Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

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Mega Man Zero S-Rank Requirement Guide
By Cracker.Jack
Detailing of Enemy count, Time Limit, and other misc notes about going for S-rank in the four Zero games.
Rank Info Etc
S Rank is 96 - 100 across all 4 games.
Rank is averaged over the course of all stages' end scores.

Rank System General Info
Mission - 20 points
Clear Time - 20 points
Enemy - 15 points
Damage - 15 points
Retry - 15 points
Elf - 15 points

Mission - 20 points
Clear Time - 20 points
Enemy - 15 points
Damage - 20 points
Retry - 15 points
Weather - 10 points
The most basic way of achieving these objectives are simply:
-Don't die / Restart Saved Game upon death
-Don't use cyber elves other than satellite in Z3, or don't use them past a limit of -4 points, and understand that you must be more perfect in everything else to make up for
-Kill most everything you come across, and make up for what you miss, and even them some stages might require you to kill a little extra
-In Z4, always play stages on harder weather when it is available
Continuing practicing even if you die while learning.
Emulation and save states is often more ideal for practicing bosses and in general.

Mega Man Zero 1
Triple Rod and Shield Boomerang need to be obtained from Cerveau unlike the other games
where they are given to you at the start.
Hard Mode has no color change for Zero like the other 3 games.
Your rank title will be Master for beating Z1 on Hard on the final stage regardless of score.

Standing Slash in Z1
In the Zero games you can basic slash while moving for 1 less damage or while standing still.
In Zero 1 only, if you stand still while striking with your saber, you will be able to repeatedly damage through I-frames. It's more noticeable on Hard where you won't end up trying to triple slash the enemy attempting it. By using type B controls, you can hold shield up on your sub-weapon and standing slash your saber even faster as the shield will delete a lot of the ending frames for the saber animation.

Damage Score in Z1
0 to 3 damage - 15 points
4 to 6 damage - 14 points
7 to 9 damage - 13 points
10 to 12 damage - 12 points
13 to 15 damage - 11 points
16 to 18 damage - 10 points
Essentially, if you lose your whole default health bar then you've already lost rank.

Intro Stage - Golem

Mission Notes: Don't let Ciel take damage, during escort or by accidentally hitting her instead of the golem when she is grabbed.
Clear Time Limit: 1:20
Enemies Killed: 55

Disposal Factory - Aztec Falcon

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:30
Enemies Killed: 37

Retrieve Data - Maha Ganeshariff

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 19
Additional Notes: Beating this as the first mission after Disposal Factory is
recommended, so that you can acquire triple rod afterwards, and shield boomerang after another mission. Doubly so, on hard mode where you will find far more utility with your secondaries.

Find Shuttle - Anubis Necromancess the 3rd

Mission Notes: Don't let the wounded soldier take damage.
Clear Time Limit: 5:00
Enemies Killed: 46
Additional Notes: Whether on normal or hard, this mission is made far more manageable by picking up the triple rod first.

Destroy Train - Pantheon Core

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:30
Enemies Killed: 19

Occupy Factory - Guard Orotic

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 23

Mechaniloid Attacks the HQ - Hittide Hottide

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:00
Enemies Killed: 28
Additional Notes: Killing the part that spits out enemies too quickly can ruin your ability to fulfill the enemy counter.

Find Hidden Base - Blizzack Staggroff

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:16
Enemies Killed: 37
Z1 Continued
Duel in Desert - Fefnir

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:16
Enemies Killed: 91
Additional Notes: Fefnir changes his attack style dependent on your distance from him. Staying close and baiting grapples repeatedly can be a good method to get damage.

Rescue Colbor - Harpuia

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:30
Enemies Killed: 15
Additional Notes: Even on hard, Harpuia can be stunlocked with the Ice Shield Boomerang until death as long as you don't slip up. Simply knocking him to the ground once, charging as you dodge the 3 projectiles and hitting him as he tries to fly up and launch the 4th, rinse and repeat. Best for the Boss rush to save time.

Protect Factory - Phantom

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 28

Stop the Hacking - Leviathan

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:30
Enemies Killed: 46

Evacuation - Hanumachine

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:00
Enemies Killed: 23
Additional Notes: Grinding the two enemies right outside Cerveau's room to the right, for 6-10 quick enemies helps with Enemy counter.

Neo Arcadia Shrine - Herculious Anchortus

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 6:40
Enemies Killed: 37
Additional Notes: Killing two birds back and forth at the beginning for 10-12 enemies is a good way to get enemy counter.

Neo Arcadia Tower - Rainbow Devil

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:30
Enemies Killed: 19

Neo Arcadia Core - Copy X

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 10:00
Enemies Killed: 28
Additional Notes: If you're S-ranking this on Hard, may god have mercy on your soul.
Usage of the shield/standing strike exploit is advised on hard to acquire a good rank time.
Killing Phantom at either end of the screen makes his suicide explosion completely safe if you position yourself on the opposite end of him as he explodes.
Copy X phase 1, can be repeatedly shield/standing striked to rack up a lot of damage quickly if you wait for him to Nova Strike into the wall above you and start hitting him as he lands.
You can kill Anubis quicker on hard by ignoring his minions, however because of how grapples work you will be essentially dead if you get grappled once. He should be fought first in his group.
Seraph X is weak to Ice.
Mega Man Zero 2
Zero 2 - Overview
Exceeding the required enemy counter by too much will loop back and subtract points,
so be careful with enemy grinding.
Unlocking Forms while S-ranking is a challenge sometimes, and often doesn't pay off much,
but it is an option to weigh.
Hard Mode
Hard Mode is uniquely brutal in Z2.
You will do extra damage on all your weapons (not double just a point extra)
but take double damage from enemies. As a result, in Hard mode, the chain rod is
a lot more useful, and certain enemies can be one-shot with the saber when they
can't be in normal mode.

Damage Score in Z2
0 to 5 damage - 15 points
6 to 10 damage - 14 points
11 to 15 damage - 13 points
16 to 20 damage - 12 points
21 to 25 damage - 11 points
26 to 30 damage - 10 points

Intro Stage - Scorpion

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:10
Enemies Killed: 37
Additional Notes: Kill 8-12 pantheons from the rush of them at the start for counter.

Forest of Dysis - Hyleg Ourobockle

Mission Notes: Rescue the 4 soldiers.
Clear Time Limit: 4:00
Enemies Killed: 37
Additional Notes: Subtank in mission is easily obtainable without hurting rank at all.
Stage is easier if you beat Phoenix first, as it removes some enemies.

Computer Zone - Poler Kamrous

Mission Notes: Destroy the 4 computers.
Clear Time Limit: 4:30
Enemies Killed: 37
Beating Phoenix first removes stun-baton pantheons from latter half of the level, but you may need to kill a few extra enemies to balance your counter in response.

Power Room - Phoenix Magnion

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 6:40
Enemies Killed: 51
Additional Notes: The boss fight can happen in any of the 4 reactor rooms, with certain rooms making the fight harder or easier. Depending on the route you choose, you may need to grind enemies at the start to fill your counter.

Train of Neo Arcadia - Panter Flauclaws

Mission Notes: For every crate you lose, 2 mission points are deducted.
Clear Time Limit: 2:50
Enemies Killed: 64
Additional Notes: Mini-boss will keep a consistent pattern of 3 robots attempting to grab
crates as long as you don't let a single one even touch a crate.
Grinding 8-10 pantheons on the top of one of the first few train cars can remove pressure to kill everything as you should be quick in this stage and not chase down every donut-wheel cast towards your general direction.

Look for Elpizo - Elemental Golems

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:20
Enemies Killed: 28

Disarm the Bomb - Kuwagust Anchus

Mission Notes: Don't let Ciel take damage, it is 2 points off rank each hit.
Clear Time Limit: 6:40
Enemies Killed: 110
Additional Notes: Shield Boomerang is your friend during the beginning and the protect Ciel sequence. Boss's EX attack is most easily dealt with by tossing chain-rod out at a certain point
as it gets close. Grinding the pantheons on top of the ship after the mini-boss is advised to fulfill counter, usually 10-14.

Z2 Continued
Forest of Notus - Burble Hekelot

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:10
Enemies Killed: 45
Additional Notes: Caterpillars that are summoned by the boss contribute to the enemy counter, and can inflate your count too far past if not careful. It is advised to keep a closer count of kills throughout the stage, and enter the fight with 40+ kills.
Subtank in here should be picked up later via going back.

Computer Zone 2 - Fairy Leviathan

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 41

Crystal Caves - Sage Harpuia

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:00
Enemies Killed: 54
Additional Notes: When looking at the spikes, you'll notice that raised patches of spikes are the ones with no crystal over them. Knowing this and getting familiar with the stage, you should eventually never need to bother hitting the crystal enemy to spawn the crystal visions.

Shuttle Factory - Fighting Fefnir

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:30
Enemies Killed: 23

Pursue Elpizo Again - Rainbow Devil MK 2

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:10
Enemies Killed: 28

Temple of Flame - Fefnir Armored Phenomenon

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:40
Enemies Killed: 37
Additional Notes: Try Chain Rod swinging under the pillars in the first room to save time.

Temple of Ice - Leviathan Armored Phenomenon

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 28
Additional Notes: The boss of this stage is evil and makes ranking this annoying.

Temple of Wind - Harpuia Armored Phenomenon

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:50
Enemies Killed: 37

Yggdrasill - Elpizo

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 8:40
Enemies Killed: 23
Additional Notes: Phoenix changes his RNG every frame.
Mega Man Zero 3
Zero 3 - Overview
Entering Cyberspace will deduct 5 points from Mission, ruining any S-rank, so don't use it.

Damage Score in Z3
0 to 6 damage - 15 points
7 to 12 damage - 14 points
13 to 18 damage - 13 points
19 to 24 damage - 12 points
25 to 30 damage - 11 points
31 to 36 damage - 10 points

Intro Stage - Omega

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:10
Enemies Killed: 19

Aegis Volcano Base - Blazin' Flizard

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:40
Enemies Killed: 37

Oceanic Highway Ruins - Childre Inarabitta

Mission Notes: Step on the 4 buttons underwater before Childre destroys them.
Clear Time Limit: 3:40
Enemies Killed: 23

Weapons Refitting Factory - Devilbat Schilt

Mission Notes: Destroy the 4 cameras on the ceiling.
Clear Time Limit: 3:30
Enemies Killed: 46
Additional Notes: This stage is particularly tight on time.

Old Residential - Deathtanz Mantisk

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:00
Enemies Killed: 37

Missile Factory / Omega Missile - Crea and Prea

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 41

Twilight Desert - Anubis Necromancess V

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 46

Forest of Anatre - Hanumachine R

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 28

Frontline Ice Base - Blizzack Staggroff R

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 41

Area X-2 - Copy X Mark II

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:40
Enemies Killed: 32
Z3 Continued
Energy Facility - Cubit Foxtar

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 5:40
Enemies Killed: 37

Snowy Plains - Glacier Le Cactank

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 28

Sunken Library - Volteel Biblio

Mission Notes: When looking for the 4 pieces of data, for every wrong door you
enter, you lose 2 Mission points.
Clear Time Limit: 4:20
Enemies Killed: 23
Additional Notes: If you're having trouble, try pausing and writing down the doors for reference or whatever you need.

Giant Elevator - Tretista Kelverian

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 5:00
Enemies Killed: 73

Sub Arcadia - Crea and Prea rematch

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:10
Enemies Killed: 37
Additional Notes: 5-point deduction for entering Cyberspace is undone, if you beat the secret boss phantom. However there is no need to attempt him in an actual run of this stage as you can teleport back after beating this stage and still fight him and obtain his chip.

Return to the Awakening - Omega Zero

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 11:40
Enemies Killed: 32
Mega Man Zero 4
Zero 4 - Overview
With the singular elf you customize, for every point over the maximum capacity, you will suffer a
negative rank point.
Knuckle copy-weapons are often not great, but Axeloid and the Hammer version do great damage and are usual, especially in hard. Experiment.

Damage Score in Z4 (Same as Z3)
0 to 6 damage - 20 points
7 to 12 damage - 19 points
13 to 18 damage - 18 points
19 to 24 damage - 17 points
25 to 30 damage - 16 points
31 to 36 damage - 15 points

Intro Stage - Sub Core

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 1:40
Enemies Killed: 19

Area Zero - Carnage 0

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 2:20
Enemies Killed: 28

Hanging Gardens - Pegasolta Eclair

Mission Notes: Destroy the 5 acid rain generators.
Clear Time Limit: 3:40
Enemies Killed: 28

Artificial Sun - Sol Titanion

Mission Notes: Destroy the 4 heat generators.
Clear Time Limit: 3:40
Enemies Killed: 28

Underground Forest - Noble Mandrago

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:10
Enemies Killed: 23

Particle Beam - Heat Genblem

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:10
Enemies Killed: 23

Magnetic Zone - Mino Magnus

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 32

Hibernation Chamber - Fenri Lunaedge

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:30
Enemies Killed: 41

Deep Sea - Tech Kraken

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:20
Enemies Killed: 19

Living City - Popla Cocapetri

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:30
Enemies Killed: 23
Z4 Continued
Area Zero Invasion - Craft

Mission Notes: Extinguish the 10 flames with the water gun.
Clear Time Limit: 2:50
Enemies Killed: 23
Additional Notes: Hammerloid part needs to be obtained here during a run as

The Prison - The Giant

Mission Notes: This is a 2-part level, and both parts are totaled together.
together in the end for your final result
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 32

Ragnarok Control Room - Craft rematch

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 3:00
Enemies Killed: 23

Teleporter Base - Random Bandam

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 6:00
Enemies Killed: 41

Teleporter Circuit - Cyball

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 4:10
Enemies Killed: 37

Ragnarok Core - Weil

Mission Notes: n/a
Clear Time Limit: 11:20
Enemies Killed: 32
Additional Notes: Fire Sword from the yellow pucks that shoot fire is a solid knuckle weapon to combat Fenri and Kraken on Hard. Axeloid weapon obtainable after the 8 bosses is a great weapon throughout Weil Phase 1 and 2. Junk Armor helps as well on bosses in general during the boss rush, but does not amplify knuckle weapon damage, and shouldn't be worn during fights with majority usage of those weapons as it is all risk and no reward at that point.
Suggest info or make corrections if you have anything.

What the ♥♥♥♥ is this, is this like a bot that replicates steam guides????
Cracker.Jack  [author] 13 Dec, 2024 @ 9:00am 
Speed/Time isn't too bad in most the series but a few annoying missions have unreasonably tight time requirements especially if playing on hard. :steamsad:
PLMMJ 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:18pm 
My main issue is balancing speed with not getting clobbered.