Counter-Strike 2
PET WAR | Base jumping
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Разни: Стикер
Тагове: CS2
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25 дек. 2023 в 11:56
25 дек. 2023 в 15:58
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В 1 колекция от Milong
Sticker Pack | Pet War
24 артикула
Base jumping is an extreme sport that uses a special parachute for jumping from fixed objects.
Also, some cats are terrified of how to be afraid of robotic vacuum cleaners,
and therefore I crossed a robot vacuum cleaner with a copter from the restricted area,
according to the idea, the cat will land on an enemy point, but at the same time fear for his life,
since he distrusts this copter with a vacuum cleaner.

Capsule history:
A long time ago (about 2 years ago), I decided to make a capsule of stickers with war dogs,
but after much thought and testing, remember a couple of ancient films about the confrontation between cats and dogs
(film name: "Cats vs. Dogs"), I decided to make a capsule "PetWar ". This capsule is a battle between dogs and cats,
Dogs play the role of Terrorists, Cats play the role of Counter-terrorists. Also, stickers display for each character
their individuality associated both in life and in the game.