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Armored Core VI comprehensive PvP Guide.
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This guide introduces Armored Core VI PvP. It has been a week since the game's release, and this guide will cover the main concepts of Armored Core's PvP. I've been playing since Master of Arena (PS1) up to Armored Core Verdict Day. My main experiences are with Last Raven and Armored Core: For Answer. With my previous knowledge, I'd like to share helpful concepts for PvP and debunk some common misconceptions.

This guide is based on my personal perspective from the community I play with. If you have a different opinion, I respect your point of view. If my definitions make you uncomfortable, please understand that they are not absolute definitions but rather my perspective. I hope you can respect different points of view, just as I respect yours.

I've dedicated a substantial amount of time and effort to create this guide with the intention of sharing my knowledge to enhance the Armored Core community's experience. If you find this guide useful and wish to use its content, I kindly request that you give credit by mentioning the source and providing links, if applicable. It's through these acknowledgments that we can collectively contribute to making Armored Core more enjoyable and accessible for all enthusiasts.
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1. Introduction
1. Introduction

Armored Core's official genre is "High-Speed Mechanic Action Game," and this core concept is crucial to understanding the mechanics of PvP. This guide serves as an introduction to the concept of PvP in Armored Core, with a focus on Distance, Direction, Speed, Weapons, EN Management, and Legs.


Basic Evasive Maneuver :
Vertical Maneuver :
Missile Comprehensive Guide :
Scanner Tutorial :


This guide is based on my personal perspective from the community I play with. If you have a different opinion, I respect your point of view. If my definitions make you uncomfortable, please understand that they are not absolute definitions but rather my perspective. I hope you can respect different points of view, just as I respect yours.


I've dedicated a substantial amount of time and effort to create this guide with the intention of sharing my knowledge to enhance the Armored Core community's experience. If you find this guide useful and wish to use its content, I kindly request that you give credit by mentioning the source and providing links, if applicable. It's through these acknowledgments that we can collectively contribute to making Armored Core more enjoyable and accessible for all enthusiasts.
( Update ) PvP Introduction Guide Video Part 1

Last update : Version 1.04.1 / November , 2023
Showcase A. PvP Video ( Obstacle , Scan , Jump Maneuver , Distance )

This 40-minute-long video features 10 rounds of PvP gameplay in Armored Core VI. The video is primarily focused on teaching multiplayer strategies, including cover usage, peeking tactics, scanning techniques, efficient EN management, close-quarter combat strategies, extension utilization, and optimal weapon usage.
Showcase B. 3 Dimensional Movement. Altitude Control. Long Ranged Combat.

If you can't see the video, it's still uploading. I recommend you to visit later.

This 30-minute-long video features 7 rounds of PvP gameplay in Armored Core VI. The video is primarily focused on teaching multiplayer strategies, including altitude advantage, descending and landing tactics, scanning techniques, efficient EN management, long ranged combat strategies, extension utilization, and optimal weapon usage.
2. About Author
I started playing Armored Core relatively late compared to those who began with the first Armored Core on PlayStation 1. This game was released even before I was born, and it belonged to my parents. However, I've recently played through the entire series, starting from Master Of Arena (via PS3 store) and spanning Armored Core 3 to Last Raven, 4, For Answer, V, and Verdict Day. The only titles I haven't played are the first Armored Core, Project Phantasma, Armored Core 2, and Another Age.

I mainly played with the Asian community, specifically Japanese players. So, if you come from a different community, like the Western community, please be aware that you might encounter different terms or concepts. I don't intend to define anything as right or wrong, but this is my perspective based on where I belong and where I've played. Please don't take it personally.

