Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

256 ratings
100% Achievement Guide [Yakuza 0] ๐Ÿ’ฏโœ…
By Division
This is a 100% comprehensive walkthrough of all 55 achievements for new players and will cover everything about this game in details from the basic, walkthrough, and step by step. I hope achievements you miss can be replicated by such from this guide.
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Total Achievements: (55)
100% completion time: ~150-180 hours (Varies).
Difficulty modes:
  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard (Complete any with three difficulties on first playthrough)
  • Legend (Second Playthrough)
New Game+: Yes (No chapter select)
Missables: Yes
Mode: Single-Player, JRPG

Achievement Types:
1) Story Related: (12)
2) Missable: (8)
3) Secondary Objectives: (8)
4) Substories: (3)
5) Collectable: (3)
6) Business/Money: (11)
7) Moves & Skills: (3)
8) Enemies/Climax: (5)
9) Completion List: (2)

I. Steps to 100%:
In order to 100% the game we are gonna need to do a lot of things:
1. Progress story with 8 missable achievements cleaned off while playing on easy (preference).
2. Grind each contents that are bearable for now.
- Learn each minigames and business while progress the story.
The 5 sections for Completion List follows, some important parts will be in โ˜… headings so you can ctrl + f them.
  • Adventure: (x79)
  • Battle: (x84)
  • Business: (x99)
  • Substories: (x27)
  • Minigames: (x85)
The total is 374 on Completion List.

3. Finish the story and clean-up on Post Game.
4. Do Legend playthrough.
5. Do Climax Battles.

II. Overview:
Yakuza 0 requires us to play this game on one playthrough at Easy difficulty, it can be changed anytime in-game. Playing on a higher difficulty doesn't matter. Second playthrough is in Legend while the other one is called Climax Battle but that's a whole different beast so mentally prepare yourself for that challenge you need a lot of rest when persevering it.

Depending on how fast you clear the side content and how much RNG treats you fairly, not including the story, you will shorten the total playtime.

My advise? Persevere and be diligent but take breaks if needed to avoid burnout there is no easy way to shorten the grind and rng you will be savescumming on certain parts depending how it affects the playtime other than being prepared since the AI will be either gods or tamed in their behaviour on minigames.

While progressing the story, we can complete as many substories as possible, there are 100 in total including the secret boss which will happen in every Yakuza games, it can be done in Premium Adventure. Most other grinds will be racking up millions and billions of Yen to buy certain items which includes; includes moves, items and weapons etc. We need to clear as much content as the game offers according to the so-called Completion List, which is our base for 100% content.

Everytime you complete a requirement like beating 50 enemies with one style you get +1 Completion Point. We need those business upgrades both from Kiryu and Majima, so save them as you need them, and you can freely spend other upgrades to make exploring less tedious.

Always check your Completion List by the following: completed items and inventory > components (Kiryu)/equipment parts (Majima), which lists everything we will be doing. Yes, a whole list of all content we will be doing.

Tip: Re-enter and exit areas to trigger certain parts (e.g., Mr. Shakedown) and others like the substories and activities so if you don't see anything happening in one area, enter close to your building and exit out then you will see the [!] mark on the map or new dialogues.

III. Post-Game:
Minigames, grinds to finish the Completion List will be present here. Although we can do minigames while progressing through the story, I will be going more into explaining each minigame, and of course this will be including Mahjong.

The hard part is persevering through RNG and annoying parts that are less RNG, so save many times. It would not hurt to make backup saves because by the time you lose to just something small, imagine you lose 5 hours of progress which we never wanted that. Speaking of RNG, minigames come to mind. Try to learn the basic rules and find the best strategy which I will try my best to explain in the Clean-Up section but we will do some minigames throughout the story. It's not a lot, but that is up to you if you want to.

As for Mahjong, I will be linking this guide for the other Yakuza games that have Mahjong if you want an explanation. Just so to know if you don't have cheat items you need to learn Riichi Mahjong.

IV. Legend:
A Legend difficulty walkthrough like I mentioned is needed to complete the main story of this game, this is different as such you will feel the difficulty spike with enemies hitting you as hard and you cannot retry fights after your health reaches zero, you reload your last manual save you made and yes you can also skip cutscenes and dialogues this is a must but some are unskippable. Be aware of the missable achievements when doing your Legend playthrough this is your only chance it does not hurt to make more saves.

V. Climax Battles:
Lastly, these are set of challenges to fight enemies of any kind, there will be straightforward but also harder sections so I will explain the best strategy here. Complete all story chapters to unlock all Climax Battles.

VI. Lastly:
Check my other guide where I draft, put in my findings on collectables and other contents. This is where I basically have a checklist in case I miss everything at least it's finished. This is a huge list I put. This is also very important due to the other last section.

Before Playing: You can download a restoration cut content specifically the music, though optional it's worth it. In my opinion, Bubble has symbolism and is also a banger. Credit to [LSSAH]Canzah and Slow for the guides.

Controls: Gamepad or KB + M is your preference, personally I just go with KB + M but you can still read this guide without worrying about this unless you need to relearn the QTEs on Legend just be careful and stock up on heals.

Caution: Watch out when you save there will be an item error replacing usable items with foods and other junks so keep saving and reload if you found the error to reverse it, no patch had been released to fix this so it's up to you to safeguard your hours of progression, plus sometimes your save won't save so keep spamming the save slot until you see changes plus there is no autosave in this game.

All guides credited will be present in here and on my checklist, all credits with informations goes to:

!! Warning: Spoilers ahead !!
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Part 01: The Place of Oath
1) Chapters: Bound by Oath, The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows
2) Minigames
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 15/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Dream Machine: 15/50
5) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 2/30
6) Adv. โ€“ Food/Drink Places: 1/24
7) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 4/100
8) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 6/70
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 1/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 19/100
11) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 1/25
12) Completion List: 56/374
13) Achievements: 6/55

1st Walkthrough โ€“ Easy/Normal/Hard:
Straight-forward, our goal like always is to complete the game in any difficulties. Hard is also fine but I prefer to stick with the easiest so grinding can be a breeze, I personally choose easy but remember you can change difficulty in-game anytime.

Chapter 1 โ€“ Bound by Oath โ€“ Kamurocho:
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Nostalgic for the 80s
Visit Kamurocho in December 1988.
Achievement #1: Story Related. After the 10 minutes introduction to the game you get this achievement.

Make sure to find any Dream Machines you can afford, other stuffs related to completion list will be varied based on your way of doing it but as long as you can do what you can do it will be like this for the whole grind.

While preparing for a long battle, make sure to stack health items and some heat items also if you will but you will be playing on easy so this should be not a big deal but better be safe than sorry.

There is also a CP Shrine and Bob himself who will give you free item packs and we can upgrade ourselves to make exploring a breeze. For now we can progress through the story until we can roam around.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ1,000,000 bonus (w/ 7/374 Completion).

Chapter 2 โ€“ The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows โ€“ Kamurocho:
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Whip It Good
Get five or more play bonuses fighting a single enemy.
Achievement #2: While fighting enemies with few upgrades you get few new combos easily, finish the enemy with how much you execute your moves and the achievement is yours.

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A Wise Investment
Purchase ten or more abilities.
Achievement #3: Straightforward, any upgrades as always counts for now on Rush and Brawl so pick the 10 cheapest upgrades on the tree and the achievement unlocks

Substory #1 โ€“ Sushi Gin's Chef: This is going to be the fastest to finish substory but our first taste on friendship this case being the Sushi Chef. Located in Showa Street West.

Substory #2 โ€“ Arakure Quest: Finally our first substory we can do. This one is straightforward no choices to change the rewards. This is located in the Nakamichi Street so take care of the boy's toy until the twist and conflict is resolved.

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Who Ya Gonna Call?
Pick up a telephone card.
Achievement #4: You need a Type A card (e.g., Ayaka Tomoda Type A) then Type B > Type C. Use the tool from the CP shrine to make detecting easier but it's optional and this means collect all 90 telephone cards for the Completion List.

 Telephone Card - Kamurocho (1).png]

Substory #3 โ€“ Kamurocho Undercover: Enter inside the Shellac bar, then progress until you get to fight the Dealer, substory ends after it's resolved.

Substory #4 โ€“ The Stop-and-Search Specialist: Located in Senryo Avenue North, let Officer Kikuchi search you.

We need to find our dream girl around Kamurocho (video clips) to access the Gandhara.

Substory #5 โ€“ Kamoji's Training: Located in Shichifuku Parking Lot, talk to him and he will tell you the basics of his bettings.

Substory #6 โ€“ The Mushroom Merchant: Located in the Park Alley on the L shape, talk to the Shady Man and proceed further until you have Kitajima as your friend.

Minigame #1 โ€“ Disco: Simply dance all 5 songs with 3 difficulties to 3 stars to complete this.

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Say You Wanna Dance
Complete every disco song on any difficulty.
Achievement #5: Simply complete all 5 songs on any difficulty.

While struggling to 3 star I'm Gonna Make Her Mine on hard, you might have finished entertaining yourself 100 times but your building your talkings up high.

Substory #7 โ€“ 9: Located in Mahajara dance club at Shichifuku Street, play three songs at any difficulty until Hisaaki appears. Then after that we beat Maiko and lastly Ogita while re-entering by each substory.

Substory #10 โ€“ Underneath It All: Located in Shichifuku Street, Talk to Tat-kun and proceed further, no choices that impact rewards fortunately.

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Tell Me a Story
Complete 10 substories
Achievement #6: Straightforward, complete all 10 substories of any kind.

Substory #11 โ€“ Damned Yanki: Located in Shichifuku Street West, you will bump into a hardcore hooligan, it will start the substory. This has choice consequence to rewards so keep that in mind.

If you noticed on my checklist, I added the Advisor, Manager and Security, we wait until we have access to Real Estate Royale.

Substory #12 โ€“ Emiri, Mach Bowl Receptionist: Located in the Mach Bowl at Theater Square Alley, play bowling one time and Emiri will talk to you and befriend you.

Substory #13 โ€“ Miho, Convenience Store Clerk: Located in the Poppo Mart at Tenkaichi Street, buy something and Miho will talk to you the befriends you.

Substory #14 โ€“ Luka at SEGA HI-TECH LAND: Located in the SEGA Arcade place at Nakamichi Street, play Out Run until you are finished and exit the game, then Luka will appear and then she will start to talk then befriend you.

Substory #15 โ€“ The Show Must Go On: Located in Nakamichi Alley, help with the set and choose all choices correctly as this will give you the item if you did it right.

Substory #16 โ€“ How to Train Your Dominatrix: Located in Pink Street North, go to Ayu who needs help with her S&M skills, the choices matter for rewards.

Substory #17 โ€“ Password Protected: Located in Kamuro Shopping Area on the South direction, figure out the password.

Tokyo Pier:
 Telephone Card - Tokyo Pier (1).png]

Substory #18 โ€“ Miss Tatsu's Training: Located in Tokyo: Pier, complete Miss Tatsu's training.

Substory #19 โ€“ Miracle on Tenkaichi Street: Located in Taihei Boulevard, watch and hear a conversation about Miracle Johnson. Pick black box in the end.

Friend #1 โ€“ Officer Kikuchi: Officer Kikuchi's friendship gauge gain is pretty simple so you just need to show him any of your items.
Part 02: A dream with fulfillment...
1) Chapters: The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows, A Gilded Cage
2) Battle, Adventure, Minigames
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 36/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Dream Machine: 38/50
5) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 6/30
6) Adv. โ€“ Food/Drink Places: 15/24
7) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 8/100
8) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 10/70
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 6/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 32/100
11) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 3/30
12) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 2/25
13) Completion List: 118/374
14) Achievements: 12/55

 Telephone Card - Kamurocho (2).png]

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Mr. Shakedown:
If you have a Zap Gun or others like the Slime Gun from Dragon & Tiger use them, but be patient when beating him up and upgrade your styles. He is also good as money farming:

Substory #20 โ€“ Apex Predator: Located anywhere (West park for me), defeat Mr. Shakedown - Egashira.

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Mr. Shakedown Takedown
Defeat Mr. Shakedown for the first time.
Achievement #7: This fight is possible with just your fighting style it might take a while. I just use a Zap Gun, found on the 1-mil Dream Machines.

Substory #21 โ€“ A Dream Unfulfilled: Located anywhere (Pink Street North for me), defeat Mr. Shakedown - Sato.

โ˜… Adventure โ€“ Dream Machine:
The goal is to get to 50 times, it's shareable so it can be done as Majima even.

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Lucky Star
Get a top-grade item from a Dream Machine
Achievement #8: Keep finding those million yen dream machines until the chance of getting maximum stars appears, I got a Golden Rifle in this case.

โ˜… Adventure โ€“ Video Clips:
The goal is to collect 30 video clips, easily done by doing activities etc. refer to my checklist for more information on where to get them.

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...I Did It for the Achievement
Watch a sexy video.
Achievement #9: Find a Gandhara store, you will be able to select any girls you found from completing substories or other activities. Watch any you have available in this case either Ayu Sakurai or Nanase Otoha and after the video ends you obtain this achievement.

