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How to practice Gauss Jump in HLDM
By pongween
In this guide I will show you how to le epicly Gauss Jump In Half Life DeathMatch.
LAN servers don't work!!!!
Which Place should practice on?
Crossfire is the best map for Guass Jumping as it has an open area from Surface Tension.
Which Server do I go to?
Any server. As long as it doesn't have any players.
That's really about it about this section. Now for the real practice.
Practice Gauss Jumping (The Real Stuff)
First. Charge Your Gauss Gun by holding right click (You learn this by Surface Tension)
Make sure your looking at a surface or wall (specifically just a few inches back before you fire).
Jump just before you fire!
And then POW! You just Gauss Jumped!
Also, you can charge the Gauss Gun as long as you like. But not for too long... Because you die. Duh.
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