Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Mode de jeu: Charge utile, Spécialité
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35.323 MB
5 nov. 2023 à 0h37
5 nov. 2023 à 0h53
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Dans 2 collections faites par Gigachad Gaming
TF2 Trash and Good maps
95 objets
More Versions Of The Same Map
105 objets
LizardOfOz - Programming, game design, promotional material and overall development. The original VSH Plugin from 2010.
Maxxy - Saxton Hale's model imitating Jungle Inferno SFM; Custom animations and promotional material.
Velly - VFX, animations scripting, technical assistance.
JPRAS - Saxton model development assistance and feedback.
MegapiemanPHD - Saxton Hale and Gray Mann voice acting.
James McGuinn - Mercenaries voice acting for custom lines.
Yakibomb - give_tf_weapon script (used for Hale's first-person hands).

This map includes: Broken shadows, a working cart, some other stuff i forgot to type here.
2 commentaires
Gigachad Gaming  [créateur] 17 nov. à 9h17 
Its on last, only the cart can capture it.
bluem0nkey 17 nov. à 9h08 
but wouldnt you need a control point? like where is it