Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Full A Site Mirage Smoked - One point, one man, released at same time
Por Ɗɨȶօ
I've never seen better than these 3 smokes on mirage!!

All three smokes will be released in approx. same time. The two first ones are hard to detect as smoke passing above building and not crossing A site.
The third one, smoking CT, is very fast released and will bounce only once. Your aim will face the direction to A site after execution of third making easy to exit A main prior all smokes even been released if executed fast.

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Ask two of your team mates to drop smoke at the door going to A main as shown on the picture
Aim the right door concrete edge and sticking to the wall as shown on picture
Smoke 1
The first smoke obstruct connector and jungle.
>> Aim the section of the wall to get your aim between the brown and the white in the middle below the white broken angle as shown on the picture. Once in position "jump throw" meaning hold pressing fire (press and hold throwing smoke) then press jumping and release fire once in air (no bind required as it does not required to be precise)

Consequence: If one is CT jungle, he will tend to go stairs and will be block by the second smoke.
Smoke 2
The second smoke obstruct stairs
>> Aim the second broken angle in the blue sky as trying to touch the bottom and right side of your aim to rebuilt the angle as shown on the picture. Once in position same "jump throw".
Tip: Try to prepare to aiming this point once your are ready to jump throw the first smoke you make you very fast.

Consequence: All players B and jungle are smoked. Only A site remains
Smoke 3
The third smoke obstruct CT and box. Meaning if player CT he has to jump on ticket exposing him
>> Aim the wall and found to big white cross of the wall with an off straight join as shown on the picture. Once in position "jump throw"

Consequence: smoke crossing site very fast but will be noticed by A site player. Time to rush as now the play CT is blocked and A site players are isolated.
Here you go ! Full A site smoked !
Combine this execution with one Molotov shadow (aiming A site signage and wood board). High change that players are now ninja / triple box.

Good luck and have fun!
1 comentário(s)
arc 23/jan./2024 às 6:39 
Good job! Nice guide