My wife, beauty but scary sometimes <3
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"Don't get too antsy.
I more or less have an understanding of the scenarios you've been dreaming about recently. We might not be able to expunge these scenes for the time being, and prescribing medication for you might backfire.
The Ægir dared to cast such severe shackles upon you. The way they huddle on the bottom of the sea... neglecting their future population. Based on this alone, I might dare to conclude that those who make such bizarre decisions are scarcely different from the vicious rulers on land.
Wake you up? No, I have no such obligation, and if you realize this, that would make things much easier. My response is simply because I hold derision for the many people who deem themselves 'advanced.' Similarly, if you feel like I am trying to fray the relationship between you and someone else, you are welcome to continue that line of thought. Your words should be the clearest, and I couldn't care less about what you think about me.
Specter has been ill for a long time, and Gladiia bears the responsibility. There are fleetingly few things they can communicate or reveal to you. However, you also need not be suspicious of them, not that I think you would do that.
Skadi, I just want to say, don't worry too much about your future.
What defines you is not the dreams you have... but rather what's written here on your medical examination sheet.
Your thoughts. Your actions. They drive your motivation.
You've chosen to end your self-imposed exile. This may be because Rhodes Island has the ability to escape the infiltration and invasion of the Church of the Deep. At least for all these years, no disaster has befallen our operators as a result of you, and that makes you no longer tread as cautiously. Perhaps the efforts of countless operators trying to befriend you have had an effect. You've managed to help them and earn their gratitude. You've established new relationships with them, even if you're busy trying to deny this.
As for me, I personally prefer this type of explanation — that is, since you were hired by Rhodes Island, and during the time you've spent here, you've rediscovered your objective and clearly recognized the obstacles in front of your path.

Some of my data indicates that they, the changes in the biological structure of those organisms, are largely limited to cognition. In other words, they are not passive adaptations, but something you can proactively shape. We are fortunate that they have not yet 'progressed' into passive adaptations, but if we do not act, that day will eventually come.
Mm, but this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about today. What I wanted to say is, when they want to adapt towards a certain structure, they will metamorphose in that direction.
Skadi, if those creatures can become what they want through their own will... you can also use your will to not become something you don't want. You can still do what you want.

For example, an Abyssal Hunter. Or, something a bit more liberated, a bounty hunter.
An operator also isn't a bad idea.
Furthermore, you are who you are, plain and simple. Skadi. You are yourself. Your job and your role are nothing more than the results of your interests.

You are not your dreams yet, Miss Skadi.
That's right. How about trying to become a regular operator at Rhodes Island, for real this time?
Doctor and ■■■ have also mentioned it to me many times."