Ghostwire: Tokyo

Ghostwire: Tokyo

66 次評價
Ghostwire Tokyo 100% Achievements
由 BeeMarie 發表
This guide covers all the achievements from the base game + DLC.
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40-50 hours
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can play on any difficulty
  • Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you will return to before the Point of No Return after completing the story
Story related achievements
Complete Chapter 1.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 2.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 3.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 4.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 5.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 6.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

Complete the main story.
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Combat related achievements
Defeat a Visitor by pulling out its core.
When a Visitor has been weakened, their core will be exposed and you can pull it out by holding RMB.

One Fell Swoop
Defeat at least 5 Visitors simultaneously by pulling out their cores.
In order to do this, you will need to have at least 5 Visitors with their cores exposed simultaneously. You can either do this after you gain the Wire ability or by using Exposure Talismans.

You can also get Core Exposure - Duration II for the cores to stay exposed a little longer.
Personally, I did this when I got introduced to the Wire ability.

Couldn’t Take the Heat
Defeat at least 3 Visitors simultaneously by detonating a red ether crystal.
Red Ether Crystals are found in many combat encounters, and they are floating explosive objects such as gas canisters. Shooting these will cause an explosion with a very large radius, and will instantly kill most basic Visitors.

Silent Kill
Defeat a total of 200 Visitors using Quick Purge.
This can be done by selecting RMB when you're behind an unaware Visitor or when you use a Stun Talisman.

Take a Bow
Defeat a total of 50 Visitors using the bow.
The bow is obtained during Chapter 2, and can be equipped by selecting 4.

Go For the Eyes
Defeat a total of 20 Visitors with headshots.
Self-explanatory, just kill 20 Visitors with headshots using a bow.

Defeat a Visitor with a headshot from a distance of at least 40m.
The best way to do this is by finding a Visitor that isn’t moving much and place a waypoint on them. This can be done by standing on the roof of the public toilets north of Sengoku Police Box and shooting the Visitor in front of the Jizo Statue to the east.

Freeze, Scumbag
Defeat a total of 10 Visitors with Quick Purge while they are held by a Stun Talisman.
Stun Talismans can be bought from stores for 4,000 meika after cleansing Kuo Shrine in Chapter 2.

A Shrubbery!
Defeat a total of 3 Visitors with Quick Purge while hiding in bushes created by a Thicket Talisman.
Thicket Talismans can be bought from stores for 1,000 meika after returning to KK’s Safehouse in Chapter 2.

Left Yourself Open
Defeat a total of 10 Visitors by ripping out their cores after exposing them with an Exposure Talisman.
Exposure Talismans can be bought from stores for 7,000 meika partway through Chapter 3.

Master of Blocking
Perform a total of 30 Perfect Blocks.
A perfect block is performed by pressing MMB the moment a Visitor's attack is about to hit you.

In Sync
Wire In a total of 10 times.
ire In is an ability that you unlock at the end of Chapter 2. It is charged by removing cores from or quick purging Visitors, and it can be activated by pressing V.
Spirit Related achievements
Spirits are spread all across the city of Shibuya, and these are a form of collectible. They appear as blue floating silhouettes which can be absorbed by holding RMB, and then transferred by interacting with any of the Payphones around the map. Absorbing them requires Katashiro, of which you can have up to 50.

Spirits can be found during exploration, destroying corruption trees, rewards from Side Missions, from protecting Containment Cubes which spawn randomly, and rewards from completing Hyakki Yako events.

Spirits can be easily seen if you press Tab.

Beads that can help:

  • Spirit Perception Beads II: This is the most important upgrade for hunting spirits. These will allow you to sense spirits within a radius of 200m.

  • Transmission Beads: These are a simple quality of life upgrade, as these beads make it so all spirits you collect are immediately transferred.

  • Incognito Beads: These simply make it so Visitors take longer to detect you.

You can see your progress by pressing M and zoom out to max level. On the right top corner you will be able to view your progress.

Helping Hand
Transfer 25% of the spirits in the city.

Transfer 50% of the spirits in the city.

Salvation of All
Transfer 100% of the spirits in the city.

You no longer need to do 100% to every single shrine region to unlock the achievement. You only need to hit the number in the top right corner of the map.
I managed to hit the 240,300 spirit number without having all shrines completed.

Hero of Shibuya
Complete the main story after transferring 100% of the spirits in the city.
Once you have transferred 100% of the spirits in Shibuya, complete Chapters 5 and 6 to finish the game. This isn’t missable as even if you finish the game without 100% spirits, you will be put back before the point of no return and can complete it again.
Collectible related achievements
Easiest way is to unlock the entire map and then pay 500 meika to the offering shrine and ask for what jizo statues or tanuki.

Opening a Path
Cleanse a torii gate.

Cleanse all torii gates.
There are 30 torii gates in the game, cleansing a torii gate will remove fog in the area.

Treasure Hunter
Acquire a relic.

Acquire all relics.
There are 123 relics in the game, and these are traditional collectibles. You can track them at the Relic-Hunting Nekomatas around the map who request them.

Shibuya Is My Back Yard
Find all landmarks.
There are 31 landmarks in the game, you will find them naturally during your exploration.

Echoes of the Past
Acquire a voice log.

The Whole Truth
Acquire all voice logs.
There are 17 voice logs found as recorders or open laptops, you can find them in payphones and shrines.

It’s All Thanks to Yokai
Acquire a magatama.

With Their Powers Combined
Acquire all magatama.
There are more than 40 magatama in the game, and are obtained from completing Yokai Hunts or can be purchased via Nekomata.

Roadside Spirituality
Pray to a Jizo statue.

Pray to all Jizo statues.
There are 52 jizo statues in the game, which when prayed at will increase the respective element by +1 SP.

Your Tail’s Showing
Find all of the missing tanuki.
There are 25 missing tanuki in the game, which are disguised as various objects. Easiest way to find them is by pressing Tab and if you see that an object has a tail then go to it and press RMB.

Acquire all types of food and drink.
There are 50 types of food and drink in the game, majority can be found around the map, but some can only be bough from the stalls.

DJ Akito
Acquire all music tracks.
There are 31 music tracks in the game, and these can be unlocked either from completing main missions, buying them at Relic-Hunting Nekomatas, or by completing requests for Relic-Hunting Nekomatas.

Acquire all items for the Outfit menu (excluding bonus content).
There are 50 outfit pieces in the game, and these can be unlocked either from completing side missions, buying them at Relic-Hunting Nekomatas, or by completing requests for Relic-Hunting Nekomatas.

  • Head
  • Face
  • Torso
  • Hands
  • Legs
  • Feet
  • Complete Outfits

Acquire all talismans.
There are four types of Talismans in the game, and all of them will be available for purchase partway through Chapter 3.
  • Stun Talisman – Found in Kuo Shrine after cleansing it, purchasable from stores for 4,000 meika
  • Thicket Talisman – Found in KK’s Safehouse after getting there during the story for the 2nd time, purchasable from stores for 1,000 meika
  • Decoy Talisman – purchasable from stores for 1,000 meika after completing Chapter 2
  • Exposure Talisman – purchasable from stores for 7,000 meika after Rinko chasing sequence in Chapter 3

Power Overwhelming
Acquire all sets of prayer beads.
There are 33 prayer beads in the game, and can be obtained at shrines after cleansing them, completing requests at Relic-Hunting Nekomatas, and by completing the game with 100% spirits transferred.

  • Flame Beads
  • Gust Beads
  • Aqua Beads
  • Archery Beads
  • Talisman Beads
  • Prosperity Beads
  • Astral Beads
  • Nourishment Beads
  • Incognito Beads
  • Self-Defense Beads
  • Spirit Perception Beads
  • Sleuth Beads
  • Transmission Beads
  • Shadow Beads
  • Tireless Beads

Flame Beads
You get these at Kirigaoka Shrine after cleansing it, inside the shrine itself.
You get these at Akitsu Shrine after cleansing it.
You get these at Mikubo Shrine after cleansing it.

Gust Beads
We get these after cleansing Kuo Shrine and as we go up to the top of the building during the main quest A Maze of Death.
You get these after cleansing Hatsuike Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Kamio Shrine.

Aqua Beads
You get these at Yamaki Shrine after cleansing it.
You get these at Toyoi Shrine after cleansing it.
You get these at Kappagaike Torii Gate after cleansing it.

Archery Beads
You get these after cleansing Morite Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Matsumi Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Namihara Shrine.

Talisman Beads
You get these after cleansing Momokane Building Rooftop Torii Gate.
You get these after cleansing Shimokusa Shrine.

Prosperity Beads
You get these after cleansing Chishima Shrine.

Astral Beads
Complete 3 requests from Musical Nekomata southeast of Matsumi Shrine.
Complete 6 requests from Doll Fanatic Nekomata southeast of Namihara Shrine.
Complete all requests from Archeology Nekomata at Tatsui Shrine.

Nourishment Beads
You get these at Hirajuku Building Rooftop Torii Gate after cleansing it.
You get these after cleansing Tatsui Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Sakano Shrine.

Incognito Beads
You get these after cleansing Noto Shrine.

Self-Defense Beads
Reward for completing 3 of Playful Nekomata's requests south of Kirigaoka Shrine.
Reward for completing 5 of Antique Nekomata's requests southwest of Shimokusa Shrine.
Reward for completing all of Netsuke Collector Nekomata's requests southwest of Kamio Shrine.

Spirit Perception Beads
You get these after cleansing Hitani Shrine.
You get these at Saihama Building Rooftop Torii Gate after cleansing it.

Sleuth Beads
You get these after cleansing Hirokawa Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Shiratsuki Shrine.
You get these after cleansing Onten Shrine.

Transmission Beads
You get these by completing the game with any % of spirits transferred.

Shadow Beads
You get these by completing the game with 100% of spirits transferred.

Tireless Beads
You get these by completing the game with 100% of spirits transferred.

Boundless Spirit
Acquire the maximum number of katashiro.
The max number is 50 and can be bought at Convenience Stores for 3,000 meika each. You can get some as rewards from Relic-Hunting Nekomatas.
Side missions related achievements
Problem Solver
Complete a side mission.

Complete all side missions.

There are 42 side missions in the game, many of which will unlock from cleansing shrines.

  • Deep Cleaning
  • Zashiki-warashi
  • Karakasa-kozo
  • The Voice in the Wall
  • A Doll’s Last Rites
  • The Hoarder’s House
  • Kappa
  • Tanuki Hunt
  • The Boss Tanuki
  • Ittan-momen
  • The Crimson Moon
  • And Then There Were None
  • Haunting Visions
  • Little Girl Lost
  • Oni
  • Bloodthirsty Blossoms (Matsumi)
  • Bloodthirsty Blossoms (Mitake)
  • Bloodthirsty Blossoms (Ginpei)
  • Dire Straits
  • Kodama
  • Nesting Evil
  • Rokurokubi
  • A Passage Beyond
  • A Stop in the Void
  • Hide and Seek I
  • Hide and Seek II
  • Hide and Seek III
  • The Dreaming Jewel
  • The Masks
  • Kamaitachi
  • Ushi no Kokumairi
  • After the End I
  • After the End II
  • After the End III
  • A Deadly Shadow
  • Nightmare Welling
  • Strung with a Curse
  • Art Imitates Life
  • Old Wounds
  • The Invisible Wanderer
  • A Full House
  • A Lost Dog
Misc achivements
Mind and Body
Unlock all Spirit Skills.
There are three categories of Spirit Skills – Abilities, Ethereal Weaving and Equipment – and you must fully upgrade all of these for this trophy.

On the Same Wavelength
Raise your synergy level to max.
Synergy Level is your character level, and the max level is 50. To increase your level you can defeat Visitors, complete missions and transfer spirits.

Animal Lover
Pet an animal.
Press RMB in front of an animal.

Amateur Photographer
Use Photo Mode for the first time.
You can either press P or go to Menu > Photo Mode.

You Wouldn’t Steal a Spirit
Successfully protect at least 3 Containment Cubes in a single battle.
Containment Cubes are random events that occur in the open world, where several cubes will appear on the map, and Visitors will try to destroy them.

Don’t Worry About It
Pull a “Daikyo” omikuji.
You can pay 200 meika to pull an omikuji at the omikuji box (Daikyo is a debuff that deals heavy damage to you).

Better Together
Fuse back with KK after being hit by a severance attack.
Several Visitors have the ability to sever KK from Akito’s body. When this happens, you can press RMB to return KK to Akito's body.

Visiting Hours Are Over
Defeat every type of Visitor.
There are 23 types of Visitors in the game, by defeating a Visitor once it will register in your database.
  • Rain Walker
  • Rugged Walker
  • Rain Slasher
  • Shadow Hunter
  • Relentless Walker
  • Rage Walker
  • Student of Misery
  • Student of Pain
  • Shine Dancer
  • Lamentation
  • Paper Doll
  • Passenger
  • Marionette
  • Forlorn
  • Forsaken
  • Wanderer
  • Kuchisake
  • Crimson Kuchisake
  • Shiromuku
  • Sojutski
  • Byotara
  • Tsuchigumo
  • Hanngon

Walking on Air
Grapple and glide to remain in the air for at least 10 seconds.
Easiest way to do this is by using an Updraft Talisman.

Big Spender
Spend a total of 1,000,000 meika.
Meika is the form of currency in the game, and it can be acquired by defeating powerful visitors, transferring spirits, completing side missions and handing in relics to Relic-Hunting Nekomatas.

Put a total of 10,000 meika into offering boxes.
Several of the shrines around the game will have offering boxes, at which you can spend either 100 or 500 meika to make a wish.

Lonely Tsukimi
Spend at least 30 seconds looking at the moon.
DLC: Spider's Thread achievements
Further Liberation
STU: Cleanse all newly-added torii gates.
There is one new torii gate, simply cleanse that and you'll be done.

On-The-Job Training
STU: Unlock all newly-added Spirit Skills.
You need to reach level 55 and get all the new magatama + KK research notes to get the new skills.

Unparalleled Talismaniac
STU: Acquire all newly-added talismans.
Two new talismans that can be bought from the convenience store: Spirit Well and Updraft.

Unexpected Visitors
STU: Defeat at least one of every newly-added type of Visitor.
Four new Visitors:

  • Student of Toil
  • Sanguine Dancer
  • Silent Gaze
  • Retribution

Figure Aficionado
STU: Try your luck at capsule machines at least 50 times.

You can find them next to Akito's apartments and you should be able to roll 28 times, then you will be locked for a while.

Views From the Abyss
STU: Complete "The Spider's Thread" mode.
Simply complete the 30th floor of the new mode and you'll get this.

Catalog Conqueror
STU: Complete all nekomata jobs in "The Spider's Thread" mode.
There are 89 jobs in total, one of which is to complete everything else.

- If you hear a MEOW then there will be a cat on the floor, don't leave the floor until you find the cat.
- Spirit bead lvl 3 grants you the ability to find cats easier
- Cats & Yokai are extremely RNG so make sure you find them before you leave the floor (if available)

I managed to finish all the jobs at around floor 200. I was carried with the cats, but not with the yokai / tatari

Scary Stories to Tell at School
STU: Complete all newly-added side missions revolving around the school.
There are 2 side missions that are inside a school, complete them both and that's it.

For the first mission, halfway through there will be a puppet following you around and you will have to make sure you keep your eyes in it, otherwise it will one shot you. You can close doors behind you and this will give you a few seconds of breathing, you can also shoot the puppet to destroy it for a few seconds.
For the last boss of the mission, you will have to purge 4 mirrors.

For the second mission, try not to look or go near the walking visitor otherwise she will one shot you. You will have to escape the mirrors and at the end you will have a small wave fight.

Spirit Photographer
STU: Complete all newly-added side missions revolving around spirit photographs.
There are 8 sets, totaling 25 photos.
For each one you need to go to the right spot and press RMB to examine.
(Full credits to Purlinka for creating the map and to everyone else that helped.)

Welcome to Shibuya
STU: Acquire at least one SHIBUYA♡HACHI stamp.
You need to get a Shibuya dog graffiti.

3 則留言
pewp 2023 年 10 月 6 日 上午 4:51 
Yes TY, I wasn't so sure cause I only played the tower, I didn't even knew there was achievements in the main game. Overall I think as long you spend everything as fast you can in the abilitiy tree in Spider's Thread Mode the 100% goes quite fast, the phtotos aren't even that long to get.
BeeMarie  [作者] 2023 年 10 月 4 日 上午 2:50 
Hey! You can still access the game after completing it, you will return to before the Point of No Return after completing the story, and you will be able to collect all of your achievements.
pewp 2023 年 9 月 12 日 下午 3:43 
Heya, so I basicaly need to start NG+ and redo the game a second time to unlock all the STU's cheevos?? TY