Substory #22 โ€“ The Girl in the Video: After watching the video three times inside Gandhara, a guy inside who is obsessed with this "video" is inside and then talk to him.

Minigame #2 โ€“ Pocket Circuit Race: The goal is to win every races and buying components for Completion List. If you want to save time I recommend CyricZ's guide which goes in great details on how to beat each courses. It is also possible to beat racers without following the right setup, we get key upgrades since we obtained plates from Bob so we get lots of money by selling plates.

Also buy Killer Bee with your plates sold and if you got the Dream Machine parts then use it. The problem is end races are RNG.
For the list of part locations, check here: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1462272893
I really recommend this guide by CyricZ on the Pocket Circuit[gamefaqs.gamespot.com].

Substory #23 Pocket Circuit Fighter!: Located near Shichifuku Street West inside the building, run over the tutorial with him.

All of them will be inside the Stadium, one at Children's Park and one at Earth Angel.

Substory #24 โ€“ 30: Beat all the racers of Pocket Circuit.

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The Dragon of Pocket Circuit
Win all Pocket Circuit races.
Achievement #10: Beat all seven races from Pocket Circuit Fighter according to your checklist to raise his friendship gauge and to unlock this achievement.

Friend #2 โ€“ Pocket Circuit Fighter: Keep playing pocket race circuit and making some right choices (can get one boost and everything will be okay no missable) to then reach 100% and his last substory unlock.

Substory #31 โ€“ The Fighter's Crown: Located inside the stadium, defeat the Pocket Circuit Fighter once and for all.

Since the PCF is RNG and how many times you press the button to stabilise your car on his race you may have a different setup but either way you can follow my setup if you want. Tip: Use your boost at lap 4 and on the first wall corner.

Friend #3 โ€“ Kitajima: Same location, buy the same or different stocks of mushrooms (if he is leaving to restock then re-enter from certain spots) until his gauge fills up. Tip: Always buy one at the time so it fills up, it is fixed.

Friend #4 โ€“ Miho: Same location, make sure to refer to my checklist for the choice selection but it must be obvious in short choose parcel and then cutlet as your answer. Keep buying items from her.

Friend #5 โ€“ Sushi Gin Chef: Same location, order his sushis and get 4 or 3-5 fishes for him, you can give the same and it still counts. For now we have our basic setup for fishing and the tip is for bopping wait for the red marker to hit the water then press the buttons as shown but we will go over fishing in the later section so for now use the checklist.

Friend #6 โ€“ Luka: Same location, beat Luka's highscore to proceed.

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Rich Taste
Treat a homeless man to a ยฅ20,000 bottle of booze.
Achievement #11: Missable. Buy (unless it's from Dream Machine) a Gold Champagne for ยฅ20,000 and give it to the homeless.

Substory #32 โ€“ Bacchus's Training: Located in Tenkaichi Alley, take care of one hitman.

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New Allies, New Foes
Complete Chapter 2.
Achievement #12: Story Related. After the fight and watching the cutscene you unlock the achievement.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ3,000,000 bonus (w/ 118/374 Completion).

Chapter 3 โ€“ A Gilded Cage โ€“ Sotenbori:
Note: Smooth Criminal Achievement unlocks not immediately until you reach Chapter 4 so follow these steps carefully. I advise saving anywhere before doing this quest you can reload always, here are the steps to follow:
1. Talk to 3 guys:
  • Matsu the Barker - Located in Bishamon Bridge.
  • College Hostess Hopeful - Located in Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall.
  • Two guys - Located in Shofukucho South.
Note: The order does not matter here talk to all three

2. Enter inside the Odyssey cabaret club. Make a backup SAVE before entering inside. Interact the following in order:
  • Just in case, interact Mr. Libido.
  • 5 people on your left table.
  • Empty table slight middle left.
  • 4 people on the middle.
  • 4 people on the right.
Part 03: One man in a cage
1) Chapters: A Gilded Cage, Proof of Resolve
2) Minigames, Battle
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 80/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Dream Machine: 50/50
5) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 15/30
6) Adv. โ€“ Food/Drink Places: 24/24
7) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 38/96
8) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 29/100
9) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 29/70
10) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 12/20
11) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 60/100
12) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
13) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 3/25
14) Completion List: 166/374
15) Achievements: 16/55

 Telephone Card - Sotenbori (1) #1.png]

Minigame #3 โ€“ Karaoke 1: Simply do all songs to 90+ score as Majima, make sure it's Lively Interjection.

Substory #33 โ€“ Be My Boyfriend!: Located in Sotenbori Street, pretend to be her boyfriend.

Substory #34 โ€“ The Doll Girl: Located in Sotenbori Street East at the arcade entrance, help the little girl and she will also be your friend.

Friend #7 โ€“ Doll Girl: Same area, give her what she needs and take care of the event after.

Some rewards will involve being Hostess, keep doing substories and befriending someone to max to obtain them later on for your business.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Dragon & Tiger:
Our objective is to gather all 96 equipment parts, including 70 gears and 100 weapons throughout the storyline. Agents you used are dispatched worldwide to collect these items in real-time around 5 minutes unless you instant search. We can earn two Achievements related to this so keep trying, this is all needed for 100% Completion. Additionally, Zap Guns can be purchased from Dream Machines aiding both Kiryu in Chapter 5 and Majima, making defeating Mr. Shakedown simpler which means more money for instant searching.

Substory #35 โ€“ STIJL's Barkeep: Located in the Shot Bar STIJL at Sotenbori Street West, order one drink.

Friend #8 โ€“ STIJL Barkeeper: Same area, keep ordering drinks from him and making the right choices for a good boost.

Substory #36 โ€“ Calling the Future: Located in Sotenbori Street West, approach to the phone boy with his phone beside your save point.

Substory #37 โ€“ The Obatarian Strikes: Located in Sotenbori Street, approach to the takoyaki stand and then interact with the lady.

Substory #38 โ€“ Play-Money Shakedown: Located anywhere (Iwao Bridge for me), defeat Mr. Shakedown - Kawahashi.

Substory #39 โ€“ The Entertainer's Throne: Located in Iwao Bridge, interact to the statue performer.

Substory #40 โ€“ Stadium Jumper Strut: Located in Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall, help Suda fulfill his dream and making it a reality.

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Hero of the Story
Complete 40 substories
Achievement #13: Completing all 40 substories will unlock this achievement.

Substory #41 โ€“ Fei Hu's Training: Located in The Dragon & Tiger Sotenbori at Sotenbori Street East, just talk to him.

Substory #42 โ€“ The Ultimate Plan: Located anywhere (Sotenbori Street for me), defeat Mr. Shakedown - Oe.

Substory #43 โ€“ Kyoko at SEGA HI-TECH LAND: Located in the SEGA HI-TECH LAND Sotenbori at Sotenbori Street East, play Space Harrier one time to start the substory.

Friend #9 โ€“ Kyoko: Play Space Harrier and beat her highscore two times.

Substory #44 โ€“ Crossed Words: Located in Sotenbori Street East, go near to the two people outside of Kani Douraku.

Substory #45 โ€“ Rise of the Dragon: Located in Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall, go to the right side to begin the substory.

Substory #46 โ€“ From the Heart: Located in Shofukucho East, go near Le Marche Sotenbori and talk to the guy.

Substory #47 โ€“ Komian's Chef: Located in Komian at Shofukucho West, order any kind of dish to begin the substory.

Friend #10 โ€“ Komian Chef: Keep ordering from him while listening to dialogues, Nozomi will then ask you later that you need Salmon, Eel, and Softshell Turtle, you can buy the Peerless Pole and Top-Quality Bait (optional) from the M Store on the top right corner. Do that and then bring back the ingredients to her.

Substory #48 โ€“ Disciple of the New Order: Located in Shofukucho near Ashitaba Park, talk to the mother.

Substory #49 โ€“ Man With a Stranger's Face: Located in Ashitaba Park, start approaching to the man who is looking.

Substory #50 โ€“ Toilet Talk: Located in Ashitaba Park, approach to the public restroom which will enable the cutscene.

Substory #51 โ€“ Errands on the Run: Located in Shofukucho West, go near the entrance of Hoganji Yokucho and the man will run to you.

Substory #52 โ€“ The ยฅ10 Million Drug Test: Located in Shofukucho West inside the U shaped alley, approach to the poster which will trigger a cutscene.

Substory #53 โ€“ A Taxing Issue: Located in Hoganji Yokocho, go near to the crowd at the Shrine.

Substory #54 โ€“ Gandhara's Clerk: Located in Gandhara Sotenbori at Shofukucho South, watch one video.

Friend #11 โ€“ Gandhara Clerk: Keep watching videos until you get to the white dress lady, she request Hot Soup from the store so grab it and then proceed with the event. Tip: You can build frienship with Habu while watching different videos so double the task to be done.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ2,000,000 bonus (w/ 154/374 Completion).

Chapter 4 โ€“ Proof of Resolve โ€“ Sotenbori:
 Telephone Card - Sotenbori (2).png]

 Smooth Criminal.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Smooth Criminal
Successfully negotiate ideal terms with Yamagata.
Achievement #14: Missable. If you follow the steps carefully, you will enter the Grand on the beginning of this chapter and talk to the Floor Manager which will then unlock the achievement.

Substory #55 โ€“ 57: Located in Maharaja Sotenbori at Shofukucho East, dance to 3 songs then re-enter the building and approach to the lady in gold dress. This is the same as from Kamurocho but you beat Kengo, a man and then Isobe.

Substory #58 โ€“ Sotenbori's Mr. Libido: Located in Gandhara Sotenbori at Shofukucho South, try entering inside only for Mr. Libido - Habu to show up.

Friend #12 โ€“ Habu: You need to watch 15 different videos to build up his frienship. Tip: You can really do this while building frienship with the clerk.

Substory #59 โ€“ Sparring with Komeki: Located in Ashitaba Park, approach Komeki and choose any bouts to learn a move.

Substory #60 โ€“ Areshi's Training: Located in Shofukucho West inside the U shaped alley, approach Areshi and complete his test.

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Training in Style
Complete one training mission with each master.
Achievement #15: You should have 1/5 on all fighting styles as Kiryu and Majima to unlock this achievement.

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A Matter of Life or Death
Complete Chapter 4.
Achievement #16: Story Related. Completing this chapter will unlock the achievement on the result screen.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ3,000,000 bonus (w/ 166/374 Completion). We also unlock Climax Battles from here but that's end game.
Part 04: Riches first, Problems second
1) Chapters: An Honest Living
2) Minigames, Business
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 83/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 19/30
5) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 38/96
6) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 29/100
7) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 31/70
8) Bus. โ€“ Properties: 32/50
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 14/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 71/100
11) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
12) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 3/25
13) Completion List: 207/374
14) Achievements: 22/55

Chapter 5 โ€“ An Honest Living โ€“ Kamurocho:
 Telephone Card - Kamurocho (3).png]

 Business Etiquette 101.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Business Etiquette 101
Impress Oda with your perfect manners.
Achievement #17: Missable. Save before entering Cafe Alps with Oda and follow these steps to ensure you get the achievement:
1. Table near the Back (4 chairs and one table) then choose "Take the Nearest Seat".
2. Waiter will ask if you're ready to order, choose "Nothing".
3. Yamanoi-san has arrive, continue on and be sure to pass the QTE to give him the business card.
You are done with the process, continue the story and after you are finished with the conversation as the screen goes black the achievement is yours.

Minigame #3 โ€“ Karaoke 2: Simply do all songs to 90+ score as Kiryu, make sure it's Lively Interjection.

โ˜… Business โ€“ Real Estate Royale:
Our ultimate goal is to beat and dominate against the "Five Billionaires" to get that Legend Style of Kiryu which is tempting so we do it before the end of Ch.6 or freely in Premium Adventure either way this is addicting, meaning we manage the business and rack up billions of Yen while having managers, advisors and securities assisting us (this is why we do those substories before here), this might take a while but not too long so be prepared to invest and make Yen a lot which will help in the endgame. We can make as much money here for our activities, completion list, and upgrading styles so use it as much with frequent visits.

Each Billionaires has a 10% reward if you pass their minigames, they are straightforward but however Out Run can be difficult against Electronics King or it can be RNG-dependent so what we can do is lose against Electronics King then we recoup that 10% lost, same if you got trouble on other Kings just move on from the lost and keep building profit %. After defeating them no more trouble to deal with just keep on S ranking all shops and properties you bought it might take a while but make sure to be diligent with this we need the Legend Style for Completion List by beating 200 enemies with it. Plus you unlock those locked abilities to upgrade on fighting styles.

For information on Real Estate Royale, CyricZ's guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] got it covered.
All Properties Location
X - Not proficient at all
Triangle (ฮ”) - Minor proficiency
Circle (O) - Moderate proficiency
Double Circle (โ—Ž) - Major proficiency

 President Kiryu.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
President Kiryu
Get started with Real Estate Royale
Achievement #18: Story Related. Completing the Real Estate Royale tutorial will unlock this achievement.

With enough money comes with buying things, buying all parts for pocket circuit is possible as such, completing this Completion List.

