Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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Fatalis and the Effect of Defensive/Guard Skills
De NobodyAsMe
For those who wish to gain some insight on how guard knockback works, and what effect defensive skills have on Fatalis' attacks. The guide contains a calculator showing if you get one shot. Also features exact HP on dmg received and knockback levels.
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Purpose of the Calculator
I've seen a lot of people over the years asking why they get one shot by Fatalis. If almost all attacks one shots you, it's usually due to low defense/HP or using bow/bowgun. Or simply because it is Fatalis. There exists a lot of defensive options, but I have sometimes wondered how big of a difference these made. That's mainly why I made this calculator. Hope it will help someone!

The calculator can be seen here[].

Layout of the calculator is inspired by iixxion's video about defense in MH and IanManta's Sticky Ammo Cap spreadsheet.

What can the calculator be used for?
The spreadsheet can compare 2 different sets and thus be useful to know:
  • If you get one shot by Fatalis with your current gear.
  • The effect of defensive armor skills, HH melodies, food buffs etc.
  • The difference between ranged and melee hunters.
  • What knockback you get with any shield weapon.

Will you end up like this?

How to use Calculator
To be able to use the calculator, you first have to make a copy of the spreadsheet. Go to File and Make a Copy.

There are 3 sheets in the spreadsheet. They can be used for the following:
    One Shot?
  • Dmg taken in percentage and number of hits it takes to cart.
  • Dmg taken in HP and what Knockback level you get.
    Old Calculator
  • First version of the spreadsheet. I don't recommend using it. A big mess.

For both "One Shot?" and "Guard?":
Type in max HP and defense of your armor without any armor skills. Select any other defensive buff in your setup, e.g. food buffs, armor skills, usage of IG etc. These can either be checkboxes or dropdown menus. The values in the spreadsheet are by default the stats from fully augmented Fatalis armor. If you use an armor set with innate Defense Boost/Elemental Res., ignore the "Defensive Armor Skills" section and input the total defense/fire resistance.

For "Guard?":
There's an extra box to fill out, asking you of which weapon you use. And also if you use Guard skill. Charge Blade also have to choose which state it is in, and Heavy Bowgun must pick there shield mod level.

Terms and names in the calculator
The calculator lists all Fatalis' attack names and a video example of the move. Names of the attacks can be confusing, as there isn't any official or agreed upon naming conventions. The calculator uses the same names and (mostly same) order as this video guide.

Fatalis will later in Phase 3 deal extra dmg unless the head has been broken twice. This is reflected in the Attack Names with terms such as:
  • 2 headbreaks / No term - Base dmg of the attack before Phase 3, or after breaking head twice in Phase 3. If the attack existed before Phase 3, it will not have the "2 headbreaks" term.
  • headbreak - Only Phase 3. Dmg after breaking the head once.
  • Blue Flame - Only Phase 3. Dmg after breaking the head twice.
  • Aerial - The air version of the attack.
  • Platform - Refers to the Dragonator platform.
  • Cannon Platform - Refers to the cannon platform in Phase 1.
Next to the video example is the portion of the attack being physical dmg. "% of Max HP" shows how much dmg of your max HP the attack does with the 2 different sets. Lower number is better. "Hits To Cart" is self explanatory. Higher number is better.

General about Damage Received
Difference between melee and ranged
Gunners (ranged users) have a hidden 30% penalty in defense, but 5 points increase in elemental resistance. The extra points in elemental resistance will not count towards getting blight immunity at 20 element resistance for the different elements.

There are 3 major reasons why gunners take more dmg:
  1. A 5 point increase in elemental resistance does not account for a 30% decrease in defense.
  2. Elemental monster attacks in MHW usually deal a mix between elemental and physical dmg. They tend to do more physical than elemental dmg, with a few exceptions from Teostra etc.
  3. Elemental resistance only reduces the elemental part of the attack. Defense reduces both.
Due to Fatalis' fire based attacks mostly dealing ~30% fire dmg (50% at max), the 5 extra elemental resistance won't help much. Overall, gunners will take ~36-39% extra dmg vs. Fatalis depending on the elemental portion of the attack and the total defense being compared.

You can see a video comparison here.

Fatalis is mad!
When enraged, Fatalis will deal 10% extra dmg, but will in turn take 10% extra dmg.

Some attacks deal fixed damage!
The pin attack where Fatalis sticks you to his chest will deal fixed 100 HP dmg when you are thrown off. The novas (not prenova flames) in Phase 3 can be survived with 1 or 2 headbreaks. These novas deal 150 HP with 1 headbreak, and 120 HP with 2 headbreaks. Other types of fixed dmg include Fire Blight and Embers on the ground in Phase 3.

