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100% Achievements Firewatch Guide | By: Bboyz
Af Bboyz
Full Guide To Get All Achievements In Firewatch! Including Pictures And Descriptions To Help Make Sure You Dont Miss Anything
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READ BEFORE PLAYING! (How to make achievements pop)
Unfortunately, this game has some notorious issues involving certain achievements not popping while playing. I found a few solutions that personally helped me make sure my achievements popped when I earned them. I would STRONGLY suggest that you follow these steps as you will likely not get your achievements otherwise.

1. Dont Tab Out Of Game
I have found online that some people have had issues not getting their achievements after tabbing out of their game repeatedly. To avoid this, make sure you don't tab out once you are in game. I recommend saving and then exiting the game instead of tabbing out.

2. Turn Off Autosave
This worked for me for some reason as soon as I did it. Turning off autosave will for some reason help make sure your achievements pop. Just make sure that you save from time to time to make up for the new lack of saves. You can find the setting to remove autosaves in the setting section when you first open the game.

3. Save Before You Reach An Achievement
I will show you the places you will need to get to in order to get each achievement. Make sure to save right before you reach it. In doing so, you can reload the game should the achievement not pop for you allowing you to try again.

If you have any other questions make sure to leave them in the comments. Along with any other solutions you found in order to make sure you get the achievements.

*Note* There will be some achievements that I will label as "missable" that you can achieve in free-roam once beating the game. This guide however, is intended for people who want to beat the whole game during their run without having to do cleanup after. Hence the term missable being used.
List Of Achievements
Here is a list of all the games achievements. We will go into detail later on in the guide for how to unlock each one.


These achievements will all be given to you after completing each required day. There is nothing special you need to do in order to get them other than just playing the game.


You are able to get these achievements after the game however, if you intend to complete everything in one run without having to go back then these achievements are ones that can be missed if you are not careful. This guide is made under the assumption that you will be completing everything in one go.
Day 1
Achievements Earned:

Super simple for day 1. Just play the game normally, don't worry about missing anything as there aren't any collectable achievements you will have to go back for and collect. Simply just enjoy your new game and its beauty.
Day 2
Achievements Earned:

This day will have missable achievements you will have to collect during the story. Here is how to get them both.

After you find the cut line you will begin to make your way down a path. After a bit of walking you will discover a fork in the road allowing you to go either left or right. Go left once you reach the fork and look ahead for a log that is positioned to be used as a bridge. You should immediately see a bag hanging from a tree that you will be able to grab. SAVE THE GAME BEFORE YOU GRAB THE CAMERA. Once you have grabbed your camera use all of the photos available to take pictures. Once you have run out, the achievement should pop. If it doesn't, reload the game and attempt to do it again. It took me a few tries to pop.

Once you reach Aspen Grove you will be able to see two tall pine trees with a large boulder in between the two. Sitting on the boulder will be a turtle you will be able to adopt. These trees will be facing north of the grove so you can use your compass to help find it. There is a chance that the turtle will not spawn on the rock. Do not worry, just save the game before you reach the rock and reload the game to try again. It should spawn after a couple of times as it did with me.

Day 3-76
Achievements Earned

At first glace it might seem odd that all of these days are given a section but you don't actually play them all. There aren't any achievements during these days that you need to get besides just completing day 76 so just sit back and keep playing.
Day 77
Achievements Earned

Alright back to achievement hunting! There is a lot to do on this day so strap in. We will start this day by going the opposite way the game directs us to so make sure you are prepared!

To begin, head north from the watch tower to the area shown on the map via the red circle. There is a fork in the road on the paths as you can see on the map. Once there, you will see an area to your left that will have a bush you will need to walk through and some wood you will need to break with your axe. (See second photo for reference) Once you are there you should see a campsite with the cassette on it. Make sure to save the game before grabbing the cassette just in case the achievement doesn't show up.

Thankfully, the next achievement to get is also here, just now to your right. Over to your right you will see an outhouse with a cabin in the distance behind it. Head over to the cabin and go down the stairs in it. Once you are downstairs, there will be a stove for you to open as well as a raccoon there to bite you. As always, I advice you to save before opening the stove just in case. You can now play the game normally now and go where the game instructs.

This achievement is quite easy and will be unlocked by most people just playing naturally. Once you end up breaking the fence open during the story, there will be a box right at the entrance for you to open. Once opened, you will be stung by a bee.

Day 78-79
Achievements Earned:

Just play through the rest of the game and you are now done once you finish Day 79. If you have been following the guide up until now this will be the final achievement you will unlock. If so, congrats on fully completing the game!

This is the first ever guide I've made. I decided to make one once I noticed I didn't find a guide that properly showed what to do with the achievements issue. Frustrated, I decided to figure it out and share my findings. I have been using guides for quite a long time so I thought its about time I gave back and helped out. If this guide was helpful to you please let me know by giving it a thumbs up and a good rating. Happy achievement hunting!

- Bboyz
70 kommentarer
Bboyz  [ophavsmand] 2. mar. kl. 19:59 
Hi Ivsic, thanks for the kind words!
Ivsic 13. jan. kl. 10:11 
Excellent guide, tyvm :steamthumbsup:
Nico Radioactive 12. jan. kl. 5:02 
Like others have said, I had to close and restart the game for some of the achievements to register. The Old Shoshone one only worked for me in free roam mode. Otherwise the cassette tape wasn't there.
Clone 11. jan. kl. 4:23 
Also if anyone needs, for the Racoon + Ol' Shoshone achievements,
I completed those in free roam but needed to fully close and restart the game before they proc'd
(I only picked up the axe before heading out and completed on the same load)
Clone 11. jan. kl. 4:21 
@mozymyers was expecting one for collecting the pine cones
MozyMyers 11. jan. kl. 1:04 
@hafichuk there could also be one for cleaning up all the beer cans 😄
MozyMyers 11. jan. kl. 1:03 
Excellent guide, thank you 😊
hafichuk 6. jan. kl. 8:57 
I'm disappointed there isn't a "librarian" achievement for collecting all of the books and putting them on your bookshelf.
Bboyz  [ophavsmand] 5. jan. kl. 20:09 
Hi toroknos_07, thankf you for the positive feedback
Bboyz  [ophavsmand] 5. jan. kl. 20:08 
Hi K3VENG3R, glad to hear the guide worked well for you