Top 20 OMORI moments[1k sub special]
14 ความเห็น
Jesus Christ From the Bible 18 ก.ค. @ 5: 15am 
after experiencing the most emotionally intense gaming experience of my life, I decided to take a gander through some community posts to take my mind off of things, only to be greeted with whatever this is. I feel it's time for me to commit Omori. Farewell, cruel reality
AetherWest 5 ก.ค. @ 2: 15pm 
im very confused and laughing at the same time, what even is this
Astran 2 ก.ค. @ 12: 41pm 
kel autism
Dishwater 3 มิ.ย. @ 5: 45am 
This is unfortunately awesome
sunny!!! 23 พ.ค. @ 8: 11am 
it's so fucking funny that I felt sick and fell down the stairs:steamhappy:
Mr. Huesos 6 พ.ค. @ 1: 44pm 
ahahahahhaha that's so fun. I'm happy now
Felix 22 เม.ย. @ 9: 03pm 
but if you "close your eyes"
snuuy 17 ก.พ. @ 5: 32am 
help the num 14 thumbnail (13 is so silly)
Ankaigel (SNM) 6 ก.พ. @ 6: 09pm 
Kaos 4 ก.พ. @ 12: 06pm 
These are truly the omori moments of all time