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Elf Ranged Poison Bombers
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29 янв. 2024 г. в 20:05
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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Elf Ranged Poison Bombers

Changes the wood elf standard arrows to match the attack profile of the poison wind globe bombers. Retains the range and benefits of the bow and arrow. Made this as a test to modding ability for projectiles while trying to increase the viability of lower tier units that often get left behind.
Комментариев: 4
delfiorina 31 мая. 2024 г. в 10:52 
THank you if you do that and thank you even if you dont do it i love this mod any way and have a wonderfull summer and take care.
Haze  [создатель] 8 мая. 2024 г. в 19:29 
Hello delfiorina, yes I can make such a mod but it will take a bit of time. This is not due to effort required but time constraints on my end. I have started my next semester of engineering and it is a half semester meaning twice as much work in half the time. When I get a moment of respite, I will see about the death globe avalanche effects or something similar.
delfiorina 8 мая. 2024 г. в 9:45 
Can you make the same mod but with that pink poison that the skaven have?
delfiorina 17 апр. 2024 г. в 7:30 
I love this mod it give som power to the wood elves and i use it with longer range mod ;D