304 évaluations
How to kill Moon Lord
De mailek
As you all know, the Moon Lord is the final boss in Terraria. Because of its high health and its numerous, highly damaging attacks, it is generally considered one of the hardest bosses in the game.

The following strategies will give players an easier time defeating him.

Regenerative Facetank
It is possible to defeat the Moon Lord while making no attempt to dodge its attacks whatsoever. While wearing a Squire's Great Helm, Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and Cross Necklace while fully buffed, one can heal off all the damage that the Moon Lord deals without ever being in too much danger. The leg slot can be filled with Valhalla Knight's Greaves, Spooky Leggings or Dark Artist's Leggings to boost melee, summoning, or magic damage output, respectively. (Ranged has no good bonuses in the leg slot.) In Classic Mode, if you do not have access to the Old One's Army, simply wearing armor pieces that provide the highest available defense will also work, as long as you are buffed with Regeneration, Lifeforce, Endurance, Ironskin, Well Fed, and a Luck Potion (optional).

Simply stand in a pool of honey, grapple yourself in place, and chip away at the Moon Lord’s exposed parts. Most weapons will be far easier to aim now that the Moon Lord is no longer moving around. Since you will be immobile for this fight, you can use accessories specialized entirely towards damage mitigation, regeneration, and damage output, with your priorities roughly in that order.

For the leg slot, Valhalla Knight's Greaves is recommended, since it has the highest defense. All accessory slots should be filled with defensive accessories, all reforged to Warding. In Normal Mode, Celestial Stone (Celestial Shell), Star Veil (Cross Necklace), Frozen Shield, and other two defensive accessories (such as Hero Shield or Black Belt) with buff potions mentioned above will let you safely kill the Moon Lord while maintaining almost full health.

In Expert Mode, this strategy still works, with additional requirements: Worm Scarf and/or Brain of Confusion, and an arena consisting of a Campfire, a Heart Lantern, Honey, a Bast Statue, a Garden Gnome, some form of Torch Luck, and the Dryad to benefit from Dryad's Blessing. Since the effect of damage reduction and dodge chance is proportional to the damage of the enemy, it is much more effective in Master Mode. For the Master Mode accessories, Cross Necklace (Star Veil), Frozen Shield, and Worm Scarf are necessary. Brain of Confusion, Black Belt (Master Ninja Gear), and Shiny Stone are recommended. For the remaining slot, Charm of Myths or Hero Shield is a good choice.

Avoiding Moon Bite
By building a minimalistic house with a Bed to set one's spawn point, it is possible to use a Recall Potion to dodge all of the Moon Lord's attempts to inflict the Moon Bite debuff. Simply switch to the Recall Potion and use it right before the tongue touches you, then after the Moon Lord teleports to your position, move in the opposite direction that the tongue was coming from. This works because the Moon Lord's tongue does not teleport along with him. This strategy allows the unobstructed use of weapons with lifesteal properties, like Vampire Knives and magic weapons paired with Spectre armor.

Hoik Method
This is the easiest, but longest way of fighting/farming the Moon Lord. It doesn't require much in the means of equipment, other than what you would probably have already at this point in the game. It will require patience as the battle will be lengthy, but this is a sure-fire way of winning that only requires clicking the mouse to use.

A full write and example can be found here.

Cavalry Method
Similarly to the minecart method, using a fast mount, like the Blessed Apple can make the fight easier. By setting up teleporters at the end of a long skybridge while using a weapon with tracking capabilities will allow you to outrun most of his attacks. Asphalt can be used for greater speed, at the cost of a speed reset when flying.

Ramming into Eye Sockets (Master Mode Only)
In Master Mode, all attacks of the Moon Lord have their damage tripled, except for the contact damage of the eye socket, which deals 80 as in Normal Mode. It means that if your defense is higher or equal to 79, you will only take 1 damage from it while triggering invincibility frames. To utilize this, you need: armor and accessories setup with at least 79 defense, A Cross Necklace (Star Veil) which elongates invincibility frames, a shield that prevents knockback, and enough mobility (infinite flight) to keep up with the movement of the eye socket. You will have to somehow take out one eye to use this strategy, though. After that, you can just follow and touch the empty eye socket while shooting at other parts of the boss.

Nurse strategy
The Nurse can heal you anytime you take damage, so by utilizing her the player will not have to worry about damage at all. The Nurse has a low chance of dying in that all NPCs take reduced damage. Furthermore, the Nurse's ability to heal herself makes damage she takes minimal. To use this to the best effect, build a house for the Nurse, turn on autopause, and use a powerful summon such as the Stardust Dragon. Just stay in the Nurse's house, healing whenever you take a lot of damage, and let the summon do all the work. You won't have to worry about dying, and the summon will kill the Moon Lord eventually. As of version 1.4, the cost of healing with the Nurse was re-balanced and is now much much more expensive, up to 30 gold per heal in the worst case scenario. If you consider using this strategy, be sure to prepare with lots of money to spare.

Asphalt Skybridge
Using asphalt as a base for a skybridge can help in evading the Moon Lord's attacks as well as provide time for health regeneration. By putting pools of honey along with campfires and heart statues you can take more damage and heal faster. Ranged weapons work best for this strategy such as the Daybreak for melee, Vortex Beater for ranger, Stardust Dragon Staff for summoner (along with a whip to target parts of the Moon Lord while you are running), and the Nebula Blaze for mage. If you get too far away from the Moon Lord and he teleports to you, fly up and around him and continue running away.

So these were some tips i wanted to tell yall.
(the strategies were taken from https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Moon_Lord_strategies)
(no need to thank me)
Good luck and don't give up skeleton!
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42 commentaires
ProbNotCross 8 déc. 2024 à 5h18 
Why are you making a guide for some DSII boss in DSIII
Terrariacraft 17 nov. 2024 à 23h29 
wrong game lol
alour6 3 oct. 2024 à 8h07 
Man, they thought they could trick me, I knew I hadn't REALLY fought the final boss, and this guide proved it
cookie407 1 oct. 2024 à 12h06 
now make a guide on how to get the zenith
Nomadic Jester 26 sept. 2024 à 23h19 
Ashen One, this is a Firelink's
djiguana 11 sept. 2024 à 12h35 
I KNEW I missed the true Final Boss. They pulled a Bloodborne on us again!! Soul of Tinder did have that Death Ray attack, now to just find out how to pull Cthulu out of Tinder...
nicolas 26 aout 2024 à 8h04 
where are the asphalt blocks, I've looked all over Undead Settlement and I couldn't find any
Lady Iudex 25 aout 2024 à 12h24 
Sir this is a Wendys
fireandbombs12 6 aout 2024 à 15h29 
You can get lots of extra honey by joining the honeybros clan and beating invaders.
BlueGay 31 juil. 2024 à 14h01 
I just beat this guy I think his name was Iudex Gundyr? He was really hard, should I just go to Moon Lord now?