No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Complete the Artemis Story w/JSON Data
By Geldric™
This guide will allow you to make the final jump to nearly complete the Artemis Story mission.

After you jump, you will activate the Portal, Visit the Atlas, Reset and select a new Galaxy thus completing the Artemis story mission.

[!] If you have never used the goatfungus Save Editor (on github), I'm sorry but this guide is NOT for you. You must be 100% comfortable not only using the Editor but making edits to the RAW JSON (text) data. A LOT of edits...

[!] If you inadvertently delete a "," you will render your save file unreadable and complete garbage. Not even the save editor will be able to load/read it...

Make Your Edits Very Carefully

If you feel confident, here we go:

* Launch the game; load and save every save slot that you want to edit. This ensures the file is up to date and has any added data from the v4.4x update.

NOTE: Tested & Confirmed for Worlds Pt II 30/01/2025

Your mission log BEFORE progressing the Artemis story

You MUST do this on any new save
* Create your save and continue the Artemis story line until you have claimed their crashed ship.
* Enter the Anomaly and complete the tutorial and now exit the Anomaly
* Fly to the space station, make a save and exit to the select menu
> this allows the game to add the other two story missions to your log and ensures a standard base for starting the edits (see image below) <


* Make a copy/backup of your entire save folder.

Honestly, if you don't know where your save files are, this guide IS NOT intended for you, I'm very sorry

Version: 1.1

PS: Please don't ask what happened to Artemis.. I have no idea :( During my data collection I saved Artemis in Nada's machine... but are they still there?? Dunno
JSON Data Edits

Notes: Okay, I cannot tell you "which" entry has your data because the game adds them kind of when events happen and also whether or not you disabled the tutorial. I can tell you once you are inside the "MissionProgress" section you can probably skip to [21] or so... The nice thing is "usually" they continue in order so it's fairly easy to follow.


The data is structered as follows:
ACTx_STEPx = Progress

So for "ACT1_STEP1, Progress = 7" it will be listed as:
1-1 = 7

A second example, for "ACT2_STEP8, Progress = 55" it will be listed as:
2-8 = 55

You MUST also click the Yes button on EVERY entry so the data is saved. If you click No, your data will NOT be saved.

The main key is named: "MissionProgress"

Okay, I think you got it, here are all the JSON data edits, remember:
ACTx_STEPx = Progress
1-1 = 7
1-2 = 12
1-3 = 14
1-4 = 16
1-5 = 38
1-6 = 36
1-7 = 9
1-8 = 13
1-9 = 40
1-10 = 26
1-11 = 18
1-12 = 7
1-13 = 54

2-1 = 12
2-2 = 5
2-3 = 10
2-4 = 55
2-5 = 22
2-6 = 19
2-7 = 11
2-8 = 55
2-9 = 19
2-10 = 14
2-11 = 14
2-12 = 19
2-13 = 68

3-1 = 16
3-2 = 11
3-3 = 92 NOTICE: This entry also uses the "Data" key to track the number of jumps you have made. Please set the "Data" key to 16 (you can of course use your actual jumps as long as it is greater than 15)

After all those edits. close the JSON data window and SAVE your file. Nearly done...

Edits Done - DISCOVERY Edits Are Next
In the Save Editor, select the DISCOVERY tab.

Locate the Portal Glyphs section and select the first 15. I do this because the game "might" do some additional altering of our save data and this way will allow that to happen.

1: While you are on this tab you give yourself the b/p for the Save Beacon. If you do not, please go to the Anomaly and purchase the Save Beacon b/p for Salvaged Data.
2: Add some CADMIUM to your inventory along with any other materials you are missing that are used to charge a portal
Edit To Milestones/Reputation
In the save editor, switch to the Milestones/Reputation tab.

Edit your "Space Exploration (Warps)" field to 16* so that it matches our other data.
*If you used a different number, make sure it matches.

Final Save & Load In Game
While still in the save editor, click the "Save Changes" button back on the Main tab

Close the Editor and load your save in the game.
Don't Freak Out!
When you load your save you may have just ONE main mission (upper section of your log).

And We're Jumping....
This is it... one final jump (warp) and you will have all 16 glyphs... Let's go...

You should jump into a freighter battle, if you are on a fresh save and don't yet have one, grab this free one... if you want, otherwise just land at the space station to disable the battle

The race you jump TO, will be the race you spawn on and will be your default Settlement. So, if you want a Korvax settlement, jump to a Korvax system.

In case you're confused, get in your ship and jump to a new system... anywhere

It really shouldn't have to be said... but ALWAYS land at the space station

You will get a marker for a Portal on one of the planets. Travel there.

I always drop a base computer.

Use the Save Editor and give yourself a stack of Cadmium and other materials to charge the Portal.

Make sure you have crafted a Save Beacon. Place it and then pick it up into your Exosuit inventory.

