Tech Support: Error Unknown

Tech Support: Error Unknown

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《技术支持:未知错误》成就解锁及游玩建议(100% Achievements&Suggestions)[中文/ENG]
By 川井伊子~低配玩玩gal

This guide simply introduces how to play the game Tech Support: Error Unknown like an AI with standard reply, and some tips on playthough and how to obtain all achievements.
Since I played the game for a long period and I didn't save many pictures then, most contents in this guide will be illustrated by text. If there is anything wrong or something need to be added, please contact with me without hesitation, thanks.
* English version was generated by translator, I'm sorry for that some description may confusing there, please point out then, thanks.
  • 这是一款需要玩家扮演为技术支持人员,为手机用户提供专业的售后服务,并在工作期间接触不同势力,处理各项事件的游戏。

  • 游戏内共有主线关卡禅模式无限挑战三种游戏模式,其中:

  • 游戏共有三种难度,从简单(实习生)到困难(专业),游戏开始时携带金钱减少,客户的耐心降低,案件数也大幅增加。

  • 随着游戏推进,玩家会从一级专员升级到二级专员,解决问题的方案增加。

  • 除了部分特殊结局,需要在游戏内第30天内达成相应特殊条件,才能完成一次主线关卡结局,因此一局完整的游戏可能需要2~4小时。因为共有六个结局成就,就算全线推进在最后一天做出选择,理论上也需要至少四次完整的游戏,接近20小时。

  • 中文版本游戏存在重大bug,导致文本重叠,人物、时间信息界面等乱码,最重要的是不能转发邮件,导致无法推入部分结局线路,有两个成就无法解锁。需要设置为英文重新进行游戏。(德语没试,我看不懂)

  • 本攻略含有一定剧透,请谨慎查阅。
Meet your maker
在游戏进程的倒数几天会遇见与这个成就照片一样的客户,游戏开发者Kevin Giguere,流程必得成就。

419 success
与成就“Land owner”相关,在游戏进程中会遇到与这个成就照片一样的客户,法蒂·桑博,他会联系你说他继承了远房亲戚巨大的遗产,需要你转账给他帮忙解冻,会v你950万blabla。当你给他转500,1500,2500,5000四次转账后,在第29天会给你银行账号真的会给你打款950万,解锁成就。

Good deeds
可以参考成就列表指南: Endings Guide

与结局“Indigo Rises”相关。完成Indigo发布的所有任务,不接受警方和Quasar方的合作邀请。

Corporate weapon
与结局“Corporate Ascent”相关。用邮件给经理Kamala Corwyn发Indigo相关的证据,直至与Quasar老板Robert Melville对接,完成他的所有任务,不接受警方和Indigo的合作邀请。(语言需要设置为英文)

Land owner
与结局“Freedom at last”相关,与成就“419 success”相关。在游戏第一天回复房产商的邮件,最后拿到950万美元后购买房产。

Lawful good
与结局“Justice reigns”相关(Indigo falls也有可能)。保持与各方适当接触,用邮件给警方Lana Black发经理Kamala Corwyn和Indigo相关的证据,直至与警方高层Kate Bellows对接,完成她的全部任务。(语言需要设置为英文)

The strongest bond
与结局“Family First”相关。需要坚持付医药费,被恐怖分子威胁时满足对方要求,最后答应与家人一起生活。

Simple employee
与结局“Good Employee”相关。老实本分地工作,不理睬任何势力的要求。
Loves a challenge

Next gen
与“All human, no machine”冲突。需要购买所有斯宾塞Oasis的服务。正常游戏中在后期斯宾塞会请求你转账给他2000$,之后可以零元购所有服务,或者使用BIOS作弊,拥有花不完的资金。

All human, no machine
与“Next gen”冲突。因为成就要求不能购买任何便利服务,所有操作需要人工完成,下列是各操作步骤:
提问:客户号码→Buizbook:该用户→手机权限→已获得授权:连接→unlock→GPS icon→Download→提问:邮箱地址→Outmail:新消息→该客户→文件:GPS追踪→该客户→发送



Top dog
个人感觉操作熟练且服务买齐后,在简单模式下完成难度不大,有指南提供了完成该成就的建议:Tips & Tricks For Unlocking The Top Dog Achievement

Customer satisfaction

Busy month


  • 该游戏需要从列表里选择回复选项,解决各种问题,除了特殊角色,客户的问题可以分为以下列表所示,回复不一定要按照固定顺序,也不一定要尝试所有解法,不过程序化的回复可以保证不失误。

