during April. Getting Campus Level to 15 and a level 5 trained staff will take the most time. You probably will be able to complete those during early Year 3.

Around halfway Year 1 you will be introduced to Orb Foundation Club. This club will lower student happiness but they will give money each time they level up. We will use this club on this level and you should not consider it later - it's not very good. I started training teachers around the same time Orb Foundation was introduced. Better teachers mean students learn faster which means more money. If you have medical or pastoral issues during the year wait for the Summer Break and only then build the rooms & hire a single assistant that you can train to handle both. You don't pay salaries during Summer Break.

Before starting Year 2 upgrade your Countercultural Studies to level 3 with 16 Student Intake and your Musicality to level 2 with 15 Student Intake. Later this year you might want to consider a Research Lab and researcher that doubles as substitute teacher for those annoying classes scheduled at the same time - but only if you have enough money already. Research will not unlock new upgrades so it's just for research projects that grant you money.

During Summer Break between Year 2 and Year 3 I bought the Plot 3 (not 2 as it was too small) and upgraded Countercultural Studies to level 4 with 24 Student Intake and Musicality to 3 (I did this halfway Year 2 to get level 5 teachers) with 22 Student Intake. I got the 2-star requirements during the Spring Break.

2 Star requirements
  • Average A Grade on Campus
  • Level 6 Rooms (10)
  • 100 Students Attend Events
  • Earn $500,000

You should unlock these before or during Year 3. Just start scheduling SU and student lounge events (make them repeat yearly) and you should be able to complete 2-star requirements before Year 3-4 Summer Break. Note that you will start to get invasions once you complete these requirements so prepare and train your janitors to have some security skills before that.

You should already have the first two requirements done and the last two just take a little bit time. I was done halfway during Year 3 as I spammed many events early on and unlocked last requirements. You should be able to do the same somewhere around Year 3. Remember to train those Security janitors!

3 Star requirements
  • Attractiveness Rating 80%
  • Earn $2,000,000
  • Campus Level 25
  • Win Talent Show

Easy requirements. Just play and it should be enough. For the level 25 Campus just buy more plots and place rooms. At the end of Year 3 I had Campus Level 18. If you're struggling with Attractiveness just place carpets and posters in every room and hallway inside and place some bushes and trees all around where your students walk outside.

At the beginning of Year 4 I started to get invasions. I had won the Talent Show so it is either linked to that or you get invasions starting from Year 4 on, not sure what triggers them.

At the end of Year 4 I was able to fulfill all the requirements for the last star. I bought all the plots and just chain trained staff and decorated buildings for maximum attractiveness.

Stats after I finished 7th level
665/1000 graduates
21/36 stars
96/100 upgrades <-- these are very close and you might have them already
44/50 research projects <-- these are very close and you might have them already
14/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +2 this level. Musicality and Counterculture)
13/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Internet History. Otherwise it's the same as the level 5 teachers.)
8 - Pebberley Ruins
It's time to dig sand and sell some Artefacts. We will learn to build or not to build buildings on empty plots.

Start by selling the three Artefacts and building the mandatory campus building and least 7x7 dig site, I suggest a much larger though - my first one was almost 13x13. The bigger your dig site is the more Artefacts you can find and as you saw Artefacts can be sold for extra money. If you are struggling with money this level I suggest just building larger dig sites.

I took a $50,000 loan immediately to get the Campus Level to 3 and Student Intake to 15. Hire the normal Mechanics janitor and a level 2 teacher. Remember to put your air cons, both big and small, in every room as Pebberley Ruins is in very hot climate.

My initial layout
I split the first plot half and made a $30,000 campus building. One side will be dig sites and the other will be the main campus with little room to expand. With the loan I just about had enough money to build my normal setup. I had to strip my Lecture Theatre to only 2 autocues for +8% Learning Power.

The 1-star requirements open after you build your campus building.

1 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 12
  • Level 10 Archaeology Students (10)
  • Train 1 Staff Member to Level 5
  • Excavate 15 Artefacts

You should be to finish these late Year 2. While excavating Artefacts you can either sell them or wait a bit and sell them for a slightly higher price. Old xxx Artefacts will not get better prices, but Ancient xxx ones do. Most Ancient Artefacts get somewhere between $1,500 - $2,000 better price which to be fair is not worth the wait. I suggest to not pay attention unless you get Ancient Gem ($40,000 originally. $50,000 after waiting) or Ancient Plunder ($45,000 --> $60,000).