Charge up the portal... and walk thru... wait for the countdown and...
Hello Atlas & Two Options
You are now at the Altas interface. You now have TWO options:

Option 1: Reset the Atlas and pick a new galaxy type to visit

Option 2: Refuse the Atlas and stay in your current galaxy
Option 1: New Galaxy
Access it and it doesn't matter what you pick as long as you end up here:
You must "cry out"... a lot and also "submit"

Once done, walk forward to the galaxy... er oops simulation selection room and pick a color:
Green is of course the safe bet (Eissentam) but since the featured base can bring you there why not pick Teal or Blue??

I always pick Teal...

How's that go? "Make it so" or "Engage"...

Go grab your breakfast, lunch or snack...
You've got a few minutes of this

I'll see you planet side...
Option 1: A Whole New Galaxy...
So... pretty much everything equipped is busted. But you've gained an extra health "+" that you didn't have before. Go ahead and install that in an empty tech slot.

Ah but remember that Save Beacon... let's drop it down and grab a save.. now exit to the menu.

Open the Save Editor and repair ALL you broken tech... you didn't think we were going to do it manually did you??? Pffft we've cheated our way all the way to a new galaxy... what's a few free repairs!

Once completed, save and exit the editor and load up your save.. we are nearly done.

Pop-Quiz: Where are we flying to first?
If you answered ANYTHING but the Space station... I am very disappointed... really I am

Well, go ahead and fly there and make a save.

Option 2: Refuse the Atlas
You must "cry out"... a lot but when you get to this, "Stand Your Ground", choose that. Keep going until you can select the "Refuse" option.

So you just pick the "Refuse" option. You leave the Atlas suffering in its final minutes..... bah, I'm sure it will be okay ;)
That's it, you are done. The Atlas will warp you to a brand new system, enjoy!
[OPTIONAL] Restore Altas Path Mission
Now you can be one of the cool kids with only ONE main mission OR should you want the Atlas path restored to your Log (missions)... hang tight.

Fly to the Anomaly and talk with Polo (he's the annoying short... wait.. that's a given, Gek to the left of Nada)

You are going to request access to the Atlas path to restore... wait for it... the Atlas Path.

Pro tip: If you ask for Black Holes... you also get... the Atlas Path.
Revisions / Updates / Comments will be added here

v1.0 - 27/08/2023 Created
v1.1 - 29/08/2023 Add notice about race for settlement
v1.2 - 03/04/2024 Added key name & confirmed after Orbital update
v1.3 - 30/01/2025 Fixed spelling errors and added the option of NOT resetting the Atlas
Testing Log:
(Lost count) Extensive testing once v5.5 was released
(2) New Survival v4.4 saves
(3) Survival v4.3 saves
(1) v4.0 Main save 165 Hrs <- this one just started the new "They Who Returned" mission
(1) v4.41 New Survival save
(1) v4.41 New PermaDeath save

* I just used the guide on a brand new save but before I made that last jump I traveled to the "Filling Station" featured Anomaly base. After the final jump I ended up with three galaxies (Euclid, Xobeurindj and Wucetosucc)
* I took a brand new save (v4.41) and used both this guide and my ToM (Trace of Metal) guide and basically edited my way both to a new Galaxy (completing Artemis) and annoying Sentinel pet (completing ToM). This save has now completed all the new story material successfully and shows no signs of anything wrong.

Vanysh 14 hours ago 
I realise this is not the purpose of the guide so apologies if you cant help, but was wondering if you could as you seem to know your way around the save editor. I just finished a permadeath run to galaxy reset and wanted to try and change my difficulty mode back to standard, but all the old guides and methods of how to do it seem to be a year or so old now. They all say to change the version number in the Raw JSON file but its not working.
Beyond Architect 24 Feb @ 3:50pm 
Thank you, on GOG i just completed on a new Creative save within Worlds 2 update (and other saves I have already done the Titan quest) - my starting system for Purge was Odyulatai 256th galaxy. Chose green at Atlas, and ended up as expected in Eissentam. Thanks for JSON number sequence :-)
Geldric™  [author] 5 Feb @ 4:52am 
@Howard - glad it helped and thank you :steamthumbsup:

PS We like lore specific praise, like "Hirksend" :steamhappy: just messin' w/ya Stay safe fellow Traveller :nmsatlas:
Howard 5 Feb @ 4:42am 
You are a godsend. Thank you
Geldric™  [author] 31 Jan @ 4:51am 
Geldric™  [author] 31 Jan @ 4:40am 
@ Karimatrix - :) I'm working on it, hang tight
Karimatrix 30 Jan @ 3:00pm 
Please do same for authopage missions? i need those numbers from json
Geldric™  [author] 30 Jan @ 3:06am 
@Echoe - working on it right now
Echoe 29 Jan @ 8:50pm 
Might you also know how to replicate this but for the Atlas Path? It appears the new storyline missions require it to be done and I've done the atlas path one too many times for me to tolerate it again lol