Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

563 arvostelua
GBJ Blood Mod: The Original
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Tunnisteet: mod, Graphical
3.260 MB
6.9.2014 klo 9.05
10.8.2018 klo 10.17
21 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )
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GBJ Blood Mod: The Original

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Apis in Memphis
8 luomusta
I've stopped supporting all my mods for TW.
To all those who wish to take them for further development, I will only be glad if you continue this business, I wish you creative success, there will be one request from me if you take any of my mods, please leave a link to the original.

The current way to install the mod that still works.
Since I no longer have access to the site where I posted the additional file, please give feedback if it is available, the originals are unfortunately lost, perhaps there are still places where it has been preserved.

1. Sub to the mod in Workshop.
2. Download linked file and put in data folder.
3. Verify integrity of game cache of game.
4. Start game, enable the mod in the launcher (you'll have to enable out of date mods).
5. In-game main menu: Settings > Mods > check both boxes (movie packs and scripts).

- Mod uses the original texture of blood from the DLC Blood & Gore.
- Improved color scheme and given the volume of blood.
- Blood on the battlefield does not disappear.
- Changed the texture of the blood on the bodies, clothing and armor more realistic.

Attention!!! mod is not compatible with any other mods on the blood, before installing this mod remove them, otherwise its normal operation is not guaranteed!!!

Attention!!! Due to changes in the new patch to complete the work mode (that the blood did not disappear on the ground) will need to download an additional file, нe also is not Steam version mod.
Installation: put the file in the folder "data" in the game directory. (folder with the game).

How to remove: When installing any other mods for blood or if you wish to delete mod, be sure to remove the additional file manually!!!

Recommended to use this mods together with my mods on the blood:
- R2:TW GEM - Graphic Enhancement Mod
- More Bloody Animation

Mods changing textures blood for Total War: Attila
- GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Original
- GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Purple Rivers
- GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Blood Dark Times

- GBJ Blood Mod Attila: The Bloody Volume

Other versions of the mods change the texture of the blood for Total War: Rome 2
- GBJ Blood Mod: The Harsh Reality
- GBJ Blood Mod: The Purple Rivers
- GBJ Blood Mod: The Revolution

Mod changes the texture of blood for Total War: Shogun 2
- GBJ Blood Mod: The Samurai Blood

Unit Packs for Total War: Rome 2
- GBJ Unit Pack: This is Sparta
- GBJ Unit Pack: This is Sparta [WoS]
- GBJ Unit Pack: Pharaoh's Warriors
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (2)
22.11.2020 klo 4.02
TÄRKEÄ: Link to additional file.
Apis in Memphis
14.2.2022 klo 10.24
TÄRKEÄ: Ссылка на дополнительный файл.
Apis in Memphis
322 kommenttia
Josef 16.9.2024 klo 7.14 
wtf is this xd
toe sucking for a living 14.3.2024 klo 8.05 
As of 2024 I can confirm this still works :rjumendoka2:
Samurai 4.4.2023 klo 12.29 
так не честно. сначала подсадил на много крови а теперь не обновляешь. работает так себе мод через раз на стенах вообще не бывает крови
Apis in Memphis  [tekijä] 6.12.2022 klo 22.21 
I've stopped supporting all my mods.
To all those who wish to take them for further development, I will only be glad if you continue this business, I wish you creative success, there will be one request from me if you take any of my mods, please leave a link to the original.
I stopped supporting all my mods.
The current way to install the mod that still works and indeed it is.
Since I no longer have access to the site where I posted the additional file, please give feedback if it is available, the originals are unfortunately lost, perhaps there are still places where it has been preserved.
IMATIRiiX 15.11.2022 klo 0.54 
every blood mod i use conflicts with vanilla so im getting dark and light textures of blood it looks horrible, better to stick with vanilla guys or go to attila where the blood doesnt need modding
Samurai 6.5.2022 klo 8.39 
Пожалуйста обнови мод друг брат товарищ!!! обнови плз
Bzyk 10.4.2021 klo 12.04 
необходимо скачать дополнительный файл, он же является не Стим версией мода! Чего это за фаил и где его брать?
변하은 9.2.2021 klo 19.38 
not work in game
Гитлер 30.12.2020 klo 14.24 
Обновите мод ато не работает ((
Molester of all Eggs 28.9.2020 klo 6.32 
Does it still work 2020?