Quake II

Quake II

65 ratings
The Reckoning Secrets
By Xazuki
A visual guide to finding all the secrets in the Quake II expansion pack: The Reckoning.
Useful Information

Quake II Secrets Guide Contents

This guide will help you find all the secrets in the Quake II expansion pack: The Reckoning.

Like Quake II, The Reckoning consists of several "units" and each unit contains several levels that connect to each other. Sometimes you won't be able to find all the secrets in a level the first time you visit it but later on in the unit you will return to that level to find the rest of the secrets. Follow the levels in the guide in order to ensure you discover all the secrets.
[Unit 1: Swamps]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎The Swamps
Secret 1 of 3
Proceed through the level until you see a Machine Gun in a cave near some water. Drop down in to the water () and swim through the cave to emerge in a different part of the cave.

You'll see a path below you and another ledge (). Jump over to the other side to find the secret.

Reward: Silencer

Secret 2 of 3
You'll come to a broken grate covering a drainage pipe. Don't go through it yet instead look to the right of the grate and head up the side of the cliff.

You'll come to a dark cave. Use your Flashlight to see more clearly and look for a small hole in the corner.

Reward: Adrenaline

NOTE: You will return to The Swamps later on in this unit to find the final secret.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Sewers
Secret 1 of 3
After emerging from the pipe with a ladder in it you'll see two corridors in front of you. Take the path to the right ().

Round the corner you'll see a crack in the metal wall () next to a flashing ceiling light. Destroy it to access the secret.

Reward: Bandolier

Secret 2 of 3
After disabling the laser grid by destroying the two conduits jump in to the nearby water ().

Destroy the grate () to enter an underwater pipe. Surface about halfway down to find an Adrenaline and Shells. Continue swimming and climb a ladder to find a Super Shotgun but be careful of the closet that has opened below containing more enemies and items.

Reward: Shells x3, Stimpack x3, Adrenaline, Armor Shard x3, Jacket Armor

Secret 3 of 3
Eventually you'll come across a green button () that raises a platform out of the water. Now that the platform is raised drop down in to the water and under the bridge () to find a secret area.

Reward: Combat Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ Waste Sieve
Secret 1 of 4
You will come to a large rotating piece of machinery underwater. Look at the ceiling directly above it to see a shootable switch (). Shoot it to reveal a secret area () just behind the machine.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 4
After emerging from the water of Secret 1 turn around to see a large metal panel with a Strogg symbol on it. Shoot it to reveal a secret closet you can jump up to.

Reward: Super Shotgun, Shells x2

Secret 3 of 4
Much later on in the level after climbing the security ladder you'll press a red button that says "A door has opened" when pressed. While in this room head over to the brown pipes in the corner () and head behind them.

Activate your Flashlight and crouch in to a cramped space () underneath the pipes.

Reward: Combat Armor

Secret 4 of 4
At the end of the level you'll press a floor switch to open the exit airlock door. Before you leave crouch through the window () and drop down on to some pipes (). From here look down to see a platform containing a secret item.

Reward: Dualfire Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎The Swamps [Continued]
Secret 3 of 3
You'll return to the The Swamps and enter a Strogg facility. Look for the large computer and activate it () to reveal a compartment above it. Use the nearby barrel () to jump up on to the nearby computer monitor (). If the barrel has been destroyed you can use the edge of the computer keyboard but it is a much tougher jump. Finally jump in to the compartment () to discover the secret.

Reward: Jacket Armor
[Unit 2: Compound]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Outer Compound
Secret 1 of 4
After picking up the Data CD you'll enter a building and at the bottom of some stairs you'll see a ruined room in front of you. Head to the corridor just to the left of this and destroy some barrels ().

Use your Flashlight to find a panel () in the wall that is actually a push button. It activates a wall opposite ().

Reward: Adrenaline, Armor Shard x2

Secret 2 of 4
Head in to the ruined room and look up. Shoot the black crate () you can see hanging over the edge to destroy more of the ceiling and drop some crates. Use these crates to jump up the broken pillar () to reach the next floor containing the secret.

Reward: Grenade Launcher, Grenades, First Aid

Secret 3 of 4
After passing by a set of red laser beams you'll ascend a curved set of stairs. Turn around to see a shootable switch () above the stairs. Shoot it and quickly drop down the hole in the floor nearby ().

After dropping in to the corridor look for a wall that has moved to form a ramp. Head inside () to find the secret.

Reward: Dualfire Damage

Secret 4 of 4
Before you drop down in to the room on the other side of the red laser beams, you'll see a shootable switch () that raises you up to some Shells. The reach the actual secret shoot the switch, then move forward () before it raises you up and then go under the floor section.

Reward: Cells, Power Shield
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Inner Compound
Secret 1 of 5
Don't press any of the buttons on the laser machine yet as they can destroy the crates and render this secret inaccessible. Jump on the side of the machine () and then over to the crates (). Press the floor switch () on the top of the machine to open a secret compartment () behind you.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 2 of 5
Press the button () on the machine that raises the laser up out of the floor and then head over to where it emerges ().

Drop down in to the pit and approach the metal panel () at the back to access the secret.

Reward: Shells, Grenades, First Aid, Combat Armor

Secret 3 of 5
Look out for a flickering light () just before you head outside. Jump up in to the light to nudge it and open a secret nearby. Drop down to the right ().

Turn around to find the secret compartment () under the platform.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 4 of 5
You'll exit the building in to an outdoor area. Look to your right as you go out to see several cliff ledges. Jump on to the metal () nearby then over to the cliff ledge (). Climb up the ledges and then jump over to the top of the roof (). Head over to the corner of the roof area (to find the secret Megahealth item ().

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 5 of 5
After swimming through some water you'll come across a Super Shotgun near some dead Marines. Look in the water nearby to see a small cave you can swim through.

Reward: Silencer
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Core Reactor
Secret 1 of 3
In the room where you acquire bot the Power Cube and a Chain Gun, look under the stairs in the corner () to find a secret item.

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 2 of 3
Progress through the level and eventually you'll enter a large room filled with lava. Use both elevators to reach upper section of the level and you'll be faced with two corridors. Take the left passage ().

Jump up some crates () and on to the red pipe. Follow it to the right ().

Look carefully below the pipe to see a secret Adrenaline () on a crate. Jump down to it to discover the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 3 of 3
Return to the upper section of the level from Secret 2 and this time take the right passage ().

Jump up the crates () near the floor switch and then up on to the red pipe. Follow it to the left ().

At the end of the red pipe look down to see a secret Bandolier () on a crate. Jump down to it and claim the secret.

Reward: Bandolier
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎The Warehouse
Secret 1 of 2
After using the computer terminal () to deactivate the forcefields, head over to the elevator shaft () and look up.

There is a shootable switch () at the top of the elevator shaft that makes the elevator travel up further than it does normally. Shoot it and jump down on to the elevator and ride it up all the way to the ceiling and in to a small hole above you. From here head through the vent to drop down near to the secret Body Armor.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 2 of 2

Shortly after Secret 1 you'll press a switch that says "Ventilation access granted" and you will then proceed to blow up a crack in a large pipe. In the pipe don't destroy the red conduit yet or you'll miss the secret. Instead jump in to the pipe and the fan () will blow you up to the ledge containing the secret ().

Reward: Shells, Rockets, Adrenaline
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Intelligence Center
Secret 1 of 1
After climbing down a ladder you will use a computer terminal that will state "Downloading location of Strogg strike fleet". Climb back up the ladder and turn around to see a compartment has opened containing an Environment Suit. Use the ledge by the long light () to jump up and reach the item ().

Now head back down the ladder to the computer room. Activate the Environment Suit and drop down the corner () in to the water below to find the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Extra Secret
In the final room with the elevator there is an extra secret to be found. Use a rocket jump (aim at the ground, jump and fire the Rocket Launcher) to boost your self up and over the pipes (). Grenades can also be used but it is a lot trickier. Once you're over the pipes drop down in to the gap to find a secret Invulnerability.

Reward: Invulnerability
[Unit 3: Industry]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Industrial Facility
Secret 1 of 5
As you emerge in to the outdoor area, jump up the side of the thin metal platform () and follow it around the corner ().

Jump from platform to platform all the way down and in the last alcove () you will find a secret weapon.

Reward: Phalanx, Mag Slug x2

Secret 2 of 5
After using the Security Pass to enter the facility you'll be ambushed by Parasites. Head in to the room they came from ().

Look up to the corner of the room to see a black crate () high up. Destroy it to automatically trigger a shootable switch and the floor will move () to reveal the secret.

Reward: First Aid x3, Bandolier, Silencer

Secret 3 of 5
While still in Secret 2 head down the steps and then shoot the shootable switch () again. This time the steps () will go back up and reveal the secret underneath.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 4 of 5
To the left of the Green Keycard Door which leads to Outer Base look for a section of the vent that dips down. Shoot the back panel () to reveal the secret.

Reward: Megahealth

NOTE: You will return later in this unit to find the final secret of this level.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Outer Base
Secret 1 of 3
After destroying a black crate and some bars, head in to the vent () near a Super Shotgun and drop down.

As soon as you land look up to see a shootable switch () inside the vent.

Shooting the switch activates a nearby secret closet ().

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 2 of 3
In the room where you can look down and see lava below a grate, head in to the upper corner and shoot the metal panel to reveal a secret corridor.

Reward: Stimpack x2, Adrenaline, Armor Shard x4, Body Armor

Secret 3 of 3
After riding an elevator up to the upper floor, turn around and press the elevator button ().

The elevator will head back down again but act quickly and jump on it's roof to find a secret Quad-Damage ().

Reward: Quad-Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Refinery
Secret 1 of 3
In the first room look for a black crate () in the corner and destroy it. Behind it is a push button that you can reach by jumping over the floating crates (). The button activates a platform that lets you crouch in to the small area to the left of the stairs () and pick up an Environment Suit. Head back over to the floating crates, activate the Environment Suit and jump in ().

While in the acid quickly swim down the left path (), crouching under pipes as you go and you will reach the secret.

Reward: Dualfire Damage

Secret 2 of 3
After climbing a ladder you'll emerge in to an outdoor area with two large silos. Pick up the Environment Suit () that is behind one of them and then head back down the ladder.

Continue until you reach the acid pool () next to a smaller ladder. Activate the Environment Suit and then jump in.

Swim out through the central square () and follow the corridor to reach the secret.

Reward: Armor Shard x3, Body Armor

NOTE: You will return to this level later in the unit to discover the final secret.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Industrial Facility [Continued]
Extra Secret
While you are passing through Industrial Facility there is an optional secret you might want to discover. Rocket jump up on top of the entryway () and then again up on to the high outer wall. Head towards the Invulnerability item () but prepare yourself for disappointment.

Reward: None

Secret 5 of 5
Continue with the objective to track down the Airstrike Marker and eventually you'll enter a room with a lot of crates and a Chain Gun on top of them. Jump up on to the small blue light fixture (), then up to the crates (). Jump over to the other stack of crates () and keep going to reach the secret item ().

Reward: Chain Gun, Bullets x2, Body Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Water Treatment Plant
Secret 1 of 7
From the start of the level head left () and follow the cliff wall to a dead end.

Look very carefully at the wall between the cliff edge and the metal structure to see four very small ledges () sticking out of the cliff. Use them to jump up on top of the roof () to find the secret.

Reward: Ionripper, Cells x2

Secret 2 of 7
You'll enter a very large warehouse filled with crates. Jump on to the lowest red crate (), over to the orange crate and then up to a higher red crate ().

