SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris

SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris

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Release Recollection Guru Achievement
Av nigagaby och 1 medverkande

Seems like this achievement guide is achieved by only 2.0% (as of now) of people so here I'll describe to you how to earn this achievement easily, STEP BY STEP!!!!

Background: Kirito is Level 48, but you're able to do this earlier or maybe wanna play 'til Deusoldort Area of the Southern Map is opened and also having Alice and/or Eugeo or other IntegrityKnights if you prefer, able to do RILISU RECOLECSHANN!!!

1) Change/Ensure difficulty to Normal at Kirito's tent
2) Bring with you ONLY (for simplifying this guide I'll just stick to Alice) Alice, head over to Deusoldort
3) Equip As Much Passives of Arts Gauge onto ALICE
4) Remove weapon give him a wooden sword instead, remove armor, remove sword skill, remove passives. You want to debuff/nerf Kirito as much as possible because during fighting in Normal Diff., Kirito might interfere with killing the monsters Alice targeted for Releasing Recollection so you want it as if Kirito isn't there
5) Go to the cactus area and hit/attract all monsters nearby in a small area around atleast 2 monsters The more the better, if you have 5 monsters and above then it should be more easier and faster for you
6) Spam dodge and block, the more monsters there are the more the hits going to hit so easier and much much faster when you dodge/invade or/and block perfectly, this is to fill in your Arts Gauge
7) When Arts Gauge Filled, hit the monsters until you're confident that Alice's Release Recollection will 1-shot them all, but be aware that Kirito might deal some damage to the monsters and possibly eliminate them earlier before Alice can eliminate them with Release Recollection which is what you should avoid to achieve this achievement faster
8) Then RILISU RECOLECSHAN!!! and you should be eliminating the numbers of monsters in 1 go, lets say you eliminated 5 of the monsters, so you just have to do it 5 times more (5 down, 25 to go, do this 5 times more and you should be having the achievement by eliminating 30 monsters, unless you did some earlier)

Then you have your "Release Recollection Guru Achievement" Achievement
Some things to NOTE:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The elimination of all the 30 monsters in order to be counted is when you hit them with Release Recollection and they are eliminated straightaway, it won't be counted if you hit them with Release Recollection but the monster/s still having some HP left.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Beware of wayfarers when doing this achievement, sometimes they like to join in the fight, this will make it longer for you to achieve the achievement but if you are aware then it'll be faster for you

Most importantly, enjoy the game and it's system and the effort devs put into this game to bring SAO to this game to be played.
If you have any guides that you want to know, just reply and I'll most probably try to give the more clear and straightforward guide.

@nigagaby on IG
Release Recollection Guru Achievement Guide Screenshot
The Contents have been in the description of this guide.

At Deusoldort area fighting and increasing Arts Gauge alongside Kirito.

Achieving the Achievement currently at only 2.0% of gamers achieved this achievement on Steam.
1 kommentarer
nigagaby  [skapare] 27 nov, 2023 @ 16:55 
EDIT UPDATE: Purchase Dull Ring at SAO Shop at Main Menu, and wear it on Kirito, he should only deal damage number of 1, so you can focus on your Release Recollection character and don't have to trouble yourself with Kirito.