  • 当然尝试用各种回复看看客户的反应也是游戏的乐趣之一,欢迎玩家自己探索尝试。

  • 可以在斯宾塞oasis购买各项便捷操作服务,以帮助简化操作,识别用户保修等级。


  • 各种问题包括手机乱码,主页键坏了,触摸屏没反应,不能打电话了,中病毒了,不工作了,一直有问题等等。

  • 一级客服最终只能选择升级问题或者无能为力,到二级则可以选择送去修理、增销等升级服务。需要利用终端和客户信息发送邮件、GPS定位、远程解锁等操作。

  • 可能会有被告知无能为力的用户要求升级问题,需要回复是或

  • 如何赚钱:除了正常工作外的薪水,股票红利以外,随着游戏进程会有赚外快的机会,比如勒索有隐私的客户、给custo-mores用户手机安装Q-eye软件、增销服务的提成等等。
  • 正如Tips & Tricks For Unlocking The Top Dog Achievement指南里所提及到的,可以间断地提供两条回复,以及问题解决后就可以直接关闭聊天框,不用等待聊天结束。
  • 由于仅有一个成就要求专业难度下通关,其他成就均可以在简单难度下完成。可以在BIOS界面开启金钱作弊,基本花不完。而超频模式(Turbo Mode)会加速游戏进程,在完成了所有进程挑战成就后可以开启节省时间。

  • 游戏会在每天结束下线时进行一次存档,游戏内重启或关机会保持游戏进行时的进度,直接关闭游戏再载入,则会从当天重新开始
English Section
  • This is a game that requires the player to take the role of a technical support staff to provide professional after-sales service for cell phone users, and meet different forces to deal with various events during the work period.

  • There are three in-game game modes, Main Level, Zen Mode, and Infinite Challenge, which:
    Main Level has a 30-day limit and a main storyline event,and all achievements could be obtained in Main Level;
    Zen Mode has no time limits or events, adaptive for casual player;
    Points can be earned in Infinite Challenge and counted as the leaderboard rankings.

  • There are three levels of difficulty, from easy (trainee) to hard (professional), the game starts with less money to carry, less patience on the part of the client, and a significant increase in the number of cases.

  • As the game progresses, players move up from Tier I to Tier II, the number of chat options increases.

  • Except for some special endings, you need to achieve the corresponding special conditions and to complete the ending within the 30th day in the game, once full game may take 2~4 hours. Since there are six ending achievements in total, even with nice play which makes its choice on the last day, it would theoretically require at least four full playthroughs and close up to take around 20 hours.

  • This guide contains some spoilers.
Storyline Achievements(3)
Meet your maker
Encounter the game's developer
Last days in the game process will meet client who are the same as this achievement pic above, the game developer Kevin Giguere. Unmissable achievement.

419 success
Get the 9.5 million dollars
Relevant to "Land owner". In the game process around the 8th day, you will meet client who are the same as this achievement pic above, Fati Sambo. He will transfer 9.5 million dollars to you at the 29th day, with the premise that you transfer to him 500, 1500, 2500, 5,000$, to unlock the achievement.

Good deeds
Help Jayesh with his sister
Around the 22nd day of the game, Xyndi's Jayesh Nadim will email you and ask you to transfer 2500$ to him to save his sister. Transfer to unlock the achievement.
Endings Achievements(6)
Join the revolution against the corporate overlords
Related to the ending "Indigo Rises". Complete all commands issued by Indigo, refuse commands from the police and Quasar.

Corporate weapon
Rise the corporate ladder to success
Related to the ending "Corporate Ascent". Email manager Kamala Corwyn with Indigo-related evidence, until you contacting with Quasar's boss Robert Melville, completing all of his commands, refuse the police and Indigo's commands.

Land owner
Buy a residence away from it all
Related to the ending "Freedom at last" and the achievement "419 success". Reply the realtor Alexandar Lee's email on the first day of the game, and buy the residence after getting $9.5 million at the end.

Lawful good
Help the law take down the culprits
Related to the ending "Justice reigns" (Indigo falls may also work). Maintain appropriate contact with all forces, emailing police Lana Black with evidence related to manager Kamala Corwyn and Indigo, until contacting with another police Kate Bellows, complete her commands.

The strongest bond
Help your family in their time of need
Related to the ending "Family First". You need to insist on paying medical bills, comply with demands when threatened by the terrorist, and finally agree to live with your family.

Simple employee
Do your 8 to 5, no more, no less
Related to the ending "Good Employee". Work honestly, ignoring the demands of any force.
Process Achievements(7)
Loves a challenge
Complete the game on professional
Set professional difficulty to finish the game, more difficult.

