Make Multiplayer Great Again: Game balance changes
โดย Rurik
The huge game design document with balancing various aspects of the game from a professional game designer.
Hello people,

I am big fan of RTS games and Northgard especially. Also I am professional game designer with 10 years of expertise in balancing various things.

Currently Northgard has 2 main modes. It seems devs are oriented on balancing the game for Teams game. But I think FFA is the most fun mode of the game. And it is forgotten by devs now.

Everyone finds its joy. People play for fun, for chill, for domination and etc. If a noob/leaver appears in a Team game, then this game is ruined. If 3 people suddenly leaves after starting FFA game, the game continues and other 5 people will still get fun.

So, FFA is extremely enjoyable now. But currently only 5 of 19 clans are good in FFA. Other 5 are ok. The rest can't compete at all.

So, I have prepared a huge list of changes I advice to add to the game to make Northgard shines brigher. My suggestions affect all game features connected to multiplayer games, not just FFA.

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As a professional game designer I am offering mostly changing of parameters and using similar abilities mechanics. All of these changes are easy to implement.

Above clan balancing changes, I also revised all other stuff, like special events, victory conditions, neutral fractions changes and etc.

If you like my ideas, please leave a comment. I spent a lot of time on writinf this. Really would like to get feedback.

Changes of Battle Specializations
Leadership is almost great in current patch. I just have some little changes in mind:
  • Remove Warchief presense requirement from Bodyguard skill.
    - Battle clans will take early chief anyway, so its not important. But some clans like Ox can benefit a lot from it -

  • Unlocking later skills also reduces cooldown of Bodyguard from 6 months to 4/2/0 months.
    - A small but pleasant improvement -

  • Decrease cooldown of Battle Roar ability to 2 months.
    - Last Legions spec is better because it doesn't have a cooldown -
- - - - -

Legions is an ultimate leader in late games. It has the most powerful bonuses. Second bonus is super great on all game phases. But the third lore completely ruin all game balance because it has no power in early game, but give extremely huge bonuses later. To make it even more unbalanced, the last lore gives high bonus to speed/damage for nothing.

So, I offer next changes:
  • Decrease bonus damage from Veterans skill from 100% to 50%.
    - This bonus breaks all game balance -

  • Veterans skill now allows to upgrade 1 military camp for free.
    - Now it gives an instant bonus, but decreases its late effect -

  • Increase wood reduction cost for construction of camps with Military Base skill from 20% to 40%.
    - Legions has currently the weakest first lore. We pump it up a little -

  • Reduce damage & attack speed bonuses from Call of Valhalla skill from 30% to 15%.
    - Now it activates too fast, give huge endless bonuses and can't be countered at all -

  • Add an Epic Battleground effect to the game. It activates when 25 units "of all players" died on the zone. Call of Valhalla gives double bonus under this effect
    - It gives players an option to retreat from the zone to cut an enemy from this bonus -
- - - - -

Most of Guardian bonuses a good, but it is still the least chosen battle specialization. Mainly because the first and the last skills are worse than from other specs. I offer next changes:
  • Move bonus to max warband to the first skill. So now it scouts and give +1/+2 to WB.
    - Currently it is unlocked too late -

  • Third skill now gets another bonus increasing HP of all towers by 20%. No longer give bonuses to max WB.
    - A slight but pleasant bonus -

  • Make Spike Barricade reduce attack damage of enemies inside the tile by 15%.
    - Currently it is the weakest ultimate bonus. We need to boost it -

  • Reduce Spike Barricade cooldown from 3 months to 1 month if it is destroyed manually by the player.
    - It will give a player a lot of tactic possibilities -

  • Unlocking the ultimate skill also increases resistance of Militia by 75%.
    - Militia loses all its power to that moment of the game. So we boost it. -
Neutral factions changes
Currently only Dwarves and Jotunn bonuses are useful. Elfs and Kobolds bonuses are useless at all. Also, they usually always die. And they are easy to be killed. So we need to make all neutral bonuses are valuable.

  • Increase reputation loss for conquering a neighboring zone from -7% to -15%.
    - Negative bonus can be easily avoided now with just 1 scout -

  • Increase Fame loss for killing Dwarves from 100 to 150.
    - Getting an access to infinite stone for such a small price is nonsense -

  • Increase Dwarves resistance by 15% for each clan which has 30% reputation with them.
    - Make killing them a little bit harder if players trade with them -

Currently they are too weak. Nobody can reach 100%. Also the 30% bonus is poor. It is easier to just kill them. So we need to BOOST it.
  • Bonus 30% allows to colonize Kobold tiles. They become guardians of the tile and also boost production of that zone by 15%. Maximum Kobold count on player tiles is 6.
    - Now players can protect these creatures from extinction -

  • Improve 100% bonus. Awards with +7 crowns income instead of +5.
    - Just a small bonus to motivate players seek for Kobolds approval -

  • Give Kobolds 100% resistance bonus on the Home tile (starting tile). This bonus do no work if Home tile is conquered by a player.
    - Make killing them a bit harder task -

  • Eradication of Kobolds also awards a player with crowns. Reward is 50 crowns + 25 crowns for each 6 months passed.
    - Killing them is harder now, so there is a reward for that. Also they suppose to have crowns stocks ;) -

Elves are supposed to be very dangerous neutrals but now can be killed with just a chief and 4-5 warband. Also, their bonuses are complete garbage and nobody ever tries to gather reputation with them.
  • Changes Elves base count to 4. Increase Elves count by 1 each 6 months up to 12 elves in total.
    - Make them harder to kill -

  • Do not lower Elves count when they send raids after the event.
    - Elves amount reduces to 2 and they so easy to be killed -

  • Set starting reputation with Elves to 20% for all players. And add a constant -0.1 modifier.
    - If you don't please them, they will start a war with a player -

  • Change at War effect. Double stealing effect is removed. Now they send raids 3 times more often to this player.
    - Their raids will make player suffer -

  • The longer the game lasts the more elves they send to raids. Amount raises by 1 up to 5 each 18 months.
    - It will make them dangerous all game -

  • 30% bonus remains unchanged.
    - But now players will desire to have it -

  • Complete change of 100% bonus. Now a player can hire an Elf for 50 crowns. Player can hire new Ellf at any time if the old one died. Also, reaching this bonus increases constant reputation modifier from -0.1 to -0.3 for all other players. Elves can have only 1 ally (like Jotunns).
    - Extra unit with such stats can be very helpful as well as endless raids to enemies -
Currently it is the most desired neutrals for all players in all game modes. I suggest a few small changes.
  • If Jotunn warrior has died it resets reputation with this Jotunn camp for all players to a maximum of 30%. So other clans can get own Jotunn now. Clan who lost Jotunn can't get it again.
    - It will make games more dynamic because killing enemy Jotunn will allow to get yours -

  • (Optional) Increases Jotunn health to 175 but decrease resistance to 8. This change don't change their durability, but will make harder to heal them now.
    - Clans with Heal bonuses (Eagle and Rat) have huge advantages -

- - - - -

I am almost sure these changes will make ALL neutrals desirable. It will make the game more diverse and different each new match.
New Neutral fractions ideas
I really like how you implemented Neutral fractions in the game. You can just kill them to clear the tile and get a bonus or you can improve relations. They give 2 bonuses at 30% and 100%. And these bonuses opens a lot tactics possibilities. Also, the random factor makes the game more interesting. In one game you got Jotunn neutrals, in another you got Elves and etc. The more kind of neutrals are in the game the more interesting new match gets. So, I designed 2 more fractions. Check it out.

The tile contains Horse Tower Level 3, Upgraded House and Upgraded Shipyard. Also the tile has 4 Trackers, 5 Skirmishers and 7 Mercenaries. Unlike other factions Bandit units ARE do not respawn. Killing them in one raid is nearly impossible. So you need to make several attack to finally kill them.
  • If you kill Bandits and destroy their tower - you get 100 Fame and you can colonize this zone for FREE and repair Shipyard and House and use it.
    - Killing them will be a hard task but very rewardable -

  • Every play starts with War (-30% reputation) with Bandits. They do coastal raids with 2 mercenaries each 4-7 months. Amount of mercenaries in a raid increases each 15 months.
    - Act like an another form of Elves -

  • Bandits stop raiding a player when he raised reputation with them to 0%.
    - A good reason to gain their favor -

  • 30% bonus make Bandits use Fire Spears with each raid (old Raven mechanics). Each burned building awards a player with 10 crowns. An amount is divided among all players with 30% bonus.
    - Good way to hurt your opponents for such a small price and get some coins -

  • 100% bonus gives a player option to launch a 8 upgraded mercenaries raid at any coastal tile for 150 crowns price each 4 months. (like old Raven mechanics)
    - Everyone can be a Raven now -

So, I expect what all players will try to reach 0% reputation to stop harmful raids. The player who has Mercenaries as a neighbors can plan to kill them and conquer the tile OR earn 30% reputation to make enemies life harder. Finally, upon getting access to the final bonus give a big battle bonus similar to strength of Jotunn warrior.

I think there should be an analog of Ents in Scandinavian mythology. The concept is based on tree-life creatures. They are entirely peaceful. The tile contains 3 Ents.
  • Ents are tough units. Each has 750 health, 12 resistance and 0 damage. So killing them is easy, but takes a lot of time.
    - An interesting concept I think -

  • Each killed Ent awards a player with 175 wood and 25 Fame. Ents do NOT respawn.
    - You can kill them for wood bonus -

  • Military units who entered Ent tile while in state of War receive -30% attack penalty effect for 6 months.
    - You receive a penalty after eradicating them -

  • Base reputation (0%) allows to freely pass Ent tile.
    - They do not harm -

  • They start healing units inside the tile with a double speed of usual healer when player reaches 30% reputation with them.
    - Very useful bonus for aggressive clans -

  • 100% bonus provides endless +10 wood and +5 lore production bonus.
    - Very good economy bonus -

I expect what this new Neutrals will offer a lot of fun for players. Player can kill it, can rush reputation for healing bonus. The final bonus is also good. Player can try to defend them and preventing them from being killed. It seems very fun.
Event changes
Currently some events are really fun and cool (like Blizzard), while others are completely garbage. I suggest to make all events fun. There are my ideas:

The most boring event now. I suggest future changes:
  • Make it lasts for 2-4 months. While event is active it increases construction/repairing time of all buildings by 200%.
    - This change can make Earthshake deadly as Blizzard -

  • Villagers tool bonus is doubled during this event.
    - Currently nobody forge them at all -

These changes will make this event really interesting. Player can attack at the time of the event to prevent other player from repairing a tower.

Draugr Invasion
This event is fun only when appears in the start of the game. It completely unfun after 801 year.
There are my suggestions:
  • The longer the game lasts the more draugr each portal spawns after short time.
    - Make Draugrs are great again -
For example, during first year, it acts as usual, At the second year, each draugr portal spawn another draugr after 1 month. So, you didn't kill them fast, it becomes a real invasion. If event appear at third year, then more portals are opened. On a fourth year, each portal spawn more draugrs and etc.

I am sure these changes will make this event really fun. Player can't defend it with just a tower now. or militia. He must really prepare against it. And others player can use it against a player.

Fallen Sailors
Similar to Draugr Invasion this event is fun only at the first year when 3 Spirital warriors can hurt you. When event appear later stages it is just a noise and free battle experience. There are my advices:
  • Amount of tiles attacked by Spectral Warriors increases by 1 each 24 months up to 3 in total.
    - Player will prepare to defend it -

Rat Infestation
This event is interesting now but it is hard to counter it. Doesn't matter what a player does it makes sick 6-8 population. Sometimes it can dramatically hurt.
  • Set base sick count to 4. Another man get sicked for each 5 people in a total population.
    - I will hit harder the more game lasts -

  • Each active healer reduces amount of sicked clan members by 1. So now player can build extra Healer's Hut to reduce damage and outheal remaining pop faster.
    - We adding a counter action -
Changes and ideas for Special Events
Ceremonial Bonfire
Current version similar to most other events and requires trading posts. So, usually clans with merchants bonuses like Kraken and Boar wins it. I offer different mechanics using free building slots.
  • Player can get 1 event point by building a event building. It costs 20 wood and take 1 building slot. Player can upgrade it for 20 wood and 2 stone to get 2 more event points.
    - Elegant concept i think -

  • Award is the same, 1 free lore. Also, give 200 lore to second place and 75 to third.
    - People often refuse to compete after a leader appeared -
So, new mechanics still requires a lot of wood. But uses free space as a core event mechanics. A lot of clans struggle of free slots, so it can be interesting. Taking a new tiles and placing 3 event building to get points.

Mylfakar Demand
Absolute garbage event now. Nobody and never send iron to them, because their event raid is lame. So we just need to make it dangerous. Leave mechanics of sending iron untouched but significantly increase the damage elves can do.
  • Top #1 gets 30% extra reputation with Elves.
  • Top #2 receives no raids.
  • Top #3 and 4 receive small raids. Raid contains 3 elves.
  • For other players reputation with Elves set to War. And Elves sends a raid of 5 elves. Amount increase by 1 for each 2 game years passed.
    - Now, being the last can be a serious problem -
New Event - Scouts
A lot of things appear on neutral zones (like Eagle cache). The clan who opened the most caches - wins. Reward can be any. For example, 100 Fame.bonus.
- Let give players who scouted map early extra possibilities -

New Event - Combat
A lot of strong neutral packs appear on neutral tiles. These units die when event ends. It can be any strong units. For example, you can use Fire Jotunn from the campaign. The clan that killed the most wins. Reward is optional, but I think unique Warchief bonus would be great. For example, +35 hp.
- This event will motivate to convert units earlier and fight -

New Event - Production
Players can build small buildings on free slots for 3 iron cost (looks like relics). Two villagers can be assigned to this building to produce event currency. Who gathered the most - wins. Reward is optional. I offer the winner receives 7-10 villagers. Top #2 receives 3 villagers.
- Cool concept. Also motivates player to use Iron which is slightly useless now -

New Event - Sailors
Now, most of events require having trade routes to fulfill them. So, we can simply add another event there you need sailors to farm it. Simply but makes the game more diverse. The winner gets 7 sheep.
- Option to receive 500 food can very useful -

Victory Conditions changes
This part of the game has 3 main flaws now.
  • Trade victory is useless.
  • Special victory conditions are nonsense.
  • Fame victory in FFA is not balanced.

Trade Victory Changes
Trade Victory is unachievable in lobbies higher 200 pts. Because a man who does it is so far behind on crowns so can't defend himself completely. It doesn't work in Teams and FFA both.

But making it useful is very simple. We just need to make Option 1 of Great Trade Routes is profitable, so most of players will use and get small Influence income. Kinda a bonus from taking Sailors Lore and building a Lighthouse. Later players can start rushing it at certain moment of the game.

Also, a lot of clans struggle from lack of Happiness, so trading Krowns for a Happiness boost is a good idea.

So we change values and adding an another one
  • +3 Happiness and +3 Influence <- 1 Krowns
  • +6 Happiness and +8 Influence <- 4 Krowns
  • +10 Happiness and +16 Influence <- 14 Krowns
  • +12 Happiness and +40 Influence <- 60 Krowns

Also, I advice to changing bonuses from reaching milestones.
Make them more frequent and useful. For example, each 200 Influence gives player random resources of 100 food OR 75 wood OR 4 stone. Also it brings 1 Villager with it.

In overall, we evolve Trade victory from All-in strategy to a useful instrument to boost an economy and an option to win in the late game.

Fame Victory Changes
This is the most popular way to win. And some clans are much easier to achieve it. Especially Stag. This is kinda imbalanced. I offer next:
  • Altar of Kings can be upgraded now. It gives no bonuses except of being a requirement for Fame win. The price of upgrading is similar to a price of construction
    - It opens a lot of strategies and just fun -

  • Also upgraded AoK requires a specific resource which is different for all clans. For example, extra price for upgrading AoK for Stag is 300 fame; 500 Military Experience for Wolf; 15 iron and stone for Horse and etc.
    - It will allows to balance it for different clans -

  • Gives all clans unique ways of earning Fame.
    - It opens a lot of strategies and just fun -
These changes will prevent sneaky Fame win. When player has 900 fame & 10 tiles and then BOOM and suddenly wins. Also, it nerfs Stag a little.

Relic of Gods
RoG works pretty good after adding new mechanics of Lore victory. Anyway, middle tile should be a conflict of interests, but this tile is needed only for Lore win. I advice to give it a small bonus for everyone.
  • Colonization of Relic of Gods tile awards with 1 free Lore (like Boar Thane rank).
    - It opens extra strategies and just fun -
Killing it for fame is kinda useless because there are other simpler methods. So usually nobody kills it for Fame bonus. Sad, it is fun to fight against it. So my offer next:
  • Killing a Wyvern also awards a player with 500 crowns.
    - A really nice bonus for a player who made big army first in the game. Also Wyvern will be desirable to be killed early in Team Games -
I saw a player won with it only 1 time. It happened because other player was confused and didn't know that enemy was colonizing middle tile. Anyway, colonization takes 1 year and it is so easy to prevent now. There is way to make it an interesting strategy.
  • Colonization times of this tile is usual. But it costs 2500 food.
    - Offers a way of sneaky victory -
To unlock so high food limit player need to build 3 upgraded silos. It is not really easy. But it offers a way of Sneaky win if enemies didn't scout a player or pay not enough attention.

Magma Flow
For my 5+ years of Northgard experience I never saw a game which was won with this type of Victory. It is sad, because it looks like an interesting mechanics. I offer next changes.
  • Change price to 20 iron for all parts and craft time to 2/2/4 months. First craft increases production of all special workers by 15%. Second craft increases attack damage of all units by 15%. Third allows to win the match.
    - Now players will want to take and hold this tile -
I think this change can make games more diverse and interesting.

Gates of Helheim
The only one really useful special middle tile. It works in the game with Guardians where you can't bring them down and they can't do the same to you.
  • Reduce required amount of time from 8 to 6 months.
    - It is too long now -
Clans quick overview & Nerf's
Most of clans are playable and good in Teams game. But the good options for FFA are vety limited. These clans are very useful in FFA now.


They are cool. They have powers. They are fun to play. Players select them very often. So leave them as they now. Let's try to buff other clans, so it would be fun to play as the clans above. Having a possibility of win is a core aspect of fun. But some clans just are sooooooo bad.

Nerf's suggestions
  • (Lion) Remove Holy Fire Relic. Or add a way to counter it. Do not link to a feast now or add 3 month cooldown. Or reduce damage dealt. Anything. IT IS BROOOOOKEN!
    - It is completely broken now. It is super strong -

  • (Stag) Replace Colonization lore with Hero Emblem lore.
    - Access to Colonization with several silos allow to win with Fame in 802. It is bad -

  • (Rat) Your idea of decreasing the bonus for upgrading shaman camps from +5% to 3.5% is good.
    - Rat is really strong in late. It makes it slightly weaker -

  • (Kraken) Change amount of given spirit warriors from 3 to 1/2/3 depending on Ranks.
    - Now it is super strong bonus in 801 rush games -

  • Reduce falconers reputation income with Jotunn to 66%.
    - Eagle can earn Jotunn to mid 801 without hurting his economy. With healing ability it is almost unbeatable -

I mentioned only game breaking things which drive people crazy very often. For example, Lion is much stronger than other clans now, but let keep it this way. I just want to remove complete broken things from the game.
Wolf clan changes
Currently Wolf clan feels OK in Team games. Everyone plays with Middle Lore path and try to win before 803. It fulfills a role of Clearer and Rush clan. On other hand, it can't do anything else. No economy bonuses make it unavailable to show any success in FFA games. So, I suggest keep Wolf Team games gameplay style the same while adding more bonuses to FFA games.

Wolf main gameplay is based on fighting and getting military experience. I want to leave this idea unchanged. There are my suggestions:
  • Give Wolf non-limited military experience now. Each new tier after reaching 3'000 costs 1000 of military experience and allow to learn another battle skill.
    - This change won't change Team games because they usually finish before players reach the cap. But this change will bring Wolf to the battlefield from the oblivion in FFA games -

  • Wolf gets 30 Fame for unlocking new military skill.
    - Wolf really struggles with getting Jarl rank -

  • Wolf gets double fame for sacking zones and killing players.
    - For same purposes and to specify clan specialization in FFA -

  • Replace Erudition lore with new Special lore. It gives a player +1 all resources income for each learnt military skill.
    - Nobody learn Wolf bottom lore path. Now they will. -

  • (Optional) Player gets an option to forge an improvement for the Warchief with a cost of 1000 military exp. It gives something. For example +40% health bonus.
    - I find it very fun being able to pump warchiefs like Stag can -

All of these will motivate players fight more and give good late potential for the clan which it doesn't have now at all. In team games Wolf will be the same since Wolf couldn't afford to play bottom lore path. In FFA it gets a huge boost.
Lynx clan changes
In my opinion Lynx is one the funniest clans to play. It is super hard to play it. And even if you master this clan, you will still suffer to random map generation and lack of animals, economical problems and other reasons.
  • Improve Spoils of Plenty lore. Increase food bonus from 10% to 20%. And allow to place it in zones with Deer. So a player can make a 5 man hunter hub with +20% (upg. building) +10% (silo) and +20% (lore) bonuses.
    - Lynx has no economical bonuses at all. Let help him with food at least -

  • Replace Weaponsmith with new Unique lore. It increases attack damage of all units by 10%. Each active hunter produces +0.5 Hunting trophies and increase attack damage of all military units by 2% to a maximum of 20%.
    - Absence of animals in the start is supercritical. This effect removes it. Also makes improves core clan idea. -

  • Give new base bonus. Each killed animal grants +1 Fame.
    - Lynx can't get Fame from upgrading buildings and have no fame bonuses at all. Usually Lynx doesn't get Jarl Bonuses in Teams games -

  • Give Warchief a ranged attack. (or remove attack at all and give supportive or ability to heal).
    - Now it is the worst chief in the game. It is slow, weak and just bad -

  • Swap Relic effect (Traps) with 500 fame bonus. So at 500 Fame player could play spike trap and to use Oskoreia ability he needs to forge the relic
    - Currently relic has good and fun mechanics but it is bad for a relic. But it is a great tool especially if given for free -

Ox clan changes
Ox is the most fun to play in my opinion duo 1 man 1 building mechanics. I played so much matches and I can for sure, the clan is extremely weak now. Ox is the worst option in Team games now. Because it can do NOTHING if players attack early 801. Just nothing. And it is still bad in 803 compared to other clans. Boar/stag/lion can bring up to 20 warband in the start of 803 when Ox can't do that. Finally, Torfin is designed as the strongest chief in the game, but now it is overpriced unit with average stats.

  • Add another basic bonus which provides +3 to warband bonus to the Town Hall.
    - Ox suffers from limited space in the beginning of the game -

  • Move Thane bonus to the basic bonus (production bonus for military units).
    - Having this bonus will make profitable to keep 1 unit for clearing/defending purposes in the start of the game -

  • Give healers food income bonuses like for all other food workers.
    - Ox has huge food problems. First winter is devastating if there are no sheep. And if there are just 2 food tiles - it means GG for him. This change will allow to compensate absence of food with healers -

  • Move Ram ability to 200 Fame bonus. Change its mechanics. Now it deals 50% damage to the building but make it burning. Cooldown - 4 months.
    - Allows early-game aggression. Current version of Ram at Jark rank brings nothing to the game -

  • New 200 Fame bonus. Torfin get +2% bonus resistance per each own battle unit in the tile.
    - Gives Thorfin more protection in the late game and works well with Ox relic -

  • Ram ability with Jarl now deals 90% damage. Using Ram ability increases resistance of all own military units in that tile by 15% for 2 months.
    - We make it it much better -

  • Change Thorfin price from 250 gold and 15 iron to 200 gold and 10 iron. Increase his basic health from 100 to 125 and his damage from 13 to 15.
    - Boar chief is MUCH cheaper now but have better stats. Also, high iron price means usually GG for ox since player just cant get another 10 iron. Thorfin is supposed to be the strongest chief in the game. Now it is a joke -

  • Make Military Training lore affect all types of barracks, not just Training camps.
    - It gives an option to play with shields game build -

  • Reduce the time for getting new item for Torfin to 1 month.
    - Getting 5th/6th items takes 4 months now. It is insane -

  • Increase bonuses from Unstoppable lore from +5% to +7.5%.
    - Usually the game ends with just 3-4 artifacts. Getting all of them is nearly impossible. While usual lore give +25% flat bonus. Thorfin just gets 10-15% and regeneration bonus. -

  • Move weapon forge discount bonuses from Ferocious charge to Military Training.
    - Player gets this bonus too late. -

I am sure these changes will bring Ox back from the oblivion

Stoat clan changes
I have played a lot of Lions game and tried to make Stoat clan works. First of all, Duchies mechanics is super intuitive. I suggest to add more numbers to descriptions and explanations. While Stoat is fun to play, it is weaker than Lion on all stages of the game. It requires boost.

  • Remove free upgrade bonus from Inland Protection lore. Add instead +5% damage bonus to all non-lords military units per each lord in the tile. Also, consider territory of an ally as own territory.
    - Absence of +20% damage lore is the main reason why Stoat is weak. When enemies rushes at 801, Stoat can do nothing and 1 war lord doesn't help at all. With this change Stoat will receive +10% damage at this point of the game and can't def an ally with lords. Also, it adds godo late potential -

  • Improve Marches of Brittany lore. Now it also decrease price of Sentries by 50% (both flat and extra price)
    - Nobody uses them now. When player choosing between hiring a fantassin for 100 crown or a sentry for 60 crowns, everybody will still take a fantassin.-

  • Improve Decima lore. Effect increases to +0.35 crowns per worker in the tiles with Abundance effect.
    - Duchies workers cost too much crown now. This bonus will improve mid-game for Stoat. Also it will motivates player to increase tiles livability (like Lion clan) -

  • New 500 Fame bonus. Warchief receives +20% damage/resistance bonus per each Levy activated.
    - A small combat boost in the late game -

Bear clan changes
Bear has some really cool ideas, but its power is below average now. It can't dominate early game as Eagle now. It looks worse in middle game than Horse and it can't do anything against late clan at all. But I like concept of this clan. It is just weak now. I offer to slightly boost without changing core mechanics.

  • Replace Freya's Blessing with Winter Festival lore bonus with less effect (+10% production during winter). Now they both useless, because Bear uses Fishers.
    - But if we take Winter Festival for free - that would be a great bonus -

  • Change Winter Festival lore bonus to +10 happiness during winter.
    - Can be taken in the late game as a minor bonus -

  • Improve Bear and Chief production bonus from 15% to 25%.
    - Stag has 10-15% anytime. Kraken can buff all tiles. Horse can buff several tiles and etc. But Bear has the same bonus for 2 tiles only and no bonuses at all when Bear in war -

  • Allow the Bear enter enemy tiles at 200 Fame with 50% reduced attack power.
    - When player reaches 500 Fame, 1 extra unit has no threat. Also, other clans have special units without restrictions. Now Bear can play more aggressively -

  • Change 500 Fame bonus. Give +3% attack damage for each 100 Fame gathered after 500. So first bonus comes at 600 Fame.
    - So pathetic bonus now. Let's improve late potential of Bear -

  • Add another 500 Fame bonus. The bear receives +7.5% HP bonus for each 100 Fame earned after 500.
    - Bonus called Bear Awakens, so let the Bear awakens -

  • Swap Protector of the land and Shield Mastery lores. Also, give 2 happiness instead of 1 for an upgraded camp.
    - Free forge should be unlocked early. And Protector of the land sounds as worse version of Feel Safe.

  • Remove damage bonus for Chief from relic. But increase resistance bonus from 10% to 30% to Chief.
    - Let's make Bear chief the toughest in the game. For now Stag is the toughest for free -

  • Increase resistance bonus from +5% to +10% from Shield Mastery lore.
    - Lion gets +5% per 1 tile. Bear gets +5% at all. Nonsense. -

I am sure these changes won't make Bear overpowered but will bring back this clan from the Oblivion. And this clan would be fun to play as Kraken i am sure.
Dragon clan changes
This clan has a lot of cool ideas. But this clan is extremely hard to manage. Also, even if you did everything right, other clans can just show better performance. And it is sad. Dragon is supposed to be dangerous aggressive clan. But it is not dangerous and not aggressive now. I suggest next changes:

  • Change Draconic Frenzy bonus. Make it give +100% damage to the 1 unit with the least damage in the tile.
    - The worst military bonus in the game. Everybody fights with packs of units, so there are no situations there player benefits from it, Dragon clear starting areas with people. Clearer will clear the rest. So, this lore is just useless lore. Let's make it useful -

  • Replace weapon upgrade for dragonkins to getting 50% lifesteal with each strike.
    - Whirlwind ability now is weak in group with less then 8-10 units. New mechanics will unlock so much possibilities with smaller armies. Also it will make Dragon as sub-Clearer as Bear -

  • Give weaker version of Whirlwind to dragonkins as another 500 Fame bonus with reduced damage from 60% to 30%.
    - It looks cool. Would be sad to completely reduce it. Also will motivate players to reach 500 Fame tile-

  • Increase health of Nightmares from 80 to 100 hp.
    - Now it is super expensive and average unit. Needs a buff-

  • Give a way to counter rebel. Make slaves stop rebelling if dragonkin unit per Warchief appears on that tile.
    - Now, if it happens it means a 100% end for Dragon because he can't reach high amount of slaves at the second time -

  • (Optional) 500 Fame unlock a Chief upgrade in forge. It costs 14 Draconic essence. Chief gets an ability which increase his damage by 5% for each Dragon military unit in the tile.
    - Good late game boost mostly for FFA -
Goat clan changes
Goat is good in Teams but desperately bad in FFA. It is sad, because managing these sheep is fun. So, let's give Goar some late potential.
  • Improve Spare Tools lore. Food workers with tools also generate +0.5 lore.
    - Goat desperately suffer from lack of lore -

  • Give 50% penalty for getting Military experience.
    - I think this thing makes Goat special. Pure economical clan -

  • Replace Happy Shine People with new Unique lore. It provides +0.66 happiness for each sheep in the shipyard. Bonus is tripled during feast.
    - Improved version of happiness lore -

  • Give the Relic a new effect. Set maximum feast cost to 1000 food.
    - At some point you can't make new feasts and it is end for Goat -

  • Replace Military strategy with Unique lore. Now it gives +5% resistance bonus instead of attacking bonus
    - Stacks better with feast regeneration bonus. And more pacific idea to the clan -

  • 500 Fame bonus also unlocks an upgrade for the Warchief with 1000 food cost. The Chief gets +100% health.
    - Good late game boost especially in FFA -
I still doubt Goat will shine with these changes, but I am sure that players will pick this clan more often. It becomes a clan with strong economy bonuses and weak attack military bonuses.
Boar Clan changes
Boar clan is very good in Team games. but it slightly better than average in FFA. I suggest to tweak just some things.
  • Change the Relic. The Giant Boar is chained to the chief (like old Bodyguard mechanics). It remains fighting on the tile until there are enemies alive. So no way to harass with it. Increase its health to 200. Disable constant regeneration bonus. Activate regeneration when the Boar stands on Swaps, Fish or Forest tiles.
    - Current version is useless. All boars play with happines relic only now. It won't be too strong, because it still can't be controlled. But it will be a strong useful tanky unit like Owl Giant or Big Rat Rat -

  • Change income bonus from Menders from +1 Lore and no Food consumption to +4 Food and +1 Lore with food consumption.
    - Menders should be an improved version of healer. Now they are different and bad -

  • Increase healing bonus from Herbalism from 20% to 40%.
    - Boar should be healing oriented clan but such low bonus ruins it -

  • Improve Legacy lore. Remove flat +50% bonus. Give +7.5% bonus per each lore discovered.
    - Adds good late potential -

  • (Optional). 500 Fame bonus unlocks Warchief upgrades in Forge: 1) +20 health for 250 lore; 2) +5 attack damage for 400 lore; 3) +30% resistance for 600 lore.
    - Too expensive for Teams games but a nice boost in FFA -
So, these changes will motivate the player use more menders now. More menders allow fast healing, so it will motivate players to use it. Attacks with small group and bring damaged units back.
Horse clan changes
Very cool clan. It was super strong some updates ago. And you nerfed it too much. I suggest just small changes:
  • Increase Volund Fire tools bonus from 5% to 10%.
    - Such a small number doesn't seem right -

  • Change relic. Remove defense and attack bonus. Increase mine/forge bonus from +20% to +50%. Grants extra 20 Health. Also it provides 1 hp/sec regeneration now.
    - It is not wise to make it now. Combination of Happiness relic and Mjollnir are much better. New bonuses are useful and allow to significantly improve economy since there are no other option to boost mining speed -

  • New Jarl bonus. Price and cooldown of Chiefs reduces by 33%.
    - Horse chiefs are not so good especially in the late game and losing them make harder to recover -

  • Jarl rank also unlock 3 upgrades for warchiefs in the forge. Each cost 10 iron: 1) Health +50%; 2) Damage +40%; 3) Resistance + 35%.
    - It adds good late potential for chiefs. Also it makes clan specialization more complete -
Squirrel clan changes
Squirrel was really popular clan a year ago. Now it is one of the least chosen clan in FFA and Teams both. So it is definitely requires some good buffs.
  • Give home tile extra +1 income to all ingredients during first year.
    - Squirrel struggles a lot in early game in lacking of ingredients -

  • Improve Chicken Nightmare lore. Make all subsequent hiring 66% cheaper. When Chief dies it boosts damage of own military units in the tile by 20% damage for 3 months.
    - Now this is nearly useless lore. Because it is basically just 150 crown bonus. And it replaces an awesome +20% lore. The main reason why Squirrel bad -

  • Double amount of ingredients Warchief produces in the Stove.
    - It gives just +1. So it is really pointless to force getting chief now -

  • Increase effect of scouts meal from +30%/60%/100% to 60%/90%/125%.
    - Too weak now. Nobody uses it -

  • Increase effect of mine/forge meal from +50%/75%/100% to 60%/90%/125%.
    - Affects usually 4 villagers maximum. So not enough good now -

  • Double effect of battle meal to +10%/20%/30% damage.
    - Resistance meal is much better, so nobody uses it -

  • Improve Rumor-Mongering lore. Increase defense bonus from 20% to 75%. Add another effect. It decreases reputation with all neutrals with all enemy clans for -0.1. A notification appears when Squirrel learns it.
    - The worst unique lore in the game now. Absolute useless. Also it is located in the end of bottom tree. Nobody can even reach it. New mechanics can be really useful -

  • Improves Meal effeciency to allies from 50% to 75%.
    - Now it costs too much. Stoat levies give the same bonus but free -

  • Relic change. Adds extra effect. Allows to maintain 2 meals at the same time ( or add it via Fame or Lore bonus).
    - That could be a nice late game bonus. Now players prefer usual Happiness relic -

  • (Optional) 500 Fame bonus unlocks an upgrade for Chief in Forge which cost 400 of each ingredient. Chief damage increases by 50%. Chief instantly heals all units in the tile for 15 Hp when it dies.
    - Good late game boost -

I hope these changes will bring Squirrel back to the game. Really. This clan has so interesting concept but nobody plays it.
Raven clans changes
Previous Raven with Fire Javelins was super fun but extremely annoying clan. So nobody wanted to play against it. New raven is much weaker. It can't make deadful damage with raids. It is still hard to make good economy. So, basically now can't bring much except fast scouting to Team games. In other words, Raven is a bad choice now.

  • Increase base crown income from Town Hall from 3 to 5.
    - Raven extremely struggles during first year of the game. When all other clans have economical bonuses. It doesn't have it at all. -

  • Improve the relic. Gives an ability to send ground mercenary raid to an enemy tile. Raid contains 1 mercenary per 1 merchant in relic tile. So 6 mercenaries are the maximum with a price 20 crowns per mercenary. They run toward targeted cell like Murlfakar. When they reach the tile, they stands there for some time as usual coastal raids. They give a player resources if they survived. Cooldown - 2 months.
    - I am sure this change will make Raven super useful in Team games and will motivate to forge the relic. Now it is a bad option especially against enemies with 1-2 shores -

  • Replace Erudition with Unique lore. It gives +3 lore income when 50% of the map revealed and +7 lore income when all map revealed.
    - Lore scouting bonuses ends when all map is revealed. Sailors give no lore. So Raven start fades. -

  • Give sailors +0.6 Fame income during Exploration action.
    - Sailors have no bonuses to fame/lore now. They have only +0.5 extra gold income. It slightly boost late game potential -

  • (Optional) Allows to forge 3 upgrades for a Chief with 250 crowns price each: 1) +40% damage; 2) + 25 hp; 3) +30% resistance.
    - Expensive late game boost -
Snake clan changes
Snake is super strong in Team games because it can easily get 500 crowns to the start of 801 and start harassing enemies when almost nobody can compete against it in solo. So, it is good for Teams. But in FFA Snake is super weak. So, let's give it some late potential.
  • Change relic. Remove Stealth and Dodge. Give each Snake unit an ability to 100% chance to dodge next attack. Cooldown - 5 seconds. Also, it increases movement speed of all Snake units by 15%.
    - Now it is an absolutely useless relic. New change allows to harass enemies much better with less losses. -

  • Allows to build Altar of Snake (copy of Altar of Kings). It give no usual bonuses. But give all snake units 15% Dodge chance.
    - All clans benefit from Altar in FFA game, but Snake can't. Let's give it a special bonus -

  • Replace Trading Caravan lore with new Unique lore. It increase maximum of Scorched Earths by 1.
    - It is too far so nobody will take it in Team games. But it will be useful in FFA -

  • Keep increasing damage and health of Signy by +2 damage / 5 health every year after 803.
    - It is the core mechanics of the clan. It should keep working. -
Final Note
Thanks for reading my thoughts. I spent a lot of time designing all this change. So any feedback would really appreciated.
6 ความเห็น
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 14pm 
и тут я понял что мог писат ьна ру ХАХАХАХХА :retreatordie:
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 13pm 
ah, it would be more accurate to say that improving/changing special tiles and events associated with them, if there are any, will stimulate interaction with them well. The same wyvern is more attractive, sacrificial fire, trade through sailors, trade with prizes not only for first place. Magma Flow is very exciting description
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 04pm 
Oh, and of course, changing the victory conditions will also be able to unleash the game around itself, but it seems like it's making the game more difficult, and as I said earlier, the developers are clearly trying to maintain a balance of accessibility between nerds and casuals, but at the same time they are happy to keep the concept of battles, leaving other victories (like "trade") - without a good analysis and transformation, to satisfy the concept of "war" in the game, even if you want to go into the economy, you could still have the opportunity to defend yourself, on equal terms, resist the attacker on your own terms.
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 03pm 
Here are the changes to the clans, there is nothing to complain about.
There is weight in your proposals and arguments, mainly due to immersion and collection of statistics and data analysis. The changes proposed for the clans provide mostly what they simply lacked, if you delve into their original meaning. The same "goat" is really inclined to pacifism and economics, and "doesn't like pain, so he is going to invest everything in defense" (a reference to the manga, appropriate).
Strengthening, adding opportunities for clans to receive the same glory, lore - which do not have them, to level them in the race with other clans. And somewhere to expand the mechanics, like the wolf with "combat mastery".
I especially like the concept in the late for strengthening the warlords.
And such changes to the clans maintain a neutral position - not making the game difficult for casuals and keeping it good for veterans - everyone should enjoy it more).
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 03pm 
The comments on the events are also good, but here I can note that - these proposals will complicate the gameplay, and the developers still probably want their game to be available not only to hardcore players, but also to a more relaxed audience, so that it would not be so frustrating. So I agree to change the essence of some events such as "earthquake", but even here I am not sure that it is a good idea, but let other changes be applied depending on the complexity of the map, more draugrs on the deadly one, etc.
Добре 3 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 02pm 
Ah, I wish the game designers department wouldn't pass by such interesting recommendations for the game. :csdsmile:
The concept of changing neutral factions is really intriguing, it greatly changes the attitude of the player and the players on the map with them, this will really allow more neutral factions to be included in the game, and they will expand the possible scenarios of the game. And the two proposed factions are also wonderful according to the new expanded concept of all neutral factions.