Escape the Backrooms

Escape the Backrooms

154 ratings
Full game guide in order ( Version)
By The Ghost™
This guide is here to have everything known about the game at your fingertips. Each Level, list of entities, items and what they do, maps, and more ! Thanks to the official Escape the Backrooms wiki for a good amount of the information and its users for the images which will be credited.

Here is a link to the wiki :
I do some work there as well so feel free to help out there if needed.
Guide layout information
This guide will be made as if you're playing the game while going off of the guide which means that I will go in order of what can and will appear in game. For example:
Level 0 - The Lobby
Objective(s) of the Level, Item(s), Entities, Level door (if applicable), and anything else needed.

So without further notice lets begin shall we. With the controls since players sometimes tend to forget what does what until they played for a couple levels.

Yes, this guide WILL be updated as the game gets updated. When the new multiplayer modes are out I will add them to the bottom of the guide.
Currently there are no keybindings so I am sorry if you end up suffering until they are added. Here is the list of what each key does :
  • Move - WASD
  • Crouch - Left Control
  • Sprint - Shift
  • Lean Left - Q
  • Lean Right - E
  • Interact - F
  • Use Item - Left Click
  • Chat - Enter
  • Talk - V
  • Player List - Tab
  • Inventory - i
  • 1,2,3 - Hotbars
  • Show Card - C

Due note however, that Talk, Chat, Player List, and Show Card will be useless in Single player and are meant for Multi player. Everything else will be used a lot.

Showing your ID card is meant to help when identifying if someone is really who they are or if they're a specific entity.

Talk is obviously voice chat and is not unlimited and is ranged so you will need to speak up or be closer to teammates so they can hear you. In some cases in game your voice will have a filter over it such as using some items or being underwater. Most dangerously is that one entity in particular will listen for those using this to find and kill them and another will use it to lure your teammate(s) to it.

Stamina is limited when running around a Level but, if you're running away from an entity you will have INFINITE stamina until you lose them.

Chat is meant for talking to teammates by typing instead of talking. This is your only way of communication in game when you are dead.

Player list is primarily used by the Host of the game to kick a player if they need to and to see who is in.
Difficulty differences
If you want to play the game on a higher or lower difficulty, make a lobby in the Multiplayer area and select which one you want then hit play.

Single player is forced on Normal, to play other difficulties by yourself make a private lobby in Multiplayer and select which one you want.

Easy - This difficulty is like Normal, except you do NOT have to worry about sanity. If 1 player finds the Level exit in multiplayer they can do it immediately to continue.

Normal - Just like Easy but, you should keep an eye on your sanity as your progress. If a player finds the exit in multiplayer they cannot leave until ALL the players get there or at least the ones that are alive. This is true for the other 2.

Hard - Just like Normal except, if 1 player dies then everyone goes back to the previous checkpoint.

Some entities get buffed in hearing and other stats. Such as Hounds now being able to be stunned once instead of infinitely and because of this you cannot ward them away by doing 3 stuns on them in 1 go. So stun the Hound and run.

Nightmare - Just like Hard, except for 1 little detail. If you die at all, and if in multi player if even 1 player dies, you start the entire game all over. So if you or a teammate dies on the last Level, you are going back all the way to Level 0 as if you just made a new game. This is the hardest challenge to conquer and will take teamwork, serious practice, messing with your game settings for every advantage, and some good RNG like the exit on Level 1 in section 3 to conquer this. I recommend you practice on Hard before trying this since the difference between the two is the RNG and where you go when 1 player dies.

Some Levels that involve RNG can be worse such as Level 9223372036854775807 for example.

I have a guide specifically for this difficulty as well so you can get the achievement. I recommend you finish reading this guide entirely and practice with friends on Hard mode before attempting Nightmare.
Level 0 - The Lobby
When starting the level you will spawn in a random location. After spawning in you might see a note on a wall. Remember that if you walk up to any note and inspect it the note will be bigger and easier to read. These are important as they will help you survive and roughly know what to do.

If on Multiplayer, all players will spawn in random places.

Hug the left or right wall until you start finding pieces of wood. Collect them. Another important thing to remember is that key items like keys, these wood, keycards, etc. will NOT take up inventory space and in multiplayer everyone will be able to use them and they will not drop should the player who originally picked it up dies.

Once you collect all the pieces of wood nearby go to the broken ladder as seen in the note

So you can fix it up. Interact with it and you will end the scene with a key being collected. Depending on where you spawned and how you got to this area you must've seen a wooden door. Go find it and open it and go through. From there you will see some pits. You will be told to balance yourself so when you press Q and E you will start leaning in that direction. Q for Left and E for Right.