There were many amazing Armored Core players, and when I think about their gameplay, I still hesitate to write this guide. However, I'd like to provide something that might be helpful to new beginners or those who didn't experience the game during its early days.
3. How was Armored Core PvP?
The first time I entered the world of Armored Core multiplayer, I was absolutely stunned by how skilled these players were at PvP. Nine out of ten times, I couldn't even see my opponent's AC, and projectiles seemed to come from outside my camera view before I lost. This went on for more than a couple of years. It's important to note that many of these players have been immersed in the game for over a decade. Even though I've played for more than a decade now, when I first started, there were already players with over a decade of experience. So, you can imagine how seasoned and well-established this community is. But don't be discouraged. Most people are welcoming, and many opponents adjust their AC and playstyle to help newcomers understand the game through losses. So, losing can be a valuable part of improving in PvP.
4. Maps
Traditionally, tournaments and community matches choose maps with obstacles. In Master of Arena, they often used cross-shaped walls or construction field maps. In the Armored Core 3 series, the Military District map, which contains many buildings to hide behind, was popular. In Armored Core 4, most players favored the Parabolic Grove map, which features numerous umbrella-shaped pillars for cover, both above and below.

In Armored Core VI, most maps include obstacles like buildings or structures. Only one map lacks obstacles and is an open field. Such maps are typically chosen for special events or matches, such as dozer matches resembling sumo fights or pile bunker matches.

Therefore, it's crucial to understand the map's obstacles and plan your tactics for using obstacles as cover, routes to attack, and ways to peek and then take cover again.
5. Hit & Dodge
Armored Core VI also features projectiles and ordinances. There's no hitscan direct hit; even energy lasers are considered projectiles, meaning they have speed and direction. If your AC's direction is slower than the projectile, you will get hit and take damage.

You must remember three key things:

A. Distance: The space between you and your opponent.
B. Your opponent's projectile speed.
C. Your speed and your direction.

If you move toward your opponent, you're more likely to get hit, regardless of your speed. If you maintain a distance and move laterally and vertically to the projectile, depending on your speed, you may avoid getting hit. Therefore, the key to avoiding hits revolves around these three core concepts: Distance, Speed, and Direction.

Keep your distance and maintain the right speed and direction.

You can move sideways, which is the basic movement in Armored Core. Traditionally, it was done with the LB and RB buttons (L1 / R1), and most players used this maneuver to disrupt their opponent's FCS lock system.

Additionally, you can move vertically by jumping and descending. Especially in Armored Core VI, "3 Directional Action" or "3 Dimensional Action" was a core concept and a significant focus in their marketing. You've probably heard about it multiple times. As far as I know, in Armored Core VI, vertical tracking is much weaker compared to older series, making it easier to dodge in vertical movements, such as jumping or descending.
6. Distance
One significant misconception about Armored Core VI is the idea of "getting closer." This should be avoided. On the contrary, you must maintain distance. The first person to approach typically loses unless they are significantly more skilled than their opponent. Some YouTube videos may depict lightning-fast approaches and thunderous attacks, but those are often against less skilled opponents. I sometimes use such videos for entertainment as well. However, in a real situation with two equally skilled individuals, the person who keeps their distance will usually have the advantage over the one who approaches first.

Here are two reasons why:

A. The first reason is the chance of getting hit by FCS prediction.

As mentioned earlier, Armored Core uses a prediction-based Fire Control System (FCS), which anticipates your next location in the near future. Lateral & Vertical movement makes it more challenging for the FCS to predict your position compared to moving directly forward. Therefore, if you're approaching your opponent, it means you're opting for a forward direction that gives your opponent an advantage in FCS prediction. This increases the likelihood of getting hit and taking damage. If you watch my multiplayer PvP videos, you'll notice that I don't approach my opponent unless I'm confident they have no idea where I am.

B. The second reason is EN management.

I'd like to emphasize that Armored Core's PvP is largely about managing EN (Energy). If you approach your target, you'll consume more EN than your opponent. This is especially true if you're strafing while using the assault boost, as it quickly depletes your EN. Approaching first puts you at an EN disadvantage.

Therefore, always keep in mind the importance of maintaining distance from your opponent. Also, remember to know the optimal range of your projectile weapon. If you're using a rifle-type weapon, you should keep your distance but not so far that it causes shots to ricochet. If you're using missiles, you need to consider the tracking mechanics of your ordnance. Depending on your missile type, being too close may hinder tracking. If you're using shotguns or melee weapons for close combat, you must know precisely when to engage.
7. Direction
As FROMSOFTWARE has mentioned multiple times, there are three directions you can utilize in Armored Core VI:

A. Forward/Backward is related to distancing.

B. Strafing is commonly used to deceive your opponent's FCS, which predicts your near-future location. By strafing, you disrupt their predictive calculations, leading to shots missing in mid-air.

