Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

1,783 ratings
Achievement guide 100%
By HSePa
This guide is designed to get all the achievements of baldurs gate 3
There are saves to achieve "Leave no one behind" and "Critical hit" / and others

Hi, I immediately apologize for my clumsy English.
The manual will be supplemented over time, if there are comments, write, I will take into account
Descent From Avernus
Take control of the Nautiloid and escape the hell

To get this achievement, you need to follow the storyline after activating the transmitter, get the achievement

Devil's in the Details
Defeat Commander Zhalk in the Nautiloid

To get this achievement, you need to kill the commander Zhalk, he is in the last room, I will leave a guide for his murder
P.S.: In order for the achievement to be counted, you must strike the last blow
Act 1
She Cannot be Caged
Rescue Sazza from the Emerald Grove,Goblin Camp,and moonrise Towers in one playthrough

Rescue and take Sazza out of the Emerald grove

you can save her through a secret exit

After that, we will meet her at the goblin camp, they will want to feed her to the spiders, we must prevent this.
The main thing is not to start a fight, otherwise Sazza will stand up for us and die. To do this, we will need to negotiate with Mintara, attack the Emerald Grove.(If you need the "Leave no one behind" achievement, then at the moment of the siege we are on the side of the Tieflings.)

Our next meeting will take place in the 2nd act.
Where she and the other goblins will be ordered to sort out on their own, we have to let them go.

You have two hands for a reason
Pet scratch and the Owlbear cub at the same time - the greatest joy an adventurer could ask for.

To get this achievement,you need to pet a scratch and an owl bear, it won't be difficult to get a dog, but to get an owl bear, you need to go down to the cave where he will be with a female owl bear, you can't kill a cub, only a female owl, after that the cub can be found in the goblin camp, where we will play a chicken, play a game, and then talk about giving it away, there is an alternative solution, kill everyone in the goblin camp, and then the owl will come to you in a few days, he may be scared, and the next night he will come back again

Аfter Scratch and owl bear are in our camp, after a few nights you will hear a squeal, go to the sound, and there you will be able to pet them.
P.S.: The main thing is not to use the potion of talking to animals when you are stroking, otherwise you will not get the achievement

Fetch quest
play fetch with Scratch - the best boy in the Realms

To play with scratch, he must be in your camp and in a few nights he will have the ball, you will have to take it from him and with the help of the ability to throw, throw the ball

Expand your mind
Сonsume a parasite and unlocked a new power - is it meant to wriggle the whole way down?

During sleep, a guardian will come to you and offer to use the power of the parasite, agree after that open the window of abilities and activate one of the abilities.

Pest control
kill the spider Matriarch before her eggs hatch - why do they have so many legs?

The spider's lair is located in an extinct village in a well.
I will leave a guide for getting the achievement

Rude,Crude,and full of attitude
Find and summon the quasit Shovel. Or is her name... Fork? Maybe Basket?

The shovel summoning scroll is in the apothecary's basement

The scroll is in this coffin

Forged in blood and fire
Craft an item in the adamantine forge

This video shows how and where to find a forge and create armor, but I don't recommend killing a golem this way if you want to get the "A Grim fate" achievement.

A Grym fate
Kill the adamantine Golem without using the Forge Hammer.

You can pass this boss, as in the video above, but without resorting to using a hammer, for this we will need a tank, a healer and others to choose from, we give everyone a bow and slowly kill him, we need to attract the golem's attention with a tank, when the golem starts to get too close to the tank, we switch it to another, repeat until we kill the golem
P.S.: don't forget to update the golem debuff
2 P.S.: if everything is really difficult, then you can call 3 ogres for help, their horn can be obtained in an extinct village by agreeing with them

The plot thickens
Leave Act One - for somewhere altogether darker.

We finish the first act and go to 2 act
Act 2
The Lich-queen's wrath
Ally with Voss against the Githyanki God-Queen. Good luck.

To begin with, we need to complete the quest "Gityanka Nursery", after passing it, Gityanka Voss will come to our camp when we rest, he will offer help, we will agree and take his side. (We can meet Gitjanki Voss in Act 1, on Lazel's assignment, where we are looking for Gitjanki's patrol)

If you do not have a dialogue, then you need to go to the portal "Trieltsky Cliff" (I do not know what to call it correctly). Tap on the stone and teleport to any place in the Lands cursed by the Shadow. (2 Act)

Non-invasive procedure
Kill the Surgeon before he performs surgery on you in combat.

The surgeon lives in the house of healing.
I got this achievement in a different way, under cover I threw 3 pieces of explosive powder, and then threw a bottle of fire, blew them up, thereby killing all the assistants, and then finished off the boss, but the video is a simplified version.