From the higher red crate you then need to jump up on to a very thin part of the green crate () and then over to a tall orange crate (). The secret item you are after is at the very top () of the rest of the crates.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 3 of 7
In the same warehouse as Secret 1 drop down and turn on your Flashlight. Look down the gap () between some crates.

You'll notice a square panel surrounded by red lights (). Shoot it and then destroy the conduit inside and it will say "Maintenance hatch override enabled".

Head back to the middle of the warehouse and you'll see a ladder has appeared from the ceiling. Use the crates to get up there and climb up in to a secret area ().

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 4 of 7
In the outside area you'll descend a set of curved stairs next to some water. Jump in and swim to the left of the barriers () in the water to find a secret item.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 5 of 7
Near a green button and some pipes you'll see a Rebreather (). Pick it up but don't use it yet as we'll use it to find this secret and the next one together.

Jump down in to the nearby water and look for two pipe grates. Destroy the one on the left (), turn on your Flashlight and swim through. Once your character starts to gulp then activate your Rebreather to extend your underwater time. After exiting the pipe you'll discover the secret.

Reward: Ammo Pack

Secret 6 of 7
Immediately after discovering Secret 5 look up to see the pipe you swam through and also another pipe (). Swim through the 2nd pipe and you'll find a Invulnerability item. Quickly swim back out of the pipe.

As you emerge out of the water you'll find a few more items in this room and a ladder () leading up to the roof.

While on the roof look carefully over the edge to see a Megahealth ().

Reward: Cells, Medkit x3, Megahealth, Armor Shard x3, Power Shield, Invulnerability

Secret 7 of 7
In the last room just to the right of the exit door, destroy a nearby grate and enter the pipe to find a secret.

Reward: Body Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Badlands
Secret 1 of 4
You'll climb a ladder up a pipe and emerge outside. Jump in to the water and look carefully at the outside of the hatch to see a square grate (). Shoot it to reveal a shootable switch and then shoot that too.

Head back down the ladder to find a section of the floor () has moved to reveal an underwater secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 4
Sometime after retrieving the Airstrike Marker you'll reach a cliff overlooking the hatch from Secret 1. Look to your left and there are some ledges () in the cliff you can use to reach the upper cliff ledge which holds the secret item ().

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 3 of 4
In the same area as Secret 2 head to the opposite side of the cliff to see another set of cliff ledges () that take you up to another secret item ().

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 4 of 4
While facing the exit door look to the left to see another set of cliff ledges (). Use them to jump up on to the roof of the exit to get the secret item ().

Reward: Adrenaline
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Refinery [Continued]
Secret 3 of 3
After the airstrike has been called in you'll enter a brown section of the facility. Make your way through, climb a short ladder then turn around ().

You'll see several rusty pipes. Jump on them and make your way over to the end of the middle pipe to see a cracked section (). Destroy it and enter the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline
[Unit 4: Hangar]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Lower Hangars
Secret 1 of 5
Head in to the 2nd large room filled with crates. There is a Phalanx high up on some crates but you can't reach that yet. In the corner is a stack of crates with a small secret in between them (). Crouch to get in to the small gap.

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 2 of 5
Just before entering the large room with the elevator, look carefully at a wall with Strogg text on it. Shoot it to reveal a secret closet with a ladder.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 3 of 5
Shortly after using a red computer to disable the red forcefields you'll take an elevator down to a lower floor. Look carefully at a wall panel nearby that has yellow and black hazard striping as it can be destroyed to reveal a secret crawlspace.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 4 of 5
Eventually you'll make reach the upper part of the crate warehouse from Secret 1. Near the Phalanx look for a black crate () that can be destroyed. Behind it is a shootable switch that will activate a nearby wall () revealing a secret.

Reward: Power Shield

Secret 5 of 5
After passing through the now deactivated red forcefield door you'll enter another large crate room. As soon as you enter take a right through some crates ().

