Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Island Challenge (1917 Start)
By Illy
Have what it takes, comrade?
In 1917, as embers of revolt smolder, a remote island beckons the budding USSR. Armed with nothing but Soviet grit, do you have the mettle to carve this raw land into an economic powerhouse, and muster a formidable navy to roar the Soviet anthem across the seven seas? The Island Challenge scoffs at the feeble-hearted, comrade. Dare to defy?

Victory Condition
  • Construct one "IC: Kiev Class Aircraft Carrier"
  • Construct ten "IC: Kashnin Class Destroyer"

You cannot sell them, and you must not import anything to build them.

Bonus: Debt Defying
  • Achieve the victory conditions without taking any loans.

Bonus: Sovereign Shores
  • Also declare your independence before 1960. Cease all imports (except blueprints).
  • No radio before 1930 and no TV before 1944.
  • You can only export products where you have produced the entire production chain domestically, including raw resources. No importing-for-exporting. You may export food, alcohol and livestock with imported chemicals for water purification.
  • No export of oil, bitumen, fuel, chemicals, raw bauxite, bauxite, UF6 or nuclear fuel.
  • No import of waste, nuclear waste or sewage.
  • No self-heating allowed.
  • You cannot build prefab residential buildings before 1944.
  • You cannot import prefabs.
  • Mods acceptable as long as they are balanced and fit the era.
  • No using "small" factories for export production chains. These can only be used for domestic consumption.
  • All realistic mode settings, lock vehicles according to start year.
  • Download the mod collection.
  • Start a new map on IC: Kohlozia.
  • Choose realistic settings.
  • Go to the scripts menu (left bar) and use the Time Master scripts to change the year to 1917. Alternatively edit your save game with a hex editor.
  • In the mod building menu, search for "IC:" to show all the modified start buildings which you'll need to get started. This includes free docks and harbours.
  • Build the "IC: Free Ship Dock" and use it to purchase ships. Search for "IC:" in the vehicle menu to see the modified ships which make this game mode possible. You will want to buy the "IC1: Motorschooner (Tanker)" (dollars) first, and set it to bring fuel to an "IC: Free Harbour". You can use the vanilla distribution office to pick up directly from a ship which is set to "wait to unload" from this harbour.
  • Now you have fuel, you'll want to set up vanilla free buildings and import vehicles. Click on the soviet border button in the bottom right and buy some steam vehicles to pick up with a ship. You can unload them at the free harbour. You'll probably want to prioritise a steam tanker so you can move fuel around to other harbours.
  • The IC building pack includes a basic coal power plant, concrete plant and asphalt plant to get you started. You should be able to import everything else, including workers, to get you going.
  • Make sure to tick "Workshop Vehicles" to find the required ships.
  • You can use multiple bus stops to make workers hang around indefinitely. You'll want to use this for imported workers early on.
  • Distribution offices can pick up directly from waiting ships, but construction offices can't. You'll need intermediate storage.
  • You only need boards, gravel and bricks at first.
  • The "IC: Harbour with Storage" cannot refuel ships and cannot unload vehicles. You'll need to make ships refuel at an "IC: Free Harbour".
  • The victory condition ship blueprints become available in 1959 (destroyer) and 1970 (aircraft carrier).

Join THECC's discord to chat about the challenge:

Huge thanks to all the mod creators who's mods I have modified to work with this challenge. I do not claim any authorship over them. Please visit the original mods and give them a thumbs up if you like the models. They are all linked from the IC mods.
Illy  [author] 10 Nov, 2023 @ 1:35am 
Great, welcome to the challenge :)