At the last quarter of Year 1 I got invaded so be prepared. One security janitor should do the trick.

Start Year 2 with Archaeology level 3 with Student Intake 16. It might be smart to expand your courses to include General Knowledge if you feel like you're not earning enough. We also have a A+ grade requirement coming with 3-star requirements so additional courses are welcome. Whether you do that now or later you need to start training your staff Year 2. Take a loan if you need it to build a training room.

I suggest that you keep all your $15,000+ Artefacts and place them somewhere in your campus. We have a 'sell $200,000 worth of Artefacts' in 3-star requirements and it really helps if you have one or two $50,000 Artefacts saved. Sell those high price Artefacts only if you really really need the money.

I unlocked 2-star requirements during Year 2-3 Summer Break.

2 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 18
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Average Student Happiness 70%
  • Excavate 30 Artefacts

These requirements are ridiculously easy. The excavation probably takes two years unless you build huge dig sites. While waiting for them to complete remember to try to save some high price Artefacts for the upcoming 3-star requirement. I bought the plot 5 because it had large areas for dig sites. 13x13 dig site is my minimum right from now on.

I started Year 3 with Archaeology level 4 with 24 Student Intake and level 2 General Knowledge with 16 Student Intake. I got the cumulative upgrades and the research projects achievements during the next three years. You might've already gotten them or quite close to it.

Spanner That Works - Upgrade 100 machines

Do Your Homework - Complete 50 research projects

Start of Year 4 I grabbed yet another course: Funny Business. Archaeology already has a need for Science Lab for third year students and the room is mostly not in use and can be easily shared with Funny Business students.

I unlocked the 3-star requirements during the first months of Year 4.

3 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 24
  • 30 A+ Grade Classes
  • Attractiveness Rating 75%
  • Earn $200,000 by Selling Artefacts

All of these are just waiting and hopefully you saved some Artefacts for that requirement. I fulfilled the requirements during latter half of Year 5 and got the 24-star achievement.

Masters Minded - Earn 24 stars across your career

Stats after I finished 8th level
736/1000 graduates (I didn't finish Year 5 here so missing quite a lot of graduates)
24/36 stars
15/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +1 this level. Archaeology)
14/17 graduates from each course (I'm missing Internet History. Otherwise it's the same as the level 5 teachers.)
9 - Blundergrad
Spy and burger time. No invasions this time, yay!

Check your janitor first. If they have bad traits fire them. Running a burger joint can be ruthless. Then build the required rooms and fix the temperature as Blundergrad is cold climate. I used 4 fire pits outside and large radiators in large indoor rooms/hallways.

Before starting the year try to get your Campus to level 4 and then upgrade either of your courses to level 2 - it's completely up to you. Ultimately you need to get your Gastronomy to level 5 for a 'Celebrity cook-off event' and Spy School to 3 for level 5 teachers for the achievement. Up the Student Intake to 15. Hire a level 2 teacher for your upgraded course and level 1 teacher for the un-upgraded course.

My initial layout
I spent pretty much all the $200,000 to get the Campus level to 4 and when the students came it rose to 5. Lecture Theatre had 3 autocues and 3 surround speakers. I left the initially built building untouched but added posters and carpets everywhere to get attractiveness high. 4 fire pits was enough to warm the whole outdoors area. The Gadget Lab needs a lot of room to add more items. In the first month I had to move the toilets in the picture away as the small 1 tile hallway to dorm got too crowded.

You will unlock 1-star requirements once you start the year.

1 Star requirements
  • B Grade Spy School Classes (10)
  • Complete 3 Research Projects
  • Campus Level 10
  • Average Food Rating 75%

All of the requirements are quite easy. Don't worry about the Food Rating - it will rise a lot during Summer Breaks. During year 1 build either Training Room or Research Lab once you feel you have money and then the other during Year 1-2 Summer Break. If you haven't yet - you will most likely get the 50 Research Project achievement this level.

