Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

117 hodnocení
How to Jump Higher: That one Graffiti You're Probably Missing in Mataan
Vytvořil: Mord

I recently ran into a bit of trouble finding out how to get to this one spot in particular in Mataan. The one fenced off on either side next to the highway, here I'll be talking about how to get over it. First, here's a video tutorial I made, it's broken down in text as well in this guide.

To do an elevated jump, you must do three things in sequential order:

1. Please unequip your ride style, go on foot

2. Do a trick on the ground, any will do

3. Immediately jump, following the trick

And that's it! Keep at it B-boys.
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Počet komentářů: 10
UnderMuncher 26. srp. 2023 v 13.25 
I've been using the corkscrew jump all this time but i completely forgot i could use it
Rejinleaf 25. srp. 2023 v 0.16 
Ahhh awesome thank you! I had gotten to the point where I thought the only way I'd be able to get over there is by getting 6 stars and maybe luring the giant robot onto the highway so I could skate up it's arm and get over. (it wouldn't come onto the highway lol)
Aisha ClanClan 24. srp. 2023 v 6.24 
This is also a good way of dealing with a lot of cops at once.

do any trick on foot, (I prefer trick one) then immediately jump, this will launch cops into the air, you can then follow up with a graffiti to one shot them.

if you get multiple cops during the launch and tag one of them, all cops launched will also get tagged. Great way to deal with mobs.
Mord  [autor] 21. srp. 2023 v 21.49 
Thank you everyone for rating, and 4 stars holy moly, I appreciate you all so much.
Mord  [autor] 21. srp. 2023 v 13.59 
That just deserves style points, good on ya for coming up with a roundabout solution on your own.
FALLEN ASH 21. srp. 2023 v 12.06 
i found this out AFTER slowly building up enough heat to spawn the helicopters, lure them to that location from the highway and CLIP through the wall by attacking it. :dicewhat:
Mord  [autor] 20. srp. 2023 v 19.28 
The pole on the other side get you on the roof, sure. However that just leads to another fence that you have to corkscrew/elevated jump over.
Dia Shakes 20. srp. 2023 v 18.58 
could also grab the pole on the otherside
Bowm4080 20. srp. 2023 v 17.13 
Dude this was so helpful, thanks
Mord  [autor] 20. srp. 2023 v 12.35 
Currently condemned to the second page of guides, where many people won't see. If you happen upon this, please leave a rating of what you deem worthy. Thank you!