Next gen
Buy every upgrade
Conflict with "All human, no machine". Required to purchase all services from Spence's Oasis. Normally in the game Spence will ask you to transfer 2000$ to him around the 19th day, after which you can get all services for free, or use the BIOS cheat to get enough initial funds.

All human, no machine
Finish the game with no upgrades
Conflict with "Next gen". Because the achievement requires that "Finish the game with no upgrades", all operations need to be done manually, and the following are some steps for each operation:
Send chat transcript by e-mail :
Ask a question: Email Address → Outmail: New Message →File: Chat Transcript →Send
Unlock cell phone :
Ask a question: Customer number→ Buizbook→ Received authorization → Connect→ Unlock
GPS Tracking :
Ask a question: Customer number→ Buizbook→ Received authorization → Connect→ Unlock→ GPS icon→ Download→ Ask a question: Email address→ Outmail: New message →File: GPS tracking→ Send

Thanks to MaxDLPee's suggestion, this achievement could be obtained by another easier way.

Become a Lead Tech Support Specialist
Simply finish 100 tickets.

Top dog
Finish a day with 12 tickets completed, under 45 seconds per completion and 5 stars.
Personally, I don't feel it's too difficult to complete on intern difficulty once you're proficient and have all services bought, and there is a guide that offer suggestions for unlocking the achievement:Tips & Tricks For Unlocking The Top Dog Achievement

Customer satisfaction
Successfully complete 20 tickets in a day
As above, you could open up to 5 tickets at the same time, but there's really no need to rush on intern difficulty, customers are very patient.

Busy month
Complete over 300 tickets total during the game
Complete over 300 orders within the 30-day game. After beating the game, you can return to it to continue working until you get the requirement.
Terminal Secret
According to the hint in the mail, use the music player in the widgets to unlock the terminal, then click on the "list", continue to open folders until the file path "COM/spectrum/command/cmds", use the "steam" config, and then check the "true" box to obtain the achievement.

Singing the blues(BIOS)
At the beginning of the game, click here on the startup screen, enter the BIOS system, click on "Game Mode" and enable "Achievement" to get it.

Standard Reply Procedure
  • The game asks player to select response options from a list to solve various problems, except for special clients, the customers' problems can be categorized as shown in the list below, the responses don't necessarily have to be in a fixed order, nor do have to try all the options, but the programmed responses ensure that you won't make mistakes.

  • Of course experimenting with various responses to see how customers react is part of the fun of the game, please explore and have a try!

  • You can purchase various convenient operation services at Spence's Oasis, to help streamline operations and identify user warranty levels easily.

  • Misc problems include virus, not working, phone garbled, always have problems, home button broken, touch screen not responding, can't make a phone call, etc.

    Standard warranty users enjoying service are only suited for problems caused by natural factors; extended warranty users enjoy all service except for new phone after exact phase; VIP warranty users authenticated with 2 factor enjoy all service; overdue users enjoy no service.

  • The Tier 1 tech support can ultimately only choose to escalate the problem or simply can't help. Tier 2 can choose to send phone for repair, upsell and other additional services, like use the terminal and customer information to send emails, GPS positioning, remote unlocking and other operations.

  • There may be requests to escalate issues from users after replying "can't help", you need to respond yes or no

Other suggestions
  • How to earn money: In addition to the regular salary, stock dividends, there will be opportunities to earn extra money as the game progresses, such as blackmailing customers who have privacy, installing Q-eye software on custo-mores subscribers' cell phones, commissions from upselling services, etc.
  • As Tips & Tricks For Unlocking The Top Dog Achievement guide says, you can get ahead of the customer with a second suggestion lined up, and you can just close the chat box without having to wait for the chat to end as the problem solved.
  • Since only one achievement requires a pass on professional difficulty, all other achievements can be completed on intern difficulty. Enabling money cheats in the BIOS system do help. Turbo Mode will speed up the game process, and can be turned on to save time after completing all the process achievements.

  • The game will be archived once at the end of each day when you go offline, you could close the game directly, Save & Load works.
川井伊子~低配玩玩gal  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
Thank you for your help, MaxDLPee. It theoretically works as the achievement describes so, thank you again
MaxDLPee 23 Dec, 2023 @ 9:27pm 
I found a way to get the "All Human, no machine" achievement without going through the whole 30 days. Just delete all of Kamala's emails on day 1 to get ending 21 "You had one job". Not sure if it still works, but I got it that way a while ago.