How accurate is this calculator?
I have tested dmg received using fully augmented Fatalis armor with only Blight Resistance equipped for both melee and ranged. Exact HP lost was read using HunterPie overlay. I tested the dmg on Fireballs, Slaps, Charged Fireball, and a few other moves. In these cases, the dmg received matched exactly what the calculator came out with. Note that the calculator can seem wrong with +/- 1 HP due to recoverable health. If you find a mistake somewhere, feel free to let me know.

Another Fatty picture.

How Does Guarding Work?
The following tables and data is from MHW:I General Data Sheet[]

Understanding that different monster attacks will give different knockbacks can enable you to respond more accordingly. There are 3 knockback levels. Larger knockbacks cost more stamina, have a longer recovery, and give less damage reduction.

(VID of KNOCKBACK types. Show all 3 knockbacks to the same monster attack move. Highlight sounds and recovery time by shooting)

The following table shows damage reduction and stamina cost per knockback level.

Every monster attack has a threshold value that determines which knockback level is received. Each weapon with a shield has 2 Guard Threshold values: one for Medium Knockback and the other for Small Knockback. If the weapon's Small Guard Threshold is higher than or equal to the monster's knockback power, you'll get a Small Knockback. Otherwise, if medium guard threshold is higher/equal, you'll get a Medium Knockback. If none of the weapon’s thresholds are higher, you will receive a Large Knockback.

Threshold values for each weapon can be seen on the table below.

By default, Lance and Gunlance have the highest natural Guard Threshold. Charge Blade’s thresholds are even higher when the shield is charged and using Guard Points. Heavy Bowgun’s shield can be upgraded by having more Shield mods. Using 3 or 4 Shield mods give the same Guard Thresholds, but Shield lvl 4 gives more damage reduction. Note that Power Guard on Lance takes more dmg from guarding than the normal block.

The easiest way to increase these Guard Thresholds is using the skill Guard. This skill also reduces the stamina cost of blocking.

Many of Fatalis’ attacks have a Knockback Power of 80+, so even with Guard lvl 5, you will still get Large Knockbacks. I still recommend using Guard lvl 5 because of its stamina reduction.
The skill Guard Up enables certain moves to be blockable but has no effect on Guard Thresholds. Note that certain moves still can’t be blocked even with Guard Up, for example Fatalis’ Nova or pin attack.

You can see the knockback power of each of Fatalis' attacks in my spreadsheet. Either in "Old Calculator" or in the hidden cells in "Guard?".

Did my explanation make no sense? Fiddydamage explains it here. Angbata11 also explains it shortly in his video about HBG’s shield mod.

How is Damage Received Calculated?
The general formular for dmg received is:

DmgReductMult is the damage reduced from defense and has for a long time been like this:

80 / (80 + Total Defense)

Damage reduction can also be due to Rocksteady Mantle, Divine Blessing, and hyperarmor from using various weapons. To make the General Dmg Received Formula more simple, I'll add these modifiers here.

(80 / (80 + Total Defense)) * ∏OtherDmgReductMult

Excuse the name, I couldn't come up with a better one. This ∏ simply means the multiplicative product of all the related modifiers. I won't go over how Total Defense is calculated. They go over it here in the MHW:I General Data Sheet[].

QuestMod. Every quest has a modifier controlling how much the monster attack should be boosted. This value is 18x for all Fatalis quests.

EnrageMult is enabled once the monster gets angry. Fatalis has 1.1x enrage modifier.

RawAttackPower is the physical portion of a monster's attack. EleAttackPower is the elemental portion.

Finally, EleMod is the dmg reduction(or increase) due to Elemental Resistance. Note that Gunners have a hidden 5 point increase in all elemental resistances. Classicaly, the formula is as follows:

1 - Ele Resistance / 100

There's also an elemental dmg reduction modifier from the various elementalproof mantles. Let's call these for MantleMod:

(1 - Ele Resistance / 100) * MantleMod

If we squeeze all this information into one formula, we get this:

(80 / (80 + Total Defense)) * ∏OtherDmgReductMult * QuestMod*EnrageMult *(RawAttackPower + EleAttackPower * (1 - Ele Resistance / 100) * MantleMod)

The final value is rounded down.

Where did I get this data from?
Fatalis attack values are from kiranico[]. Quest and enrage modifier is from RoboMeche's MHW Database[]. Total defense formula and other data is from MHW:I General Data Sheet[]. Dmg received formula is from this reddit post with some slight modification to incorporate attacks dealing mixed dmg. 5 points increase elemental resistance for gunners was confirmed by me through testing.

Spreadsheet Change Log
  • 19. Dec. 2023 - Fixed implementation of Adamant Pill

2 commentaires
Kaffe Kane 13 déc. 2023 à 14h17 
This guide was incidentally useful for information about guarding weapons that I actually didn't know about!

I'd been scratching my head over the hypothesis that somehow, *somehow*, each of the different weapons had a radius where the block actually worked, and what was the target that managed to make me guess this?

That fucking Arzuros from Rise with his claw swipe combo.
Senchou 11 déc. 2023 à 1h45 