Main thing for this level is that you need to pay attention for Moles. Moles are students that spread confusion around other students. When you notice the confusion markers/get a notification put the game on slow motion and start following students to identify the one who spreads it and then expel them. Once you find your first Mole you will get this achievement.

Track-a-Mole - Expose a mole in Blundergrad.

During Summer Break Year 1-2 purchase the Plot 2 as you most likely don't have enough room for the Panic Room in your main building. I took the biggest loan for it and upgraded so that my course levels were 3 and 2 with 16 and 15 Student Intake. Year 2 will be easier money wise.

I fulfilled all the 1-star requirements except Food Rating during Year 2 and just waited for Summer Break - it's much easier for students to fill their food needs when there's no classes ongoing.

2 Star requirements
  • B+ Grade Gastronomy Classes (10)
  • Level 12 Spy School Students (20)
  • Campus Level 20
  • Expel 3 Moles

Start Year 3 with Gastronomy level 4 and Spy School level 3 if possible. You need Campus level 14 for that. Everything else should be easy for you now. To get those 3 moles you need to wait for Year 3. You get one to two Moles per year.

I only got one Mole during Year 3. For Year 4 I started with Gastronomy 5 and Spy School 3 and expelled the last Mole before the end of year which was convenient as the 3-star requirements need students who graduate.

3 Star requirements
  • A Grade Spy School Students Graduate (20)
  • Level 18 Spy School Student
  • Earn $1,000,000
  • Win Celebrity Cook-Off

Everything should be easy. To win (& schedule) the Celebrity Cook-Off you need level 5 Gastronomy. I got the 3-star requirements done end of Year 5.

(Optional) In the beginning of the next level I went back to Mitton University to research all my missing course upgrades and to graduate a Internet History student and fulfill one of the next level 1-star requirements. Since I added the Internet History course in Year 3 and it is a 3-year course I had to play until Summer Break Year 5-6 which meant bunch of new graduates for the cumulative achievement. Read the optional part in the 1-star requirements of the next level if you want to do the 1-star requirement also at the same time. It means you have to play the next level for a bit to reveal 1-star requirements and unlock the last course as a research project.

Stats after I finished 9th level and after revisiting Mitton University
904/1000 graduates (includes students graduated from Mitton)
27/36 stars
16/17 different level 5 teachers (We got +1 this level. Spy School. Only one missing: School of Thought)
16/17 graduates from each course (I went back to Mitton University to get Internet History graduates I was missing)
10 - Urban Bungle
In Urban Bungle we get to start with four courses running at the same time right from the beginning. Money should not be an issue in this level. We will research a new course (the last one we are missing for an achievement: School of Thought) but we will not use it in this level. No invasions this time.

Urban Bungle is in very hot climate so place air coolers everywhere. Build the required stuff and decorate until you have Campus level 7 so that you can upgrade your Robotics course to have Student Intake to 15. Why Robotics? Robotics students pay the highest tuition and you already have a level 3 teacher, that's why.

My initial layout
I sold one of the analogue computers in the Computer Lab for $20,000 and fired all staff that had bad traits. I kept only one robotics/researcher. The pre-made buildings had a few annoying walls and I made them to be more rectangle shape. I ignored one of the plots completely for now and focus on these two. I made two 10 bed dorm rooms instead of just one.

Once you start your Academic Year you will reveal the 1-star requirements.

1 Star requirements
  • Upgrade 10 Items
  • Complete School of Thought Course Research Project 1
  • Average Dormitory Rating 90%
  • Monthly Profit $40,000

The Upgrade 10 items is probably the requirement that takes the longest. You need to have lots of money to make those upgrades in the first place. To get dorm rating high you just need to decorate your dorm rooms.

(Optional) I suggest you make a save now, go back to Mitton University or to your best research lab in any earlier level and research all upgrades to courses here you are still missing. While you're doing that you can research the 'School of Thought' course. The research option is now unlocked and can be researched anywhere. Note that you can also build a research lab in this level and research it here. Researching the course is pretty slow and it's just faster to do it somewhere else: It took me over 3 months with a research lab of 71% Research Power and three researchers.

