Space Engineers
Оценок: 106
Quantum Tether
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script, Other
Метки: ServerScripts
Размер файла
5.961 MB
25 сен. 2023 г. в 15:31
9 янв в 20:43
Обновлений: 33 (просмотреть)

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Quantum Tether

Work in Progress!

Quantum Tether
Adds a block which keeps player inventories within a certain range stocked with Components. Amount and Type are Configurable.

Range is a diameter in meters centered on the block, set by a slider in the terminal
- Minimum of 5, Maximum of 500, Defaults to 250.
- Configurable in Save Storage Folder

Power Cost scales with the Range
- Minimum of 1 MW, Maximum of 50 MW.
- Configurable in Save Storage Folder

Amount to Stock is set per Item by a Text Box when Selecting Stock
- Minimum of 1, and Maximum of 50. Defaults to 10.
- Configurable in Save Storage Folder

Components to Stock are Selected/Deselected in the List Boxes in the Terminal
Available Components are Auto-Populated with All Availible

Latest Update - 10/19/24
Stock Logic Completely Reworked - Custom Data Method Deleted - New Selection Box System - Individual Items have Unique Stock Amounts Major Networking Revamp - Mod Now Reliably Functions on Servers Small Grid Variant: - Small & Medium Types - Shorter Ranges - Lower Power Requirements

Future Plans:
- Configurable Range and Component List
- Scaling Power Cost
- Configurable Stock Number
- Hard Limit Option [Any Items over Stock Number get shifted back to Grid, Especially useful for Salvage]
- Other QOL Features as deemed necessary

Special Thanks
Invalid - For coming up with the original idea for this mod
Muzzled - For the Custom Thumbnail
Digi - For his Extremely helpful library of examples, which helped immensely with the State-Based Animations and Particles
Odin - Small Grid Tether Model
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24 ноя. 2023 г. в 13:20
Комментариев: 38
CommanderChet  [создатель] 14 янв в 16:23 
A Ship-Based Tether Reciever is something i have planned, but ive been working on orher projects recently.
joe lasagna 10 янв в 15:40 
Would it be possible (Or is it already) to make it so where quantum tethers can pull from grid to grid? This would allow you to have a QT on a welding ship and one on the main supply container, and therefore let you have a welder ship that has an effectively infinite inventory, and make Non-printer welding much faster.
Cono_Mono 15 авг. 2024 г. в 23:14 
Oh thanks for clarifying, it was indeed me being silly... I had a single grinder in the wrong orientation :steamfacepalm: . This block is awesome tho, thanks for creating it :steamthumbsup:
CommanderChet  [создатель] 15 авг. 2024 г. в 19:32 
@Cono_Mono That Message is set to show if there is no Conveyor path between the Tether and the inventory containing the desired item. Its possible that you could have two containers, both with Small Tubes, but one is inaccessible or disconnected from the conveyor network the Tether is on.
CommanderChet  [создатель] 15 авг. 2024 г. в 19:31 
@kinngrimm thats exactly what that means, if configured properly
Cono_Mono 15 авг. 2024 г. в 8:28 
This block works great, I've been using it for a while but suddenly I've encountered an error "Tether: Inventory inaccessible for SmallTube" (also for other components but this is one example) It seems some other components work but I'm not sure what is causing this error? Maybe I'm doing something stupid?

Note: my character inventory isn't full and there are components available in storage.
kinngrimm 1 мая. 2024 г. в 5:00 
" Any Components in inventory over the Stock Amount will be pushed back to the Block"
i just realized this means ... dare i hope ... no "INVENTORY FULL" messages anymore 0_0 omg
Isaard 28 янв. 2024 г. в 2:10 
This block works great, looks great and I love it. Instead of a build planner click fest, I built several different quantum tethers configured for different components that I can toggle on and off depending on what I'm building. It's convenient, still feels balanced... awesome work! :steamthumbsup:
kinngrimm 13 янв. 2024 г. в 16:59 
mmm, would be a perfect fit for the buildplaner. You know where you just right click on a block you want to build, it adds it to the build planer you can then either middle mouse click on a conveyor access and get what is already in storage or i think it was shift + rmb and add them to assembler. With this mod, you could remove the need to go to an conveyor access point and just drag what the build planner listed out of storage into the personal inventory.
CommanderChet  [создатель] 13 янв. 2024 г. в 12:37 
Ill add it to my list. That does seem like a good solution for those who don't use BuildInfo