Space Empires I

Space Empires I

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Space Empires 1 Manual/README
De Critical Failure
This is the README.txt file that comes along with the game., written by Aaron Hall in 1992.
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Space Empires Version 1.1
July 1992 by: Aaron Hall
(I am currently working on an advanced version of this
game and an all new tactical battle sequence for it in
Turbo C++ for Windows)

Space Empires is a game of galactic conquest for
Windows 3.1. The object is to conquer all planets
with your starships and defeat your fellow players.
1 to 4 players are allowed (1 is not recommended since
you will have no adversaries but neutral planets) and
each is identified by a unique icon in the game.
Starting Window
At the beginning of the game you are allowed to choose
"New" or "Old" which coorespond to a New game or an Old

"Old": this will call up a saved file window which allows
you to choose a saved game file.

"New": this will allow you to choose the number of players
and to specify the Empire Names for each player.
Tactical Control
This is the main window of the game. From here you can direct
all the specifics of your empire. The small map on the left
if the tactical map and the large map on the right is the
strategic map. The tactical map is where you direct ship
movement, ship combat, and where you can obtain specific
information. The strategic map is where you can get an overview
of the galaxy.
Tactical map
this is an enlargement of the strategic map (the
area surrounded by the white square). You can use
the scroll bars to move this map to a different
area. All commands are entered in a 3 step process.
a. click a square on the tactical map (text at the
bottom of the window will display information
about this square)
b. click one of the three command buttons at the
bottom of the tactical map
move: to move ships at this location
info: to obtain specific information about
your ships at this location
attack: to attack one square away from the
ships in the square you chose in a.
c. click a square on the tactical map (this will
specify the location of the movement or
Strategic map
this is an all encompassing map showing all planets
and starships. Planets in grey are neutral and nebulae
do not show up (ships in nebulae are also hidden).
Ships and planets owned by players are colored the same
as their empire. Clicking on the strategic map will
center the tactical map at this location.
Menu commands
File - Used to start a new game, save a game, or load a game.

Buy - This selection allows you to buy new starships and starbases. When
making a purchase you must first select a location for the pieces
to be built at. You then select how many and the price will be
added up. Do not attempt to purchase more than you have money for
or you'll get nothing. At the beginning of the game, you do not
start with any starships so you must buy some. Ships you select
to buy will be ready on your next turn.

Stats - This calls up a window to give the vital statistics of your

Ships - This will allow you to Sentry a ship or view all your ships. The
Sentry command will eliminate the movement points for the selected
ships. The View all Ships command allows you to view information
on all of your ships.

Next Ship - This selection will move the tactical map to your next ship
that has movement points left.

Send Message - This is a utility that allows you to send messages to your
fellow players covertly.

Next Player - This command ends your turn.

End! - This command ends the game.
Movement Window (Select ships)
This is a window called up whenever you move your ships. The ships
available to be moved are in the left box and ships you put in the
right box are the ships you want to move.
Attack Window
This window details the progress of the battle between opposing ships.
You may not Retreat on the first volley, and the defender gets one
last shot before you get away. The ship names are followed by two
numbers, the first is damage taken, the second is how much the ship
can take before destruction. If the attacker wins, his remaining ships
are moved into the destination square or planet, otherwise, no change
will be apparent.
End of the Game
When one player conquers all the planets and opposing players, he is
the victor of the game.
Notes from the author
This game is quite dry if played at length, and
the lack of a computer opponent is a serious one. My next version of
the game will remedy these situations by adding a more detailed battle
routine, customizable ships, computer controlled opponents, and a wealth
of external events. If you have any questions, please call anytime.

- Aaron Hall
Change Log
9/9/2023 - Posted guide
9/20/2023 - Made some small corrections.