C. Jumping/Descending is also used to trick your opponent's FCS but is also employed to gain positional advantages. Most weapons are more effective when you have higher altitude. For example, explosive ordnance has an area effect upon impact with the ground. Even if you dodge a direct hit, you can still be affected by the area-of-effect damage. Unlike in real life, there aren't many anti-air methods in Armored Core VI. Unless your opponent is caught in mid-air with no plan or obstacles, they will usually have the advantage over you.
8. Altitude Advantage
You might think that being in the air makes you vulnerable. While that's true for incorrectly assembled four-legged ACs lacking proper descent capabilities, bipedal opponents will strategically choose locations for fast descents next to obstacles. Additionally, bipedal ACs, when converting altitude energy into descent, move much faster than they do on the ground due to their two-directional movement, which includes descent and strafing. This makes it difficult for your opponent's FCS to predict your location.

For instance, if your AC's max speed is 330, your ascent speed is 475+, and your descent speed reaches 900+, it's much faster than ground movement, even surpassing the Assault boost. With such speed, only a few projectiles or ordnance can hit you.

However, the speed mentioned above primarily applies to bipedal ACs. Four-legged ACs still have an advantage but not to the same extent. They can leverage the advantage of maintaining high ground, but their strafing and descending movements aren't as effective as those of bipedal ACs. Their floating speed is also slower than ground speed (although they have good acceleration while floating). Therefore, you can't rely as much on the same speed advantage as bipedal ACs while floating.
9. Weapon Choice
I often hear claims that some weapons are overpowered or broken. However, I currently see that all weapons are well-balanced, except for one or two. If you think some weapons are overpowered, consider two factors:

First is the weapon's optimal range and your distance from your opponent. Powerful weapons usually have very short optimal ranges, like 100 meters. If you're within 100 meters of your opponent, it's almost certain death. Even some fully charged melee weapons can hit you within this range.

Second is the projectile's speed and tracking capabilities. If a projectile, like a cannon-type weapon, is too fast, it means it also has a poor chance of hitting you when you're using lateral & vertical movements such as strafing or jumping. With sufficient distance and lateral & vertical movement, there's no cannon that can hit you, except when you're on the ground and hit by an aerial explosive grenade, bazooka, or plasma weapon. Maintaining higher altitude than the ground is a critical advantage, unless you're using a tank, which is always grounded.

This highlights the importance of selecting multiple types of weapons. Equipping the same weapon on both hands and nothing on your back will put you at a critical disadvantage. I recommend choosing at least three types of weapons: one tracking ordnance type, such as a missile, for long-range engagements; a mid-range weapon for distances between 100m to 200m, such as rifles; and a close-range weapon for ranges up to 100m, like melee weapons or close-projectile weapons such as bomb launchers, handguns, or shotguns. In combat situations, depending on you and your opponent's EN management, your distance will naturally change. The person who depletes their EN first will have reduced movement speed, causing the other person to naturally close the distance, leading to close-quarters combat. Your weapon choice in this scenario will significantly affect the outcome because close-quarters weapons have a much higher DPS compared to mid- to long-range weapons. Due to this dramatically increased DPS, some people mistakenly equip only close-quarters weapons, such as melee or shotguns. With this setup, you won't stand a chance in long-range combat against an opponent of equal skill. You won't be able to close the distance and instantly kill them with high-DPS close-range weapons. You might succeed in staggering and landing a direct hit once, but you'll have depleted your EN while your opponent maintains full EN, altitude advantage, and distance advantage. The remainder of the combat will result in you failing to maintain the optimal range and taking damage from mid- to long-range weapons.

I'm not saying you need to equip weapons for all possible ranges, but I strongly advise against heavily favoring close-quarters combat only. Choose weapons that cover multiple ranges and include at least one tracking ordnance. Versatility is crucial in Armored Core VI combat, and a missile-type weapon serves this purpose very well.
10. Understanding of Weapon Types
Explaining weapon types in Armored Core can be quite detailed, but I'll keep it as simple as possible. Here are some key categories:

A. Rifles - Handheld Mid-range

Rifles are traditional weapons in Armored Core, often serving as standard armaments. In Armored Core VI, rifles have a new feature called "Charged shot," which adds versatility in various situations.