Real Estate Boss #1 โ€“ Leisure King: Defeat him with total domination. His karaoke his easy as well before.

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Generosity of Strangers
After you become undisputed king of an area, get someone to light a cigarette for you on the street.
Achievement #19: You must idle for 15 seconds at least, idle even if the NPC stopped bowing when there is a dialogue text box appear.

Substory #61 โ€“ Miracle in Maharaja: Located in Taihei Boulevard, approach to two guys and then to Maharaja. Pick black box.

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The Promised Land
Get 100% share in any area
Achievement #20: Leisure King Area's Share is the best way to start since you are already investing into it, 100% reached and this achievement is yours.

Substory #62 โ€“ The Visionary Fortune-teller: Located in Senryo Avenue (Pink Alley entrance near Tengokuken), approach to the two women who talks about the fortune teller, the choices does not matter.

 High Roller.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
High Roller
Spend one billion yen
Achievement #21: Easily done with Real Estate property purchases.

 Half the Battle.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Half the Battle
Get over 50% on your Completion List
Achievement #22: If you have much free time to completing lists on your Completion List you will get this achievement. Adv: 67, Bat: 45, Busi: 11, Sub: 19, Mini: 45.

Substory #63 โ€“ A Watery Investment: Located in Nakamichi Alley, help the old woman, make sure to deny the offer.

Substory #64 โ€“ Passport to Pizza: Located in The Champion District, help the foreign woman with her bizza.

Substory #65 โ€“ The Human Trafficking Ring: Located in Shellac at The Champion District, talk to Kasuga inside.

Substory #66 โ€“ Help Wanted!: Located in Theater Square Alley, approach to the two guys. When conducting interview, do not hire him as a result.

Substory #67 โ€“ Help Wanted! Again...: Located in Sugita Building, when conducting an interview inside choose "Point out the Inconsistency in Her Statements" followed by ("Summary" and "Signature Dishes").

Substory #68 โ€“ First Impressions: Located in Sugita Building, conducting the interview for the final time you finally get the real genuine guy.

Real Estate Boss #2 โ€“ Electronics King: Completely dominate him in battle. Optional: The Out Run took many tries and reloading saves but it's done.

Substory #69 โ€“ The Tax Lady: Located in Sugita Building, enter inside the building and the phone will ring.

Friend #13 โ€“ Emiri: Play bowling until you can challenge her and strike 3 or more times to get the "turkey".

Substory #70 โ€“ Kamurocho's Mr. Libido: Located in Pink Street near Poppo Showa St., simply approach the guy that is Mr. Libido - Akimoto who will become your friend.

Friend #14 โ€“ Mr. Libido - Akimoto: Bring 30 unique telephone cards to him, then help find his dream girl by going to Earth Angel and going back to him.

Substory #71 โ€“ Heir to the Family: Located in Hotel District, go behind the batting center to find the Messenger waiting for you.
Part 05: The Civilian and Yakuza
1) Chapters: An Honest Living, The Yakuza Way
2) Minigames, Substories, Battle
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 83/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 24/30
5) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 38/96
6) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 29/100
7) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 34/70
8) Bus. โ€“ Properties: 50/50
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 17/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 85/100
11) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
12) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
13) Completion List: 239/374
14) Achievements: 28/55

Minigame #4 โ€“ Telephone Club: Focus on befriending Riku, Ayaka, and Haruki out of the nine girls for completion. Choose the highlighted text, compliment them, and wait for the timer to run out. Substories are random, but the tricky part is identifying their desired voices if you don't know their dialects. Pick long course also.

There are three phases before you can invite her finally. For more information on them, here is a guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] by CyricZ and one other guide. Also this YouTube video by Undead Wolf should come in handy.

All 9 girls are in Teltel Boys Club, also this link (original is gone) has the informations further more of each girls voice described:

Substory #72 โ€“ 74: They are all failed substories.

Substory #75 โ€“ Sakura Shock: Asakura, Sakurako, and Sakurai's substories.

Substory #76 โ€“ The Sexy Hook-up: Ayaka's substory. Make sure to pick the right choice.

Friend #15 โ€“ Ayaka: After you are done with the minigame, you are set on them.

 Call Me.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Call Me
Go on a date with a girl you met at the telephone club.
Achievement #23: You need to either get Ayaka, Riku, or Haruki and make sure to pick the right choices, then the achievement will unlock after one of the three girl's substories are done.

Substory #77 โ€“ The Flirty Hook-up: Haruki's substory. Make sure to pick the right choice.

Friend #16 โ€“ Haruki: Same as Ayaka.

Substory #78 - The Innocent Hook-up: Riku's substory. Make sure to pick the right choice.

Friend #17 โ€“ Riku: Same as Ayaka.

Real Estate Boss #3 โ€“ Pleasure King: Dominate him like the others, the telephone club was easy it functions the same just date one girl who happens to be the King.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ20,000,000 bonus (w/ 216/374 Completion).

Chapter 6 โ€“ The Yakuza Way โ€“ Kamurocho:
Substory #79 โ€“ Postcard Rookie - Kiryu: Located in Sugita Building, proceed to the desk after the radio and choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose The Quest for Ara-Q3.

Substory #80 โ€“ Postcard Pro - Kiryu: Choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose The Miracle Walk.

Substory #81 โ€“ Postcard Master - Kiryu: Choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose Miracle in Maharaja.

Substory #82 โ€“ Sugar Daddy: Located in Hotel District, approach to the man standing behind the pole.

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Make It Rain
Throw away money on the street
Achievement #24: Self-explanatory, upon unlocking the ability to throw money you throw ยฅ100,000 on any streets and the achievement is yours

 Worked Hard for the Money.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Worked Hard for the Money
Throw away a total of five million yen.
Achievement #25: You need to throw ยฅ100,000 50 times in order to acquire this achievement.

โ˜… Substories โ€“ Moneybags:
The goal is to of course invest money to them assuming you run the business frequently, however we won't be investing right away as we need to progress through the story until the Finale so if they don't want you to invest due to risk then progress each chapter and check them everytime otherwise wait until to the finale before you begin the battle, for small info refer to the checklist as a reminder.

Substory #83 โ€“ Kamurocho's Mr. Moneybags: Located in Vincent, approach to Fukushima and talk to him so you can befriend him.

Substory #84 โ€“ Beyond the Door: Located in Theater Avenue, go down to the designated area from your map.

Substory #85 โ€“ The Shrink-wrapped Dream: Located in Tenkaichi Alley, go to the young lad near the alley.

Real Estate Boss #4 โ€“ Gambling King: Dominate him. Optional but worth it: The JCC is pure gambling luck but for the first time I have won, reason is I picked Jennifer who is considered the best to pick but then I pick Maria with rock attack it works also.

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The Glamorous Life
Purchase the most expensive property
Achievement #26: To get this achievement, you need access to Media King's property which is ยฅ1,228,800,000 as the highest price on Kamurocho, however if you beat Mr. Shakedown few times and have done your diligent in your business this should not be a problem.

Real Estate Boss #5 โ€“ Media King: Dominate him. Optional: The disco took few tries a little bit of rng hard but not too bad, if you have trouble with this you can safely lose and recoup the lost of share.

Real Estate Boss #6 โ€“ Finance King: The final boss for this side story, dominate him and then the Dragon of Dojima style is all yours.

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We Built This City
Complete the Real Estate Royale storyline.
Achievement #27: You will obtain the Legend style for Kiryu and move on to watch the final story scenes of this side story, once you are done acquiring all properties to 90% and defeating all the Five Billionaires with much diligence you will unlock this achievement.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Training Masters (Kiryu):
Getting all of the moves from them as Kiryu, pretty straightforward.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Heat Actions (Kiryu):
At this point with upgrades and training you'd pull this off as Kiryu. For more information, check this guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] by CyricZ.

 Time to Say Goodbye.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Time to Say Goodbye
Complete Chapter 6.
Achievement #28: Story Related. As always, complete chapter 6 and the achievement is yours.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ30,000,000 bonus (w/ 239/374 Completion). Climax Battles is unlocked.
Part 06: The Riches and Clubs
1) Chapters: A Dark Escape
2) Business
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 83/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 26/30
5) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 53/96
6) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 40/100
7) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 38/70
8) Bus. โ€“ Partner Shops: 40/50
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 18/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 90/100
11) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
12) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
13) Completion List: 278/374
14) Achievements: 31/55

Chapter 7 โ€“ A Dark Escape โ€“ Sotenbori:
 Best Served Cold.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
Best Served Cold?
Take more than 15 minutes bringing the takoyaki.
Achievement #29: Missable. This is simple just let your screen idle for 15 minutes but don't let your computer sit on desktop, only in-game since the game will run like it.

โ˜… Business โ€“ Cabaret Club Czar:
The ultimate goal is to beat all "Five Stars" and unlock the Legend Style, similarly to what you do with Kiryu's business. In the Cabaret Club you manage customers with your hostesses you do also need to learn few things like hand signals to have a better fans gain but they're easy to know, this is also why we do substories so we get the hostesses, one very best for example is the Obatarian Lady. As always we need the Legend Styles for Completion List which is to beat 200 enemies with it.

Each Five Stars has a battle with you by any means this does not involve like the Billionaire's minigames so this should be a breeze albeit provides a challenge so level all your hostesses who are the best you will know it later. After all, we need the locked fighting styles for our Completion List.

There is training for each girls so when Special Training is available do that just to help us but we will max train them each before a rival battle begins, get a new Platinum Hostess and rinse and repeat (Note: We can triple circle our Hostess which there is a guide for that), however even if they get a bad lesson from minigames not customer services it's still okay to have it failed after all you will be endlessly grinding this so don't sweat on perfect lessons if you struggle with it (The AIs beating you flawlessly) and focus on dialogue choices. Do not forget we need to do substories for each girls. We just need more fans so meaning we got enough Yen to buy all partner shops.

Hand Signals:
Both palms facing upward = Menu
L shape with fingers = Guest Glass
Mimicking like a puppet with one hand = Ladies Glass
Twist with both hand = Towel
Horizontal fist with thumb and pinky out = Refill Ice
Hands mimicking like holding a bowl up = Swap ashtray

Fever difference:
Keep in mind it will be randomised so Lv. 2 may be better.
Two tables at Lv.1
Four tables at Lv.2
Six tables at Lv.3

- Once you assign a Hostess to one table, select the other table until she sits down since their animation takes a while (Credit to CyricZ) but you do not need to do it all the time. Let the guest sit down for 2-3 seconds and then assign any Hostess to them during rival battles.
- As soon as Help pop-up appears, you can use fever to get rid of that.
- Focus on leveling your Platinum Hostess for now Yuki and have your Hostesses fully rested also not overworked they should be gold as well.
- If you use fever while the rival's fever gauge is filling it will get rid of some so use Lv. 1 fever when you can to decrease their bar meter. You can use fever to increase a little bit of customer's meter.
- To increase fans until Rival battle, we must give gifts and do good on our job.

For information on Cabaret Club Czar, CyricZ's guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] got it covered.
All Partner Shop Location
Training with your Platinum GIrls[gamefaqs.gamespot.com]
X - Not proficient at all
Triangle (ฮ”) - Minor proficiency
Circle (O) - Moderate proficiency
Double Circle (โ—Ž) - Major proficiency

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A Host of Hostesses
Get started with Cabaret Club Czar
Achievement #30: Story Related. Completing the tutorial of Cabaret Club and after watching the cutscene from your first play on this will unlock the achievement.

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Talk of the Town
Get over 1,000 fans in any area
Achievement #31: Buy few areas from the Mars, you should have this easily.

Substory #86 โ€“ Sotenbori's Mr. Moneybags: Located in Sotenbori Street West near the Grand, approach to Tanioka to befriend him.

Substory #87 โ€“ Mystery Caller: Located in Shofukucho South, approach to the telephone box with your 9mm Automatic Pistol who by the name of Simon will then befriend you.

Friend #18 โ€“ Simon: He requires few items in order to build his meter of friendship gauge, these follows:
  • Chinese Broadsword
  • Tourmaline
  • Sakura Storm
Then go ahead and save him who happens to make you act as his proxy.

Tip: This works but after you get a pager beep signaling it's time to claim your Dragon & Tiger logistic reward, you can savescum before claiming it. This is also helpful in getting the Welcome to the Jungle Achievement but you will have billions of Yen so you can spend less than 2 million to get that chance at anytime.

Substory #88 โ€“ Paternal Instincts: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Yuki's training to begin the substory.

Cabaret Club Boss #1 โ€“ Hino: Club Mars boss and the ability to steal guests from you when he uses his Money Heat. Spam Lv. 1 fever and keep their expression happy while choosing the correct signal this will be the thing on other rivals. You can start around 4K fans for now.

Substory #89 โ€“ The First Friend: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Ai's training to begin the substory.

Cabaret Club Boss #2 โ€“ Kizuka: Club Jupiter boss and the ability to drain your hostess' HP, be sure to level up your hostess and have them rested. You can start around 10K fans. Oh yes extending sessions may help while spamming Lv. 1 fever. Finally, fight him after the Cabaret Club battle.