Destroy the black crate () at the end to reveal a secret area.

Reward: Combat Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎The Hangars
Secret 1 of 3
Next to a conveyor belt that moves red crates look for a stack of crates. Jump on the red crate () at the side and then head behind the crates to find a secret.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 2 of 3
A blue forcefield will block your way above a metal ramp. Look underneath the ramp () to find a secret.

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 3 of 3
After opening the maintenance hatch head inside and activate your Flashlight. Look at the right side of the cramped tunnel to see a yellow and black striped panel. Destroy it to access the secret.

Reward: Combat Armor
[Unit 5: Ship]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Strogg Freighter
Secret 1 of 3
As soon as you break out of the crate at the start, look to your left to see a stack of red crates. Jump on the smaller one () and crouch to get in to this cramped secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 2 of 3
After climbing a small ladder look for a panel with a Strogg symbol on it. Shoot it to reveal the secret.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 3 of 3
After pressing both computer terminals to release the Blue Keycard head over to a nearby green button () that states "Security forcefields deactivated." when used.

Look above this green button to see a shootable switch () in the ceiling. It activates a nearby wall () to reveal the secret.

Reward: BFG10K, Cells x2
[Unit 6: Moon]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Cargo Bay
Secret 1 of 5
After entering a corridor which has several high up windows look in the corner at the stack of crates. Jump up and then down in to the middle of the crates () to find a secret.

Reward: Combat Armor

Secret 2 of 5
At the end of the next corridor look for another stack of crates (). Use them to reach the upper metal support beams () and then keep jumping across all of the beams.

At the end you'll see a metal panel with a red Strogg symbol on it (). Shoot it to reveal a secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 3 of 5
When you reach the upper platform which overlooks the entrance to this level jump up to the stack of crates and head around the side () to find the secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 4 of 5
While jumping over to an upper corridor in the large crate room, shoot the metal panel on your left to reveal a secret.

Reward: Medkit x2

Secret 5 of 5
After descending some curved stairs look up high above the exit to Command Center. Shoot the shootable switch () and then head to your left.

There is a 2nd shootable switch () high up here too. Shoot it and it will shift a wall () nearby to reveal the secret.

Reward: Body Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Command Center
Secret 1 of 2
In the first room you'll see a large machine on your left. Look above it to see a shootable switch (). Shoot it and then turn around.

The switch has activated a secret closet () nearby.

Reward: Ammo Pack

Secret 2 of 2
In the corner of the icy area you'll see a Combat Armor () underneath a frozen pool. Shoot the surface of the pool to break the ice and access the secret.

Reward: Combat Armor
|Milo| 14 Aug @ 11:12am 
\o/ S2
Sir Scrubadub 1 Aug @ 7:47am 
small mistake, if playing the original version of ground zeroes, the second secret in the Outer Compounds won't have an explosive box, the player will instead have to shoot the floor underneath the boxes.
Xazuki  [author] 5 Jun @ 4:41am 
Thanks Axelhack it looks like I'd omitted the English tag on a couple of these guides; I appreciate the heads up.
AxelhacK 5 Jun @ 12:25am 
hey dude, you should tag this guide as English. I remembered it but couldn't find, had to disable the default English filter.
crippl3 28 May @ 9:33pm 
just played through this with some friends for the first time, thanks for the guide :happy_creep:
Xazuki  [author] 14 Sep, 2023 @ 9:25am 
Thanks for catching that one BranjoHello, I've fixed it. Let me know if you notice any other discrepancies as you go through.
BranjoHello 14 Sep, 2023 @ 8:33am 
Only one small mistake:
In Lower Hangars, Secret 3 out of 5...reward is not Stimpack but Adrenaline. ;)
BranjoHello 12 Sep, 2023 @ 2:24am 
Thanks for another great guide, buddy! :Q2_Health: :cleankey: