Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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TTT Player-Swapping-Gun
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun
Velikost souboru
9.484 MB
18. srp. 2023 v 12.57
19. pro. 2024 v 13.19
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TTT Player-Swapping-Gun

V 2 kolekcích od uživatele Emzatin
Emzatins 2021-2024 TTT Weapon Collection
46 položek
Emzatins Up-to-Date Kollektion
114 položek
This traitor item was inspried by and uses the model from this addon:,
so big shoutout to Jazz.

The Player Swap Gun is a traitor item, that swaps the position of the attacker and the victim each shot.
It does 15dmg and fires continuously with unlimited ammo, but has a 0.5s cooldown after hitting someone.
To make sure you cant just jump off a cliff and teleport someone to their doom, or teleport someone into a wall, the teleportation effect only takes place if the attacker is on the ground and both players arent crouching.

The main uses of this item are to teleport players onto cliffs, into timed traitor items (e.g. C4), into traitor traps, or to teleport yourself into an unsuspecting group of enemies. Rapidly swapping positions with the same player can also be effective in 1to1 combat, however the victim can simply stop the swapping by crouching.

Počet komentářů: 1
Freakywu2 10. srp. 2024 v 11.30 
Would it be possible to get a sandbox version of this gun?