Substory #90 โ€“ Dream Chaser: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Saki's training to begin the substory.

Cabaret Club Boss #3 โ€“ Mizumura: Club Mercury boss and the ability to drain the general performance of the girls, he can be a little challenging so be sure to pop a Lv. 2 or 3 fever if the rival is not filling his meter fast but try to reach Lv. 2 and then use Lv. 1 when you have the chance since he will use his fever. Just needs a little bit more fans by buying all 40 partnerships so 23K fans should be good enough.
Part 07: Destiny Awaits
1) Chapters: A Dark Escape, Tug of War
2) Battle
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 83/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Video Clips: 30/30
5) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 60/96
6) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 40/100
7) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 39/70
8) Bus. โ€“ Partner Shops: 50/50
9) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 18/20
10) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 96/100
11) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
12) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
13) Completion List: 315/374
14) Achievements: 35/55

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Welcome to the Jungle
Get the best weapon search results report.
Achievement #32: You will get this naturally if you do instant search as a possible way to get "Crazy Unbelievable Success!" faster while searching what stuff you need and you don't need the best accessories to get this but it's optional, for reference check the image below.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ10,000,000 bonus (w/ 278/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.

Chapter 8 โ€“ Tug of War โ€“ Sotenbori:
Cabaret Club Boss #4 โ€“ Kanehara: Club Venus boss and the ability to both taking guests and reducing the HP of hostesses, he will steal your Yuki so keep in mind when reaching 5K fans until you beat him, like always Lv. 2 fever's your best way. You can start around 36K fans. Despite the rival using his fever to sabotage your flow you can win this.

Substory #91 โ€“ A Little Brotherly Love: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Hibiki's training to begin the substory. If this is locked then you need to rescue Yuki.

Substory #92 โ€“ Postcard Rookie - Majima: Located in Club Sunshine, proceed to the office inside and after the radio and choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose Pretend Boyfriend. Note: If this substory won't unlock you must rescue Yuki first.

Substory #93 โ€“ Postcard Pro - Majima: Located in Club Sunshine, proceed to the office inside and after the radio and choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose The ยฅ10 Million Drug Test.

Substory #94 โ€“ Postcard Master - Majima: Located in Club Sunshine, proceed to the office inside and after the radio and choose any choices to proceed, personally I choose A Taxing Issue.

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You're Still Number One
Max out the level of a platinum hostess
Achievement #33: Have one Platinum Hostess at Lv. 30 and the achievement is yours. If Yuki is taken by Kanehara, you can have your other Hostess to Lv. 40 since you grinded them to Lv. 30 at this point you will need all the special training XP to make this process faster.

Substory #95 โ€“ A Moment Shared: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Chika's training to begin the substory.

Cabaret Club Boss #5 โ€“ Tsukiyama: Club Moon boss and the ability to both steal customers and to drop the performance of hostesses, this is the hardest so you must be prepared hence grinding your Platinum to at least Lv. 30 and Gold Hostesses to max level. You can start around 56K fans.

If you max out the customers requests, when club moon uses his special ability your customers have a higher chance of "resisting" leaving the club due to interference. Use your fever carefully and you might be better off with Lv. 1 fever since they will be immune to the rival. Build more fans also even if you got enough before the rival battle. Keep choosing correct hand signals.

Leave your specific hostess to one customer even if another customer requests it as long as you have a very happy wealthy and mega-rich customer as you need the very rich customers to fill the money meter up fast plus try to extend session. Tsukiyama will sabotage your girls so praise them instead with gifts or no gifts.

Lastly, always ask normal guests for an extension or give them thanks and apologies, praise your girls to frenzied guests, and protect your girls and tell the angry guests to leave. If there is more tips let me know in the comments but this might seem RNG so do your best.

For this battle it took two times mainly because of an RNG chance which will have a rival filling his meter up faster but second time it did not happen hence winning.

Substory #96 โ€“ Of Love and Ramen: Located in Club Sunshine, you must complete all Mana's training to begin the substory.

Total cost of accessories:
Hair Accessory (x4): ยฅ33,500,000
Eyeglasses (x4): ยฅ325,000
Earrings (x8): ยฅ1,650,000
Necklace (x8): ยฅ50,950,000
Nails (x4): ยฅ170,000
Ring (x4): ยฅ33,900,000
Watch (x4): ยฅ5,390,000
Bracelet (x4): ยฅ5,700,000
Perfume (x1): ยฅ10,000
Total: ยฅ131,595,000

โ˜… Business โ€“ Accessories:
At this point you'd have all hostesses so buy the cap limit of accessories.

Cabaret Club Boss #6 โ€“ Kotomi: Beat all her lackeys and you will finally earn your Mad Dog of Sheemano style.

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Walking On Sunshine
Complete the Cabaret Club Czar storyline.
Achievement #34: You will obtain the Legend style for Majima and move on watch story scenes of this side story, once you are done acquiring all partnerships and defeating all the Five Stars you will unlock this achievement.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Training Masters (Majima):
Getting all of the moves from them as Majima, pretty straightforward.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Heat Actions (Majima):
At this point with upgrades and training you'd pull this off as Majima. For more information, check this guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] by CyricZ.

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When It All Goes Wrong
Complete Chapter 8.
Achievement #35: Story Related. Complete chapter 8 and this achievement is yours.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ15,000,000 bonus (w/ 315/374 Completion). Climax Battles unlocked.
Part 08: Will and perseverance
1) Chapters: Ensnared, A Man's Worth
2) Battle, Adventure
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 89/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 60/96
5) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 40/100
6) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 39/70
7) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 18/20
8) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 98/100
9) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
10) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
11) Completion List: 318/374
12) Achievements: 37/55

Chapter 9 โ€“ Ensnared โ€“ Kamurocho:
Not much unless you need to complete the business or clear easy grinds. Also KUZE will appear again for round three.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ50,000,000 bonus (w/ 315/374 Completion). Climax Battle items have unlocked.

Chapter 10 โ€“ A Man's Worth โ€“ Kamurocho:
 Telephone Card - Kamurocho (4).png]

You can also hit any enemy with your style and wait for an enemy to be defeated by Oda or Tachibana which counts for Completion List, not efficient and necessary but just want to share the findings.

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It Takes Two
Defeat 3 foes using co-op moves with Oda or Tachibana.
Achievement #36: Missable. Make a save while doing this, you will be having a long battle on the Tojo HQ, proceed further until you meet the two and then you go outside. Tachibana or Oda will begin to grab the enemies while outside, use the heat actions against the enemies with either two three times until you unlock the achievement. For some reason if you did three coop heat actions but did not get the achievement just restart.

I stock up lots of Staminan Royales so I can fill the heat actions as much and avoid enemies attacking then wait for Oda or Tachibana to grab an enemy to enable a coop heat action. Your last chance is when you are at the exit where the cars are parked and then to the entrance.

Prepare before heading to of course Sotenbori, follow-up with your business side-story if you save it for here and doing other substories right now.

Substory #97 โ€“ Destiny Calls: Located in Pink Street North, approach to the blue t-shirt telephone club clerk who needs help. Choices lead to the same outcome so do pick freely.

Substory #98 โ€“ A Shining Example: Located in Shichifuku Street East at North of Pink Street North, approach to the schoolgirl and help her out. You will later meet a familiar guy who is on the next installment.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ 200 Enemies with 4 Fighting Styles (Kiryu):
Straightforward, if you grind early this while progressing through story and business this would be the case, otherwise do this later near the end if you can.

โ˜… Adventure โ€“ Telephone Cards (Kiryu):
Last one is inside Little Asia, this is the best time to clean them up to not worry about it.

 The Big Reveal.jpg]โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“
The Big Reveal
Complete Chapter 10.
Achievement #37: Story Related. Complete chapter 10 and this achievement will unlock.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ75,000,000 bonus (w/ 318/374 Completion).
Part 09: Hero vs. Evil Within
1) Chapters: A Murky Riverbed, Den of Desires, Crime & Punishment
2) Adventure
3) Adv. โ€“ Telephone Cards: 90/90
4) Adv. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 74/96
5) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 53/100
6) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 48/70
7) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 18/20
8) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 98/100
9) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
10) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
11) Completion List: 322/374
12) Achievements: 40/55

Chapter 11 โ€“ A Murky Riverbed โ€“ Sotenbori:
 Telephone Card - Bed of Styx (1).jpg]

Nothing much other than to progress while doing few grinds. However we will be introduced to the Coliseum.

โ˜… Adventure โ€“ Telephone Cards (Majima):
Last one is inside the Bed of Styx on the Coliseum at your left side, this is the best time to clean them up to not worry about it.

Completion List: Adventure is completed now (85.56%).

Fight against the three guys, Ginger Chapman, Doctor Kirihito, and Dead Puncher and you will progress next to the end of the level later.

Just to add, a CP weapon like the Golden Shotgun does not raise the weapon counter.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ50,000,000 bonus (w/ 320/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.

Chapter 12 โ€“ Den of Desires โ€“ Sotenbori:
This is a point in the game similar to Kiryu where you will be leaving Sotenbori for Kamurocho.

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They Won't Mind
Steal Nikkyo Consortium funds from their safe.
Achievement #38: Missable. During your long battle you will be progressing, before you go up the stair you will see two strongbox safes on your right, break two of them to get ยฅ100,000,000 and the achievement is all yours.

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A Familiar Name
Complete Chapter 12.
Achievement #39: Story Related. Complete chapter 12 to unlock this achievement.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ75,000,000 bonus (w/ 322/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.

Chapter 13 โ€“ Crime & Punishment โ€“ Sotenbori/Somewhere:
You can buy Habu Drinks as Kiryu and other stuffs, don't forget to buy Peerless Pole just in case. Otherwise, nothing much other than to progress through the game by playing one minigame to get a pager signal.

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Big Hair in the Crosshairs
Defeat the yakuza with an afro on the highway.
Achievement #40: Missable. Save before the CAL shop and also while doing this, you need to shoot the white suit afro guy using your heat eye slowmo, if you miss him then just idle and wait to reach 0 hp bar of your car but that is gonna take a while on easy difficulty. Once you shot at him few times you unlock the achievement.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ100,000,000 bonus (w/ 322/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.
Part 10: There can be only one Dragon
1) Chapters: Unwavering Bonds, Scattered Light, Proof of Love, Black & White
2) Battle, Substories
3) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 85/96
4) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 70/100
5) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 55/70
6) Sub. โ€“ Friends: 20/20
7) Sub. โ€“ Substories: 100/100
8) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
9) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
10) Completion List: 329/374
11) Achievements: 46/55

Chapter 14 โ€“ Unwavering Bonds โ€“ Kamurocho:

โ˜… Business โ€“ S Rank:
After checking the business every single time you hit the 50th S rank. S ranking the Media King's properties takes a while when idling so be sure to watch something else while doing this.

Completion List: Business is completed now (86.36%).

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Painful Reunion
Complete Chapter 14.
Achievement #41: Story Related. Complete chapter 14 to unlock this achievement.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ100,000,000 bonus (w/ 323/374 Completion).

Chapter 15 โ€“ Scattered Light โ€“ Kamurocho:
We can do what Kiryu had been similarly so do most activities on Sotenbori if you will, otherwise we will move on to the story.

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Hitting the Bottle
Suffer the full force of Reina's attack.
Achievement #42: Missable. Do not forget to save here before entering inside Serena. This is plain simple, a short QTE will appear that is tempting to press but you must not press it, fail on it when Reina will hit you with a bottle not when she throws the health drink onto Nishiki and this appears one time then next would be the health QTE so there is no next chance, this achievement will unlock after.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ100,000,000 bonus (w/ 324/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.

Chapter 16 โ€“ Proof of Love โ€“ Kamurocho:
Simply progress through the story, it's not too long but prepare for another long battle on the roof.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ 200 Enemies with 4 Fighting Styles (Majima):
Straightforward, if you grind early this while progressing through story and business this would be the case, otherwise do this later near the end if you can.

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Lamb in the Lion's Den
Complete Chapter 16.
Achievement #43: Story Related. Complete chapter 16 to unlock the achievement.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ100,000,000 bonus (w/ 325/374 Completion).

Finale โ€“ Black & White โ€“ Kamurocho & Sotenbori:
We have the ability to ultimately clean-up the grinds and switch characters, do few if possible. If you are ready, be ready for this long battle as it will be the longest so be prepared to play through this section.

Friend #19 โ€“ Fukushima: The total in order to max out his friendship would be ยฅ11,110,000,000.

Friend #20 โ€“ Tanioka: The total in order to max out his friendship would be ยฅ660,000,000.

These will be a hidden substory boss fights that appear in every Yakuza games after completing all substories 99% of them which is needed for Completion List so keep in mind when doing them. Anyways, you will fight So as Kiryu and Jo as Majima respectively but they will have different abilities and powers so be prepared.

I would recommend to save before doing this, if you have lose you will either try again or exit the game. You also stock up on heals and weapons such as the Habu Drinks and your Zap Guns, even if you got a lot of Zap Guns try to use heat actions just to spice things up. You can use any gears/accessories since this is on easy difficulty.

Substory #99 โ€“ The Head of the Clan: Located in Bullfighting Arena, as Kiryu you will fight against So Amon.

โ˜… Substories โ€“ So Amon:
So Amon will be using his cannon and his chancd of using death ray laser. I recommend being drunk just for this fight as the Brawler has a drunken buff ability with Spicy Knives/other high-tier bladed weapons to stab him repeatedly as head actions, then you just need to be careful of his attacks like I mentioned and also do not let him grab those invincibility potions you will need them immediately to help the fight.

Second phase is him using melee and then helicopter but you cannot use zap gun to stun him yet because he is in red aura so I suggest chipping his health with zap gun until he is defeated. Personally, I like switching out weapons and using heat actions against So Amon he is still easy to defeat wit how overpowered you have become.

Substory #100 โ€“ Sotenbori in Peril: Located in Bullfighting Arena, as Majima you will fight against Jo Amon.

โ˜… Substories โ€“ Jo Amon:
You can beat Jo Amon the fastest by throwing his dagger after heat action (more information on video) but if you have Zap Gun you will be good to go as well as your Legend style. This Amon in particular unlike So Amon never will throw insane attacks at you, he just has a lot of health bars unsurprisingly.

However, he is the easiest to defeat I think you can cheese this with what you have such as using your Legend style and counter attack him (not sugarcoating it) etc.. Whatever you do, do not try to drink the Stanamin Spork, leave it alone while you consume your Habu Drinks. Also wait Amon Pocket Tissues?!'

Second phase will have you fighting him in a demonfire form, hence the blue aura but try your best to counter him too with your Legend style. He still won't be stunned by your Zap Gun but same as always from So Amon you can damage him with it.

Completion List: Substories is completed now (87.97%).

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Amon Defeated
Defeat So and Jo Amon.
Achievement #44: Defeating both of the Amons will unlock this achievement.

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Story of My Life
Complete all substories
Achievement #45: After defeating So and Jo Amon, you will hit 100 substory completion meaning the achievement is unlocked.

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Awakened and Unleashed
Complete the Final Chapter.
Achievement #46: Story Related. Finally, after beating the final boss and watching all story cutscenes this achievement will unlock, congrats on beating the main story.

End of chapter โ€“ ยฅ300,000,000 x 2 bonus (w/ 329/374 Completion). Climax Battles item opened.
Part 11: Hardships and RNG(esus)
1) Areas: Kamurocho & Sotenbori
2) Battle
3) Bat. โ€“ Equipment Parts: 96/96
4) Bat. โ€“ Weapons: 100/100
5) Bat. โ€“ Gears: 70/70
6) Fishes: 12/30
7) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 4/25
8) Completion List: 339/374
9) Achievements: 49/55

Premium Adventure:
Once you complete the game, you have the opportunity to continue the game on the main menu Save Data. The following is: New Game + and Premium Adventure, we need to choose Premium Adventure with our save retained rather than NG+ obviously.

As for minigames, do note that your progress on Completion List excluding those business by Kiryu will be saved so do not worry if you have lost one minigame your only loss will be your sanity when doing these minigames. I will try my best to explain in brief or almost longer sentences depending on how they function.

In summary before continuing, you should have completed:
- Completion List: All Adventures, Business, and Substories.
- Battles: Mr. Shakedown, Heat Actions, Training Masters, 200 enemies with 4 fighting styles.
- Substories: Moneybags, and Friends, all 100 substories.
- Minigames: Disco, Pocket Circuit, Karaoke, Telephone Club.

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Master of Style
Obtain all abilities for every style.
Achievement #47: The only fighting styles matters are Brawler, Rush, and Beast as Kiryu then Thug, Breaker, and Slugger as Majima, the other fourth fighting style doesn't count thankfully and so the achievement will unlock after fully maxing the 6 fighting styles.

I recommend to farm from Mr. Shakedown while waiting for your Real Estate profits to finalise so you won't be bored grinding. Here are the total:
Brawler: ยฅ15,722,830,000
Rush: ยฅ18,221,200,000
Beast: ยฅ19,659,200,000

Thug: ยฅ9,662,200,000
Breaker: ยฅ8,873,200,000
Slugger: ยฅ9,356,800,000

Battle โ€“ Dragon & Tiger/Equipments: Remember about weapons and gears/accessories by savescumming to reach 100/70 while crafting. I recommend trying to get the guarantee parts which are from 50 agents with different parts, like I said all weapons/accessories/gears can be overwhelming so do guarantees first and focus on 96 parts collection then get your desired equipments and recipes through savescumming and farm parts by pouring millions of yens.

If you need the Godslayer Charm, we just use Dragon & Tiger instead of Dream Machines and the chances of Kowloon Walled City appearing is RNG dependent so be patient. We just run the cheapest agents we can afford until E. Asia has Kowloon Walled City, remember to savescum if you run an instant search it takes few times to get what you needed but it was worth the time save.

You will need that specific item which instead of instant search just have few reach 99 not all so at least when savescumming chances will be better. Also try to remove the search amulets since I noticed it increases the chance of parts I do not wish to get.

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Eye of the Dragon and Tiger
Obtain all equipment parts.
Achievement #48: Collecting all 96 equipment parts would unlock this achievement, now you can identify which weapons to craft and gears/accessories too with it.

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Weapons/Accessories/Gears:
After savescumming required items, pouring tons of money and crafting them, you should finish this. To give you an idea as a reference total cost, ยฅ8,993,719,848 - ยฅ3,209,659,582 = ยฅ5,784,060,266 spent.

Completion List: 331/374

โ˜… Battle โ€“ Bed of Styx:
Basically it's a Coliseum, you earn more money to progress the rank until we hit rank B on Standard, further than that is optional. Following up, simply Standard is just your progression from rank F to S while Endless Rout is fighting enemies like a tower-based style until you lose. Enemies will also be randomised so keep that in mind.

You can either play as Kiryu or Majima, I would recommend you to grind first for your Legend or all styles but you are done with it already it will make things easy at least, there are some arenas that allow you to also use weapons but not heals during the fight.

To also check your progress simply click Battle Records and you will see what you need to do. As for the battle, you should be fine with all the upgrades and Legend Style unlocked, you can use Rush especially with the knuckle weapon.

We also need to complete all 25 tournaments (Standard) and 50 enemies (Within Standard, 3 enemies per tournament) for Completion List. My advise would be to stock up weapons and heals if you are low on health before the tournament just in case, the weapons will be useful such as either the Golden Shotgun or Zap Gun as Majima if you like (Optional: Golden Pistol as Kiryu). We need to reach rank B in Standard to unlock Endless Rout but at this point you know how to fight so it's up to you.

Funnily enough you either quickstep or slowly walk towards to push knocked-down opponents into the abyss hole or try to make them stand near to it (watch them do it to themselves), you may fall as worse timing possible but as long as their heads go first you will win. Do not forget to switch your style after that restricted Rush style only arena fight when the arena allows you to switch to Legend, just check on menu and switch every time.

Rank Requirement goal:
Rank F - ยฅ5 mil
Rank E - ยฅ15 mil (10 more)
Rank D - ยฅ30 mil (15 more)
Rank C - ยฅ90 mil (60 more)
Rank B - ยฅ200 mil (110 more)
Rank A - ยฅ500 mil (300 more)
Rank S - ยฅ1 bil (500 more)

You can do the 8th fight or 9th fight arena which is enough to grind rank. 8th may be faster due to enemies falling from pit by themselves or by you but you do not keep equipments but only using what the game allows you to use (Rush, weapon of choice I prefer the Knuckles) while the 9th is also a good alternative providing you to use your Legend Style and keeping all equipments on with you. I recommend the 9th it has ยฅ7 mil compared to ยฅ5 mil prize money.

Battle โ€“ Endless Rout:
(Use arrow key to participate don't know why WASD wasn't a thing)

So this one is straight-forward, make preparation of course like purchasing a rule set or choose random, I prefer the rule set w/ Coliseum Style at Standard because you get the freedom to use your weapons and any style plus it's cheap to purchase. After that you are set especially what's coming next.

Defeat 30 or more opponents in Endless Rout.
Achievement #49: If you hit 30 beaten opponents in Endless Route either as Kiryu or Majima you unlock this achievement.

Luckily, this achievement should maybe take you less than 2 minutes to reach 30 enemies as they are not that bad and I will be playing as Kiryu for personal preference, you can get creative or stylishly well you can use such tactics like Zap Guns (Golden Pistol as Kiryu is optional) and Heat Actions switcheroo type for fun.

After that, proceed to the pit arena to clear the last tournament wins faster.

Completion List: Battle is completed now (90.64%).
Part 12: Risking the stakes to the top
1) Areas: Kamurocho & Sotenbori
2) Others
3) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
4) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 9/25
5) Completion List: 348/374
6) Achievements: 49/55

โ˜… Minigames โ€“ Brief:
Our goal is to reach 25 minigames played, you can move on after you play a game win or lose or just immediately quit but for the sake of Completion List we will do them to 100% so bear the grind and everything. Whether you lose or win is to know the AI and game rules, do not be shy to look up the guides linked depending on the context.

As for locations if they have two different location with the same minigame like fishing, pool and darts you can start there it's just preference but to make this easy we will go in order to track our progress easily.

A reminder to finish all 4 minigames (Disco, Pocket Circuit Race, Karaoke, and Telephone Club) before proceeding further.

Minigame #5 โ€“ Batting Center: The goal is to earn a total of 5 million by batting, there will be different modes as follows: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Gold Rush, and Super Gold Rush courses. What you need to play on is a Super Gold Rush course. Do not forget to quit the game after you win and save your game always.

Watch Kiryu's stance when he tense or stops wiggling to ready up (immediately hit your key) yes that means very close to his head I prefer that so as to not lose focus and memorise each speed of the ball they are the same at least, aim also at the circle with your crosshair. Lastly, quit with the [M] key when you miss the hit it saves time from Kiryu nodding.

This will be easier with your mouse and keyboard, like I mention look at the stance and hit the baseball while you watch Kiryu readying his stance as a tense stance do not focus on the pitcher even if you fail. When you earn ยฅ6,000,000 just quit and your progress will be saved by 20.0% each win.

Minigame #6 โ€“ Darts: First, play one game of dart choose any random setting and after that you will go to the Ebisu Pawn Shop to buy Sniper Darts for ยฅ1,000,000. The goal is simple, perform 10 hat tricks (all three darts in the bull) and earn 10 million yen in versus games.

In darts, you must lower your score to 0 or less than the opponent's while getting any tricks such as low ton, hat tricks to score. The points follow: 60 points, Bull is 50 points, 20 points, 3 points and 1 points. There will be single > double > triple (20x3) which doubles which you initially score.

My advise is to always aim for 20s until you get to where it becomes BUST so try other scores to avoid it. BUST means you may not go more points to score than let's say 9 total points and your score won't subtract if you hit BUST while skipping a turn.

First, for hat tricks we need to select Solo > 01 > 901. Then play along while aiming 3 bulls. The trick is to not aim full power but slightly click to make the dart go into the hole, try to wait when your finger rocks up then down and as soon as it slightly hits the middle you aim to throw, your dart should aim at the slight-left middle circle where the red circle is. You can also quit the game if you got BUST and points still count to your completion.

Finally, a battle against with the opponent means the bet prize money follows:
  • ยฅ100,000
  • ยฅ500,000
  • ยฅ1 million
  • ยฅ4 million (Beat him twice)
  • ยฅ10 million

We will play at a 301 against him. Once you win, you can keep going but at the cost of being drunk so bring many Legendary Drinker of Ryukyu, you can still be drunk even rematching. Finally, you can either quit with your ยฅ500,000 or keep going though the risk may ramp up so you can safely quit to claim your bet reward if your not confident but the AI can be RNG so just do your best.

Minigame #7 โ€“ Pool: The goal is Perform 3 combination shots, perform 3 carom shots, and earn a total of 10 million in pool. I had gotten 3 carom shots done when clearing Adventure lists and doing hostess training.
 Carom Blocker Shot (1).gif]

Fortunately, we can play solo from Standard just so we can setup our shots instead of doing this with the AI.

Combination Shot: A target ball hits the non-target ball into the hole.
 Combination Shot (1).png]

Carom Shot: A cue ball hits both the target ball and the non-target ball gets hit into the hole only.
 Carom Shot (1).png]

Source from the website[www.basicbilliards.com].

For the prize money, do puzzle pool which is a puzzle game where you try not to hit the eight balls while hitting the two coloured balls, yellow being your aid (optional) while orange is your target into the hole, either difficulty is good but 2 rounds of easy is enough.

Watch your power shots, you can tell if the white edge on the bottom of your stick is on the edge of screen or the shadow of the cue ball so use that to your advantage.

Minigame #8 โ€“ Bowling: The goal is to hit ten strikes and earn ten million in split games, this is a simple minigame and you would most likely get ten strikes hit when doing a friendship with one of the staff specifically three turkeys.

I recommend using 6 or 8 pound size, you can easily aim slightly to the middle right or left not the straight angle and you will easily get strikes just hoping not one pin stands despite all pins are hit.