Rifle types include Linear rifle, Laser handgun, Laser rifle, Laser shotgun, Assault rifle, and Burst Assault Rifle.

- Assault Rifle: Assault rifles have an ideal range of 160m and an effective range of approximately 300m. They offer the highest total damage, making them suitable for long-term combat, such as team battles. However, in short 1 vs. 1 encounters, assault rifles may provide less sustainable DPS compared to other rifle types. They do not overheat and only require reloading. Assault rifles excel at maintaining DPS for mid-range fire, limiting your opponent's approach and forward movement.

- Burst Assault Rifle: Burst Assault Rifles provide more freedom of movement, allowing for quick boosting without a significant DPS loss, unlike the Assault Rifle. Other than that, their core concept is similar to that of the Assault Rifle.

- Linear Rifle: Linear rifles have a longer range than Assault rifles, with an ideal range of 190m and an effective range of around 350m, positioning them as the traditional sniper rifles in Armored Core Series. However, they have lower standard shot DPS compared to Assault Rifles. The key feature of the linear rifle is the charged shot, which can deliver powerful direct hits while your opponent is staggered. For long-range direct hits, the charged shot is a great choice and extremely devastating. The charged projectile's speed is one of the fastest in the game, making it one of the most damaging handheld weapons at this range with the charged shot feature.

- Burst Rifle: Burst rifles are similar to traditional Armored Core Series long sniper rifles, with the key difference being the absence of an overcharged effect. This means you can keep firing charged shots as much as you want, although the projectile is the same as the standard shot.

- Laser Rifle: Laser Rifles are energy-based weapons with a focus on damage over impact. They cause less impact but more damage than other kinetic weapons, making them useful for mid-range diversion tactics if your goal is reducing your opponent's AP rather than staggering them. Your damage and charging speed will vary significantly depending on your generator's EN weapon features. Laser rifles inflict energy-type damage, and many heavyweight ACs have lower EN damage resistance, making this weapon ideal for dealing higher direct hit damage than kinetic-type projectiles. Laser rifles don't have an ammunition clip or reloading but can reach an overcharged state. Firing the weapon increases its heat, eventually leading to the overcharged state. Therefore, you must manage the weapon's heat to avoid significant drawbacks compared to kinetic weapons' reloading times. Laser rifles also feature a strong charged shot but have slower projectile speeds than linear rifles.

- Laser Handgun: Laser Handguns fall into the mid-range rifle category rather than handguns. They offer a versatile charged shot for mid-range diversion and can be used multiple times since they generate less heat compared to other laser rifles.

- Laser Shotgun: Surprisingly, the VP66-LS behaves more like a close-to-mid-range rifle than a shotgun. It can sustain a significant amount of damage at 200m, and at closer distances, its damage output is comparable to shotguns. Its versatility lies in the charged shot, which has a range of 400m and deals severe damage like a cannon. However, the projectile is relatively slow. Choosing this weapon can technically cover all ranges, from close to mid to long, in specific situations.

- Handgun / Needle Gun - Handheld Close Range

Handguns prioritize impact over damage. In particular, the COQUILLETT has a heavily biased impact ratio, resulting in high cumulative impact damage. The damage-to-impact ratio is 1:1.4217. However, it's essential to note that handguns have magazines, and the impact DPS of one magazine is limited. Therefore, you must understand how much impact damage one magazine can stack on your target. You can use them to start building up impact and then switch to another weapon since they offer higher cumulative impact damage than other weapons. The Burst Handgun follows a similar concept to the Burst Assault Rifle.

Needleguns focus more on burst impact DPS and have lower sustainable DPS. The magazine holds only 5 bullets, and the reload time is as long as other handguns. They work well for initiating impact buildup or triggering stagger when the situation is close to maxing out the stagger gauge.

- Shotgun - Close Range

Shotguns are devastating close-range weapons, and you should avoid being in this range at all costs unless you're prepared to use another type of close-range weapon or fire your shotgun faster than your opponent. There are currently four shotguns:

* Haldeman: Circular pattern with 8 pellets, dealing damage in a ratio of 576:360:280 every 1.3 seconds. Effective range of 88:169.

* Zimmerman: Circular pattern with 20 pellets, dealing damage in a ratio of 900:840:420 every 2 seconds. Effective range of 102:184.

* Sweet Sixteen: Circular pattern with 13 pellets, dealing damage in a ratio of 1105:793:533 every 3 seconds. Effective range of 76:155.

* WUERGER: Diamond shape with 9 pellets, dealing damage in a ratio of 900:840:420 every 0.909 seconds. Effective range of 135:235.

Each shotgun has its specialty:

Haldeman has a good pellet-per-damage ratio but unpredictable pellet patterns, resulting in unstable average damage.

Zimmerman behaves more like a "Spread Bazooka" from traditional Armored Core games than a shotgun. It has a low pellet-per-damage ratio but offers a stable pellet spread, ensuring consistent average damage even at a distance. However, its reload time is slow, allowing most impact to recover during the reload. Using two of these for dual triggering can stagger most opponents. Despite its high burst DPS for a single shot, its weight is significantly lighter than expected, potentially making it subject to future balance changes.

Sweet Sixteen has the most unstable pellet pattern and is best suited as a sub-handheld weapon for swapping from the weapon bay rather than a primary handheld weapon.

WUERGER is an Energy weapon, so its damage varies depending on your generator. With the right AC setup, it boasts the highest sustainable shotgun DPS, albeit with limited ammunition. It also features a highly lethal charged attack, akin to a charged melee weapon. Think of this weapon as a semi-melee option that allows you to deliver a deadly direct hit to staggered opponents.

- Cannons

I can't cover all types of cannons here; it would require an entire weapon guide. Instead, I'll explain the general characteristics of cannon-type weapons.

The defining feature of cannons is their leg type requirement. Bipedal ACs have a preparation motion that prevents boost movement while firing this weapon. Four-legged ACs can fire this weapon while moving, but their movement is disrupted during firing. Tanks can fire while moving without any disturbance. However, the time between triggering and launching is the same for all leg types.

Cannons have a longer delay between triggering and firing compared to handheld weapons. Skilled opponents can detect your cannon usage by noting the trigger moment. Without any diversion, experienced players will simply dodge cannon-type weapons. Therefore, the key to using cannons effectively is diversion. Think of it like the charged shot of a handheld weapon. You can use this weapon as a diversion for a subsequent attack or use missiles and handhe
11. EN Management
Without a doubt, the most crucial aspect of Armored Core is EN (Energy) Management. Good EN Management can compensate for poor weapon choices, but the reverse is not true. I can't cover all aspects of EN management here, but I'll outline the core concept.

EN management is quite complex than simply focusing on EN generation by your Generator.

Traditionally EN Management involves several key factors ( Few concepts are not exist in ACVI ):

A. Generator's EN Output: This is the rate at which your Generator generates EN.
B. Generator's Redline: The maximum capacity of your Generator before it overheats.
C. Booster's Consumption: How much EN your booster consumes when in use.
D. Core Parts Adjustments: Your Core Parts can adjust EN Output and EN Supply (Recharge). Lightweight parts provide higher EN efficiency, while heavyweight parts offer lower efficiency.
E. Capacity: Your usable EN when fully charged.
F. EN Recharge: The time it takes between the last EN usage and the starting point of EN generation.
G. Supply Recovery: The time it takes between EN depletion and the starting point of EN generation.
H. Post Recovery EN Supply (PRES): Similar to the traditional "Red Line" Generator, depletion will cause a fixed amount of EN generation. Higher PRES values, coupled with low EN Supply (like Coral Base Generators), will force you to deplete EN, while combustion is focused on regeneration by idle.

There are three types of generators:

A. Combustion - Indicated by an orange flame on boosters. Low EN Output. Faster EN recovery between the last EN usage and the starting point of EN generation. Very Low Energy Weapon Efficiency.

B. Circular - Indicated by a blue flame on boosters. High EN Output. Moderate to slow EN recovery between the last EN usage and the starting point of EN generation. High Energy Weapon Efficiency.

C. Coral - Indicated by a red flame on boosters. High EN Output. Slowest EN recovery between the last EN usage and the starting point of EN generation, to the extent that you can't rely on it in combat situations. High Energy Weapon Efficiency.

I won't define which type of generator has a specific type of EN management, but I can say that the Coral Generator is focused on fully depleting your EN and having a considerable idle time. It's very effective for descending from high altitudes since the descending time is longer than full generation from depletion.

Here are key points for EN management:

A. Focus on your final EN output, taking into account your EN Load from all your parts, including weapons.

Regardless of the generator you use, you must manage your EN Load. A higher EN Load means slower EN generation speed. If your EN Load is at 90%, your EN generation will be extremely slow, leading to constant EN shortages. Even the Coral Generator will generate very little EN from depletion. Personally, I keep my AC's EN Load at around 70% and never exceed 80% in any case, even in PvE. If your weapon consumes too much EN Load percentage from your generator's EN output, consider changing your generator, finding a different weapon with lower EN load, or switching to a frame with lower EN costs.

B. Know your optimal EN Recharge time. Optimal EN Recharge time depends on your altitude.

If you're fully grounded, like a tank, you may sacrifice EN Recharge time and use either the Coral Generator or a high EN recharge time generator. If your average altitude is around the distance of a bipedal's jump, you don't need more than 900. Descending from your jump distance doesn't require over 900. For example, Ling Tai has a 2000 Recharge time. With a lightweight core, your EN will recover within 0.56 seconds. But most bipedal's jump height exceeds 0.56 seconds. Armored Core VI's basic bipedal movement is a jump maneuver. You recover EN the moment between your landing and jumping. A higher jump distance requires more time to descend to the landing. For example, a bipedal will require an optimal range of 750~900 recharge time when descending from the jump distance, while Reverse Joint legs will have a longer time for landing, potentially covering a range of 500700 recharge time. At higher altitudes, you need less recharge time since your landing takes up most of the time.

C. Longer recharge time with higher EN Output is better than shorter recharge time with lower EN Output without considering "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply).
If your EN recharge is as fast as Ling Tai's 0.56 seconds but your EN Load is about 95%, your final EN generation is worse than with slower EN Recharge and high EN Output. Faster EN generation with slower EN recharge will ultimately lead to faster subsequent EN-consuming actions. Therefore, focus on EN Load + Final EN Output rather than EN Recharge.

D. Red Lining has changed. Traditionally, the term "Red Line" referred to the higher EN Capacity section of the generator. For example, in Armored Core: Last Raven, the LOTUS Generator had less EN Capacity but a higher Red Line, resulting in more sustainable EN with redlining than a generator with higher EN capacity and a lower Red Line like G84P. In Armored Core VI, it has changed to "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)." The red line no longer means the same as in previous series. Redlining was about using your EN in the section between the red line and complete depletion. In Armored Core VI, "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)" is a special EN generation modifier after a complete EN depletion.

To better understand this, if you use a Coral Generator NGI 000, it has extremely low EN Recharge with a super high "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)" The Capacity of the Generator is 4400, and "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)" is 3300, which is 75% of the total capacity. This means that no matter how bad your Final EN Output is, you will guaranteedly generate 75% of EN after a complete depletion of EN. For an extreme example, if you have used 50% of EN and start with recovery with an idle state for the EN Recharge timer, it will take almost twice as long to fully recover than your complete depletion of EN and recovery by "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)." This is a slightly different mechanism from the red line, but the idea is similar. You keep depleting your EN and get a fixed amount of EN after a certain period of time. In general, the Combustion generator should avoid using "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)" and not deplete the EN. The Circular generator is acceptable to use "PRES (Post Recovery EN Supply)," especially when your AC has a high EN load and low final EN Output.

12. Maneuvers by Legs
A. Bipedal - Bipedal's key concept revolves around "Jumping" and "Descending" with altitude control through vertical movement. If you don't utilize jumping while using Bipedal legs, it's better to opt for a tank configuration. There's no point in using Bipedal legs without jumping and altitude control.

There are two types of bipedals: standard Bipedal and reverse joint bipedal. Both share jump maneuvers as their primary abilities and incorporate altitude control through booster features. Reverse joint bipedals possess a unique ground quick boost capability, while standard bipedals have a less noticeable ground quick boost. As mentioned earlier, the height of your jumps can influence how long your generator can remain idle to generate EN. A higher jump height necessitates less EN recharge value since the descending time is longer than the idle requirement.

B. 4 Legs - The key concept for 4 Legs is "Acceleration." On the ground or during ascending/descending, 4-legged ACs exhibit the same acceleration as other leg types. However, in floating mode, 4-legged ACs experience three times stronger acceleration than other leg types. Your strafing will have a significant effect on your opponent's FCS prediction. Additionally, 4-legged ACs in hover mode can maintain altitude levels without manual control, whereas bipedals require precise flying boost techniques and EN management. In terms of vertical (ascending/descending) movement speed, 4 Legs are inferior to lightweight bipedals. Unlike Bipedals, 4-legged jump maneuvers result in slower speeds, so it's advisable not to use jump maneuvers with 4 Legs.

C. Tank - Tanks are designed for grounded movement, and jumping is not their strong suit. Attempting to fly with tank-type legs will result in slower speeds than ground movement. When airborne, tanks are at a significant disadvantage compared to bipedals. Even bipedals of the same weight class will outpace flying tanks in terms of ground speed. Therefore, it's not recommended to keep a tank airborne. Tanks are also at a severe disadvantage against opponents at higher altitudes. If a tank's optimal range is shorter than an opponent's altitude, there aren't many options available for the tank. Even when tanks utilize assault boosts to approach while ascending, bipedals' descending speed surpasses that of tanks' assault boosts. (For instance, if the fastest tank has a speed of 480 with an assault boost, a bipedal's descending speed can exceed 580, and they can ascend at the same speed with an assault boost, while the tank's EN depletion places it at a considerable disadvantage both in terms of altitude and EN.)

13. Obstacle, Peeking, Covering, Scanning
Taking cover behind obstacles is one of the fundamental tactics in Armored Core PvP. You can use buildings or walls to avoid being hit by missiles or bullets. You can peek out, fire missiles, and then take cover again depending on your shoulder or weapon setup. If you lose sight of your opponent for a few seconds, your lock-on will be released. Therefore, scanning immediately before it's too late is crucial. Losing lock-on can lead to a direct defeat in combat, so maintaining your target is of utmost importance. If you've chosen head parts with a scanning feature that has a 200-meter distance and a 3-second scanning interval, think twice before engaging in combat without noticing your opponent's location.

14. Conclusion
In conclusion, I've poured a lot of time and effort into creating this guide, and my goal is to enhance the Armored Core VI community's knowledge and enjoyment. If you choose to use this guide, please consider crediting the sources and providing links where possible. Armored Core VI multiplayer offers an exciting and competitive experience, and I hope you find it as captivating and engaging as I do. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. Enjoy your Armored Core VI adventures!
6 opmerkingen
Coansp 9 aug 2024 om 13:55 
its a shame the game is dead now
King White Wolf 8 sep 2023 om 19:07 
You are the bomb diggity for making this, as well as your videos! Thanks so much for putting this out for us.
Yonder the Unconditional 7 sep 2023 om 19:08 
Thank you for making this guide, me and my group of American player friends are veritable noobs at this game and a few of us want to really learn how to dig in to this game's versus mode and Get Gud. Dimensional movement and long range combat were specifically things that we have been struggling with, because it seems extremely difficult to stay away from double-zimmerman cheese bois. Some of our builds we were using to test our theories failed pretty badly to perform well, but watching your gameplay videos on Youtube let us know that it is entirely possible to make these builds (and indeed even WEIRDER builds) work really well. So thank you a ton for making this, I'll give you a nice review when I'm done watching these :)
Gzar 5 sep 2023 om 13:12 
Great writeup with lots of valuable info. I'd love to see a section on booster choices added.
SEP 5 sep 2023 om 0:50 
Excellent write up, especially the part on En Management, super useful stuff in here
S1mon 4 sep 2023 om 19:14 
What are right now the biggest balance offencers in your opionion? Btw great guide! It was a treat to read!:steamhappy: