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Wayfinders Handbook [Outdated]
Από Spektrum
The Wayfinders Handbook

Hey all!

Just a heads up this guide is not intended for v1.0 - A LOT of things have changed since they went Singleplayer / co-op. Most of the information are still valid but some things might have changed. I do not have the time currently to re-work the guide I am afraid. But I would be willing to let someone else help if they are up for it.

Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate. :)

This guide is designed to serve as a reference tool, data is collected from all over and credits have been given.

There's a lot of information yet to be discovered in the game, so as new details are released, I'll do my best to update and share them here.

I have limited availability on weekends for updating the guide. If you're interested in contributing to this guide, feel free to let me know, and we can discuss it further!

Μη αγαπημένο
Wayfinders Handbook
Welcome to the handbook. This guide's your go-to resource for getting the ins and outs of the game. This guide will be my first steam guide and I hope to improve while working on this.

If you're interested in working together to improve this guide, feel free to add me on Steam or Discord. If you have any pre-written content that you'd like to contribute, you'll be credited for your contribution.

Feel free to add me in-game or on discord.

Wayfinder Friend Code: dn1ay0np

My Discord: Spektrumgg

In this guide, you'll find info about the game's basics. We'll cover things like where to get different materials, details about characters, their stats, abilities, bosses, dungeons and also dive into weapons and more.

This page will also include different FAQ from the games developer team and work around fixes to the most common issues.

Game mechanic, Characters, Weapons, Echoes. I hope to be able to cover it all here so you have a easy access.

Keep in mind that there might still be things in the game that we haven't discovered. If you notice something missing, just let me know, and I'll add it when I can.

Remember, this guide is a work in progress. I'll be updating it over time. If you think there's something important that should be in here, just drop me a message, and I'll do my best to include it.

Table of Contents
Unfortunately, I cannot provide direct links to sections within a Steam guide. However, I will include a quick table of contents to give you an idea of what information you can find and where it's placed.

  • Starting Out & Dungeons - (Tutorial, Dungeon Menu Info, Arclight, Basics)

  • Wayfinder Menu & Information - (Character Menus, Weapon Menu, Accessory Slots, Stats Info)

  • Character Style - (Armor, Dyes, Trinkets, Skins)

  • Wayfinder Affinity - (Wayfinder & Weapon Affinity, Affinity Points, Upgrades & Passives)

  • Echoes - (Echoes Info, Echo Usage, Echo Slots, Echo Types, Echo Fusion)

  • Housing - (Decorations, Artifacts, Relics, How to obtain.)

  • Wayfinder Abilities, Combat & Archetypes - (Passives, Skills, Archetypes, Combat)

  • Wayfinders - (All Wayfinders, Stats, Abilities, How to craft, etc.)

  • Weapon System & Crafting - (Regular & Signature Weapons, Crafting & Equipping)

  • Mutator Spectra & Combinations - (Spectra Variations, Mutator Combinations)

  • Core Materials & Farming - (All Weapon & Wayfinder materials, How to obtain.)

  • Weapon Essence - (All Weapon Essence & How to obtain.)

  • Wayfinder Vestiges - (All Wayfinder Vestiges & How to obtain.)

  • Dungeon Events - (All Dungeon Events, How to find & Complete)

  • Boss Monsters - (All Boss Mobs, Guide, Location, Stats & Drop Tables)

What is being worked on currently
  • In-Game Pictures
  • Videos
  • Information / Introductions to bosses.
  • Section about every dungeon, dungeon events, mutator materials.
  • Common game issues (How to fix / work around)
  • Updated Boss Information (Stats)
  • Season Updates
  • Full Crafting List
  • World Boss Loot Tables

Wayfinder DB[www.wayfinderdb.com]

Starting Out & Dungeons

When you enter Wayfinder and choose your first character you will be taken through a tutorial dungeon, here you will learn the basics of that characters abilities and playstyle.

You are able to try out the 2 other characters at the end of the tutorial. BE WARNED, when you press "No" to try out another character you will be taken out of the game and put back into a queue (This will change later on when the queue get's removed completly)

When you are ready you can complete the tutorial and you will now be teleported to Skylight which is the primary Gathering Hub for Wayfinders.

Follow the main quest by talking to Omen and the game will guide you through the first steps of entering a dungeon.

Game: Dungeons

Dungeons in Wayfinder is random generated when it comes to pathing, the rooms / tilesets are the same being used over and over again but their location in the dungeon differs each time (There are different tilesets per dungeon). (The game is in early access and assets will likely be added later on to give a more dynamic procedural dungeon). You will unlock different dungeons later on with different looks etc.

Before entering a dungeon you will be met by a "Setup" screen. Here you can change the difficulty. Add modifiers or remove matchmaking if you want to run the Dungeon solo. (Dungeon mobs scale per player).

Upon the successful completion of a Dungeon in Wayfinder, your proficiency is subjected to comprehensive assessment rating, ranging from one to three stars. This evaluation encompasses various things, including the number of adversaries dispatched, treasures accumulated, instances of combat adversity, and other pertinent factors.

Concept of Dungeon difficulty tiers. It comprises of four spheres: Sphere 1, Sphere 2, Sphere 3, and Sphere 4. Ascending within these tiers you have to achieve a flawless 3-star rating in the prior tier. (Tier 2 to 3 requires 1 active imbuement. Tier 3 - 4 requires 2 active imbuements).

Stepping into a more demanding difficulty tier introduces an escalated level of challenge. This involves confronting enemies endowed with higher resilience, higher health, and higher offensive capabilities. Simultaneously, the rewards becomes higher

  • Destination
    The Destination is which dungeon / boss you will be entering. When you are at the Skylights gloom portal you can enter all the dungeons you have discovered. But in the Lost Zone (Open World) you have to go to the Dungeons entrance to queue for that specific dungeon.

  • Sphere
    The Sphere is your difficulty modifier. You will be starting with a Sphere 1 which is like "Easy". You will be unlocking 3 other Spheres later for harder difficulty and more rewards.

  • Mutator
    The Mutation is a dungeon environment modifier. You got 5 different mutators you can add to change how the dungeon plays out. Not only that but it will also change how mobs, loots and locations are. You can read more about Mutators -Here-

When you enter the Dungeon you will 8/10 times be met with a purple flashing pool on the ground. This is your CP "Checkpoint". If you die you will return to this or you can travel to the CP while inside the dungeon. You will meet more CP's throughout the dungeon, the latest activated CP will be your respawn point.

Arclight: Progression
The top of the screen you will see a progression bar with 3 chest icons. This is your Arclight. Every time you kill and enemy or complete a event inside the dungeon this progress bar will fill up. If you fill this bar before you complete the dungeon you obtain extra rewards at the end of the expedition.

You will not lose Arclight overtime so you can take all the time you need in a dungeon. (This might change when they unlock "Hard / Heroic Dungeons")

Arclight: Depletion
With a progression that gives you rewards can also take it from you again. If you Die in the Dungeon you will lose the last bar but still obtain the third chest. But if you die again you will lose the ability to unlock the third chest.

This goes on with the second and first chest as well, the more you die the less reward you get. (Unlocking higher tier Sphere's requires you to have "Max" arclight with active mutators. This still counts if you die once, but is void if you die twice.)

Dungeon Loot
The standard lootables in a dungeon is Memory Fragments, Mine Deposits, Chests and Enemies. There is some special cases of different lootables such as Orbs, Godsblood, Pumps (Which requires 3x Godsblood and then drops one random item)

There is also hidden areas which needs a activation sequence (Press F on a random torch on a wall ez pz)

You will also encounter big slimes which you can attack and either loot or enemies will spawn from it.

Dungeon Mobs
Each dungeon will have different types of enemies (Some mobs are common and will be in all dungeons as fillers). Each enemy have different attacks patterns but they are super easy to learn. Mobs have a chance to drop a "Echo" which is a character upgrade module You can read more about that later in the guide.
Wayfinder Menu & Information
Character Menu
When you open the character screen for the first time you will be met with a bunch of interactable menu's. Let's go through them real quick.


This menu allows you to change between different Wayfinders once you unlock more. You can change Wayfinders at any time, except when you are in a dungeon.


Weapons come in 4 different variations. Each variation have 3 different masteries. Masteries change the effect of your weapon, read more later in the guide.

  • Guardian Melee
    Sword & Shield.

  • Executioner Melee
    Axe, Mace, Scythe, Greatsword.

  • Marksman Ranged
    Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers.

  • Twin Striker Melee


Accessories is your "primary" gear. These will either be crafted or looted. You can only equip 3 pieces, some pieces are part of a set. If you can equip a 3 piece set of that given accessory then you will receive extra stat bonuses. (You can also equip 2 of the same set and you will get a smaller bonus)


Consumables are your primary health source. You will be lock equipped with a Health Flask. You got 6 charges you can use throughout a Dungeon / Open world. Your health flash will only be replenished on death or at a Potion Refill Statue. These statues cannot be found in a dungeon so you have to manage your potions here.

The other potion slot is for boost potions. These potions can be used to boost a specific stat on your character for a limited time. Using one of these potions also gives you a 5% XP buff for 60 minutes. (It cannot stack)

Character Level (XP)

This bar indicates your characters current level and the amount of XP needed for the next level. Pretty straightforward. Each Wayfinder have a XP pool each. (Later on the game will unlock "Awakening" which will reset the Wayfinders level etc. I will post more info about this when they announce it.)

Character Stats

Here you are able to see your current character stats. Each stat contribute to the outcome of your characters attack and defense.

Stat List

Offensive Stats
  • Weapon Power. (WP)
    Increases your overall attack from weapons and weapon abilities.

  • Ability Power (AP)
    Increases the overall attack from your characters abilities. (Developers also said this is what increases healing abilities)

  • Critical Rating (Crit.R)
    Increases the overall chance of scoring a critical hit on the enemy. (The correct scale is currently unknown)

  • Critial Power (Crit.P)
    Increases the overall extra damage a critical hit does on a enemy. (The correct scale is currently unknown)

  • Break Power (BP)
    Increases the overall Guard break damage you do to an enemy's guard / shield (yellow bar).

Defensive Stats
  • Max Health (HP)
    Increases your Wayfinders maximum health pool.

  • Physical Defense (Phys)
    Increase the mitigation of Attack Power and Weapon attacks from enemies

  • Magical Defense (Mag)
    Increases the mitigation of Ability power and ability / magic attacks from enemies.

  • Resilience (Res)
    Increase the mitigation of enemies attack on your guard break (Yellow Bar). When your guard is broken, every hit will cause your character to stagger, interrupting actions until you recover
Character Style
Character Customization
In Wayfinder, you have the feature to fully customize the visual aspects of your character. This includes selecting different clothing, adjusting colors, adding unique trinkets, and even altering your weapon's appearance (Giving them skins). Furthermore, the game offers an feature known as "Persona" skins, which allows you to transform your character's appearance in a completely.

Customize Style
When you are in your character menu you will notice a "Customize Style" button next to your characters avatar.

Pressing the "Customzie Style" button will open a new page where you will see a whole new section of buttons to press.

Here, you can modify the emotes and sprays you wish to have active in your "Emote" tab menu. You also have the option to switch your active "Gloom Dagger" (this is the weapon you carry on your back and the one you use to destroy Gloom hearts and open portals) and trinkets. The armor trinkets are active on your character, while the weapon trinkets are, of course, active on your currently equipped weapon.

Persona & Parts
If you press your character / "Persona" a new window will open up. Here you will be able to change different parts on your character head, body, leg and arm clothes. You can mix and match to create a unique look for your character.


You can also acquire a "Persona," which essentially offers a complete skin for your character. This means that your character's appearance will completely change with the Persona skin, but remember that it's a fixed skin and you can't modify its individual parts. These can only be bought through the shop.

This is one of the Persona skins for Venomess

Currently, it's only possible to obtain cosmetics from the shop or the reward tower (Battlepass). However, in the future, you will also be able to earn skins for free, alongside some premium ones that are available for purchase only.

Coloring & Dyes

In Wayfinder, you have the option to modify not just your cosmetics, but also your color scheme. Dyes can currently be acquired through various founder packs and the reward tower (Battlepass).

You have the ability to alter the "Primary," "Secondary," "Trim," and "Emissive" patterns. "Primary" and "Secondary" refer to different sections of your clothing. "Trim" typically pertains to the metallic elements, and "Emissive" refers to the glowing parts of your clothes / armor.

Weapon Skins
This part is very straightforward. When you purchase a skin for a weapon in the shop or unlock a weapon after crafting it, you can apply that skin to any other weapon of the same type. You are also able to put trinkets on your weapon and it acts like a "keychain".

Wayfinder Affinity
Character Affinity

Your Wayfinder has affinities that allow you to enhance your equipped gear's potential. As you level up, you'll earn Affinity Points to upgrade your affinities. There are three types of affinities: Instinct, Discipline, and Focus. Each type of affinity boosts items with specific stats and offers bonus perks when you reach certain milestones (Level 5 & 15). BEWARE: You cannot reset your affinity level and you are NOT able to max out Affinity on a Wayfinder.

Let's use "Ring of the Setting Sun" as a example. This is it's affinity stats.

As you can see it's Instinct affinity gives "Ability Power". Discipline affinity gives "Break Power" and it's Focus affinity gives "Crit Rating"

Equipping the "Ring of the Setting Sun" and increasing your Instinct Affinity boosts your ability power. However, if you switch to another item, the bonus no longer applies. For example, swapping to the "High Sun Amulet" grants a "Break Power" bonus instead of Ability Power, due to the different affinity-stat associations,

Importantly, these stat increases only apply to specific equipped items with corresponding stats. It's not an overall passive buff.

Affinity Upgrades
Upgrading an affinity multiplies base stats on equipped weapons and relics. This bonus multiplier applies to affinity slotted base stats from the equipped loadout. This means, planning your character's loadout involves considering the items you aim for, the stats you wish to increase, and aligning your affinity spending accordingly.

It might be best to not level your affinity until you are sure about which items you want to use at level 30.

Affinity Points
You earn affinity points as you level up, but at max Wayfinder level, you receive a total of 29 points. Each affinity category (Instinct, Discipline, and Focus) has 15 points, totaling 45. Consequently, you must decide which affinities to maximize or distribute points across all three.

Weapon Affinity
Weapon affinities function differently. Each affinity category can be allocated a maximum of 10 points. You can fully develop each affinity category on your weapons, as weapons don't require affinity points. Instead, they need a set amount of Gloomstones and gold for affinity upgrades.

Affinity Perks
Character affinities also grant passive perks upon reaching specific upgrade levels (5 & 15). Check affinity perk details and unlock requirements in the affinity perk submenu (Press "F" while being in the affinity menu). Different Wayfinders have distinct perks tied to their affinity milestones.


Weapon Affinity Upgrade
Just like each Wayfinder, individual weapons also have associated affinities. These affinities correspond to three sets of stats that can be upgraded using Gloomstones. Once upgraded, the stats within these groups permanently gain increased values.

Each affinity-aligned stat group comes with a maximum number of upgrades, which can be expanded when a weapon reaches its maximum level. This can be achieved through Weapon Reinforcement, a process that will be added to the game later on. To start this process, visit the Weapon Master in Skylight.

Let's use the example of the rifle "Nightshade." When you enhance the affinities of this weapon, you will receive the following benefits:

Instinct – Increased Attack Power and Ability Power
Discipline – Enhanced Physical Defense and Magical Defense
Focus – Improved Crit Power and Resilience

The specific stats that receive boosts depend on the weapon you're upgrading. It's important to note that these upgrades only apply to the specific weapon you're upgrading. If you switch to a different weapon, you won't retain the benefits of upgrading Nightshade.

Gloomstones are the primary upgrading material for Weapon & Wayfinder affinities. These can be obtained through Dungeons, Bosses or Crafted at the "Echo Matrix".

Grey Gloomstone
Craft Cost: 20 Gloomshards to craft.
Drops at: Mobs, Chests, Events, Bosses.

Blue Gloomstone
Craft Cost: 40 Gloomshards to craft.
Drops at: Chests, Events, Bosses.

Red Gloomstone
Craft Cost: 80 Gloomshards to craft.
Drops at: Events, Bosses.

Black Gloomstone
Craft Cost: 160 Gloomshards to craft.
Drops at: Bosses.
What is echoes?

These coveted items can be collected by defeating a variety of monsters throughout the game. When integrated into your character loadout, Echoes enhance your abilities and amplify your strengths. Each Wayfinder echo features its distinct set of attributes. Equipping echoes involves utilizing specific echo slots within your character, weapon, and accessories.

Using Echoes

To use an echo, access the echo menu. Within this menu, select an empty echo slot, which will prompt your echo inventory to appear. From there, you can choose an echo to equip onto your character, weapon, or accessory. This action adds the echo's stat bonuses. The flexibility to swap and modify echoes at your will allows for dynamic adjustments to your build and gameplay style.

It's worth noting that even if an echo is currently employed by another item or character, you can still equip it. However, doing so will result in its removal from the original entity.

Echo Categories & Attributes

Echoes belong to two primary categories. The first category enhances specific attributes such as break power, max health, weapon power, and crit power etc. The second category gives you a special abilities that can be triggered during gameplay. For instance, equipping the Bloodspawn Echo activates a unique effect tied to landing a jump-heavy slam attack. This effect inflicts 150% of your weapon power as physical damage to nearby enemies while slowing their movement by 50%. Keep in mind that this echo has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Echo Types
Echoes are further classified into five distinct types: Attack, Guard, Balance, Cross, and Rush. The first four types increases your character's attributes as previously discussed. The final type, Rush echoes, gives your character a additional ability as written before.

Matching Echoes and Slots

Your echo slots, just like the echoes themselves, come in the five types mentioned earlier. You have the flexibility to equip any echo into any slot type, as long as your echo capacity permits it. However, if an echo is equipped into a slot that matches its type, the capacity cost for that echo will be halved. This gives you the ability to use more potent echoes into your loadout, optimizing your combat efficiency.

Echo Capacity & Progression

Echo capacity varies among your character, weapons, and accessories. This capacity is crucial to determining how many echoes you can equip simultaneously. As your character and weapons level up, they unlock additional echo slots and increased echo capacity. This enables you to equip more echoes and higher-powered variants.

Notably, accessories have fixed levels and capacities upon acquisition.

Echoes Fusion & Rarity

Throughout your playtime, you'll amass multiple echoes of the same type. These duplicates serve a purpose in the process of echo fusion, which involves combining echoes to upgrade others. This procedure requires memory fragments to complete. The fusion process enhances the ranking and power of the chosen echo, though each echo does have an upper limit seen by its star count.

Echoes also come in varying rarities – uncommon, rare, and epic (Legendary later on?). Higher echo rarity translates to increased power potential, maximum rank, and max stars. When fusing, you'll encounter fusion xp values. Merging echoes from the same creature into the target echo grants bonus fusion xp.

I will be adding more pictures soon
Housing: Tutorial, Trophies & Artifacts (WIP)
Work in progress!
Wayfinder Abilities, Combat & Archtypes
Wayfinder: Archetypes, Weapons, Combat, and Movement

Within Wayfinder, a myriad of mechanics shapes your experience. Here's a little breakdown of the core elements that define your character.

Wayfinder: Archetypes

Every Wayfinder aligns with a Archetype, a designated class that imparts a set of passive abilities. To delve into these passives, navigate to the character menu (default key "C") and select abilities. At the base of the screen, two icons needs your attention. Hover over these icons to reveal the full description of your Wayfinder's archetype passives. Presently, three archetypes stand:

Warmaster, Arcanists, and Survivalists.

Warmasters: These are the frontline tanks. Wingrave and Senja are the current Warmasters.

Arcanists: The damage dealers of Wayfinder, including Kyross and Niss.

Survivalists: Masters of support and controlling the battlefield. Silo and Venomess are among the Survivalists.

Weapon Passives

Coupled with archetype passives, weapon passives come into play. In Wayfinder, any character can wield any weapon, altering your weapon class and mechanics. A unique weapon ability accompanies each weapon – these abilities are specific to the weapon itself, not its category. Four weapon categories exist: Sword and Shield, Two Handed, Daggers, and Ranged. Numerous weapons fall under each category, and the weapon category defines the weapon passives you gain.


Wayfinder's combat is action-packed, make use of your Wayfinders 5 abilities. Four are exclusive to your Wayfinder, while one is tied to your chosen weapon.

Your specific Wayfinder's abilities output vary based on your choice. Check your character screen for an overview of these abilities. Their potency, along with other attacks, hinges on your attributes and equipped gear that enhances them.

Unleash heavy attacks with the default key "E," and execute jumping heavy attacks by leaping and pressing "E" upon landing. Strategic combos can be achieved through sequences of light attacks.

Each weapon ability has distinct activation criteria linked to your weapon passives. These mechanics are detailed in the ability screen, giving light on how each weapon ability functions. For instance, daggers earn flourish points with every fourth consecutive melee attack – a full light attack combo. Spending these points with "E" amplifies your damage, filling your weapon ability meter. Once full, unleash your weapon ability, with each weapon class having unique utilization requirements.

Damage Calculations
In combat, each attack or ability is influenced by its own multiplier based on your attack power or ability power. This determines the damage inflicted and the break power applied, especially against armored foes possessing a resilience bar.

For weapon attacks and weapon abilities, attack power is the driving factor, while character abilities draw upon ability power. Break power, on the other hand, exclusively deals break damage. Notably, enemy units lack physical or magic defense akin to players. The primary damage reduction on enemies stems from buffs or armor. When armored, enemies exhibit reduced incoming damage as long as they remain unbroken, similar to the player's mechanics.

Consider the following Sword and Shield examples:
  • Sword attack 1: Deals damage: -Attack power * 0.75 -Break power * 0.3
  • Sword attack 6: Inflicts damage: -Attack power * 1.1 -Break power * 0.4
  • Shield attack 1: Causes damage: -Attack power * 0.55 -Break power * 0.95
  • Shield attack 4: Imparts damage: -Attack power * 0.7 -Break power * 1.5

Enemies adhere to the same principle, wielding their own attack power, ability power, and break power. In contrast, players boast physical defense, which mitigates harm from attacks hinged on attack power, while magic defense diminishes damage from enemy abilities reliant on ability power. Enemy break power can compromise the player's Resilience bar.


Wayfinder empowers you with double jumps, sprints, and dashes. You can even dash mid-air. Jump using the space bar, and initiate a double jump by pressing it again while airborne.

Dodging or dashing is at your disposal – locate your dodge key binding in the settings. Be aware, dodging consumes stamina, and its depletion results in slowed movement. On the other hand, jumping doesn't tap into your stamina reserves.

Dodging also includes i-frames which you is a must in fights.
Wayfinder: Wingrave
Introduction: Wingrave

Wingrave, nicknamed The Seeker, is a templar clad in spell-forged armor and sustained by his faith in the Architects. He’s a natural leader and true champion, always ready to defend the innocent and to smite the forces of evil.

These are the things that Wingrave's Echo remembers when he is first reborn. Of all the Champions, Wingrave is the one who most feels like a hero—a true champion of light. However, as the player uncovers more of Wingrave's past, they will uncover the darker side of the Empire and the Archons… the fact that not all denizens of the Maze are monsters, and brutal actions like the massacre of the monks at Aurelian. Ultimately, Wingrave's Echo will have the opportunity to be a better man than the original—to live up to his ideals, and be the champion he could and should have been.

Wingrave excels at close combat. He specializes in supporting allies, summoning shields of light and healing his allies even as he calls down divine judgement on his enemies.

Total Crafting Materials

Credits: WayfinderDB

Wingrave Level 1 Stats

Wingrave Level 30 Stats

Wingrave Abilities & Passives

Healing Pulse - Passive
Melee finishers heal Wingrave and one nearby ally.

Radiant Pulse - Active
Forms a divine shield that blocks projectiles and grants a defense boost to allies standing behind the shield. When the shield forms, it sends out a Radiant Pulse, dealing damage to enemies in front of the shield.
  • Level 1: Radiant Pulse sends out a second pulse of damage when the divine shield ends.
  • Level 2: Radiant Pulse sends out multiple smaller pulses of damage throughout its duration.
  • Level 3: Slowly heals allies standing behind the shield.

Righteous Strike - Active
Performs a powerful radiant strike. Incoming damage is reduced by 25% while performing the ability, and hitting an enemy will cause an explosion of healing energy to heal Wingrave and nearby allies. Cooldown refreshed upon using a melee finisher.
  • Level 1: Increases the damage reduction while using Righteous Strike by an additional 25%.
  • Level 2: Increase damage and healing by 15%.
  • Level 3: Healing from Righteous Strike also replenishes some Resilience.

Judgement - Active
Marks enemies for judgement. Anyone hitting a Judged enemy will restore their own health.
  • Level 1: Hits against judged enemies deal additional break damage.
  • Level 2: Increases amount healed per hit by 10%
  • Level 3: Reduce Weapon Power and Ability Power of judged enemies by 10%.

Divine Aegis - Ultimate
Creates a powerful barrier that protects Wingrave and all allies inside of it, making them immune to all damage and healing them over time while standing in the barrier.
  • Level 1: Extend the duration by of the invulnerability field by 50%.
  • Level 2: Any incoming hits while in the Divine Aegis build up stacks of Vengeance, increasing Weapon Power for 10 seconds.
  • Level 3: All Wayfinders inside the invulnerability field when it ends will be granted a damage shield that blocks a moderate amount of damage and lasts a maximum of 20 seconds.
Wayfinder: Silo
Introduction: Silo The Tactician
Swift and precise, Silo makes every shot count. Born into a family of smugglers, he spent his life running under the radar and challenging tyrants. Now he's using those same skills to fight the Gloom. Silo loves long odds—the greater the challenge, the greater the thrill.

Before the Gloomfall, the Shrike Syndicate was a network of smugglers and mercenaries who played both sides in the endless conflict between the Avar Imperium and the Maze. While many saw the Shrikes as criminals, they lived by a code. Silo was born Silas Vex; the Vex's were the leaders of the Syndicate, and made sure that the Shrikes served the common people of the Westreach. Silo was an exceptional Shrike—an excellent marksman with a knack for designing explosives and arcane gadgets—but he always felt the shadow of his parents, the expectation that he would eventually assume the mantle of leadership.

Silo is a clever scoundrel, equally quick with a quip and a blade. He remembers grand heists and feasts with the people of the Westreach. But as an echo returned from the Gloom, his memories are incomplete. Silo doesn’t remember what happened to his parents, or how he came to be in Skylight when the Gloomfall struck. In this broken world, the Shrikes have become a menace. What has Silo forgotten?

Silo switches easily between Melee and Ranged combat, and is at his best when he embraces this versatility. He has a host of tactical tools; he can distract his foes with illusions, slow them with oil, or burn them with fire—potentially setting off deadly chain reactions.

Total Crafting Materials

Credits: WayfinderDB

Silo Stats Level 1

Silo Stats Level 30

Silo Abilities & Passives

Strategic Advantage - Passive
Deals 10% bonus Melee and Ranged Standard Shot damage to enemies that are debuffed (slow, burning, poisoned, stunned etc).

Fire Bomb - Active
Toss a fire bomb that ignites enemies, dealing damage over time. Causes a chain reaction with Oil Bomb, resulting in a large explosion.
  • Level 1: Increase direct damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Increase Burn damage by 10%.
  • Level 3: If an enemy dies while burning, they will detonate, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Oil Bomb - Active
Leaves a pool of oil in front of Silo, slowing enemies. Enemies directly hit by the bomb are also Oiled, remaining slowed even after leaving the oil pool and taking additional damage when ignited by Fire Bomb. Refreshes a charge of Fire Bomb.
  • Level 1: Burns enemies hit when the pool of oil detonates, dealing damage over time.
  • Level 2: Oiled enemies are more likely to be critically hit.
  • Level 3: Increase damage and guard break of detonation by 15%.

Proto-Clone - Active
Dash backwards, leaving behind a clone that pulls nearby enemies in. The clone will taunt nearby enemies into attacking it until it expires.
  • Level 1: Increase Duration of clone by 25%.
  • Level 2: Shooting the clone with a ranged attack will cause a concussive explosion dealing high break damage to nearby enemies.
  • Level 3: Add an explosion on expiration, dealing damage to all enemies in range.

ARC Nemesis - Ultimate
Silo sends out EGG to shock all enemies in the area dealing a burst of damage. EGG remains in the area for a short time, slowing and damaging nearby enemies.
  • Level 1: Increase damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Slows enemies hit by 40%.
  • Level 3: Affected enemies take 20% more damage for 6 seconds.
Wayfinder: Niss
Introduction: Niss The Shadow Dancer

Niss is kin to the shadows, and darkness serves as her weapon and her cloak. She is one of the Deep Eldren, an ancient people who now serve the malevolent Precursors. When Niss and her clan challenged the Precursors, her family was wiped out and Niss escaped into exile. Deadly and swift, Niss cares little for humanity. But she has sworn to destroy the Precursors, and the Seekers can help her take her revenge.

The Eldren are the first children of the broken world, formed from the blood of Infinites spilled in the Aegis War. There are Eldren of the woods and water, but Niss is one of the Deep Eldren, born in an abyss of stone and soil untouched by the sun. Her people shape shadows like clay; Niss mastered the shadow-dance as a child, learning to sculpt shielding shrouds and deadly blades from insubstantial darkness. For all their many gifts, the Eldren are a dying people, whose essence fades with each generation. When the ancient Mother of Shadows came to them, promising renewed strength in exchange for absolute loyalty, most swore themselves to her service. When Niss and her clan refused to bow to the Precursors, most were slain; Niss escaped into exile. She has sworn to destroy the immortal beings who have corrupted her people, whatever the cost.

Niss is a grim and deadly warrior, a silent assassin who strikes from the shadows. But as an echo returned from the Gloom, there’s much she cannot remember. She knows she endured countless hardships in her time of exile, but the details escape her. She remembers challenging the Mother of Shadows, but not how she survived. But these memories may yet return to her…

Niss is an Eldren Shadow Dancer, and is at her best when she's in motion. She dances around her enemies, defending herself with a cloak of shadows and striking them down with spectral blades.

Total Crafting Materials

Niss Stats Level 1

Niss Stats Level 30

Niss Abilities & Passive

Lingering Shadow - Passive
After dodging, gain AP for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Vengeful Shade - Active
Briefly become immune to attacks while damaging enemies around Niss. Following up with a Light or Heavy Attack causes Niss to slam back down, further damaging enemies. Following up with a Dodge causes Niss to backflip away.
  • Level 1: Performing a follow up reduces incoming damage by 30% for 8 seconds.
  • Level 2: Increases damage by 10%.
  • Level 3: Backflip follow-up refreshes half of Vengeful Shade cooldown and slam follow-up grants a charge of Shadow Step.

Umbral Aura - Active
Niss is empowered by Umbral magic, causing her next three dodges to pierce a nearby enemy with shadow. Nearby allies are also empowered for one dodge.

  • Level 1: Refreshes 1 charge of Shadow Step.
  • Level 2: Umbral Aura damage gains 50% piercing.
  • Level 3: Grants an additional stack of Umbral Aura to Niss and to allies. Increases the maximum number of Umbral Aura stacks to 4.

Shadow Step - Active
Dash in a line, dealing damage along the way. After a short delay a gloom clone will dash from your initial position to you, dealing damage to enemies it passes through.

  • Level 1: Using Shadow Step increases Ability Power by 10% for 6 seconds. Dashing through an ally will grant them this effect as well.
  • Level 2: The followup clone has 50% piercing.
  • Level 3: Increases the damage of the followup attack by 15%.

Gloomshroud - Ultimate
For 10 seconds, Shadow Step can be used at no cost.

  • Level 1: While in Gloom Shroud you have 100% piercing.
  • Level 2: Dashing while in Gloom Shroud causes a nearby enemy to be pierced by shadow as if Niss had Umbral Aura. This does not consume Umbral Aura stacks.
  • Level 3: After Gloom Shroud ends, all nearby allies gain 3 stacks of Umbral Aura and Niss gains max stacks.
Wayfinder: Senja
Introduction: Senja The Champion

Before the Gloom swallowed the warrior, Senja was the greatest gladiator in the history of the Imperial Arena. She is the last of the Iron Sisters, a league of warriors from the distant Dominion of the Seven Winds, and she smites her enemies with both storm and steel.

Senja is a legend across the Avar Imperium, the greatest champion ever to grace the arena. Where many gladiators face death with grim resolve, Senja delights in every battle. Even now, Senja still hears the crowds when she fights, still imagines the cheering throngs urging her on. In truth, she loves battle because it is a distraction from her pain. Senja comes from the Dominion of the Seven Winds, a place where arcane magic is woven into everyday life, where arcanists and warmasters alike wield power over the elements; while she is far from home, the storm still answers her call. She is the last of the Iron Sisters, a proud order of deadly warriors. She doesn’t talk about what happened to her sisters, but there is no question that their loss is a knife in her heart—that whatever happened in the Dominion drove Senja to the other side of the world and into the endless distraction of the arena. Now that the Gloom has swallowed the arena, Senja needs a new battle to distract her from her pain, and the Gloom is the greatest enemy of all.

Senja is a fearless warrior and an indomitable foe. But as an echo returned from the Gloom, there’s much she can’t remember. She remembers fighting alongside the Iron Sisters, but she cannot remember exactly how they fell. She remembers countless battles in the arena, but she knows she can’t remember every enemy she faced. Could forgotten enemies come back to haunt her?

Senja loves to put on a show. She delights in close combat, and can use her affinity for the storm to drag her enemies close or blast them across the battlefield in a burst of lightning.

Total Crafting Materials

Senja Stats Level 1

Senja Stats Level 30

Senja Abilities & Passive

Crowd Favorite - Passive
Holding input for Gladiator Pummel and Gain Favor abilities will cause Senja to Showboat. While Showboating, she cannot be staggered, takes reduced damage, and increases the Crowd's Favor. As the crowd's favor increases, Senja gains Weapon Power and Ability Power.

Gladiator Pummel - Active
Punch forward, then hold to Showboat. On release Senja punches again. Fully Showboating increases the damage of the followup punch.

  • Level 1: Next weapon attack within 5 seconds deals bonus Ability Damage.
  • Level 2: Increases fully charged punch damage by 20%.
  • Level 3: Increases followup Weapon attack damage by 15%.

Gain Favor - Active
Hold to Showboat for the roaring crowd. On release, taunts nearby enemies while buffing Senja and her allies, increasing Weapon Power and Ability Power for 10 seconds.
  • Level 1: Increases effectiveness of buff on a full hold by 50%.
  • Level 2: Damage taken while Showboating during Gain Favor is reduced by an additional 10%.
  • Level 3: Increases Crowd Meter gain from Gain Favor by 50%.

Lightning Grasp - Active
Use lightning to damage and pull all displaceable enemies in a large cone towards Senja.

  • Level 1: Increases pull range by 33%.
  • Level 2: Slows enemies hit by 30% for 6 seconds.
  • Level 3: Pulled enemies take 30% more damage for 6 seconds.

Grand Finale - Ultimate
In the form of a lightning spear, Senja charges to smash an enemy, dealing massive damage to them and fully filling the Crowd's Favor.

  • Level 1: Increases damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Deals 50% increased splash damage to enemies near the punch.
  • Level 3: Applies knockdown to enemies hit by splash damage.
Wayfinder: Kyros | Heroic
Introduction: Kyros The Warmage

Arcane power flows through Kyros, and he can unleash this force to devastate his enemies. He's the last survivor of a forgotten civilization, a wizard who transformed his flesh into pure mystical energy. Though his people are long lost, he's sworn to keep the Gloom from destroying the world that remains.

There is a place known as the Kingdom of Ashes. Bones are scattered across beaches of black sand, and charred remnants of crystal spires still reach toward the sky. This has been a shunned ruin for thousands of years, but Kyros still remembers it as it once was, a glorious civilization whose achievements dwarfed those of the Avar Imperium or the Maze. He remembers studying the nature of reality itself, and even learning how to transcend his own flesh to become a being of pure mystical energy, bound to a skeleton of arcstone and crystal. While he possesses devastating power, Kyros is first and foremost a scientist. He is determined to stop the Gloom; he will not watch another civilization be destroyed. But he believes the key to defeating the Gloom is to understand it.

Kyros is a deadly warmage and a brilliant researcher. But he has been lost in the void for countless centuries, and there’s much he has forgotten or never knew. What became of his people? How did his wondrous nation become the Kingdom of Ashes… and did he have something to do with it? The answers must be out there, waiting to be found.

While he prefers to avoid close combat, Kyros wields tremendous mystical power. He can scatter foes with blasts of raw energy and crush enemies with a massive shockwave.

Total Crafting Materials

Kyros Level 1 Stats

Kyros Level 30 Stats

Heroic Version

Heroic Stat Level 1

Heroic Stat Level 30

Kyros Abilities & Passive

Arcane Fragment - Passive
Arcane Fragments are automatically consumed to grant extra charges of Savage Rake. Generate Arcane Fragments by using Siphon Radiant on enemies, and landing combo finishers.

Savage Rake - Active
Rakes the ground with violent energy, dealing damage to all enemies in front of Kyros. Arcane Fragments can be consumed to cast Savage Rake without using an ability charge.
  • Level 1: Increases Rake damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Unlock a third Savage Rake combo finisher which deals an extra 25% damage.
  • Level 3: Hitting a target with Savage Rake heals Kyros a small amount.
Siphon Radiant - Active
Releases a wave of energy around Kyros that damages enemies and absorbs arcane power, reducing cooldowns and granting an Arcane Fragment.

  • Level 1: Cooldown reduction increased to 50%.
  • Level 2: Siphon Radiant generates one fragment per enemy hit, up to the fragment cap.
  • Level 3: Increases damage taken for 10 seconds.
Arcane Focus - Active
Marks enemies in the immediate area. Mark increases in power as the marked target is hit. After reaching max power or after 8 seconds, the mark explodes, dealing damage based on the power of the mark.
  • Level 1: Increases explosion damage by a moderate amount.
  • Level 2: Increases effect radius of Arcane Focus.
  • Level 3: Deals a small amount of damage each time you hit a target with Arcane Focus.
Hand of Reckoning - Ultimate
Deals massive damage to enemies in a large radius around Kyros.

  • Level 1: Slows enemies by 50% for 6 seconds.
  • Level 2: Generates an arcane fragment per enemy hit.
  • Level 3: Increases damage by 15%.
Wayfinder: Venomess
Introduction: Venomess The Alchemist

The Venomess is a deadly spy from the Maze, and her poisons have changed the course of history. But the Gloom has swallowed both the Maze and the Empire, and her secret war is over. Ven's a survivor, and for now the Seekers are the only game in town.

Before the Fall, the name Venomess was feared among the Imperial ranks. Those unfortunate enough to have put the face to the name, seldom survived. Venomess is a spy and assassin from a nation of monsters, born of cold and poisonous blood. In her time, she’s broken into so-called impenetrable vaults, stolen secrets from the Avar Throne itself, and brought down more Archon Commanders and master spellsmiths with her toxins than entire regiments by compare. Ven was born in the Maze. Her closest friends are goblins and battle-beasts, and though she looks human, appearances, like most things when it comes to Ven, can be deceiving. A brilliant alchemist and inventor, Venomess has always preferred stalking prey in the shadows to mixing salves in a workshop. Most of all, Ven craves a challenge—and the Gloom is the greatest challenge of all.

Venomess believes the Avar Imperium was an oppressive, warmongering regime and devoted her life to toppling it. Now the Empire has finally fallen, consumed by the Gloom… But all she hoped to protect in the Maze has been lost as well. Ven may not care for Wingrave or the other Imperial soldiers among the Seekers, but she recognizes that her cold war is over. In the wake of the Gloomfall, survival is the only thing that matters—and Venomess intends to survive. No matter the cost.

Venomess loves to play with her prey, and she can switch between ranged and melee combat with ease. Her chemicals can poison her enemies and strengthen her allies, and her thrusters give her tremendous mobility.

Total Crafting Materials

Venomess Stat Level 1

Venomess Stat Level 30

Venomess Abilities & Passive

Master of Venoms - Passive
Weapon hits apply Venom, dealing damage over time and stacking up to 5 times. Weapon hits against enemies with 5 stacks of Venom create a Poison Cloud that deals damage and applies stacks of Venom. A Poison Cloud can only be created by this effect once every five seconds.

Transfusion - Active
Shoot a volley of poison needles that lock-on to nearby enemies, dealing damage. Hitting an enemy with a needle causes a healing projectile to seek a nearby Wayfinder. If the enemy was affected by Venom, these projectiles also heal a small amount over time.
  • Level 1: Increases damage by 15%.
  • Level 2: Increases healing by 15%.
  • Level 3: Fires an additional 2 homing needles.

Vampiric Blast - Active
Launch a bomb that absorbs up to 5 nearby Poison Clouds. After a brief delay, the bomb explodes, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies based on the number of Poison Clouds absorbed.
  • Level 1: Increases healing by 15%.
  • Level 2: When converting a cloud, causes the cloud to erupt, dealing direct damage before disappearing.
  • Level 3: Players are healed over time based on the number of clouds converted.

Venom Thrusters - Active
Dash in a direction, leaving a trail of Poison Clouds behind you. Poison Clouds damage and apply stacks of Venom to enemies.

  • Level 1: Spawns an additional Venom Cloud.
  • Level 2: Reduces damage taken by 50% for 3 seconds.
  • Level 3: Dashing through an enemy slows them by 30% for 8 seconds.

Deep Breath - Ultimate
Fire a massive explosion that damages and applies 5 stacks of Empowered Venom to enemies. Empowered Venom deals damage over time and counts as additional stacks of Venom for the Master of Venoms and Transfusion abilities.
  • Level 1: Increases damage by 10%.
  • Level 2: Allies in the area of the explosion are healed over time.
  • Level 3: Ultimate builds 10% faster.
Weapon System & Crafting
In Wayfinder, weapons possess their distinct identities and are categorized as either signature weapons or regular weapons.

Weapons have the capacity to accumulate experience and power, progressing as you utilize them. You can also opt to enhance your preferred weapons capabilities by engaging in the affinity system.

In Wayfinder, weapons are not directly dropped by monsters or bosses but are instead crafted using components acquired during your adventures. These components serve as the building blocks for crafting specific weapons.

It's worth noting that any character in the game can wield any weapon, thereby altering the character's playstyle. However, there are trade-offs that come with using different weapon types.

Weapons: Categories and Diversity
Wayfinder comprises of five categories of weapons:

Dual Wield Daggers
Swords and Shields
Two-Handed Weapons (Greatswords, Axes, Maces, Scythe)
Bows (Coming soon)

While Wayfinder offers a variety of weapons, each weapon in the game possesses a unique name and an exclusive ability that sets it apart. These weapons are available in varying degrees of rarity, with higher rarity levels indicating increased power. Every weapon can be upgraded.

Regular Weapons
Regular weapons, in contrast, aren't intrinsically linked to any character's lore. These weapons, while named, are not thematically tied to specific characters.

For example, there are multiple variations of a two-handed axe, such as Bonebreaker, Dragon's Claw, Golem's Heart, Eye of Stone, and more. Each named axe features distinct stats and abilities, offering a diverse range of playstyles.

Signature Weapons
A signature weapon corresponds to a Wayfinder's favored weapon and complements their overall abilities and lore. Currently, there are five Wayfinders in the game, each with their unique signature weapon:

  • Wingrave: Signature Weapon - Bastion, Ability - Power Bash
  • Silo: Signature Weapon - Longshot, Ability - Dead Eye
  • Niss: Signature Weapon - Night's Edge, Ability - Daggerfall
  • Senja: Signature Weapon - Colossus, Ability - Gladiator Slice
  • Kyros: Signature Weapon - Epitaph, Ability - Arcane Harvest
  • Venomess: Signature Weapon - Nightshade, Ability - Wyvern's Fury

Any character can wield a signature weapon, although there might be potential trade-offs and choices tied to using them, which are yet to be unveiled.

Equipping Weapons
Each Wayfinder can wield any weapon in the game. This means that the basic attack animations remain uniform for a given weapon, irrespective of the Wayfinder wielding it. Attack animations are associated with the weapon type rather than the character using it.

Weapon Crafting
In Wayfinder, crafting is the sole means of obtaining weapons and gear. Weapons are not dropped by mobs or bosses, but the components required for crafting them are acquired during your gameplay.

To craft a specific weapon, you need to gather the necessary components and then head to a town for crafting. Weapons can be crafted at varying rarities, which affects their power and stats but not their abilities.

To begin crafting a weapon, head to Arsenal in Skylight. when you have arrived, interact with her and choose the "Weapon Crafting" option.

You'll be presented with a list of available weapons to craft. Crafting a weapon involves gathering various components, including:
  • Shell
  • Essence
  • Form
  • Spirit
  • Gold (Amount varies)

The components Form, Spirit, and Shell can be crafted directly at Arsenal. Each of these components demands specific materials. Clicking on a component reveals the list of required materials, while pressing the default "F" key offers information on where to obtain those materials. This will take you to the ingredient details page.

However, note that Essence cannot be crafted. It's an component obtained by defeating specific bosses. For instance, to craft the Grim Harvest, you'll need the Grim Harvest Essence. Acquiring this essence involves battling the Storm Twins for a chance to acquire the drop.

The Crafting Pattern
The crafting pattern for every weapon follows a consistent structure. Gathering all the necessary materials for crafting the Shell, Form, and Spirit is essential. Simultaneously, you need to secure the weapon's unique Essence, which is acquired by defeating the corresponding boss.

Mutator Spectra & Combinations
In Wayfinder, you have the option to utilize enhancements known as "imbuements" to introduce extra modifiers into your expeditions. This section provides a overview of all possible Wayfinder imbuement combinations. These imbuements introduce unique effects to the expedition, increasing its level of challenge. By mutating an expedition, you also alter the array of loot and non-player characters (NPCs) you'll encounter.

You can opt to apply a single imbuement to create a specific mutation or experiment with multiple imbuements for a combined effect. Combining imbuements escalates the level of difficulty even further. To employ multiple mutations, you'll need to reach a particular stage in the main storyline, unlocking the capability for your gloom dagger to accommodate two imbuements.

The following information outlines all potential Wayfinder imbuement combinations and the resulting effects they have.

Zone Spectra's

There are specific Spectra's you only are able to find in specific dungeons and areas.

Cragged Spectra - Highlands (Open World)
These are found all over Highlands.

Verdant Spectra - Highlands (Open World)
Same with Cragged. These are found all over Highlands.

Blood Spectra
These are found in the "Mines" dungeons. Bloodtouched in The Pit. Bloodwarped in Bloodworks. Deepearth in Bal Duum

Reaverwood Spectra
These are found in the "Reaverwood" Dungeons. Deepwood in Shrouded Woods. Calcified in Bone Orchard. Hollow in Hollow Heart.

Spectra Mutator Changes
When using a imbuement on a dungeon you will also get the chance to drop Spectra materials linked to the mutator. (To get higher Tier Spectra such as Exalted, you'd have to run a Sphere 4)

Solar Spectra (Sphere 1 - 4)

Flora Spectra (Sphere 1 - 4)

Shadow Spectra (Sphere 1 - 4)

Chaos Spectra (Sphere 1 - 4)

Picture Credits: StudioLoot

Standard - Single Imbuement

Solar - Double Imbuement

Flora - Double Imbuement

Greed - Double Imbuement

Shadow - Double Imbuement

Chaos - Double Imbuement
Core Materials & Farm Location
Core Materials (Weapons & Wayfinders)
This page will be dedicated to the core materials that are needed for crafting Weapons, Wayfinders & Accessories. If you are looking for different Spectra materials then go to "Mutator Spectra" Page

Phoenix Down

This item have 3 different variations. Treasure, Crystal & Immortal Phoenix Down.
  • Treasure Drops at: Treasure Phoenix event in dungeons (Greed Imbuement might be needed)
  • Crystal Drops at: Crystal Phoenix event (White Fire) Random Spawn in Dungeons
  • Immortal Drops at: Immortal Phoenix event (Red Fire) Random Spawn in Dungeons
  • Used for: Venom, Arcstorm, Bastion, Colossus, Harvest Moon, Night's Edge, Nightshade, Ransom, Slicer & Dicer, Titan's Bane, Tooth & Claw, Typhoon. | Kyros, Niss, Wingrave | Accessories.
Archaic Bone

  • Drops at: "What Lies Beneath" event in the Mines. (Bloodworks Sphere 2 Minimum)
  • Used for: Venom, Tooth & Claw | Venomess, Kyros, Senja, Wingrave | Accessories

Gem of Avarice

  • Drops at: Dropped by the random event "Loot Goblin" Any Sphere. - See Events Page for details.
  • Used for: Epitaph, Grim Harvest, Harvest Moon, Hellswarm, Longshot, Radiant Dawn, Ransom, Slicer & Dicer, Tempest, Vanguard | Venomess, Senja, Wingrave, Silo | Accessories.

Halcyon Orb

  • Drops at: Dropped by the "Orbital Orb Event" in the ruins. (Codex Halls etc.) Any Sphere. Greed imbuement might increase spawn chance of this event. - See event page for details.
  • Used for: Radiant Dawn, Ransom, Slicer & Dicer, Tempest, Tooth & Claw, Typhoon, Vanguard | Silo & Niss | Accessories.

Trickster Coin

  • Drops at: Trickster Chests. (Trickster Events) - See Event page for details.
  • Used for: Arcstorm, Bastion, Colosseus, Epitaph, Grim Harvet, Hellswarm, Longshot, Night's Edge, Nightshade, Titan's Bane | Silo, Niss, Senja, Kyros, Venomess

Crystal Spinneret

  • Drops at: Broodmother S'ilreth - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Ransom, Slicer & Dicer, Typhoon, Vanguard | Accessories & Consumables.

Remnant Nexus

  • Drops at: Trial of Lingering Light - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Tempest, Radiant Dawn | Accessories & Consumables.

Archon's Prisma

  • Drops at: Archon Commander - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Venom, Radiant Dawn | Accessories & Consumables.

Prismatic Arcanite

  • Drops at: The Argent Hand - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Night's Edge - Tooth & Claw | Accessories.

Devourer's Talon

  • Drops at: Ryv'n The Devourer - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Arcstorm - Harvest Moon - Night's Edge | Accessories

Radiant Octachron

  • Drops at: The First - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Arcstorm - Grim Harvest - Harvest Moon | Accessories

Ichor Pearl

  • Drops at: The Bloodspawn - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Tempest, Typhoon, Vanguard | Accessories

Grand Iriscite

  • Drops at: Maras The Grand Deceiver - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Colossus, Longshot | Accessories

Optic Cortex

  • Drops at: Dread Legion - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Epitaph, Hellswarm, Nightshade, Titan's Bane | Accessories

Storm Twin's Ire

  • Drops at: The Reaver Twins - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Grim Harvest - Longshot | Accessories

Master's Call

  • Drops at: Kolaar The Beastmaster - Boss Any Sphere
  • Used for: Bastion - Colossus - Epitaph - Nightshade | Accessories

Tainted Core

  • Drops at: Gloom Lancer - Elite (RNG Event or Reaverwoods with Shadow Imbuements)
  • Used for: Bastion | Accessories

Night's Maw Viscera

  • Drops at: Night's Maw - World Boss Highlands (Spawnable but a high cooldown. Drop Chance is very low)
  • Used for: Tooth & Claw - Venom | Accessories

Pyre's Torch

  • Drops at: Talon of Fire - World Boss Highlands (No spawn timer yet, so random but at the same location. Very Hard)
  • Used for: Hellswarm - Titan's Bane | Accessories.
Weapon Essence
Wayfinder Weapon Essence

Weapon Essence in Wayfinder is an important material that you need to craft any weapon from the "Arsenal" (Weaponsmith). The catch with these is that you can only obtain them by defeating bosses.

Of course, you have the option to skip the entire crafting process by purchasing the weapon directly from the in-game store.

Arcstorm Essence

Obtained From: The First - Boss

Bastion Essence

Obtained From: Voidwhisper - Reaverwoods (Shadow Imbuement) Elite

Colossus Essence
Obtained From: Kolaar The Beastmaster - Boss

Eclipse Essence
Obtained From: Aturach The Deathless (Wormwood) - Boss NOT RELEASED YET

Epitaph Essence
Obtained From: Dread Legion - Boss

Grim Harvest Essence
Obtained From: Storm Twins - Boss

Harvest Moon Essence
Obtained From: The First - Boss

Hellswarm Essence
Obtained From: Talon of Pyre - World Boss (Highlands)

Legacy Essence
Obtained From: Aturach The Deathless (Wormwood) - Boss NOT RELEASED YET

Longshot Essence
Obtained From: Grand Deceiver Maras - Boss

Night's Edge Essence

Obtained From: Ryv'n The Devourer - Boss

Nightshade Essence
Obtained From: Aturach The Deathless (Wormwood) - Boss NOT RELEASED YET

Radiant Dawn Essence
Obtained From: Archon Commander - Boss

Tempest Essence
Obtained From: Trial of the Lingering Light - Boss

Titan's Bane Essence
Obtained From: Talon of Pyre (Speculated) - World Boss (Highlands)

Tooth & Claw Essence
Obtained From: The Argent Hand - Boss

Venom Essence
Obtained From: Night's Maw - World Boss (Highlands)

Wayfinder Vestiges
Wayfinder Vestiges

Vestiges operate on the same principle as Weapon Essence. They are essential for summoning a new Wayfinder and can only be obtained by defeating specific bosses in the game.

Here is the list of vestiges for all current Wayfinders and where to find them, Vestiges can drop on any difficulty. (You need 3x of each Vestiges)

Niss Vestiges
  • Vestige of Niss's Will
    This can be found defeating Broodmother S'ilreth

  • Vestige of Niss's Shadow
    This can be found defeating Archon Commander

  • Vestige of Niss's Steel
    This can be found defeating Night's Maw

Silo Vestiges
  • Vestige of Silo's Cunning
    This can be found defeating Trial of lingering Light

  • Vestige of Silo's Speed
    This can be found defeating The Argent Hand

  • Vestige of Silo's Precision
    This can be found defeating Ryv'n The Devourer

Wingrave Vestiges
  • Vestige of Wingrave's Courage
    This can be found defeating The Bloodspawn

  • Vestige of Wingrave's Prowess
    This can be found defeating The Argent Hand

  • Vestige of Wingrave's Faith
    This can be found defeating The First

Senja Vestiges
  • Vestige of Senja's Might
    This can be found defeating Kolaar The Beastmaster

  • Vestige of Senja's Glory
    This can be found defeating Wormwood

  • Vestige of Senja's Storm
    This can be found defeating Dread Legion

Kyros Vestiges
  • Vestige of Kyros's Secrets
    This can be found defeating Storm Twins

  • Vestige of Kyros's Sight
    This can be found defeating Kolaar The Beastmaster

  • Vestige of Kyros's Sorcery
    This can be found defeating Dread Legion

Venomess Vestiges
  • Vestige of Ven's Guile
    This can be found defeating The First

  • Vestige of Ven's Venom
    This can be found defeating Grand Deceiver Maras

  • Vestige of Ven's Duty
    This can be found defeating Storm Twins
Event Spawns
Specific Dungeon Event Spawns

In Wayfinder, certain events will only spawn in specific dungeons. This is important to understand because some events drop materials that you can only obtain by completing those events.

This list will hopefully guide you toward the dungeons and spheres you need to run to have a chance for the event to spawn. (Events are still purely RNG-based and might not spawn at all in your current run.)

Loot Goblin
  • Description: This event is pretty straightforward. A specific goblin mob with a treasure chest on it's back will spawn somewhere in the dungeon. Kill this goblin to obtain it's loot.

  • Locations: Can spawn in any dungeon.

  • Difficulty / Imbuement: Any Sphere & Modifier

  • Loot: Gem of Avarice

Phoenix Event
  • Description: This event is almost the same as the loot goblin. You find a Phoenix altar on the ground. You walk up to it and activate it. This will spawn a Phoenix which you need to fight.

    There is multiple Phoenixes. Treasure, Crystal & Immortal. (The most common one is "Crystal")

    Tresure Phoenix (Unsure how it works.)
    Crystal Phoenix (Fight one high hp and high damage white Phoenix)
    Immortal Phoenix (Fight multiple high damage low hp fire Phoenixes)

  • Locations: Can spawn in any dungeon.

  • Difficulty / Imbuement: Any Sphere & Modifier (Except Treasure. I THINK you need to be running the greed imbuement or Phoenix Eggs imbuement)

  • Loot: Treasure, Crystal or Immortal Phoenix Down

Tracer Vault
Picture Placeholder
  • Description: This event usually spawns in specific rooms. You walk up to a Orb looking device and activate it. Once activated enemies will spawn. Defeat the enemies and the tracer will unlock and you can loot the Encoded Tracer.

  • Locations: Spawns in Aurelien Dungeons. (Codex Halls, Undercroft, Repository)

  • Difficulty / Imbuement: Any Sphere & Modifier

  • Loot: Encoded Tracers

Orbital Orbs
  • Description: This event also have a specific room spawn. If you run into a large room with a lot of orbs hovering above a hole you found the event. Jump down to the bottom of the hole to start the event.

    Once started head back up and stand on the platforms to move the orbs. Move them into the correct position and the barricaded door will unlock.

  • Locations: Spawns in Codex Halls & Undercroft. (Codex Hall have the highest chance)

  • Difficulty / Imbuement: Any Sphere & Modifier

  • Loot: Halcyon Orb
Boss: Broodmother S'ilreth
Broodmother S'ilreth

Credits: Studioloot


When you face off against Broodmother S’ilreth, you'll need to manage a couple of important aspects to defeat it.

1. Handling Adds:
As you step into the Arena, you'll find Broodmother S’ilreth at the center, surrounded by Broodspawn Eggs. These eggs are trouble, if you touch one during the fight, it'll hatch into a Broodspawn. And that's not what you want, right? But it gets trickier. As the fight goes on, S’ilreth will use Egg Toss to chuck even more Bloodspawn Eggs into the Arena. Dodge these eggs to avoid getting swarmed by additional enemies.

2. Breaking Armor:
It will periodically cover itself in a purple shell, you can't miss it. And it's health bar will go purple too. This is it's Hardened Armor phase. To make it vulnerable again, you'll need to break the armor. Break power excels here.

3. Dealing with Summons:
At points, it will climb to the top of the Arena and summon Brood. Just clear out the Broodhunters and Broodspawn it summons. Once they're out of the picture, S’ilreth will descend back to the Arena floor.

Broodmother Abilities / Mechanics
  • Hardened Armor
    S’ilreth will wrap herself in purple armor making her invulnerable to damage. Players must stamina break S’ilreth to deal damage to her again
  • Egg Toss
    S’ilreth will toss Broodspawn eggs into the Arena during the fight. If players touch these eggs, a Broodspawn will spawn.
  • Summon Brood
    S’ilreth will crawl to the top of the map and summon several waves of Broodspawn and Broodhunters. Players must clear all of these additional mobs to continue the fight.

Broodmother Loot Table

Credits: WayfinderDB.

Boss Echo:
Boss: Trial of Lingering Light
Trial of Lingering Light

(Pictures are currently being made)
This dungeon / boss can be found in Aurelian in the Scholar’s Corridor. The minimum / recommended power rating for this boss is 655 with a group size of 2.


When you step into the arena, you will see four statues. Each of these statues signifies a boss you're about to face in this hunt. To initiate the trial, interact with the central orb in the arena.

When interacting with the orb, you'll encounter a group of codex monks. These monks don't have any complex mechanics – they're relatively straightforward to deal with. Just keep an eye out for their AoE abilities, which are indicated by a red circle on the ground. Avoid these circles, and you should be able to handle the monks without much trouble.

After you eliminate the first wave of monks, three more will appear, followed by another four. These subsequent monks are similar to the initial ones you faced.

Codex Sage
Your first foe is the Codex Sage. This enemy is relatively fragile and shouldn't pose a significant challenge. However, watch out for the orbs he casts. He'll conjure what appears to be a diamond-shaped energy shield in front of him, followed by several orbs shooting out in a cone pattern. Steer clear of these orbs, and you can swiftly dispatch the sage.

Rivenmaw & Storied Sage
The following phase introduces a Storied Sage and a creature named Rivenmaw. The Rivenmaw boasts a couple of abilities to watch for:

Storied Sage Ability

  • Orb Summons:
    Similar to the Codex Sage, he summons orbs that shoot out in a cone.

  • Energy Blast:
    The Sage targets the ground at multiple spots, causing eruptions of damaging energy.

Rivenmaw's abilities include:

  • Ground Stomp:
    Rivenmaw stands on its hind legs and smashes its front paws on the ground, creating a damaging AoE circle.

  • Swipe:
    A quick paw swipe that damages anyone in its path.
    For this fight, focus on avoiding the ground AoE attacks. Rivenmaw's attacks are close-range, while the Sage's are ranged. Neither boss is particularly tanky, so you can dispatch them relatively swiftly.

Arclight Windhowler & Storied Monk
The final phase pits you against the Arclight Windhowler boss and a Storied Monk. The Monk's abilities include:

  • Energy Slam:
    A ground slam that triggers a wide AoE energy attack.
  • Healing Pulse:
    The Monk meditates, healing itself and emitting an AoE damage pulse.

Arclight Windhowler possesses the following abilities:

  • Energy Trail:
    The boss speeds in a straight line, leaving a fiery trail behind. Energy waves shoot out from either side of the boss during this maneuver.
  • Wing Swipe:
    A melee attack using its wing that inflicts damage.

To streamline this fight, prioritize taking down Arclight Windhowler first. The Storied Monk is slower, and its abilities are stationary, giving you an opportunity to focus on Arclight without excessive distraction. Arclight is relatively squishy, so you can dispatch it swiftly. Watch for the Energy Trail ability and maintain a safe distance when Arclight performs it.

Once Arclight is defeated, you can then concentrate on the Monk to complete the Trial.

Boss Loot Table
There isn't a official full loot table yet, I will post it once it's been released (There is currently only normal echoes listed)

Boss: Archon Commander

Note: Pictures of the fight are being made currently

The Archon Commander is found in Aurelian in the Undercroft. This is the first boss you will encounter in the Undercroft. The recommended power rating for this boss is 930 with a recommended group size of 2.

Twisted echoes of the Archons who fought here yet linger in the Undercroft’s halls. These foul Remnants and the Commander who led them must be put to rest.


The Archon Commander, known as Commander Creed, is a boss armed with a sword and shield. You'll need to learn his mechanics and his abilities to win this fight with ease:

First Phase Abilities:

  • Leap:
    Creed leaps and smashes into the ground at a designated spot. Watch for the red circle on the ground – avoid it to dodge the damage.

  • Energy Slice:
    With a swift sword swing, Creed sends out a ranged energy slice at his target.

  • Overhead Slam:
    A powerful overhead sword swing creates a ground-hugging energy wave aimed straight at his intended target.

  • Sword Combo:
    Creed executes a three-hit sword combo: a left swing, followed by a right swing, and a lunging thrust attack.

  • Shield Rush:
    Creed charges with his shield, delivering substantial break damage and potentially staggering you on impact.

Second Phase Abilities:

  • Shadow Warriors:
    Commander Creed conjures one or more shadow warriors in the arena. Each warrior occupies a quarter of the area, marked by a red square. Move to non-red areas to avoid substantial damage.

  • Shadow Warrior Line Attack:
    Four shadow warriors appear along the arena walls, causing a red line to stretch across the arena. Safely maneuver to either side of the line to evade significant damage.

Third Phase Abilities:

Energy Waves: Creed teleports to the arena's center, lifting his sword to unleash waves of energy. Dodge these waves, as their sequence culminates in a ground-shaking attack that could prove fatal if not taken down.

Phase 1:
The initial phase showcases all the abilities listed in the "First Phase Abilities" section. These abilities are straightforward to evade. Ensure you manage your dodges effectively to mitigate unnecessary damage. Once Creed's health drops to around 80%, phase 2 commences.

Phase 2:
Expect higher intensity during this phase. Commander Creed adds all phase one abilities while summoning shadow warriors. He may summon multiple warriors at once, leaving only a small safe area in the arena. Precise dodge management becomes crucial to navigate these attacks.

When shadow warriors emerge, you have a mere 3-4 seconds to escape red zones and secure a safe area. Once Creed's health dwindles to roughly 15%, phase 3 initiates.

Phase 3:
Creed teleports to the arena's center, lifts his sword overhead to release colossal waves of energy spanning the entire space.

In response, immediately focus your efforts on the boss, maximizing damage output until he's defeated. If Creed manages to unleash several waves before being killed, a final burst of energy will rock the ground and wipe out the entire group.

To win, you have to deal damage as Phase 3 commences. (DPS Check)

Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: The Argent Hand

The Argent Hand is found in Aurelian in the Undercroft. This is the second boss you will encounter in the Undercroft, after the Archon Commander. The recommended power rating for this boss is 1,312 with a recommended group size of 3.

A group known as the Argent Hand haunts the Undercroft still. Little is known of them, save they served the highest tenets of the Order of the Silver Codex above all else.


(Pictures are currently being made)

This walkthrough will guide you through every phase of the encounter with The Argent Hand.

Phase 1:
When entering the boss arena, you'll notice five airborne enemies. Initially, two of them will descend to engage you. These enemies have basic mechanics. As their health depletes by a third, they grow larger and stronger, though still relatively straightforward to defeat.

After killing the first two, the remaining three will join the fight, identical to the first pair. Once all five are defeated, they'll form a summoning circle at the arena's center. Within seconds, the boss will be summoned.

While they summon, you can attack. Eliminating each enemy diminishes the spawned boss's health.

Phase 2:
The second phase commences upon the summoning of The Hand Rejoined into the arena. The boss wields several abilities you must be wary about:

  • Orb Summons:
    The boss conjures a diamond-shaped energy formation that releases damage-inflicting orbs in a broad cone ahead.

  • Ground Slam:
    The Hand slams the ground, unleashing a potent shockwave targeting your location. Dodge away promptly when you observe this animation.

  • Explosive Rain:
    The boss hovers and generates red-hued rain. Concurrently, a large portion of the arena turns red. Evade the red zones to evade the ensuing explosions.

  • Summon Circle:
    Ads appear, engaging in a summoning ritual around the boss. As energy bars encase the boss, a bubble emerges. The bubble grows until it contacts the arena's walls, triggering a substantial arena-wide explosion. Dispatch the summoners before the bubble's full expansion to avert the explosion.

Fighting the Boss:
This battle can become harder, with multiple elements simultaneously needs attention. Among these are the Explosive Rain ability and the Summon Circles.

Watch out when Explosive Rain prompts red areas on the ground – promptly exit to avoid high damage.

During Summon Circles, ensure your tank maintains aggro on the boss. DPS members should promptly eliminate summoners to evade the explosion.

When energy bars encase the boss, be prepared to defeat summoners quickly to stop the impending explosion. The boss fight essentially cycles through the mechanics listed above.

Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: Ryv'n



Abilities to watch for:

  • Slash:
    Ryv'n lunges forward with a slashing frontal attack.
  • Blink:
    Ryv'n instantly shifts to a new arena location.
  • The Horde of Ryv'n:
    Ryv'n teleports out of the arena, summoning Wretches and Heralds that demand elimination to progress.

The Ryv'n Hunt unfolds in two key phases: when Ryv'n is present in the arena, and when he teleports out to summon The Horde of Ryv'n.

Arena Phase:
Upon entering the Hunt, Ryv'n awaits at the center of the arena. Throughout the encounter, he utilizes Slash and Blink. Position yourself to his side or flank to mitigate these attacks. As you inflict sufficient damage, he'll teleport away, calling forth The Horde of Ryv'n. Clear all spawned Wretches and Heralds before Ryv'n's return.

Horde Phase:
Be cautions during the Horde phase, as Wretches and Heralds explode upon defeat. This cycle repeats multiple times in the battle. Maintain this pattern, and you'll soon defeat the boss.

Loot Table:

Boss Echo
Boss: The First



Phase 1:
This encounter with The First are made across two distinct phases. Here are the unique abilities you should be aware of in each phase:

  • Gloombolt: Launches a Bolt of Gloom toward players.

  • Gloomblink: Casts a Gloom Nova then Blinks away.

  • Eyes of the First: Summons eyes at the arena center, seeking players in the area.

  • Gloomwave: Moves to the arena center, shooting a beam that spawns four spinning waves around the arena.

  • Orbital Destruction: Summons orbs around the arena, triggering AoE effects at the outer edge.

As players enter the arena, The First emerges, using Gloombolt and Gloomblink. These abilities are animated and should be easy to evade. Keep an eye out for Eyes of the First; evade or keep moving to avoid their damage beams. The First moves to the arena center, initiating Gloomwave, generating clockwise and counterclockwise circling waves. Maneuver between waves, moving in sync with their rotation to dodge harm.

Around 50% health, The First activates Orbital Destruction, sending players into Phase 2. To minimize damage, remain centered within the arena.

Phase 2:

Gloom Maze

[CURRENTLY, The whole dodge mechanic can be skipped by jumping off the ledge and then wait at the teleporter until the platform is whole again (This might change later]

Arcane Cleave: Summons small blue orbs and projects them in a cone AoE.
As the initial arena is dismantled, players descend onto a gridded floor.

The First persists with Gloombolt and introduces Arcane Cleave. However, her main Phase 2 mechanic, Gloom Maze, starts here. Glowing squares appear on the ground, surrounded by vanishing ones. Land on a glowing square, locate The First in the sky, then dash to the right or left edge of the Gloom maze.

The First subsequently spawns vertical squares that players must dodge while staying on Gloom Maze platforms. After this phase concludes, continue damaging The First until the next Gloom Maze emerges.

The second Gloom Maze begins similarly, followed by The First teleporting. Quickly spot her and find an wide area for dodging. Avoid getting trapped in one-square-wide sections of the Maze.

When Gloom Maze's is done, concentrate your DPS on the boss, and defeat the boss.

Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: Bloodspawn
(Pictures are currently being made)

The Bloodspawn is a boss that can be found in the Mines at the Pit. This is first boss that can be entered from the Mines. The recommended power rating for this boss is 507 with a recommended party size of 2. (Sphere 1)

It is said the godsblood is a fuel so potent, even brief exposure can drive a person into a trance of hallucinations. Twisted by the effects of the Gloom, something has awoken within the swells of arcanic fuel seeping through these walls.


Facing the Bloodspawn boss doesn't require too much when it comes to it's offensive abilities, fortunately they are very simple to learn as the consist of 1 normal attack and the rest is aoe slam attacks:

  • Slam: Bloodspawn jumps and lands, causing damage in a marked area.

  • Chomp: The boss bites at close range, dealing significant damage.

  • Explosive Ichorlings: After phase one, the boss summons explosive ichorlings that roll and explode on contact.

Phase 1:
Focus on dodging the slam and chomp attacks. Lower the boss's health to transition to phase 2. When its health drops to 0%, the boss becomes a pool of goo and spawns three spawnlings. Eliminate them before they return to the boss. If they do, phase 2 starts.

Phase 2:
The boss spawns explosive ichorlings that roll and explode. Kill them quickly to avoid their blasts. Be careful not to attract too many to you. While managing these, remember the boss's slam and chomp attacks. If any spawnlings remain when the boss's health is low, they'll reappear. Defeat them all to win.

Loot Table

Current Loot Table is inaccessible. The Primary Drops Wingraves Vestige and Boss Echo.

Boss Echo

Boss: Maras, The Grand Deceiver



Prepare for the battle against the Grand Deceiver Maras. This Walkthrough will teach you about it's mechanics and abilities:

Maras Mimics:
Maras temporarily exits the arena and spawns mimics. Some will explode, and others will attack when opened.
This occurs at 75%, 50%, and 25% of Maras' health.

Devour: A red beam cone attack that pulls players towards Maras.

Phase 1:
Focus on damaging Maras while keeping an eye out for the Devour attack. Push Maras' health down to around 75% during this phase.

Maras Mimics Phase:
When Maras spawns his mimics, players should move around the arena, triggering the Explosive Mimics first. Once triggered, quickly dodge out of the area of their explosion. After handling the Explosive Mimics, proceed to open the other mimics. These mimics will reveal either Deceivers or the real Maras. Open them sequentially or simultaneously. Opening the Maras mimic will cause the others to respawn.

Remember, this mimic phase will repeat at 75%, 50%, and 25% health thresholds.

Final Phase:
In the last phase of the battle, focus on DPSing Maras and continue to engage until the fight is won.

Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: The Storm Twins



Storm of Thorns Abilities:

  • Rain of Arrows: Small AoE circles descend, dealing damage.
  • Pen Shot: A powerful narrow AoE attack projected from Thorns.
  • Evasive Shot: Thorns leaps backward and fires at the target.

Storm of Blades Abilities:

  • Block: Storm raises his shield to block frontal damage.
  • Sword Slam: Blades slams his sword down, causing AoE damage.
  • Blade Storm: Spectral blades spin around Blades in a large AoE circle.
  • Blade Throw: A spectral blade is summoned, causing AoE damage.

Twin Dynamics:
Defeating one Twin before the other results in modified abilities for the remaining one.

Blades (If Thorns is defeated): Permanent Blade Storm ability.
Thorns (If Blades is defeated): Multishot – Three strips of potent AoE damage project from Thorns.

There are two approaches to fighting the Storm Twins’ trial:

Simultaneous Elimination Strategy:
The Storm Twins' duel requires synchronous health reduction for success. It’s crucial to maintain close health levels for Blade and Thorns. Coordinated teamwork is important, as the twins' combined abilities, like Blade Storm and Rain of Arrows, are formidable. Huddling Thorns and Blade together lets the group inflict sufficient damage, stagger both, and swiftly conclude the battle.

Blades First Strategy:
An alternate approach involves swiftly neutralizing one boss while a team member distracts the other. Prioritize Blades for elimination due to the more manageable avoidance of Thorns' attacks. Focus your initial barrage on Storm of Blades, while remaining wary against Blade Storm and Rain of Arrows. Once Blades falls, concentrate on dealing damage to Thorns from behind or the flank to evade Multishot's AoE. With Blades down, Thorns will intensify Rain of Arrows, warranting AOE avoidance.

Loot Table
Full Loot Table hasn't been released yet. Currently we know about the two boss echos. (If you have more info feel free to reach out)

Boss Echo

Boss: Kolaar the Beastmaster

Pictures are being made

You can encounter Kolaar the Beastmaster within the Bone Orchard of Reaver Woods. It's advised to have a power rating of 2,117 for this battle and to do this challenge with a group of two.

In the era preceding the corruption, Kolaar the Beastmaster paid homage to the age-old forces. As a wild and fierce warrior, he diligently honed the skills of both Aturach and his formidable Warbear. Currently, he stands as the Reaver King's closest rival. However, the time has come to bring his reign to an end. This task is essential, no matter the obstacles.


Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: Dread Legion

You'll encounter the Dread Legion deep within the Mines of Bal Duum. To face this boss, it's advised to have a power rating of 2,313 and a group of at least 3 members.

Inside the cursed mine of Bal Duum, a sinister presence of unfiltered Gloom has taken shape. This powerful entity has managed to disrupt the natural flow of elemental energy that stems from the Heart of the Woods.


Entering The Dungeon
Upon entering the Dread Legion encounter, be prepared to navigate through poison clods shot from the walls. These clods can damage you, so be cautious and avoid them to minimize unnecessary damage.

As you proceed past the poison, you'll encounter a tutorial introducing the primary mechanic that repeats throughout the battle. You'll face a Seer (a flying creature) and a minion. To advance to the boss, focus on eliminating the Seer first. When defeated, the Seer will drop a glowing orb. Collect the orb and then target the minion, placing the orb on it. Keep your distance from the minion to prevent it from returning the orb.

Once the orb is on the minion, it will create an expanding AoE circle around itself. Steer clear of this circle to avoid being stunned. Successful completion of this mechanic will open the gate to the boss's arena. However, before reaching the boss, a quick jump puzzle awaits. Navigate the floating platforms swiftly, as the gloom begins closing in once the gate is open. Time your jumps accurately to land on the platforms before they vanish and enter the arena.

Inside the arena, you're safe from the gloom and ready to begin the fight.

Phase 1
As you enter the arena successfully, the boss will summon several minions and Seers. To damage the boss, you must defeat all the minions. To do this, kill the Seers, collect their orbs, and place them on the minions. Meanwhile, the minions and Seers will chase you and cause damage if you're within melee range.

The boss will also target you with a laser attack shooting in a straight line across the arena. Dodge the outlined AoE on the ground to evade this attack, which inflicts damage.

Throughout this phase, manage kiting the enemies, evading the laser, killing Seers, attaching orbs to minions, and eventually eliminating all minions. Once the minions are defeated, the boss descends. At this point, focus on dealing as much damage as possible to the boss.

To proceed to the next phase, you need to lower the boss's health to around 70%. If you don't reach this threshold, you'll need to repeat the above steps until you do. Once done, the boss rises into the air and spins. Keep your distance during the spin to avoid damage. The boss then moves to a second platform for the second phase.

Jump Puzzle
Between Phase 1 and Phase 2, you'll encounter a jump puzzle required to reach the second arena. Move to the opposite side from your entrance to find the next jump puzzle.

Note that the pink lines represent the gloom, which moves to the second platform after Phase 1. Therefore, stay within the safe area and avoid the pink lines. Time your jumps carefully to avoid taking damage. Keep in mind that the platforms also disappear, so time your jumps onto them too. Complete the puzzle by waiting for platforms, jumping on them, scaling the wall, and reaching the next phase. Be cautious not to rush and end up in the gloom before Phase 2 begins.

Phase 2
Phase 2 closely resembles Phase 1, but the arena is smaller, and the boss shoots lasers in four directions, making the battle more stressing. Position yourself between the lasers during their activation.

The mechanics involve placing orbs on the minions to eliminate them. While you kite the enemies, dodge the lasers, and eliminate Seers, focus on the task of placing orbs on minions. Afterward, you can start dealing damage to the boss. To progress to the final phase, reduce the boss's health to about 25%. Just like in Phase 1, when this health threshold is met, the boss ascends into the air and spins. Ensure you're out of the AoE range to avoid damage.

Jump Puzzle
For the final platform, you'll encounter another jump puzzle. This one is a bit trickier than the previous two. Look for a gap in the arena wall illuminated by a blue flame. Jump over the wall to reach the next section.

Bear in mind that the gloom is still a factor as you proceed via the jump puzzle to the next arena.

Once over the wall, follow the path to the right, which curves to the left and leads to the jump puzzle. Here, outside the gloom, you'll sustain damage, so jump promptly. Navigate three platforms that appear and disappear, timing your jumps and progressing over the wall to reach the next platform.

Phase 3
This marks the final phase of the fight. The arena shrinks further, and the boss shoots lasers in all directions with gaps between them, making navigation challenging. While avoiding lasers, continue the orb mechanic.

Once all minions are vanquished, focus on dealing damage to the boss to secure victory.

This phase can be chaotic. It's advisable to eliminate Seers and place orbs between laser activations. Remember that there's a significant time gap between placing the orb and its explosion. Use this time to position yourself between lasers, then dash out before the minion detonates.

Repeat this process until the Dread Legion is defeated.

Loot Table

Boss Echo
Boss: Wormwood (Not Released Yet)
Aturach The Deathless

Upcomming Wayfinder boss in the Reaverwoods area.


Loot Table

Boss Echo
16 σχόλια
The Uchronist 22 Οκτ 2024, 9:58 
It is outdated because of the 1.0 release?
Team FAT 15 Ιουν 2024, 21:47 
anyone know how to get mythic awakening essence
Lariien 9 Ιαν 2024, 5:48 
this help me a lot! Luv u for this <3
Dusk 10 Νοε 2023, 19:20 
nice. very helpful
MacKy926 18 Οκτ 2023, 10:23 
Does the drop rate increase with each sphere? Or is it a base chance all the time?
ChronicGamgi 28 Σεπ 2023, 11:57 
This is amazing. What a chad!
Very beautiful knowledge for new and other players. Thank u for your work <3
zaxonerest 7 Σεπ 2023, 11:59 
Can u add a section for getting some hidden achievements? such as the heroic gloomtear boss and the heroice fascimile boss achievements?
RedPanzer 6 Σεπ 2023, 17:52 
Just to be clear i bought the game yesteday, also the tutorial with different chars i actuallly like since i get to knew then a little better, but i am quite sure that i am locked on tutorial for not chossing one of the 3 and i had my eye on that crazy mage since the trailer for the game told me that i can put a rifle on him and go nuts, (wizard with a gun, anyone?).Also not even on tutorial i can try the mage, the rifle poison lady and Ronda Rousey (big fan).
RedPanzer 6 Σεπ 2023, 17:43 
I played the closed beta way back and made a mistake on the tutorial and got stuck on one char whitout even get to look the others, i need to know why since i got the game and got over the queue they offer me 3 chars(gold armor, silas and the nissa i think are the names) and only those 3 and at the end of the tutorial when i say no to stay with that char the send me to queue to chose one of the 3 and play the tutorial again, i bought the base founder pack and double check on the game store page that they never mention that and discusion is closed so i ask here because if its gonna be this kind of party i am out.