Lastly, the Split Game is a gamemode where you need to hit all the pins with their different layout, this is a round-based and similar to how you do the pool puzzle so do your best. You only need to hit 1-7 rounds to reach ยฅ10 million.

Minigame #9 โ€“ Shogi: The goal is to win shogi games 5 times without a take back, take back means using a special rule to reverse your last move but we don't want that so we can disable that before playing. Shogi is basically a Japanese cheese. Select Challenge mode for this and the gameplay is very simple you can either use other app or site to cheese this strategy as the AI does the same trick.
Part 13: Play big, win big prices
1) Areas: Kamurocho & Sotenbori
2) JCC, Arcades
3) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 12/30
4) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 15/25
5) Completion List: 357/374
6) Achievements: 50/55

Minigame #10 โ€“ JCC: The goal is to win all bettings to 100 million yen which is done in one match by betting a maximum of ยฅ99,990,000.

It's a rock-paper-scissor game like a fighting game but you battle against RNG along with mashing keys and buttons. It is straight-forward so you only have to bet big to the maximum, there is a Beads of Good Fortune to equip but it's optional.

We also need to win 10 tournaments for an achievement not matches. Thanks to this guide we can note few tips though it is still RNG so hope you win this by sheer luck:
  • Save after each wins.
  • Never button mash immediately, time it right and then mash it fast after 1 second of wait but there is also rainbow coloured so mash it faster. However, even if you mash harder and faster the opponent will get an upperhand so bear with it. Make a habit of button mashing few times then letting go and then spamming again after few seconds.
  • Check the status both opponent and yours. See for example if Maria's cleaning her own gun which is her trump card status, even you can use other girls like Jennifer who is the go-to for any round depending on her status as long as the other girls have bad status. You might also sometimes lose even if you got good status just read the status.
  • Plan your moves, you may not know if the opponent will switch but read their star damage and sometimes they stick with the same attacks.

Use these moves against them:
Francisca: Scissors
Jennifer: Rock
Maria: Scissors
Momoko: Scissors
Rei: Rock
Sayuri: Paper
Yuiko: Rock
Yurie: Scissors

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Cat Scratch Fever
Win ten bets on three-round tournaments at JCC.
Achievement #50: Bet 10 times and win 10 times after 3 rounds in total to unlock the achievement. In total I got 6 wins from Jennier, and 4 wins from Maria. This is also a frustrating RNG achievement.

โ˜… Minigames โ€“ Arcades:
Any SEGA arcades have their own completion to do so we will do all of them. Also keep in mind again that some arcade machines are exclusive to friendships so you need to travel to one (Super Hang-On and Fantasy Zone).

Minigame #11 โ€“ UFO Catcher: Continue doing the prize collection of 15 different toys, this is pretty much like your real life claw machines so the rules apply here. Make sure to ask the employee to refresh the machine to get different toys.

Minigame #12 โ€“ Out Run: The goal is to reach 5 million points on this game, I always take the right route during Stage 2 due to better visibility. You may want to get used to having high gear running close to 300 km/h instead of low gear and also release your key if you need to slow down while turning better be safe than crashing it is a very simple. On stage 3 I went with the right route and then keep passing cars and speeding like before as they give you points. After you are done, exit out the game.

Minigame #13 โ€“ Super Hang-On: The goal is to reach 5 million points on this game, this is easier than Out Run and you need to reach the 4th course to hit the point milestone. When you hit about 280 km/h you can hold turbo mode to 324 km/h which is useful on straight roads but not on curves so use it spraingly when hitting the curve and avoiding motorbikers. You also need to select Beginner course so it's easier for points. After you are done, exit out the game.

Minigame #14 โ€“ Space Harrier: The goal is to reach 5 million points on this game, another classic arcade. In this game you will start with 2 lives and you fly while spamming your shots many times. A good way to keep alive is to do a counter-clockwise rotation always so you won't get hit, sometimes you'd have to do a clockwise rotation such as the Dragon boss on Stage 1 just depends on the enemies' projectiles but yeah that is about it.

Optional for someone who wants to shoot fast this guide is for you, personally I mash the keys like no problem.

Boss 1 aka the Dragon requires you to keep shooting to it's face until he crumbles. Boss 2 is well those moirai looking enemies. Boss 3 aka Twin Dragons connected requires you again to shoot on their heads. Stage 4 is the shortest but watch out for those enemies and objects, after that you will be in a Bonus Stage aka a score result since there will be a total of 18 stages.

Another one is to keep clicking your shooting button even though your finger will get tired it's better that way, like I said I don't use controller. Destroying objects and enemies, bosses gives you points. After you are done, exit out the game.

Minigame #15 โ€“ Fantasy Zone: The goal is to reach 100,000 points on this game, another classic arcade. In this game, you play as a flying Opa-Opa where the goal is to destroy generator enemies and then bosses to progress further. You also have three lives.

Destroying generator enemies (red icon) will grant you 1k points and standard enemies grant you 100 points. Boss are worth 10K points. It is also worth noting that Steam has no turbo mode so you will be mashing your keys a lot.

There will be coins which are used on shop for upgrades so grab them as much. There are some ways to defeat all 4 bosses that includes all:
Boss Fight #1: When it opens its mouth, make sure you get in as many shots as possible.
Boss Fight #2: Stay near the lower half of the screen to give you time to dodge the projectiles that fall from the sky, just high enough so your shots still hit the boss.
Boss Fight #3: When only a few of its weapons remain, make sure you damage them all equally. This will make it much easier when it's on its last couple since they will fire rapidly, leaving hardly any time to shoot it.
Boss Fight #4: Stick to the far left of the screen and make your way up and down as you fire. This makes it easier to dodge the incoming projectiles.

  • Prioritise the wings and jet engine
  • Take your time on each stages, farm up to 20K points each.
  • Twin bombs are also good
  • This is a game where you need to practise more unlike the other three arcade games.

After you are done, exit out the game.
Part 14: The House of Gambling
1) Areas: Kamurocho & Sotenbori
2) Fishing, Gambling
3) Min. โ€“ Fishes: 30/30
4) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 24/25
5) Completion List: 368/374
6) Achievements: 50/55

Minigame #16 โ€“ Fishing: Straight-forward like other JRPGs, we must collect two different types of fish which are saltwater/freshwater, 18/15 respectively. First, you should have already a Peerless Pole to use on fishing and some baits. We also need patience to get our desired fish.

Fishing is straight-forward, you use either bait or none, using baits like the quality ones will help with rare fishes. Then, you have to watch your bob sink underwater when the fish is highlighted red they will bite it, any range from that colour is a sign to reel the fishing rod to you it depends what fish you got but you will get junk on any kind of fishes.

Different sizes: Blob > Small > Small but Wide > Long and Thin > Large and Thin > Very Large. You will learn just by fishing them even the same fishes.
 Fish Types (1).jpg]

This follows up with the fishing spots, in Kamurocho you get the left and right spot, while in Sotenbori you get the upper footpath and lower footpath or simply North and South respectively. Saltwater is in Kamurocho while Freshwater is in Sotenbori.

After you deploy a bob to the water you will need to make sure the fish is highlighted red so keep the distance for 4-5 seconds when they are moving so they can bite towards your bob instead of them passing from it then complete the QTE (Q, E, Left and Right buttons for KB+M).

Use the top quality bait from M Store to allow other fishes to spawn or appear including huge fishes especially the rare ones while some other fishes will disappear when highlighted red. After few minutes, the scattered bait will disappear once again highlighting all fishes and appear also until it's gone. If your desired rare fish won't move then use another quality bait and try to throw the bob to the farthest spot.

โ˜… Minigames โ€“ Gambling:
Unlike Arcade, you just bet with your money, a chance to win or lose by RNGesus all the while you are stimulating your inner gambling addiction from these games. Don't forget to add your bet to the max unless you win big then bet low on very rng dependent games (Cee-lo).

These are entirely luck-based (how fitting) and heavy-RNG may be involved in here, that'll include Mahjong but with a way to play you can beat them easily with the game tricks we can just do this easily. Do not forget to save then quit so you can cash out or earn your rewards to get that sweet CP done.

This section will be covering on how to play each games. These will be better if you know the rules but I will try my best to explain since I don't do gambling in real life & video games.

West Park:
Minigame #17 โ€“ Cee-lo: In Cee-lo, a player (you) must win more against the banker or against the players as a banker, the banker must have lots of points to win. You can throw in one, or as a player a dice in three tries doubling your stakes but it's riskier. You can try getting something like 1-1-1 (Ace Out), All Evens, or Musashi. Overall, this is a luck-based minigame.

The strategy is to bet ยฅ1,000 and if you win more points, next bet ยฅ1 to be safe. After that's done, quit the game and repeat the process three times depending on the amount of points (2k-4k points shall suffice per round).

Minigame #18 โ€“ Cho-han: Cho-han is a guessing dice game and the dice thrower asks people and you to bid whether the dice total is odd or even. This is a matter of lucky guess so it is simple to get the hang on it.

The strategy is try guessing correctly 2 times total of 1k-3k points bet and then quit the game.

Minigame #19 โ€“ Oicho-kabu: Oicho-kabu is a Hanafuda deck card game where you have to deal with number values, you need to have a hand that reaches a total of 9 or be as close to that as possible be it higher. There are good hands to note like a 10-10-1. After that's done, quit the game. Play on Advanced so you can earn money quickly.

My advise is to bet 1,000 wager points, draw a card and win then cash out the reward. Like other gambling, if you lose more then quit and try again otherwise quit if you win big but on the other hand people can win this game 2 or 3 total times including you as long as you draw closer to 9.

Minigame #20 โ€“ Koi-koi: Koi-koi is a Hanafuda deck card game where unlike Western card game you must have a good set of combinations with individual hands, the 48 cards in total has months (four to each month) and it includes plants and vegetation with junks or normal cards, they have also animals or high values special to them. Basically, you must be combining card combinations which is a yaku (just like Mahjong) and you can upgrade the worth of your hand. After that's done, quit the game.

If you call Koi-koi that means the play will continue but the downside is the chance of you losing the round or on the other hand if the opponent has a complete hand and does not call koi you will lose, better call Koi-koi when you have less point. You can risk more by playing another round but it's better to quit.

Make sure this is 3 rounds on Expert difficulty, max wager to 200 and Double Points for 7+. Select cards that are highlighted in red until you get a good hand and if you get less points just call Koi-koi but otherwise don't. After winning more points and victory, quit the game.

For other hands combination this guide[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] and this[apocalyptech.com] has the basics and list.

Lower Foothpath Casino:
Minigame #21 โ€“ Baccarat: The strategy is to buy a lot of chips well the maximum is cheap, choose Standard then bet all your chips and wait for the result after you draw your cards while the banker does his thing. After that's done, quit the game.

Minigame #22 โ€“ Roulette: The strategy is to do 1,000 chips on each numbers. You can put bets on odds sometimes the ball lands on even. After that's done, quit the game.

Minigame #23 โ€“ Blackjack: The objective on Blackjack is to get as close to 21 without going over (never bust), the best way is to draw a 21 card at the start and win there. Never bust or else you instantly lose, you should play on the High Stakes table, do double down (despite it being risky) when you can and once your at 500-1K points, quit the game. For more information, here's a site link[gamefaqs.gamespot.com].

Minigame #24 โ€“ Poker: The objective in Poker is that you want to get the AI to bet as much as possible before winning the pot with a good hand (or by bluffing and getting them to fold). Here is the basics for Poker[gamefaqs.gamespot.com].

Make sure to select Omaha Hold 'Em and do Ultra High Stakes. Play through the tutorial, it's straightforward basically you fold to forfeit, call to match the bet of someone who has previously bet with the same highest amount, and raise to increase the bet at fixed amount, our goal is to bet on the correct cards which you can refer to your manual in-game.

Like before, you will have to cash out your earnings so do that many times until you are done quitting. Even if you lose some amount of chips as long as you bet the lowest initially which you lose and then next round you bet the highest you recoup the loss.
Part 15: Riichi Mahjong
1) Areas: Kamurocho & Sotenbori
2) Gambling, Mahjong
3) Min. โ€“ Minigames: 25/25
4) Completion List: 374/374
5) Achievements: 52/55

โ˜… Minigames โ€“ Mahjong:
Minigame #25 โ€“ Mahjong: Mahjong can be complex, especially for first time players. Learning the basics is crucial for later games. No cheat items are available, so learning is necessary. When it's Mahjong, all rules apply the same so we won't worry about something different though the AIs can screw you very hard so it is a luck-based out of all minigames you'll play.

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What a Player
Play every minigame.
Achievement #51: Play all 25 minigames to unlock this achievement, entering and quitting the game immediately counts as +1 until you get the achievement.

One thing to note is that Mahjong is like poker and rummy cards but here it is a lot more in-depth with how you need to find the right suits (the Yaku types), calling/discarding when needed to for open hands, and scoring big to beat other AIs in this case. I will begin to include my checklist for every Mahjong game in every installment which includes other informations that have existed which is important to know. Some informations will be the same here but nonetheless it is what it is.

There are many other ways you can learn Mahjong though I find many videos but also websites with such tools such as Riichi Mahjong Calculator and a trainer but games that are non-Yakuza related is enough as well.