I was able to hit the $40,000 monthly income on the second month of first year having only 8 staff meaning I had 3/4 requirements done. Consider restarting and firing the janitor/not hiring a librarian if you didn't get it on the second month. Once you have ticked that $40,000 check mark it won't go away. For the upgrades hire a second Mechanic - if you really push them you can get the upgrades done during the first year but don't worry if you have 8/10 or something like that during the Summer Break. I built a training room during December to get training going on. We no longer have to watch for salaries this year as the monthly income requirement is already done.

While playing the first Year I got the treat 4 different medical problems achievement

Recurring Conditions - Treat 1 case of each illness from Two Point Hospital. There are total of 5 different illnesses from Two Point Hospital and when or whether you get those is random. You only need to cure four of these: Square Eyes from Computer Labs, Blue Bloods happens to Money Wangling students, Eye Candy happens to Gastronomy students, Cauliflower Ears happens to Cheeseball players and Broken Legs happen to Musicality students. Since it's very hard to track what you have or are missing you just need to play the game with those courses.

I upgraded the rest of the courses to level 2 before starting Year 2. I was missing just one upgrade from the requirements which I got early Year 2 unlocking the 2-star requirements.

2 Star requirements
  • Level 13 Students (30)
  • Attractiveness Rating 75%
  • Campus Level 18
  • Monthly Profit $60,000

All of these requirements are pretty easy - you just need to play and wait for those 30 Level 13 students. We have to mind our staff salaries to get the monthly profit requirement done and after that you can hire more assistants and janitors and dip to lower monthly profit. Just don't go totally overboard as 3-star requires $80,000 monthly.

I started Year 3 with Robotics and Scientography level 3. I was only missing few level 13 students and got them early Year 3 unlocking 3-star requirements.

3 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 25
  • A Grade Students Graduate (100)
  • Average Student Happiness 75%
  • Monthly Profit $80,000

Again easy requirements. It's just waiting for those 100 A Grade students for a few years. Summer Break Year 3-4 I had 44 A grade students and got the rest Summer Break Year 4-5. Very easy level.

While playing this level I finally managed to get the cumulative 1000 student graduate achievement. You might have earned it already or just about.

Cap & Crown - Have 1,000 students graduate.

Stats after I finished 10th level
30/36 stars
16/17 different level 5 teachers (Only one missing: School of Thought)
16/17 graduates from each course (School of Thought missing)
11 - Breaking Point
2nd last main game level. We're getting to the 36 stars soon! This level is just as easy as the previous one.

We start this level by selecting a few courses. While you might want to select the last missing course, School of Thought, avoid it now. We are going to use School of Thought and only that course in the next level. Spend some time in the course selection screen and look at the courses and the course overview tab. Try to find a mix of three courses that share same rooms but aren't using them at the same time or courses that have good student archetypes.

This level is like the music level where we won't get tuition or rent. Our only income comes from student happiness so Goths and Class Clowns are very good student archetypes. You also should pay special attention that you have enough entertainment both inside and outside. During Year 2 and onward money won't be an issue so you can safely get a few loans on the first year.

These courses spawn invaders so avoid picking them if you don't want to get security janitors: Knight School, Wizardry, Archeology, Academic Exercise, Musicality

If you don't want to think too much about it go with: Funny Business, General Knowledge & Scientography. I went with Dark Art, Funny Business & Counterculture.

Get a loan and get your campus level to 5. Remember that you can edit the initial building to be more suitable for rooms. Once you get campus level to 5 it means you should be able to level up two of your courses to level 2 and improve the Student Intake. We want lots of students.

My initial layout doesn't help you that much this time as we might have different courses picked, but here it is still:
I edited the who building to be more rectangle shaped. My initial courses were mostly because of the good archetypes. With counterculture I get rebels who clean up messes which means I can hire less janitors. I had to skip all autocues and stereo surrounds from lecture theatres.

Once you have decided your initial courses and started the level the 1-star requirements are revealed.

1 Star requirements
  • 150 Students attend Beach-a-Palooza Events
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Develop 15 New Romances
  • Campus Level 12

First up is set some love benches outside for the new romances requirement. Next is to setup a club or two. We want to have four different clubs at level 5 for 2-star requirement so start now with one or two clubs and once you have a level 5 club sell the recruitment point (not the items) and change it to new club recruitment.

