Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Gate Ruler TCG [Updated up to Set 6]
즐겨찾기 해제
Type: Game
Game Category: Card Games
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 2
Play Time: 30 minutes
Assets: Cards
Language: English
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1.084 MB
2023년 12월 17일 오후 1시 26분
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Gate Ruler TCG [Updated up to Set 6]

This is a modified version of "Gate Ruler TCG English" by Orenji_Reiji

That's been updated to include all released cards in EN and JP, new Sets Include
Set 4: Become the Hero
Set 5: Shout with Geas
Set 6: Deities and Demon Lords (Unreleased in EN)
Starter Deck 5: Stun Beat (Unreleased in EN)
Dual Starter Deck DX: Draconoid Dreadnaughts vs Alice
Best Booster (Unreleased in EN)

Alongside some of the "WINNER" promo cards and such for sake of completeness

Bags have also been renamed to include Set names and identifiers (GB01, GRAS, etc.). Also added a new Geas bag for those cards

Any cards not released internationally have been given translated titles and descriptions, otherwise all cards are in English

Playmat has not been updated for rulers like Shuriken (although you can just play cards over the logo and turn phase info) or Janken Junkie (I'm not sure how you'd want to implement rock paper scissors in this)

All added Artwork and Translations are courtesy of
댓글 3
刘强东  [작성자] 2024년 12월 29일 오후 12시 58분 
I didn't ask the original author for permission myself so go nuts lol
gAmingTek 2024년 12월 29일 오전 8시 01분 
@Berry Go!!

Since not planning to update this, would would mind if I were to use your mod as a base to update and throw on here, then? XD
刘强东  [작성자] 2023년 12월 17일 오후 1시 56분 
not really planning on updating this if the newer sets are are being released in English or new JP sets come out so no real support from here on out. This version was pretty much made on a whim because I wanted to have exvader decks that were fun to play and only having sets 1-3 was not gonna cut it lol