Before starting Mahjong in Yakuza especially 0, this minigame can turn off a lot of people especially me so I really am the type to read and look up on how to play Mahjong, although not masterful I can at least get the idea of the rules. The goal in this minigame is to do the following:
  • Go out ten times (ron or tsumo)
  • Earn Mangan five times
  • Earn Haneman once
  • Go out with a Riichi Ippatsu
  • Go out with a Full Straight
  • Earn ten million yen at mahjong

Go to any places, Orchid Palace or Jambalaya, where Mahjong is. There are few options: Half Game (minimum eight rounds) or a Quarter Game (minimum four rounds).
  • With the "Kuitan" rule active, you can go out on a hand of simples.
  • With the "Red Dora" rule turned on (recommended), you can use special red tiles to add extra points to scores.
Choose Half Game or Quarter Game at locations like Orchid Palace or Jambalaya. Use "Kuitan" and "Red Dora" rules for added strategy. Opt for Quarter Game, turn on both rules, and avoid the 2-han minimum for a smoother experience. We can also go either Beginner or higher difficulty.

Learn to familiarise yourself with these two quick guides:

  • NEVER call PON/CHII/KAN and instead should always be aiming to call Riichi. Call by either a ron or tsumo if you have the chance obviously you will win.
  • Save your game before betting your yen even if you got a lot.
  • Learn the game by being familiar with all the yakus and melds then plan on your call.
  • Make sure to press your button to toggle a Command (Riichi, Pon, Ron, etc.) which in this case is left click mouse button and then confirm if it's Riichi.
  • Depending on your discards according to the other guide you should try to discard tiles if they have the same as yours. You can safely discard the Honor and Dragon tiles since you will often be trying to build Riichi on your way

1. Go out ten times (ron or tsumo): This one is straight-forward, a common thing is calling out ron after you declare Riichi. I got more rons than tsumos.
 Mahjong (1).jpg]
 Tsumo (1).gif]

2. Earn Mangan five times: Earn 5 Han or at least 2000 BP in a total of 5 times, don't forget to quit match after winning.

3. Earn Haneman once: Earn 6-7 Han or at least 3000 BP in a total of 1 time, you are safe to quit even during the match. This stacks with Mangan as well.

4. Go out with a Riichi Ippatsu: For this you will have to call Riichi and get the last tile you need within one turn and call in a Tsumo or Ron which means you can grab player AI's discarded tile, a good setup is a complete setup of both sides such as a 3-4 or a 7-8 it depends how your tile is.
 Mahjong (2).jpg]

5. Go out with a Full Straight: Also known as Pure Straight (ikkitsuukan โ€“ ไธ€ๆฐ—้€š่ฒซ, or ittsuu โ€“ ไธ€้€š). Requires the sequences 1-2-3, 4-5-6 and 7-8-9, all of the same suit (Either Character, Pin, or Bamboo). I advise trying to have 5-6 tiles of one suit then hope you get the other 3-4, which should be 1 meld and 1 duplicate pair.

You can do open or closed hands on this one, I recommend stealing with chi if you can. I would also recommend getting several different numbered tiles in one suit while doing closed hands you can quit and reenter until you get what you wanted.
 Mahjong (4).jpg]

6. Earn ten million yen at mahjong: Naturally you will earn this but I did this last as I cleared other needed requirements. You can do Advanced table for this one because the earnings will be much more to attain.
 Mahjong (3).jpg]

Completion List: Minigames is completed now (100%).

Get 100% on your Completion List
Achievement #52: If you completed all 5 sections of all the list needed to be done on the Completion List page to 100% and the last achievement being unmissable before this then you will unlock this achievement.
Part 16: The Legend will arise
1) All chapters
2) Complete the game on Legend difficulty
3) Achievements: 53/55

2nd Walkthrough โ€“ Legend:
We need to beat this game on our new playthrough since we can't have our old save on it. Legend or formerly known as EX-HARD is a different walkthrough where we will need to play through from scratch fresh new playthrough in the highest difficulty, this Legend difficulty includes what will be said below but the following includes:
  • Your damage decreased against enemies/bosses.
  • When you die and game over you cannot try again on fight.
  • Faster QTEs known to East Asia.
  • Enemies are much aggressive compared to lower difficulties.
Luckily, this mode isn't that hard to do as you can save a lot of times on the Payphone box before the Long Battles and boss fights you'd be fighting. Since you played the whole game you know the difficulty isn't that insane or hard unlike the side contents.

For a reminder, here are the missables for those who needs it:
Chapter 2: Rich Taste
Chapter 3: Smooth Criminal
Chapter 5: Business Etiquette 101
Chapter 7: Best Served Cold?
Chapter 10: It Takes Two
Chapter 12: They Won't Mind
Chapter 13: Big Hair in the Crosshairs
Chapter 15: Hitting the Bottle

Speedrunning the game is very easy and possible you can even speed up dialogues by Space + E but some of you know that already. One important thing is to make sure to upgrade your fighting styles and stacking up heals when you have enough yen, you don't need business you need chapter rewards so you can spend it on upgrades.

Tip: Buy power surge and health upgrades from all style if you can afford them. Beast and Breaker are our go-to styles, lastly buy either Slime or Zap Guns but a Super Spicy Knife isn't a bad option, it's just a faster way with guns so you will not struggle with the long battles. Ensure that you get Staminans it still helps.
 Staminan (1).gif]

General idea of faster QTE in the whole East Asia:

Chapter 1 โ€“ 3:
Upgrade power surge on Brawler or Rush until you get Beast in Chapter 2 as well as stocking up Staminan Royales. From there on, use Beast the entire game and don't forget to go to Bob.

Kuze 1 appears as always

To save time here are the alcohol list once again:
  • Champagne - Don Quijote
  • Scotch Whiskey - The Poppo on Showa St.
  • Sweet Potato Shochu - The Poppo on Tenkaichi St.
  • Sake - The M Store on Shichifuku St.
  • Beer - Any convenience store. Either "Malt's" or "Carlsberg".

For Majima, reach Dragon & Tiger and get Zap Gun. Next get the Breaker to use it the entire game.

Chapter 4 โ€“ 6:
Remember, they will take Makoto after three times her hp drains. However, her hp will regen to 100% after 50% from the fight before you begin her escort.

Nothing much other than to progress, buy what you need. Remember, do not invest much time on business as you will be fine just only buy if you lack heals.

Chapter 7 โ€“ 9:
Kuze 2 appears like always

Makoto won't heal up like before escort so be careful.

Simple to proceed, however Kuze 3 like always in chapter 9.

Chapter 10 โ€“ 12:
Just like before just be careful.

Sera won't be a problem like always here.

Chapter 13 โ€“ 14:
The car chase shooting section on chapter 13 is not that bad due to restarting at least close to before this at least not until we get to the next installment of this car chase section you should have no problem with the mouse and keyboard. Even though the shooting section is easy, avoid missing and getting hit, make sure to use heat eye such when the red reticle appears and after reloading to have the window of time if the enemy's reticle is turning red, focus on the driver.

The helicopter is also easy but it's almost hard to fail the QTE on it just in case it's right click to pass the RPG part.

The next problem is fighting the Shibusawa thugs when Makoto has health, she will need to have her hp drained three times to have a game over we don't want that, be sure to not accidentally make mistakes as this is very tight to do especially with your Zap Gun like keep using your Zap Guns and heat action with Beast. After dropping to the next floor luckily no need to worry about Makoto, clear it to complete this section.

Nothing much on chapter 14 the same as usual, also Kuze 4.

Chapter 15 โ€“ 16:
Straight-forward, just breeze through until you make preparations on Finale as well.

Finally, Kuze 5 will appear here.

Now this here will be a long battle and it is very possible with your arsenal present as all chapters you used so make sure not to get hit a lot and not using up all heals you need them on the end but since you got the Zap Gun use it on some sections you may have trouble doing but all on Shibusawa, whatever style if you wish to use is depending on your preference the Beast is still my favourite to use.

As for Majima section, do the same with careful planning you will beat it also with ease, all three fighting styles after you used all of them at this point are still viable but Breaker is my favourite style so use whatever you like but don't let your heat sit and wait use it as much. After you are done with that you finally earn that Legend achievement which can take 7-9 hours.

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Stuff of Legend
Complete the main story on Legend Difficulty
Achievement #53: If you follow the process, we should get this achievement unlock after you completed the Finale and then reaching the end of the result screen.
 Legend (1).jpg]
Part 17: The Climax of Hell
1) Climax Battles
2) Climax Battles: 10/32
3) Achievements: 53/55

Extra โ€“ Climax Battles:
To fully 100% the game we need to complete Climax Battles. There are 4 sections, per stage will offer a challenge and others. These challenges offer restrictions, time limit, special fights, and also suffering but I am sure you can beat them if you practise as much.

The key is learning positioning, choosing the right style, and defeating enemies. While some parts may be challenging, with a solid strategy, victory comes easily. Certain styles excel in certain situations, but Breaker/Beast are crucial.

Majima's battle sections are the hardest than Kiryu, I think the devs are sadistic and wanted us to suffer through.

Slugger: Easy heat action to trigger and most importantly, combos. Depending on the situation you can do Light x3 or x4 + Heavy x1 but Light x2 + Heavy x1 is viable. Bonk

Breaker: The most useful and best way to beat Climax Battles. Use Light x4 + Heavy x1 to guarantee a safe spin, use heat actions when you can. Yeehaw

Beast: Grab objects, smash them constantly and use heat actions. Crunch

  • Weak (Name) - The character has no Abilities unlocked.
  • Strong (Name) - The character has all of the three styles of Abilities unlocked. Even if you have access to only one style, you'll have full health upgrades.
  • Styles - Some challenges restrict you to a single style. Others give you access to all three of the "main" styles. Only a couple specific challenges will give you the Legend styles.

To note, these challenges may not be for the faint of hearts, that is why you will maybe spend hours beating a battle to then move on so I suggest a break but we must persevere in order to get that Just Beat It Achievement.

I. Proving Grounds:
These are set of challenges and how you deal with them, this includes remaining timer, some tricks and tricky parts.

Proving Grounds #1: Weak Kiryu - Brawler Style. You will fight against gunmen and melee enemies who are immune to your punches and heat actions unarmed, you need to use the cannon and weapon heat action at the same time to deal damage, press [4] key to drop any weapons.

Proving Grounds #2: Weak Kiryu - Beast Style. With the power of beast style and furnitures as well as heat actions, do it like how you did against Oda on the gang of enemies.

Proving Grounds #3: Weak Majima - Thug Style. Even if you cannot grab or get/hit on an enemy, this is an easy win so don't bother with this too much.

Proving Grounds #4: Weak Majima - Slugger Style. You cannot pick up weapons so use your fighting skill against enemies.

Proving Grounds #5: Weak Kiryu - Rush Style. You will need to take your time and beat up enemies amongst them are zombies and focus on the boss zombies (use heat action on him when they are on ground fast if you can) and there are 4 of them in total otherwise you will struggle to clearing everyone since they will drop down. Beat up few zombies to build up heat action. After the zombie Kamoji appears, you can beat the remaining zombies and focus on patience, hit him when he drops to the ground.

Proving Grounds #6: Weak Majima - Breaker Style. We need to reach ยฅ30,000,000 yen in two minutes. The Areshi brothers will spin counter when you down them or sometimes attack you, however we can still spin attack them but stop spinning after 1-3 are down by few meter distance so you don't get downed also which will stop your yen from multiplying. Make sure to keep distance and not getting downed to multiply your yen gain, the highest you can gain is ยฅ3,000,000 without being downed.

Proving Grounds #7: Strong Kiryu - Beast Style. We need to reach ยฅ30,000,000 yen in two minutes. This is basically Miss Tatsu training level but like that one we must destroy those red boxes to gain yen, like before you can throw boxes and get money from it still, then take care of the gunmen who are aiming at you when you pick up the box but you have 2nd heat bar of not getting stunned by bullets so keep hitting the mannequins.

Proving Grounds #8: Strong Majima - All Styles. This is by far the most RNG part of Proving Grounds that it took me 5 hours non-stop but it's possible to beat this. Your vision is darkened and health is draining and the worst part is beating some random guys and all Nikkyo guys of Benten Inn, you can still do it with any styles and heat actions but the constant switching of styles while you're about to attack is infuriating. Use weapons on the ground and mix it up with heat actions sparingly just save it.

Fun fact: Set your FOV a little higher and you can see the whole thing around of your screen.

The good news is that heat actions stops your health from draining constantly, Slugger is easy to use, Breaker may be tricky due to the tight trigger and Thug is depending on your situation. I still would use Marlin Cannon on enemies to build heat fast to 2nd or 3rd heat bar and then brute-force my way with fewer heat actions used until wave 3 and 4.

Automatically switching styles drains your health, so prioritise blocking incoming attacks and attacking consistently. Instead of repeatedly using heat actions and switching styles, it's more effective to build up to the 3rd heat bar for increased damage, use this strategy to your advantage unless you need heat actions to halt constant health drain. Focus on spamming heavy damage attack combos to rapidly build heat instead of resorting to the standard attacks, such as the Nunchaku combo. Utilising stronger heat actions against boss enemies proves more advantageous.

