Mass Effect™ 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition (2012)

Mass Effect™ 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition (2012)

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Mass Effect 3 launch problem/enter product key FIX 2023 / Still working 2024
By Snow
This is a step by step guide on how to potentially workaround and fix EA breaking Mass Effect 3 on Steam from working and asking to enter product key.
Use any of the files linked at your own risk. This guide works as of May 2024 and cannot say how long and whether it will keep working in the future.
The problem - Mass Effect 3 on Steam won't launch anymore and asks to enter product key
Have you returned to play Mass Effect 3 in your Steam Library or purchased this game only for it not launch and ask for a product key that cannot be found like the image below.

EA should really fix this problem that did not exist before and was working fine without users needing to perform such steps, but this is what currently needs to be done. It looks like a migration issue with the link system they have between their new EA app/Origin and Steam activation that was working before but somewhere along the way they broke it.
Step 1 - Install EA Origin
Exit the current EA app if running, do not need to uninstall it. Download EA Origin program from Here[] or if you already have a version downloaded, does not need to be latest, install it.
How long this link will work for is unknown so keep a backup copy while you can. Use the full setup version that is around 200mb and not the OriginThinSetup.exe as you may run into problems later on.

It should finish installing and the message at the end if logged in should say to use EA App to continue. Just close the box and MAKE SURE to exit the app from taskbar.

Step 2 - Download and install app from GitHub
Go to this GitHub page[] or this one[] and look for the F__k_off_EA_App. Description - "Keep using Origin instead of EA App"
Read the information about this app. From Releases page download the F__k_off_EA_App_installer.exe file
and run it. (Below) *Pretend EA App is installed - tick this box incase EA App tries interfere later on.

Make sure Origin and also OriginWebHelperService in Task Manager is closed if running or did not close before.

Next after finishing setup, also from the GitHub page download the "version.dll" file

As in the readme copy/move version.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin or wherever Origin is installed and replace existing file.
Step 3 - IMPORTANT EACore.ini edit
===IMPORTANT STEP=== before you run Origin. As per the FAQ in Github link go to your "EACore.ini" file in the Origin install directory and paste the following


If you do not do this step, may run into the issue of Origin asking to update the program but it won't update and give an error like below.

Finally run Origin.exe and login with details and tick sign in automatically.

and now should be able to see Origin as before.

Step 4 - IMPORTANT to successfully launch ME3 - Disable EA/Origin overlays
To run without any other startup issues of Mass Effect 3. There should be two Mass Effect 3 titles in the library section with the Steam banner, one with the N7 poster.

Right-click on the game and choose "Game Properties"

then in the "General" tab untick "Enable Origin In Game"

Do this for each of the two entries in the Origin game library. If overlay is enabled the game may not successfully launch.

This step will also be shown again further below for the newer EA App to disable the application overlay or the game will show at first trying to start but will not launch successfully.

Press "Play" Mass Effect 3 in your Steam Library and it should now startup after EALink.exe runs for a few seconds in Task Manager.

Step 4 - (Optional) Make a copy of your product keys while still have chance.
If it comes in handy for any reason in the future, this measure is working as of September 2023. How long before EA breaks this work around is to be seen for legitimate owners. In Steam not every game allows to view product key and in the new EA App there is no option to view your purchased product key at all.

In Origin, in My Game Library, choose game and right-click on the title and click Game Properties
or click on the game title and click the settings cog icon and click Game Properties
to see your key.

Check all games in your library if wish to, some will have a key some will not.
Step 5 - Back to current EA app & disable EA in-game overlay
Now that Mass Effect has managed to be activated and works again, you can keep it as it is. Optionally If would like, Mass Effect 3 can now run through the current new EA app.

First it needs to recreate the original EA/Steam integration and run the game through the new EA app. All that is required is to close Origin/OriginWebHelper, don't need to uninstall, just run the EA app.

Further optionally if desired to uninstall Origin.

If try to run and play Mass Effect 3 now the following error may pop up.

Just launch the new EA App first

Now before hitting "Play" just as before for as the Origin overlay needed to be disabled, the EA app in-game overlay also needs to be disabled or Mass Effect 3 may not launch and startup.

To do disable the in-game overlay for the EA app. Click on the top left corner icon in the EA App window to bring the app menu and click Setttings.

Next go to the "Application" tab and scroll down to "In-game overlay" Turn the switch
off for "Enable in-game overlay.

Now hit "Play" Mass Effect 3 either through Steam or the EA App and game should launch

It will work as it was meant to work as intended in the first place through the current new EA App without running into original launch problem.

Sources and credit

Thanks to the above. I have complied some of the steps from above needed to resolve and fix this Mass Effect 3 Steam startup problem created by EA, if it can help any other user. How long this will still work remains to be seen but for now enjoy Mass Effect 3 again and saving the galaxy.
Ghost1244 27 Jul, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
Nah I don't have MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner Statistics Server on my pc I don't believe unless theres a way to check that its installed but I looked through my Task Manager and didnt see anything about MSI Afterburner or Rivatuner nor did my control panel.

Honestly, I wish Steam is able to contact EA and ask them to remove the Product Key Activation from ME3 or they will be forced to remove it and refund the ppl who bought it on Steam but I highly doubt that they can or don't wish too.

Also apparently this has been a thing for 4 years now, even though I own the Legendary Edition I wanted to own the Original Trilogy on my pc incase if it goes offsale and also wanted to try out the multiplayer on ME3 since I always seen videos ppl saying that its really good. I also wanted to compare LE and the OT and see all of the changes that they did for both games.

Unfortunately can't even try it out because of this Activation Key Error.
Snow  [author] 27 Jul, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
I just wanted to check one last thing. Do you use MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner Statistics Server running in the background? If so can test with closing it to see if it helps.

Before I was able to use the Steam Overlay independently but it seems through an update from EA now the Steam Overlay no longer works if EA overlay is disabled.

With further digging I discovered that having MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner Statistics Server running in the background with the EA app overlay enabled caused ME3 to crash at startup.

Now Afterburner with RivaTuner closed I can play ME3 even with EA overlay enabled to regain Steam Overlay functionality.

Nonetheless yeah the EA app previously Origin acting as an extra DRM layer is clearly causing all these problems for everyone. Totally unnecessary & If they removed it, all these issues like asking for product key would disappear.
Ghost1244 26 Jul, 2024 @ 4:20pm 
I tried the licensing file prior to trying this guide didnt work unfortunately, I don't have windows 11 only 10. I also did a full reinstall and still didnt work. Im at a lost now and I dont wanna buy the game on the EA App. Idk how EA is letting them sell this version on steam as its literally unplayable without trying to find a workaround to it.
Snow  [author] 26 Jul, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
That is okay, I had that purple box change appear also when I did a recent test. Steam overlay enabled is okay too, only the EA overlays caused issue from my testing, that is good you gave that a try to eliminate potential source of conflicts. Other thing to possibly consider is if running Windows 11. I have only run it on Win10 so cannot say if ME3 works with Win11.

There is another potential workaround to try with removing a license file if you check the discussions board, although that solution did not work for me and this guide solution did. Lastly if willing to give a final go sometimes doing a clean reinstall(uninstall Origin, and ME3(Steam) is always worth a try.
Ghost1244 26 Jul, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
I did disable overlay on EA app last night as well and also Steam overlay just in case and still nothing happened. Also dont know if this is important but in Step 1 after I install origin it doesnt say "Please use EA App to continue" it just opens and gives me purple box telling me to install EA app instead.
Snow  [author] 26 Jul, 2024 @ 5:39am 
If you have by chance the EA app also installed, try disable it's overlay setting too as the EA app can take over default control. Aside that I'm not sure what else could be causing the issue unfortunately as I have not been able to encounter other conflicts(checked my installation & am still able to run it along with mods.)
Ghost1244 25 Jul, 2024 @ 10:50pm 
Step 4 doesnt work for me, I've disabled the origin overlay for both of the ME3 one with Commander Shepard and the N7 Poster and the game still doesnt launch, it shows green then goes back to grey then nothing happens.
Snow  [author] 21 May, 2024 @ 1:11pm 
I've been able to reproduce the issue you are having & have found the solution that has worked for me & hopefully works for you.

I've updated the guide regarding this. The in-game overlays for Origin & the EA App seem to be the cause. Steam overlay enabled is fine & does not cause this launch issue.

If you are still on the Origin application, launch Origin. There should be two Mass Effect 3 titles in library section with Steam banner, one with N7 poster. Right-click>"Game Properties" then in "General" tab untick "Enable Origin In Game"

Do this for each of two entries. Now click play & hopefully should be able to launch successfully.

If you have moved to newer EA App then click top left corner in window to bring menu, click Setttings. Go to "Application" tab, scroll down to "In-game overlay" Turn switch off for "Enable in-game overlay". Now click play from either EA App or Steam, should now launch without the issue after clicking play nothing happening.
Zed-Fhree 17 May, 2024 @ 10:39pm 
i did that all, and it works up to and including EALink running for a few seconds, ME3 turns green on steam again and then nothing happens and it grays out again. just lifeless.. help?
FreeSyder 14 Oct, 2023 @ 2:31am 
Thanks,finally could play mp again.