Penny pincher
Defeat the Toll Collector without her using gold against you - excellent budgeting.

the duty collector must be found at the customs.
to kill the toll collector, you need to remove her armor, it is removed when killing flying skeleton heads, for this you can shoot off all the heads in stealth mode and finish off the boss, when shooting at the skeleton's head, they can teleport,find where they teleported to, and kill
P.S.: or use the guide in the video

Under lock and key
Rescue all the prisoners from the depths of Moonrise Towers in one playthrough.

Here we will need to save dwarves and Tieflings (and Sazzu, if you saved her earlier), here we will be asked to distract the guards, if you do not distract, then we will have to engage in battle, where the priority is to kill flying eyes, so as not to call for help, most importantly, do not forget that you can not allow They kill no one
P.S.: The gnome's hammer is located in the supervisor's room on the 2nd floor, but there you will have to negotiate so that you are not kicked out of there, or try to pass unnoticed

No free Lunches
Defeat the Apostle of Myrkul before it consumes any Necromites.

We need to keep the necromancers away from the Apostle of Myrkul, it's easiest to kill them at the incubator stage, we take 2 characters, preferably long-range ones, and take out the incubators, with the other 2 we beat the boss himself, if the necromancers still got out, the "exile of the undead" skill will help.
Experiment with the rest, everyone has different builds

Taking Blood
Steal the Blood of Lathander from underneath Rosymorn Monastery.

Words are superfluous here, see the manual.

The City awaits
Leave Act Two - Baldur's Gate is just over the horizon

finish the plot of act 2 and get into Baldur's Gate
Act 3
Fancy footwork
Defeat Gortash in Wyrm's Rock without activating any traps.

We move in the direction drawn, and go into the building with Gortash, there will be 2 rooms, in the first room we break all the traps and beat Gortash, lure him from the second room to us, and kill him. (you CANNOT activate traps in a room with a Gortash)

First Blood
Kill Orin while her cultists are performing their ritual chant.

Here you need to have time to kill Orin without killing her minions, the problem lies in her invulnerability, you need to knock down stacks with several skills, an otherworldly discharge and similar skills will do well, after removing her invulnerability, you need to pour as much damage into her as possible, repeat until victorious, I believe in you.

Crash landing
In the Wyrmway, wait until the dragon is midflight, then knock it out of the sky - KAPOW.

The dragon is under the prison in the snake rock, having descended into the prison, we are moving to the destination, there will be 2 torches on the wall, you need to use any skill with lightning damage on them, and then they will shine with blue flames, a secret passage will open at the same moment

After going down to the temple and passing the tests, we get to the dragon itself, here it is worth doing as much damage as possible in 1 round, using everything, speed potions, powerful skills, etc. In the second round, when the dragon takes off and starts accumulating energy, we will have to kill him, but the catch here is that he becomes resistant to all types of damage, so we had to deal as much damage as possible in the first round, you won't have time, RIP.
P.S.: or at the moment of takeoff, you can cast a banish spell

Murder in Baldur's Gate.
Coat the streets of Baldur's Gate in blood - become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.

to get this achievement, you need to get to the murder tribunal, there are three ways to get there:
1: to conspire with Orin and kill Gortash, take him by the hand and deliver him to the tribunal.
2: Find a list of potential victims (a hint to the list can be given by the captain of the fire fists in the "Song of the Elves" on the 2nd floor, if you can convince) kill 2 victims and take their hands.
3. find the killer, who has already dismembered several victims, and take away his bag, which will contain the victims' hands.
After that, when they ask us if we want to become unholy murderers, we will agree, they will ask us to kill the flying elephant Valeria, we kill.

Embrace your Urge
Become Bhaal's ultimate weapon - become his Slayer.

There are 2 ways to get this achievement:
1.SPOILER you will need to kill Isobel because of The Dark Urge in the second act, a servant will come to you at night and give you the form of the killer
2.SPOILER I know only one way to get this achievement, you need to choose the character of The Dark Urge, and when you get to the temple of Baal to kill Orin, you will have to engage her in a duel, and after your victory Baal will offer to accept his gift, we agree

Interfectorem Draconis
Kill the Red Dragon in the Upper City

this achievement will be given for killing a red dragon in the final battle
Just a nibble
Let Astarion bite you - ouch.

To get this achievement, we need to let Astarion bite us, one night he will sneak up and try to bite us, let him.

Repairing the weave
Stablise Gale's Netherse orb.

In act 1, we need to save Gale's
Gin the second act you will meet an old man who is looking for Gale's, we send him to our camp, and after a long rest he will pass a message to Gale's, we get an achievement

To Bloom in Darkest night
Gift Shadowheart a night orchid - her favourite flower. Always knew she was a softie.

In the prologue, shadowheart must be saved

From conversations with the Shadowheart, we learn that she likes the night orchid, the orchid itself is present in the second act of "Dark Lands", we tear the orchid and give it to her.

Break Wyll's Pact with Mizora.

after you move on to the 2nd act, Mizora will come to you during the rest and ask you to save a certain vassal, and if you save him, mizora will agree to break the contract, the vassal is in the 2nd prison (the descent into it will open after the battle with keterik torm) this vassal turns out to be herself mizora, we save her and ask her to break the contract, but to no avail, later in act 3 we will meet her again in the snake rock, after talking to her we go to Gortash, after his promotion we talk to her again and she says she will come to our camp when she arrives at the camp, she will offer conditions, tell us where Will's father is being held, or break the contract, choose to break the contract. spoiler will's father can still be saved in an underwater prison

Hot Date
Go on a date with Karlach - now that's playing with fire.

first you need to get Karlach as a companion (act 1)
We find out that a dangerous mechanism is built into it, which requires repair.
After saving the Tieflings, there will be a party in the emerald grove, we should invite her to spend the evening together.

in the 2 act in the tavern "Last Light" fix her mechanism for the second time, and in the 3 act you can invite her on a date.

Mind Blown
Romance the Emperor.

The Emperor will be available when we help him in the battle with Gityanki.
after we get to Baldur, he will come to us in a dream, we choose the most romantic dialogues. After that, after 3-4 nights, he will come to us again in a semi-naked state, we do the same, choose the most romantic dialogues
Shove off
kill a creature with falling damage

Here you need to push the enemy off the ledge so that he dies from damage when landing.

Recruit a hireling. You can befriend them or use them as cannon-fodder - we won't judge.

here we need to hire a mercenary for 100 gold from this old man

Earn a hundred gold from playing sweet, sweet music in game in a single playthrough.

Here we need a bard and his ability to play an instrument, all we need to do is approach the crowd and play, getting a total of 100 gold, we will be given an achievement, 1 NPC will not give gold 2 times in a row.
P.S.: if you don't have a bard, then you can hire a mercenary, see the "outsourcing" achievement

Dig for victory
Dig up five buried chests in a single playthrough - treasure!

We need to dig out 5 such mounds, for this we will need a shovel.

Kill two birds with one Gnome
Use one enemy as an improvised weapon against another.

Here we need to take one opponent and hit them 2, before that leave the minimum hp value to kill them 2

Fists of fury
Kill a character with an unarmed strike.

Here we need to kill the enemy without weapons, leave him a minimum of health and just finish him off without weapons.

Punch drunk
Defeat twenty opponents while a party character is drunk in a single playthough - down them.

To accomplish this achievement, the tavern "Elf Song" is very well suited, go down to the basement and see a bunch of rats, take a character with an aoe attack, drink to him and kill the rats.

Bedrolls and Breakfast
Take four full long rests in a single playthrough - adventuring's tiring work.

In the menu of the camp there is a tab "long rest", we need to make 4 such rest.
Do not forget that this requires consumables

Break out of prison after being arrested - aren't you daring?

Сommit a crime after which you will be put in jail, escape from prison, and you will be awarded an achievement.

No penny required
successfully use Detect Thoughts to pry into someone's thoughts.

You can dig into it using a potion, a scroll, or entering into a dialogue with some characters

Action surge
Perform five attacks in one turn. Your enemies won't know what hit them (literally).

Perform 5 actions in 1 turn, during the game you can easily get this achievement.

Complete ten background goals in a single playthrough - you are one with your character.

Just play, eventually get this achievement.

Read 100 different books in a single playthrough. Adventuring isn't just daring quests, you know.

Read everything in a row and eventually get this achievement.

Create three unique alchemical solutions in a single playthroug - bottoms up!

just create 3 potions on the (potions) tab

Bottoms up
Long Rest using only alcohol - a time-honoured dwarfish tradition.

Make a long rest out of alcohol alone.

Multiclass into every class in one playthrough without asking withers to change your character.

When you get this achievement, you can be a little more cunning, for this you will need to leave one companion of the first level and not touch it (for example, Shadowheart), and when you reach level 12, take it into your group and distribute it into multiclass.
It also works with mercenaries
P.S.: Such a distribution of the main character will make the passage of the game on the complexity of tactics "almost" impossible.
Leave no one behind
Leave no one behind
Save every tiefling refugee you can throughout the game in a single playthrough.

In the 1st act:
1. We need to convince Rolan to go with the refugees.
2. Don't let the Arch kill the goblin Sazz. (see achievement "She Cannot be Changed" 1 Act)
3. Save Mircon from the harpies.
4. Save Arabella (a Tiefling girl who was caught stealing)
5. After entering the grove, turn right, climb the mountain and see how the goblin attacks Nadira, save her.
All this is done before you defend the emerald grove from the Minthara
6. All Tieflings are in the emerald grove, no one can be allowed to die

In the 2nd act
1. In the tavern "the last light" to learn from Tilfing Rolan that some Tieflings were caught and taken to prison, to rescue all Tieflings from prison
P.S.: Don't forget to walk around the tavern after the rescue and talk to the rescued Tieflings.
2. In the tavern "Last Light" do not let Isobel be kidnapped, otherwise everyone who was inside will die.
3. After the battle, find out from the children that Mol was kidnapped. (We will meet with the Pier in the 3rd act)
4. help Arabella find her parents (Arabella will be near the entrance to the "House of Healing" And the parents are inside)
5. Save Rolan, after our conversation he will go himself to save his friends, we will meet him near the river, below the central bridge that leads to the "Customs"
All this must be done before we go to look for the "Song of the Night"
6. After the battle with Keterik Torm, he will go after him, find the Tiefling Zevlor there and Save him, he will be closed in one of the capsules

In the 3rd act
1. To complete the quest "Save the Tieflings", we go and talk to Danis\Bexom, who is in a refugee camp.
2. If you decide not to give Lorroacan the Song of the Night, you must not allow Rolan to be killed.
3. Mot is in the Thieves Guild.

Achievement is given after completing the game.
All's weel that ends well
Finish the game

Finish the game on any ending.

Absolute power corrupts
Reign with terror: take control of the Netherbrain and bend the world to your will.

When we get 3 story stones, we go to fight the main boss of the game, we lose, and the emperor saves us, we go with him again and defeat the boss, and then when there is a choice, we have to choose to subdue the brain to ourselves, to become absolute.

Hero of the Forgotten Realms
Save the day: kill the Netherbrain and destroy the absolute tadpoles.

Similar to achievement "Absolute power corrupts" only here you need to choose the option of destroying the absolute and its larvae.

Sins of the father
Claim your Throne and Blood: take control of the Netherbrain for Bhaal and break the world

This ending can be obtained for the character of the dark Urge, similar to the achievement "Absolute power corrupts", only before that you need to accept a gift from Baal, see the achievement "Embrace your Urge"

Make the ultimate sacrifice: become a mindflayer to defeat the Netherbrain.

To get this ending, it is required, as in the previous endings, to collect 3 story stones, and when the Emperor saves you in a dialogue with him, decide to absorb Orpheus, become a mind skinner and after the battle with Netherbrain destroy the larvae, and then yourself...

Critical hit
Complete the game in Tactician mode.

All of the above achievements can be safely obtained on this difficulty, the main thing is to assemble a balanced squad, I wish you good luck.
Saves for achievements will be stored in this section (updated to 4 patches)
It is important that the folder has the original name

1. download the folder

2. unpack the folder along the path
%LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story

3. go in and download the save, make a choice, get an achievement

Achievement "Leave no one behind"

Achievement "Critical hit" and "Sins of the father"

Achievement "Embrace your Urge"

Achievement "Mind Blown"

Achievement "She Cannot be Changed"

Achievement "Hot Date"

Achievement "Loophole"

Achievement "You have two hands for a reason"
Leave a review and rate the guide.
Thank you all very much
If you have any problems, write in the comments.
Screenshots for a better understanding of the achievements will be made later.
Egozit 19 Aug @ 3:28pm 
If anyone has troubles with loading save files, you need to create the folder with the same name as the downloaded save file
VALOR 5 Aug @ 2:36pm 
I made a Google Sheet to keep track of everything while I follow your guide.
Mayamis 23 Jul @ 8:34am 
thank you for the guide.
sharing saves for achievements is scummy tho. I dont get the point. the whole point of achievement is that you know you did this. do ppl who load this saves to fake get achievement don't feel embarrassed and pathetic lol
Qrow 10 Jun @ 8:26am 
You can also get the Hero of the Forgotten Realms by having Gale blow up when first meeting the elder brain in act 2! :ccskull:
Adamski 28 Apr @ 6:54pm 
Thanks for the Hot Date save file. Worked perfectly!
gunman 28 Apr @ 12:40pm 
"Kill two birds with one Gnome" is easiest done in the cellar with rats, just use one rat to throw at another, they will both die having only 1 HP.
triskept 22 Apr @ 4:43am 
Please mention the "Leave No One Behind" achievement in Act 1. I've already missed the achievement due to it being mentioned at the end of the guide instead of at the beginning.. :theskull:
Pound Cake 10 Apr @ 11:55am 
@Anemoshi, hit one dude while using a 2nd dude as an improvised weapon so that both die
GhostLee03 27 Mar @ 8:29pm 
Thanks for all the help :steamthumbsup:
I put the save files on the indicated folder, but when i try to load it, I can find the saves, But the character name is empty, and the save files can`t be loaded, Please, help