Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

128 vurderinger
Last Hope
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31. juli 2023 kl. 6:27
4. aug. 2023 kl. 6:18
5 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

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Last Hope

Original Rural Area Standalone Custom Map (48 Cells) with 2 big towns and a couple of villages + Secret Locations. Hand detailed.
Thanks to Dylan's Tile Pack and the building creators from the Workshop and the PZ modding community!
The map offers a lot of nice custom locations , a lot of trails in the woods , 2 big towns full of zomboids and all the loot that you need.
I suggest to try this map as solo experience or small groups since is "only" 48 cells. I also suggest a low vehicles spawn that will force the players exploration.
Also "no loot respawn" is suggested.
Is my first map and i hope you people are going to enjoy it. The map is fully rendered but there are no dedicated map items in game(mini map with M works fine).
Please let me know if you have fun with this map or if you have suggestions.
Thank you and good luck out there!
Also feel free to report bugs /glitch issues. :)

Workshop ID: 3012826346
Mod ID: LastHope
Map Folder: LastHope

Do you want themed emergency service vehicles for this map? Check the mod down here!!
---Add on mod emergency service vehicles for LastHope map created by Yannerrins---
Workshop link :
81 kommentarer
Wolf1ch 28. feb. kl. 8:19 
Благодарю! (Thank you), @John Newbye :steamthumbsup:
John Newbye  [ophavsmand] 28. feb. kl. 7:33 
Yes feel free to use the map on your server Wolf1ch :) glad you like it
Wolf1ch 28. feb. kl. 6:45 
Hello! I'm an admin of a Project Kentucky RP server, and I'd like to use your map Last Hope for our project. Do you allow its use on the server? We'll be sure to credit you as the creator. It's a Russian-Ukrainian server. Thanks! :spiffo: (Sorry for english, i use deepL)
LoudBuddy 18. nov. 2024 kl. 20:18 
I wonder where this is set lore wise, I'd assume still in kentucky
John Newbye  [ophavsmand] 7. nov. 2024 kl. 11:30 
Yes, is a separate map.
demonjmh 7. nov. 2024 kl. 6:01 
just to be clear by stand alone map you mean completely separate from the original one right?
John Newbye  [ophavsmand] 24. okt. 2024 kl. 22:47 
Thanks :) Hope you will enjoy the map.
I am not working on pz map editor at the moment and i am not planning any update.
Thanks again. Have fun :)
Mr. Kobaltz SOG 24. okt. 2024 kl. 18:45 
Oh man am I glad I stumbled upon this. Large cites but not so large that my PC will die. Nice city location near a large body of water. Then lots of rural and deep forest. Map looks awesome. Can’t wait to check it out more tonight. Any chance there’s more updates to it coming? Or build 42?
John Newbye  [ophavsmand] 31. maj 2024 kl. 12:43 
I see , but i would like to join just take a small tour if you have space. I sent you an invite on steam :)
Scroobles McDoodle 30. maj 2024 kl. 18:30 
I'm not sure whether you'd be able to. We're an Australian server and we have a ping limit of 200 :')