Handle the first wave swiftly and secure a Marlin for subsequent waves. Use Breaker and Slugger styles for the second wave if the game constantly switches to them. Be cautious of the third boss's special attacks and blocks (Blocking from 3), just hope you get the Thug. In the fourth wave, focus on heat actions sparingly and utilising Marlin try not to get hit few times from the Nikkyo guys of Benten Inn.

Proving Grounds #9: Strong Kiryu - Legend Style. We need to beat all enemies without taking damage. There will be 4 waves, three are easy, one guy who resembles Dolce Kamiya but you can sumo slap him and then (not sugarcoating it) throw him from the ground side by side, two gunmen and one fat lad so you can take care of the gunmen and one fatguy which you can shoot him, last one is the guy who is faster but you can grab the bicycle and heat action him to pulp.

Proving Grounds #10: Strong Majima - Legend Style. Similarly to the previous, you will be fighting some enemies even familiar ones but the real deal is the shotgun guy with his two men, deal the shotgun user and after that comes with the tricky part who is the Nikkyo wind fan lad who will immediately throw a fan upon starting so dodge his attacks and attack him but it is not that bad, make use of your Savage/Chomp attack.
Part 18: The Road to Suffering
1) Climax Battles
2) Climax Battles: 26/32
3) Achievements: 53/55

II. Melee Battle:
These are sets of challenges with punch-outs and time limit for you to beat against all enemies, there will be waves, if there is not enough time limit on Proving Grounds then here it is. Remember, timer stops when you use heat actions.

Melee Battle #1: Strong Kiryu - Brawler Style. This is easy, there are 3 waves for you to clear within 90 seconds and for the balcony you can throw few guys on it but the big guys and katana guy is priority so use heat action on them but make sure to have yourself on 3rd heat bar when attacking which is still easy to gain.

Melee Battle #2: Strong Majima - Thug Style. There will be 3 waves for you to clear within 90 seconds. Use heat actions frequently as they stop the challenging timer but spare some for much hp lads than lower hp.s

Melee Battle #3: Strong Kiryu - Rush Style. You are on the Coliseum and must clear 3 waves within 90 seconds. First are 6 random enemies, then the one boss and lastly the boss from the Bed of Styx Coliseum, Wang Baoli > Fist of God respectively but this is easy.

Melee Battle #4: Strong Majima - Slugger Style. In the Tojo Clan HQ outside area, clear all 3 waves within 90 seconds. 6 enemies first, 3 enemies and lastly 3 enemies some are tough and block also but use your heat actions on them, I recommend using the Nunchaku combo while using the swing heavy attack (light + light + heavy attack) then heat actions. This may have been annoying but it's doable.

Melee Battle #5: Strong Kiryu - Beast Style. We clear 3 waves within 60 seconds, there are four men with pistols, then three men with one with a shotgun, then three unarmed men. We have furnitures to use so do that and brute-force your way even without chair you can do this.

Melee Battle #6: Strong Majima - Breaker Style. We clear 3 waves within 90 seconds, there are enemies such as the katana users (counter heat attack them asap) but we can use Light x4 + Heavy x1 Breaker, and save up the powerful attacks and heat for tough enemies. This is a hard battle (Like every Majima battles).

Melee Battle #7: Weak Kiryu - Three Styles. Not only this is wave 1 only but you clear it within 10 seconds, easily done by grabbing the shotgun at the end forward not behind and then pump full of leads onto the other enemies immediately. Use Rush and then Brawler back then dodge when the shotgun user is about to shoot.

Melee Battle #8: Weak Majima - Three Styles. This is also wave 1 within 10 seconds to clear, similarly as previous you have to grab the cannon on your right at the barrels and shoot the enemies.

Melee Battle #9: Strong Kiryu - Three Styles. Only wave 1 you need to clear within 150 seconds, use Beast or other styles but also build up heat actions to decimate the enemies then your done. This is very easy.

Melee Battle #10: Strong Majima - Three Styles. Only wave 1 you need to clear within 150 seconds. Similarly, this is also easy just use all fighting styles against enemies.

III. Millionaire Battle:
Basically, you are fighting Mr. Shakedowns with the requirements needed to reach, there are also no time limits so your good to go. Mr. Shakedown functions the same as the main game.

Millionaire Battle #1: Weak Kiryu - Three Styles. Beat Mr. Shakedown in the open area to clear this battle, use objects to speed it up and Beast when he's enraged.

Millionaire Battle #2: Weak Majima - Three Styles. Same goal but you are in a tight area so make sure to be patient on Mr. Shakedown and beat him up when it's safe. It's not that hard just use Light x1 or x3 + Heavy x1 Thug when your close to him so he spin attacks and use the objects to heat action him.

Millionaire Battle #3: Weak Kiryu - Three Styles. Reach ยฅ10 million within 90 seconds. Try not to get downed or hit, can do the same attack from previous as Majima and you get million of yens.

Millionaire Battle #4: Strong Majima - Three Styles. Reach ยฅ30 million without getting hit, this is easy as you have full upgrades and earn much yen with a simple Light x1 + Heavy x1 Thug for ยฅ6 million yen each, using heat action is optional but it's much faster.

Millionaire Battle #5: Strong Kiryu - Three Styles. You will fight two Mr. Shakedowns inside the Coliseum, use Rush to gain heat and then use heat to damage them.

Millionaire Battle #6: Strong Majima - Three Styles. Similar goal from previous, you can get this done easy by either using Secret of the Strut (Elbow) or dodge from Breaker and using that heat action to deal damage against them. It's very easy to pull off no gimmicks or tricks.
Part 19: The Ultimate Showdown
1) Climax Battles
2) Climax Battles: 32/32
3) Achievements: 55/55

IV. Ultimate Battle:
These are main bosses from the story and there is some hard parts. You will go through phases on each bosses, luckily you are strong on all of them but it still poses challenges. There is Kiryu with his Brawler that can heal you by 10% every heat actions used and as Majima heals you by 10% when entering a new round. One thing to note: Your health does not fully regenerate so is heat actions at the next round so save them as much and don't get hit more often. However, this section is the easiest to beat you may lose few times but I provided tips on how to beat them so you can not spend longer here.

As always, cheese everything with Beast/Breaker but make use of heat actions, Slugger is good too. You can use Beast and smash-throw bosses until you gain heat which you can deal damage with it. Most of the bosses functions the same but playing with another protagonist like Kiryu against the bosses fought by Majima is a nice change. A good way to stun bosses on Ultimate is to use Breaker + Thug or Slugger heat actions then use Breaker again repeatedly which works so well.

Ultimate Battle #1: Strong Kiryu - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Okabe and Friends
  • (Round 2) Jun Oda
  • (Round 3) Daisaku Kuze

You can gain health with your heat action using Brawler which will happen on some other battles on round 1 and 2, I used Beast. Lastly, there is a Kuze 5 fight last it's the same plan just beat him up with objects, throw him side by side until you repeat with heat actions.

Ultimate Battle #2: Strong Majima - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Wen Hai Lee
  • (Round 2) Homare Nishitani
  • (Round 3) Masaru Sera

You heal after each round. Like I said, use Light x4 + Heavy x1 Breaker and Slugger heat action against Lee then repeat the process this will be essential on later battles of all bosses as Majima. Nishitani 1 functions the same but nonetheless do the same on him.

Lastly and very important, you may want to use Breaker against Sera who is a kind of powerful version from the main story, specifically the Rolling Snake (E + Q) at 2nd heat bar when he attacks you. Then, dodge and repeatedly do the process of Rolling Snake after 1 second of him attacking then either Slugger or Thug heat action at 3rd heat bar when he's downed, repeat the process all over again.

Following up to the previous part, you can bait Sera's attack by doing Light x1 Thug and then dodge sideways or backwards to build your heat meter to 2nd heat bar it's a little risky but it works.

Ultimate Battle #3: Strong Kiryu - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Homare Nishitani
  • (Round 2) Wen Hai Lee
  • (Round 3) Masaru Sera
  • (Round 4) Hiroki Awano
  • (Round 5) Osamu Kashiwagi

You heal after each round. Basically throughout Round 1-5, the enemies deal less damage at least on you and it's a breeze through. I use Beast mostly.

Ultimate Battle #4: Strong Majima - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 2) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 3) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 4) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 5) Daisaku Kuze

What good idea to think about other than all KUZEs since we have to teach him many lessons, you can perform any style moves on Kuze as long as you survive. Same attack with the Breaker I always mentioned.
 Kuze (1).png]

Ultimate Battle #5: Strong Majima - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Jun Oda
  • (Round 2) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 3) Hiroki Awano
  • (Round 4) Dead Puncher
  • (Round 5) Masaru Sera
  • (Round 6) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 7) Akira Nishikiyama
  • (Round 8) Osamu Kashiwagi
  • (Round 9) Keiji Shibusawa
  • (Round 10) Lao Gui

Breaker as always. On round 9, funnily enough you can heat action Shibusawa off the boat so do it if you want to.

Ultimate Battle #6: Strong Kiryu - Three Styles.
Main opponents:
  • (Round 1) Hiroki Awano
  • (Round 2) Doctor Kirihito
  • (Round 3) Masaru Sera
  • (Round 4) Jun Oda
  • (Round 5) Yoneda
  • (Round 6) Daisaku Kuze
  • (Round 7) Lao Gui
  • (Round 8) Keiji Shibusawa
  • (Round 9) Osamu Kashiwagi
  • (Round 10) Akira Nishikiyama

Lastly, you can still heal with Brawler on heat actions. You can use Beast here mostly just like the previous after Ultimate 2 it is very easy.

Shibusawa can be troublesome so I suggest using Beast against him and when he's in Dragon form use Rush and counter elbow heat attack him, however if you're lucky you can beat him with Beast providing you didn't get stunlocked or hit many times also grabbed but dodge also his incoming attacks, after that it is all a breeze.

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Just Beat It
Complete all Climax Battles.
Achievement #54: After completing all 32 Climax Battles the achievement unlocks. This is a tough achievement.

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Where It All Began
Obtain all other achievements
Achievement #55: Story Related. After all of the grind, perseverance, Legend playthrough and everything else where grinding is flexible in this game, we then have all 54 achievements and this triggers, congratulations hope your sanity and determination is saved for the next Yakuza installment because it will be a monumental task to do.
Yakuza 0 is amongst if not one of the greatest game on my top 10 to play as a first time experiencing with what the series has to offer, along with this is the grindest and most RNG you can experience but with perseverance and diligence we will be able to 100% this game.

The contents and stories are all complete I really like Pocket Circuit Race but other minigames with an RNG can be the most annoying and exhausting to do such as Mahjong. The grind is also tedious with others that made me want to finish it quickly but on the other hand I enjoy Mahjong in this game it was not that bad despite the RNG but it is easy.

The Climax Battle was the most time-consuming to spend clearing as it still infuriates me when I die when there are opportunities to prevent it but it was possible.

Legend was not that bad but I still enjoy starting anew just to play through the story on the highest difficulty it was very easy.

Overall, the game took close to 170 hours in 100% but if you were faster you can lower that although the RNG can screw you sometimes. I really had my tryhard mindset, put on my blood, sweat and tears as well. See you next on Yakuza Kiwami 1.

 Wallpaper (2).jpg]

100% finished, keep it up people and good luck :)

If you want to consider donating, I have the link here so you can send your money. Otherwise if not then that is fine, continue using this guide at your own benefit I won't ask too much.

Other guides:
No More Justice 1 Sep, 2024 @ 2:04pm 
Holy shit! That's rad! I didn't expect a guide of THIS quality. I'd even say it's probably the best guide out there so far. Thanks for making this happen, even if I wish I could've used it 6 years ago. Take my Steam points.:JudgmentCrane::JudgmentTiger:
jstew 31 Mar, 2024 @ 10:57am 
nice guide and format. the english could use some work, however.
johrt 17 Feb, 2024 @ 5:32am 
tysm for this - a new player <3
Division  [author] 10 Feb, 2024 @ 8:50am 
I'm glad to hear that but I saw how complicated 3 looks in terms of roadmap at first but I got plans to do them in the future. For now, I am prepping Kiwami 1 work on guides and the game which will be played on my alt account while doing other guides I have not done yet, kind of tiring but like 0 I have fun working on it.
Metwie 10 Feb, 2024 @ 6:49am 
great guide super organised of the ones ive seen so far. gonna need the y3 one soon too so i'm glad you're gonna be working on all the main series
Division  [author] 9 Feb, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
Thanks, Cynic 0055, the game is like mentally testing my brain due to everything such as RNG and the hardest of all contents, I can't wait to work on Kiwami 1 to 7 soon.
Cynic 0055 9 Feb, 2024 @ 8:41am 
Great work man, this guide looks amazing! :fistsr:
Bicarbonato De Sodio 8 Feb, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
Unidentified 8 Feb, 2024 @ 1:47pm 
Great guide! Lots of detail and great explaination going into this :rjumendoka2: