Sons Of The Forest

Sons Of The Forest

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How to Revive Kelvin or Virginia (as of December 2nd 2023)
By iAmor and 1 collaborators
The most recent online guides for reviving Kelvin were from March of 2023 and they did not fully work, so I figured it out so you don't have to
How to revive Kelvin and/or Virginia
Going Reanimator on dead characters

A side note before you venture into this: consider looking at SOTFedit instead, I haven't used it but apparently it's easier! (

1. Oh no! Kelvin died and Virginia won't shut the ♥♥♥♥ up about it! (or vice versa, maybe, idk if Kelvin cries when Virginia dies. but I do know that Virginia was going through the full stages of grief when Kelvin got knocked the ♥♥♥♥ out by a red guy and we didn't know until too late)

2. Save your game, make an extra save just in case

3. Open File Explorer on your PC and enter <%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves> (without the <>) in the address bar.

4. Click on the folder titled with a string of numbers, followed by SinglePlayer or MultiPlayer (depending on the mode you're playing), and then select the save folder that you want to modify.

5. Open the file named 'GameStateSaveData.json'.

6. Locate the text that reads <”IsRobbyDead\":true> or <"IsVirginiaDead\":true>, depending on who you want back. Robby=Kelvin's current status, and the Virginia line more clearly refers to her dead/alive status.

7. Depending on which companion you want to revive, change their respective text to <"IsRobbyDead\":false> or <"IsVirginiaDead\":false>.

8. Save the 'GameStateSaveData.json' file and exit back to the save folder.

--> [Side note: I had difficulty saving directly because of my own computer settings.. I’m not super knowledgeable on file stuff but what I figured out was saving the edited file to the ####### (long number) save folder itself and then dragging it into the “SaveData” zip file. I selected the copy and replace option. There may be an easier way but that is just what I did. I did this again for the next section.] <-- I've been informed that this can corrupt your save file! I told you to make an extra save anyways but please be aware of this!

9. Next, open the 'SaveData.json' file. Search the file for a snippet of text that reads <"TypeId\":9> (for Kelvin) or <"TypeId\":10> (for Virginia).

10. From there, read along until you find some text further along that reads <"State\":6>. Change this piece of text to <"State\":2>.

11. Continue reading until you see <\"Stats\":{\"Anger\":12.6198864,”> and insert in <\"Health\":100.0,> after the first parentheses thing, before anger stat

12.Search again for <{\"TypeId\":9> (Kelvin) or <{\"TypeId\":10> (Virginia) and replace that whole second section that is closer to the bottom of the file (for example: <{\"TypeId\":9,\"PlayerKilled\":1,\"KilledOnDay\":{\"45\":1}}> for Kelvin) with

<{\"TypeId\":9,\"KilledOnDay\":{}}> (Kelvin)
<{\"TypeId\":10,\"KilledOnDay\":{}}> (Virginia)

13. Save the 'SaveData.json' file and close all of the files down.

14. Reload Sons of the Forest and enter your save. For me this worked, and Kelvin was back to being his annoying self that we ordered around, and chilling with dead bodies.

Some text taken from Rock Paper Shotgun but their guide was from about 9 months ago and wasn't fully resurrecting Kelvin for me so I added more to it.
nuh uh 9 Jan @ 11:14pm 
smash Virginia
𝓚𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓝 16 Nov, 2024 @ 10:32am 
what a life this guy has
Mr.Muppet 5 Nov, 2024 @ 7:11pm 
Worked perfectfully, thank you so much.
Actually also managed to add affection for Virginia and have then both for the ending achievement.
FactualFibber 18 Jan, 2024 @ 5:43pm 
my json files say they cannot be edited? im fairly bad at using this stuff so any help on changing that would be great
Collin Deez 28 Dec, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
It is easier to enable cheats by typing "cheatstick" then pressing f1. Type "removedead" then press enter to remove the deceased followed by "addcharacter robby" for kelvin or "addcharacter virginia" to bring them back.
Taco Salad Cat 28 Dec, 2023 @ 12:12am 
Going to be trying to work it out for me. Ijust wanted a little more clarification on editing the code for the "Anger" part. Can you show us/me what the code should look like cuase Im unsure by your explanation on how the line should look. Also. { } are called braces and [ ] are called brackets and I took me a minute to realize what you meant by parentheses thing lol.
iAmor  [author] 27 Dec, 2023 @ 11:56am 
I just started a single player world to test it with "new" files and I was able to find "IsRobbyDead\":true,\ after beating him to death so I don't know why it's not there for you :( I hope you can find it!
jeegz 27 Dec, 2023 @ 9:59am 
Alright! So I've been looking at almost every tutorial now on how to bring Kelvin/Virginia back and followed the instructions as described and I can't seem to find the statement "IsRobbyDead" or "IsVirginiaDead" in my GameStateSaveData notepad. I tried to make a new world and copy the files from that save into mine and I can't even find the statements there either. Have they changed the whole system or why is my notepad f*cked up? x)
iAmor  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 8:55am 
I haven't used that! I'll look into it. My file seemed fine after saving but I'll add that you said it can corrupt it, thank you :)
TriadWarfare 23 Dec, 2023 @ 5:54am 
I would want to add that you should not extract then re-zip the SaveData folder archive as it will corrupt your save file.

Have you used SOTFEdit? I feel that this would make your life much easier.