Then you just play through the first year and try to setup at least two Beach-a-Palooza events. Don't make them yearly yet. They cost a lot ($25,000). During the first year and with 40 students I was able to keep the happiness around 65%-80% which meant around $50,000 happiness income which was around $35,000 monthly income when you subtract salaries and loan fees.

Summer Break Year 1-2 I had about half of the Beach-a-Palooza attendants. It gets easier when you have more students on campus. I started Year 2 with two courses level 3 and one course level 2. Income during Year 2 was somewhere around $80,000-$100,000 so money is not an issue any more. Schedule a beach party every two months: Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun for maximum income and happiness.

I unlocked 2-star requirements during Year 2 on my 4th (total) beach party.

2 Star requirements
  • Average Student Entertainment 75%
  • Level 5 Clubs (4 different ones)
  • Level 14 Students (50)
  • Level 8 Breaking Point Beach

Easy requirements. You just need to wait for those level 14 students. For the clubs just remove your recruitment post once that club has reached level 5 and change it to some other club not yet leveled. You should have 2/4 already or very close. Level here means club prestige level not highest student club trait level. For the level 8 beach just place items and complete 'Party Time' quests which unlock new items for the beach each time you complete them.

Year 3 started with one course level 4, two courses level 3 and I added a new course and upgraded it to level 2. In my case it was General Knowledge, but Money Wrangling would've been fine too.

I started Year 4 upgrading my three main courses to level 4 and the later addition to level 3. I managed to unlock the 3-star requirements early Year 4.

3 Star requirements
  • Campus Level 25
  • 500 Students attend Beach-a-Palooza Events
  • A Grade Students Graduate (100)
  • Earn $3,000,000

If you haven't already schedule the beach party every second month to get the 500 beach attendants. Everything else is just waiting. At this point I was fast speeding through the Years occasionally decorating for fun and not paying much attention - it's a shame the later requirements are just waiting game with no challenge.

Do note that sometimes the Beach-a-Palooza event does not register people - it certainly happened to me. Quicksave and quickload helped.

At the end of Year 5 I got all the A Grade graduates and got the third star. We only have one more main game level left!

Stats after I finished 11th level
33/36 stars
16/17 different level 5 teachers (Only one missing: School of Thought)
16/17 graduates from each course (School of Thought missing)
12 - Two Point University
It's the last base game level. It's also by far the longest level. So we will go out with a bang!

We're going to only have one course this time: School of Thought. We're going to play until we have level 10 course and a level 10 teacher - that means Campus Level 42. Yeah, that's right. We are going to play the longest level of the game with the hardest course of the game. Just because we can.

Start by spending 40 points on School of Thought course and then comes the first hard part: You want to get your Campus level to 4 but you only have $150,000 + $50,000 loan to do it.

First build a campus building. Somewhere around 20 x 20 should do. Mine was 25 x 17 rectangle. We can and will expand it later so don't place it in a corner. Then place all the required rooms but don't hire any staff yet. It's pretty hard but try to unlock every single $50 poster and decoration with Kudosh and decorate your rooms and hallways with the cheapest stuff aiming to use only one item per room or hallway.

By spending as little as possible and getting room prestige up in each room you will be able to get the Campus Level to 4 and upgrade your course to level 2 upping the Student Intake to 15. With Campus Level 4 you can take the $100,000 loan and repay the $50,000 loan. Phew. That leaves you enough money to put some actual important & useful items back in the rooms and enough to hire staff. Now you have a head start and some breathing room money wise.

Try to manage this level by yourself - it's the final level after all and it should look like your own campus. If you have a lot of problems you can try to replicate my initial layout & decorations. When you reach the Campus Level 4 and get the $100,000 loan you can change everything to your liking and decorate as you wish.

Last thing to do is to get at least level 2 School of Thought (SoT from now on) teacher - SoT is a very hard course so pay attention to your +% learning power. Get a mechanic and a librarian. Year 2 you will need a gym so you might as well place one down already. You have plenty of space in this level so use it wisely. I placed most of my rooms as 6x7 or 5x7

My initial layout
I had $5,000 left and I had to remove all expensive items from all my other rooms with the exception of my dorm room. Spam those $50 posters! They are really really efficient.

Start the Year 1. During the first months you will see that most of your students are close to failing - yeah, SoT is a very hard course and that's why we really need high level teachers, all the +learning power% items and private tuition that you can muster. Keep at it and it will get better before Summer Break. I think I had four well skilled PTs Year 2.

1 Star requirements
  • Monthly Profit $30,000
  • Average Student Happiness 70%
  • Campus Level 18
  • Level 5 Rooms (10)

This time I won't walkthrough you year by year. Each year put all your course points to School of Thought - you can upgrade your course mid year if you want to get higher level teachers trained. Try to get training and upgrades going on Year 1. Most likely you won't finish upgrading the Lecture Theatre lectern in the first year in time so upgrade the Science Lab first. As always the first year is the hardest and it gets easier later.

Once you have finished years 1 and 2 think about how you want your campus to be expanded. Use all your game knowledge to place the relevant rooms close to each other. You don't need staff room near dorms but you could place a student lounge in between course labs. Keep pastoral and medical near your dorms as staff won't need them. Also remember that marketing is a thing - you're focusing on one course only so you might as well do some advertising.

All the 1-star requirements should be obvious. Campus level 18 will take the longest. You will need to do 5 different level 5 clubs, almost like in the last level, so start your clubs early.

Enjoy the last level!

I got the 2-star requirements unlocked Year 3-4 Summer Break.

2 Star requirements
  • Monthly Profit $60,000
  • Average A Grade on Campus
  • Level 5 Clubs (5)
  • Attractiveness Rating 85%

Easy requirements again. So easy that I had everything else except the 5 level 5 clubs done already. With the clubs you should do the same trick as last level - place one or two club recruitment posts and replace them with other clubs once club reaches level 5. Keep the club items but replace the recruitment points.

At the end of Year 4 you should have all these achievements. Do note that it will take a bit of time before the graduates register.

Finishing School - Earn 1 star in TPU

Enough Experts - Train a staff member to level 5 in each course-specific qualification. School of Thought was our last.

The Academic Rainbow - Have a student graduate in each course. School of Thought was our last.

I got the 3-star requirements unlocked early Year 6.

3 Star requirements
  • Monthly Profit $100,000
  • Average Happiness Rating 80%
  • Campus Level 35
  • A+ Grade Students Graduate

These requirements should not give you much challenge. Waiting for those A+ grade students is the name of the game. Waiting is the name of the game anyway. Keep upgrading your SoT course. It should be level 8 by now and we still need to level it up to level 10. 3-staring this level is not enough we need to train a level 10 School of Thought teacher.

A Lot Wiser - Train a staff member to level 10 in a single course-specific qualification

After getting Campus level 42 during Year 8 and after getting the above achievement I added General Knowledge for some students that graduate in just one year and it's much easier to have them all get A+ than it is for students of School of Thought.

Finally, after playing the level for 8ish hours I got all A+ students. It happened at the end of Year 10. My Campus level was 48 and I had over $10,000,000 in the bank.

PhDarn Good - Earn 36 stars across your career

Congratulations on the 36 star achievement!
Mopping up last base game achievements
You should have all but one base game achievement and we're going to start the sandbox for it. We want 50 students to drop out - that's it. Depending on how well or should I say how badly you played you might already have few dropouts.

Start a sandbox game, select your favorite map and pick creative mode. Pick any course you want and push the course level to 10. You should have 55 Student Intake. Then start the Academic Year. Do not build anything - no rooms no building no nothing. We want them to be angry and leave so just put the game to Fast Speed and go grab a coffee or something. Or build a huge hedge maze. Or write your name using the fences. Or fill the map with heat lamps. Anyway your students will start to drop out during February and the last ones should leave during before the end of the year.

Like a Millionaire - Have 50 students drop out

That's it. All achievements done! ...or are they?

If you are still missing some cumulative achievements the sandbox is best place to get them. If you are stuck with 16/17 on either the 'Have a student graduate in each course' or 'Train a staff member to level 5 in each course-specific qualification' I have bad news for you. There is no way to check which course you are missing. You might try to go to each level you already completed and wait a bit (5 minutes each) if the achievement pops. Sometimes when you leave a level after getting the 3 stars or during summer break the game might have not updated your achievements yet. You might get lucky and you get it this way. Other way is to play sandbox and repeat all courses there. Sucks I know.

Next up are the DLCs if you still feel like it!
DLC - Space Academy
For the DLCs I'm only going to give the achievements and the different star requirements

Universe City
Achievements here
Say, Cheese? - Mine 100 space rocks

1 Star requirements
  • Earn $250,000 from Research
  • Mine 15 Space Rocks
  • Average B+ Grade in Astrology
  • Average Dormitory Rating 85%
2 Star requirements
  • Earn $50,000 by Selling Cosmic Artefacts
  • A Grade Cosmic Expansion Classes (10)
  • Upgrade 10 Items
  • Average Student Happiness 75%
3 Star requirements
  • Earn $1,500,000 from Research
  • Mine 50 Space Rocks
  • A+ Grade Students Graduate (40)
  • Campus Level 28

Cape Shrapnull
Achievements here
Galactic Dominion - Win 10 Space Battle competitions

1 Star requirements
  • Spend $1,000,000
  • Attractiveness Rating 70%
  • 50 Students attend Sci-Fi Convention Events
  • Campus Level 12
2 Star requirements
  • Spend $2,500,000
  • Win Space Battle Events (3)
  • Level 5 Time Tourism Club
  • Develop 120 New Friendships
3 Star requirements
  • Spend $5,000,000
  • Campus Level 30
  • Level 18 Students (10)
  • 400 Students Attend Events

Cheesy Heap: Delta-Rye
Achievements here
All Aboard - Unlock all rockets and reach maximum student transport capacity

Space Cadet - Earn 1 star on Cheesy Heap: Delta-Rye

The Good Stuff - Run 50 A-grade Cheese-Moongery classes

1 Star requirements
  • C Grade Humanities Classes (5)
  • Earn $50,000 from Creamatorium Classes
  • Average Student Happiness 70%
  • Students on Campus (60)
2 Star requirements
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Mine 25 Space Rocks
  • Generate 3000 Research Points
  • Students on Campus (80)
3 Star requirements
  • A+ Grade Humanities Students Graduate
  • Campus Level 30
  • Remove 25 Invaders
  • Earn $1,000,000 from Creamatorium Classes

DLC - School Spirit
For the DLCs I'm only going to give the achievements and the different star requirements

Lifeless Estate
Achievements here
Haunted Housework - Capture 300 ghosts

Schools 'n Ghosts - Earn 1 star on Lifeless Estate

R.I.P and Quiet - Unlock all plots on Lifeless Estate

1 Star requirements
  • Defeat Hester Hellhole
2 Star requirements
  • Defeat Humphrey Hellhole
3 Star requirements
  • Defeat Lady Lifeless

DLC - Medical School
For the DLCs I'm only going to give the achievements and the different star requirements

Lake Tumble
Achievements here
Curing Spree! - Cure 15 patients in a row

1 Star requirements
  • Cure Rate of 75%
  • Cure 10 Lightheadedness Patients
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Successfully Complete 3 Emergencies
2 Star requirements
  • Cure Rate of 85%
  • Earn $500,000 from Treating Patients
  • Students on Campus (80)
  • Rooms at 40% Treatment Power (3)
3 Star requirements
  • Cure Rate of 90%
  • Average Student Happiness 70%
  • A+ Grade Students Graduate (40)
  • Campus Level 20

Lake Tumble
Achievements here
Wham and Blast - Have a treatment machine explode

1 Star requirements
  • Receive 9 Plots from Molten Rock
2 Star requirements
  • Receive 18 Plots from Molten Rock
3 Star requirements
  • Receive 27 Plots from Molten Rock

Lake Tumble
Achievements here
Your Own Medicine - Complete 10 patient research projects

One Wise Cure-All - Successfully treat every patient illness

The Old Gold Standard - Earn 1 star on Pointy Peak

1 Star requirements
  • Surgery Cure Rate of 60%
  • Level Up 100 Students
  • Complete 5 Research Projects
  • Earn $250,000
2 Star requirements
  • Surgery Cure Rate of 75%
  • Average B+ Grade on Campus
  • Cure 80 Patients
  • Earn $1,500,000
3 Star requirements
  • Surgery Cure Rate of 80%
  • B+ Grade Students Graduate (50)
  • Complete 15 Research Projects
  • Earn $4,000,000