Use this to get across the pitfalls and to the exit.

However, should you or all of you if in multiplayer fall down you're going to have find the alternate exit. After falling down look around until you find some arrows spray painted on the walls. Following them will lead you to the alternate exit.

Regarding exits in multiplayer, every player has to be at the trigger area to go to the next level. If 3/4 players are at the exit but, the 4th one isn't there they will have to wait until either, the player dies, the player gets there, or if that player leaves the game.

Here is a map of Level 0 to help you out. The right edge of the map is the area you fall into after falling into the pits. If needed take a closer look so you can tell which layer is which.

All of this sounds easy but, it wouldn't be a backrooms game without something hunting you down...say hello to The Howler.
Entity - The Howler

It is to note that most entities in the game are not blind and if they see you directly they will start chasing after you until you hide or escape them. The Howler is in multiple Levels in this game and entity pages will include this info.

Here is how the Howler works for Level 0 and future Levels it will be in so feel free to come back here when you get there for stuff relating to that Level.

Level 0
It will start spawning after 2-3 minutes of the player entering the level. This 2–3-minute spawn is disregarded if you fall in pitfalls, and it will be down there too. Usually stalking the player before attacking, one can hear breathing or a continuous knocking on the eerie yellow walls as it spawns near them. Looking at the Howler creates an intense VHS effect, similar to the Blue Tiles from level 37. That will be talked about later when we get there.

If the Howler see's you in the above floor of level 0, you are most likely dead, although you might be able to survive by constantly turning corners and hopefully the howler won't know where you are. If the Howler see's you in the pitfalls area when you fall down, run as long as you can and try and find the exit before it kills you.


  • Try and turn as many corners as possible, in a confusing matter.
  • Try locating the nearest exit.
  • Run away and not looking back until it's safe.


  • Run away in a straight line, as it will catch up to you.
  • Walk around a corner when you hear a knock or breathing.

Level 0.11
It will roam around the main area with the timed switches in a set path. Walking nearby the rooms where the levers are. Unlike in Level 0, it won't make any noises when nearby with the only noise it makes being a loud roaring when spotting the player.

This level has a lot more walls and hiding places to use against the Howler. Otherwise, it functions almost exactly like it did in Level 0.


  • Keep doors open to have a hiding spot ready in case you're spotted
  • Hide in vents in the far back
  • Peek around a corner before walking towards it
  • Run away and not looking back until it's safe


  • Run away in a straight line, as it will catch up to you.
  • Walk around a corner without peeking.
  • Hide in a vent near the front, it can potentially grab you and result in your death

Level 55.1
Same behavior as Level 0 (Minus the timer before spawning). However, unlike Level 0 there is no warning of it nearby, it won't stalk you, and due to lighting it can be more dangerous as it emerges from the darkness.

  • Hide in a locker if you aren't ready to take its picture to proceed forward (also note the nearest one)
  • Get on the elevator and raise it upward so it cannot reach you

  • Go into dark area without a flashlight
  • Take too long to get onto the elevator or hide in a locker
Flashlight and Rope

In Level 0 you get to see your first items if you are lucky or unlucky.

If you fall down into the pits and find the exit in the small kitchen-like room next to the stairs there will be a flashlight there. When you hold it out and press F you will turn it on/off and is useful for the darker areas and darker Levels of the game.

It is important to know you do NOT need to put it in your primary hand to use it. If it is in your primary hand or any of the other 2 squares you can still use it. Press 1, 2, or 3 to pull out the specific item in that slot. Very useful in later Levels when you get more items and is much faster than swapping. Especially if being chased and you need a boost from an item you are yet to see. Run away, press 1, 2, or 3 and then left click to use it.

If you miss the flashlight do not worry since if you need it in a level they will be abundant. So be sure to look around for them if you need one.

This item can only be found in this Level. If in single player there is 0 need to grab it. However, if in multi player this is very useful.

After getting across the pits you can find a few of these. When you are near the edge of a pit and press F you will lower the rope to your teammate(s) below. If they press F they will climb up the rope and onto wherever you are.

Very useful in saving time to getting out of Level 0 and into....Level 1.
Level 1 - The Habitable Zone
When spawning in this level you will see 2 things worthy of your attention. An elevator and a Note on the wall. This note is letting you know how to identify each other in multiplayer and will warn the player of Skin-Stealers. While they aren't in this section due remember this for the rest of the Level.

In this first section the elevator requires a color code, look around and grab items that you find and you will find a small room with 4 colored cars and a Note inside. These cars vary in color types so be sure to note how many there are of each color since you will need this info to open the elevator.

After going down the elevator you will now be introduced to Sanity and have text on screen telling you this as well as being in an area that has a Skin-Stealer or two if on multiplayer.

In this area you are tasked with finding 4 keys to go into keyholes in a specific room. Check cabinets and desks and every room to look for them. If you are looking in cabinets check each little part of it since sometimes the key can spawn on eye level and you might miss it.

If you see a Skin Stealer avoid being seen, if you are they will give chase and try to eat you. All you have to do is go into those rooms and close the door until you see it leave through the glass or if a room doesn't have glass just listen for it to stop screaming and it will have lost you and start wandering around.

When you do get all 4 keys into the keyholes you have to flip them all over and they're on timers. The amount of time until they unwind themselves will be shorter the more players you have. If you have all 4 players each person must take a hole and time their turning to open a door that will lead to the next section.

This is where things can get hard for this Level. This area has 3 floors, dark areas, and many doors. There is also a Skin-Stealer roaming around as well.

Your goal in this area is to open every door on each floor until you find the elevator. Doors could lead to small rooms to hide in and some act like a hiding spot once interacted with. Be sure to use your flashlight and keep a door or two open and note hiding spot doors so you are ready to run and hide if you find the Skin-Stealer or it finds you.

Once you find the elevator get in it and interact with the buttons to go to the 4th area.

The map is the same layout for each floor of this area, the doors marked is where the elevator could be. If you're on the first layer where you start on and you do not find it in that room go down and check the one marked for layer 2, and so on until you find it.

The little spot under the red mark is where you start when on Layer 1 btw. After going downwards you head straight until a wall then go left to get to layer 2's door. Layer 3 just go straight until you hit the wall then go right and start checking doors.

This area is locked off and you must enter the exit door to go to The Hub. However, before we talk about that. Let's talk about those Skin-Stealers that have been chasing you around and impersonating humans.
Entity - Skin-Stealer

Skin-Stealer's are easy to identify and deal with on Single player but, in Multiplayer it is more dangerous since in some cases more will spawn and if they get the jump on a teammate or pop right around the corner 1 or 2 seconds of their disguise is all they need to get a meal.

They are found on Level 1, Level 5, Level 8, Sub-Level 0.1, and Sub-Level 55.1 so feel free to come back here for tips for those specific levels.

If they see a player they will begin to chase after them and will not be able to open doors. In dark areas their eyes glow in the dark. Giving you a warning.

Teamwork and communication is the best strategy against them. Especially on multiplayer where players can pull out their keycards the second they make eye contact with another player so they know they are real. If you do this and the "player" doesn't and starts running right for you that is a Skin-Stealer.

Some notes :
  • The Skin-Stealer does not have the ability to open doors.
  • It is also unable to find players in Level 5 who hide under a bed or in a closet.
  • It carries a flashlight in Level 8 to warn you of its location.

  • Run away from it and don't look back until you are safe.
  • Shut the doors behind you to avoid encounters.
  • Keep doors open behind you after exploring them so you have a hiding spot ready
  • Keep communication with your team to avoid being tricked.
  • Peek around corners before going forward
  • If on Level 5 hiding is the best option to survive a chase with a Skin-Stealer.
  • If on Level 8 running back to the start or the exit and turning the valve is your only way of hiding from them.
  • If on Sub-Level 0.1 run into a generator room and close the door OR run to the nearest noclip zone to escape it
  • If on Sub-Level 55.1 use the elevator and go up to avoid being caught by it

  • Attempt to ask someone running at you for their ID Card.
  • Leave doors behind you open when actively exploring them for items
  • Try to confront a Skin-Stealer.
  • Spam F on a door when being chased down by a Skin-Stealer.
  • Do not run around a corner without peeking first
Almond Water and Sanity

Almond Water is the most common item you will find in most of this game. If you see one grab it and drink it. If your sanity is A-ok, still grab it for later.

If you find an item you wish to replace one with, drink it then replace it.

The purpose of Almond Water is to keep your sanity good so you do not go insane. Drinking it will refill 50% of your Sanity.

If you open your inventory you will see it. A brain and a blue background. The blue background is how much you have and if you are in a place where you can start losing it you can see it go down. If you have a ton of it or your sanity is full check it in your inventory to familiarize yourself with identifying how much you have left.

When you are low on it you will hallucinate Smilers looking at you from various angles. This is a warning to let you know you are low on sanity, after this you have about a minute before you go insane. If you go Insane and that death sequence starts, even if you drink or eat something that gains you sanity back during this scene it will be too late. So be sure to prevent that sequence from starting and if you get that warning immediately start refilling your sanity back up.

Some levels in this game will make your sanity pause and not go down at all like Level 0. Some like Level 1 will make your sanity go down with some Levels making it go down faster than others. In Level 37, it is the only level where your sanity will refill itself.

While this is for Almond Water there are other things that can refill your sanity, they will be talked about later in more detail but, do know that I will mention their sanity gain here and will mention them again on their sections. The following will give you sanity back:
  • Almond Water - 50%
  • Juice - 25%
  • Energy Bar - 25%
  • Moth Jelly - 25%

While these other items won't give you as much back, they do have other affects than just restoring sanity. If you don't need much to restore or you're out of Almond Water use these to help yourself.
The Hub

Welcome to The Hub. This is a place that is connected to some of the Levels you will be exploring. If you find the Level Door in a level you can enter the hub at anytime with it and vice versa to that location.

Level doors will be explained in each level section IF that Level has a Level Door. Since you're forced to find and use Level 1's you will have to visit this place at least once.

When you get here look around for a door that isn't a level door and enter it. You will see a hallway ending with a locked door and a security terminal. Interact with the terminal and solve the puzzle to unlock it.

The text on the very right side of the screen is the key, look at it and then use arrow keys and enter to scroll through the 3 areas. When you find the text that matches the one on the right hit enter and it should be green and the right side should change to a new one. Repeat this for 3 matches and you will unlock the door.

This will lead you to a dark room where on the right side will be the light "switch". Interact with it and pull all the nobs upward to turn the lights on. From here, look around for a Note.

This note is what you'll need to gain access to the computers so you can turn on Gate.exe so you can go back to Level 1 and unlock the big gate.

Once you run it, go back to Level 1 and press onwards.
Level 1 Revisited
After coming back from The Hub go to the little pad next to the gate and click on the lever after interacting with it. This will open the gate to the final area of Level 1 and into Level 2.

Reading the note will let ya know what to do here: Stay in the lit areas when the main area goes dark to avoid being killed by a Smiler.

When in each spot you can open the doors to try and find the exit, if not you will find a cabinet that could contain some items. When it is dark get as close as you can to the darkness so you can maximize your time to get to the next area. Be sure to sprint and bunny hop to get there quicker and avoid being caught out in the darkness. If you're in that darkness keep running to the light since you have a second or two before a Smiler catches up with you.

When you find a door that leads to an area with Pipes on the walls walk into it to go to Level 2.

Here is a map of this area, the spawn locations are the potential exits to Level 2.
Entity - Smiler

Smiler's love to be in very dark places. They are rare to encounter in the game by themselves and are usually easy to avoid.

They are incredibly fast to where they can catch up to a player in seconds if they stop moving.

Smiler's are only found in Level 1, Level 2, are part of a horde of entities in Level !, in Level !~! if you choose a wrong hallway, and the bottom layer of Sub-Level 55.1.

They are easy to deal with in most cases. Most of these are just running away until you get to an exit.

The Smiler appears in different levels in different situations, so advice is different for each one.

Level 1
  • Try to stay in the light
  • Sprint when the lights turn on

  • Stay or go into the area while the lights are turned off
  • Try to outrun the Smiler, it's faster than you majorly.

Level 2 & Level !
  • Run without looking back
  • Sprint all the time
  • Bunny Hop if you are more advanced.

  • Stop sprinting while being chased

Level 0.1 and Level 55.1

  • Turn your flashlight on and point it at them to kill them
  • Keep your distance when turning it on to make sure they don't kill you before they do

  • Let them get too close to you
  • Run around a corner before peeking or slowly passing it

Level !~!

  • Pick the correct path forward

  • Pick the wrong path forward
Level 2 - Pipe Dreams

Welcome to Level 2. This is a very simple level and is among the easiest in the game. So you don't waste time I'll just let ya know that you cannot go right on this visit. You have to go left to the Station or Level 3. Just run and bunny hop to not waste time and when you see a dark area there is a flashlight on the floor if you lost yours from dying in a previous level.

Once you get out of the darkness you will soon be chased by a Smiler so just run for it and keep an eye on the LEFT side for an opening so you can escape this level and go into Level 3...
Level 3 - Electrical Station
Welcome to Level 3. This is one of the harder levels of the game to escape from since there is many entities of the same type and your 1st environmental hazard, Electric Puddles. Although they are only in the last area.

After walking around you will find a closed gate with 9 breakers marked in a red light. Your goal in this level is to visit 3 areas and turn on the 3 breakers in each section so you can open the gate up and escape the Level.

The first one is safe and you should look around for Almond Water, Flashlights, and Energy Bars. The breakers in each section are different and are easy to solve. The ones in this section you just click on every switch (you cannot accidentally turned on back off) until there is no more to click. You'll know when you turn the beaker on if the light above it turns green.

A final note is that the locations of the 3 beakers in each section will be randomized so be sure to check everywhere and make sure you are safe before you do them just in case.

Near the walls of section 1 and 2 entrances there is a note that gives you a hint on how to deal with Hounds. To make things easier, if you look at a Hound with your flashlight on it will be stunned for a second before chasing you again. However, if you keep the light on and still a safe distance from it the Hound will be stunned again. Do this on the 3rd stun the Hound will retreat back to where it spawned. Use this triple stun technique to get them to back off so you can explore or start working on a beaker. The beakers in section 2 have you connecting colors so the electricity goes in a full circle.

The final section is the most dangerous.

Hounds and Electric Puddles. Walking into them will result in death and has no effect on the Hounds at all. So be sure catch your bearings before running around so you don't die an embarrassing death. The beakers in this section is similar to the last one. You just match colors together. Drag blue to blue, pink to pink, etc. not too hard. What is hard is finding them.

Once you have all 9 beakers on head to the exit to go to Level 4. Here is a map of the Level for you to use. NOTE: The electrical puddles are not on this map but, there is a specific map showing them but, only for the 3rd section so here.

Entity - Hound

Hounds are strange humanoid-like creatures that act like savage dogs. They show up mostly in Level 3 and only a single one shows up in Level 5.

When they spot the player they will give chase and will tear them to shreds if they catch them. Your best defense against them is hiding spots, closing doors, and the flashlight. They are slightly faster than the player so keep your distance if you're going for the 3 stun tech. to get rid of it.

If on multiplayer where you can change the difficulty, on Hard and Nightmare they can only be stunned once. Once stunned that specific Hound cannot be stunned again until it loses sight of the player and gives up chasing them.

You should always have a flashlight on you in Level 3 and on the second floor of Level 5 to blind the Hounds.

  • Use a flashlight to blind the hounds.
  • Shut a door if a hound sees you.
  • Be as quick as possible if a hound is near you.
  • If on Level 5, depending on the difficulty after stunning the Hound 3 times or losing it after a chase it will despawn.


  • Try to outrun the hounds (This can work sometimes, but not always so don't take the risk if you're not a professional player)
  • Try to jump over the hounds.
  • Attempt to crouch around the Hound.
  • Risk getting in between multiple Hounds

Environmental hazard - Electric Puddles

Electrical Puddles are the first environmental hazard you will find in this game. Walking into them will result in your shocking death by who knows how many volts.

These are only found in the last area of Level 3 and in Level 188 when you revisit it. They have 0 affects on entities so do not try and force one to run over it thinking it will stun or kill it.


  • Try not to get close as you could accidentally die.
  • Memorize their locations so as to prevent unintentionally stepping into them if chased by a Hound.


  • Step into them.
  • Walking/running without being careful or without a flashlight in the rooms they are located.
  • Try to drag an entity through one, they are all immune.

Here is map with their locations in the 3rd area:

Energy Bar

Here is another edible item for you to eat. They are found commonly like Almond Water and the next edible item you will find in Level 4.

Upon consumption you will recieve:
  • 25% of your Sanity is gained back
  • Temporary stamina boost

Do note that the stamina boost is better used when not being chased since you will have infinite stamina when running for your life, better to use it when low on sanity regaining options or you need more stamina back running through a Level.
Level 4 - Abandoned Office

Welcome to Level 4, the first Level in the game where there is no entities at all to run away from. It is a nice breather to have before Level 5. This Level is an abandoned office building with many items you can consume on desks and tables. Including the 3rd consumable item, Juice. Which we will talk about in the next section.

Level Door - You can find the Level door easily, just stray away from the main path before the vending machine puzzle and you should find it. Just to make sure you do keep it, when you find the door be sure to walk through it back to The Hub and then back to Level 4 to continue onward.

When you get to a small room with a locked door and 4 vending machines look at them to see what they have. Now count how many of that object is in that small room and put that number into the machine for each one. Once all 4 have the correct number the door will unlock.

After exploring a bit after that puzzle you will find a big button for security cameras to reset them. Hit the button and now proceed forward carefully. There are 4 cameras you have to avoid so you do not get caught by them and lock the exit door. If needed, use Juice to get around faster before a camera turns around and sees you.

Be sure to take alternate paths as well when they present themselves.

At the end of this camera dodging is a security room showing if you dodged them all or not as well as some crowbars that you can grab and use IF you failed the puzzle. If you failed the puzzle, grab one and use it to open a vent so you can take a shortcut back to the start of it and hit the button to try again.

If in Multiplayer, a player could stand by the button and 1 player could rush to the exit and just wait there for the other player to hit the reset button. From there they just need to wait for them to arrive since the door won't close if they get caught since someone is through it. Cheesing the puzzle entirely and going into Level 5.

Here is a Map of the level that you can use to know where to go and best avoid the cameras and if you want to find the Level door stray off the path at the start of the Level. I would click on it for a better look.
Juice and Crowbar

This is the 3rd item you can consume and it will be common place like the first 2 we talked about. When you drink it you will receive:
  • 25% of Sanity back
  • Temporary speed boost

With these stats you can use the Juice to gain some sanity back if you don't have almond water or not many options. You can also use it to explore a Level faster for a short time and really shines when you're being chased by an entity. Very helpful to use in a pinch.

This is a crowbar. You can only find this in 2 Levels in the game currently. Here in Level 4 and later on in the Abandoned Outpost inside of Level 9.

They are primarily used to open up Vents for shortcuts and alternate paths. In Level 4 it is used to have a shortcut back to the start of the camera puzzle while later on, they are used for either going back to Level 0 from a certain room if you wish to go back to the first Level of the game, and to open up alternate paths to hide in and sneak around to avoid an entity.

I would only pick one up if you fail the puzzle or when you go to the Abandoned Outpost. Otherwise, once you find the exit of the Level just drop it for inventory space.

Also, despite what you might think. This is not weapon you can use on Entity's this game DOES NOT have any weapons for entities except for the Male Death Moths that you will read in a bit. So do not try using the crowbar or any other items that are weapons on entities. It will do nothing and you will likely be killed as a result.
Level 5 - Terror Hotel

Welcome to Level 5. This level has 3 sections and can be hard for players like Level 3 was, if not even harder.

When you enter the Level you will be in the Lobby and have the doors locked. There are 4 portraits of people on the walls with a button under them. Click on them from youngest to oldest to open the door and enter the Main Halls. Around this place you will find a Note near a chute to deliver food. You will be delivering food 3 times to get 3 keys to open a locked door.

Look around for some Bug Spray if you haven't already and then go searching around for a group of Male Death Moths and spray them down so they drop some Moth Jelly. The 4th item you can consume in this game and is the best item to use for benefits besides sanity restoration. When you find Moth Jelly head to the chute and deliver it by interacting with the chute. Do this 3 times and grab the 3 keys to open the door and head to the elevator. If for some reason you mess up by eating the moth jelly the swarms of the Male Death Moths will respawn. Here is a map to better help you out around the place:

After going through this door you will enter The Hotel, where the guests will be staying. Unfortunately this isn't a normal hotel so by guests I mean entities.

When you get here you will see some items on shelves you can use to restore sanity and move around better. There is a cabinet in front of you with some open and a Note nearby on a Table to your left. Looking closely those are room numbers, the ones that are open are the ones you should check for pieces of paper. Once you grab them all, put them in and then read them. After reading them and doing what it says you will then enter that code into a door with a number lock on it to head to the next area.

Beware of the guests. There is a Hound and Skin-Stealer roaming around so be sure to close doors in the guest rooms or hide under the bed or in the closet to avoid being eaten.

If on Hard or Nightmare you could just try and enter each potential code to save yourself time or a game restart, the three possible codes are: 17564, 05938 or 89472.

Here is a map of The Hotel:

Now for the biggest room in this Level, The Boiler Room.

This huge area is easy to get lost in and confused so using the map below will be useful, otherwise just hug the right or left wall until you get to the exit. Use the Thermometer so you can prepare yourself against the Female Death Moths. There is a Note on that desk with them.

The Thermometer tells you the temperature of the room you're in, when it gets higher expect a Female Death Moth nearby since they love warm environments. if you are near one or need to get past one, crouch and keep your distance from it so it doesn't see you and make a meal of you.

If you see a door that doesn't have exit written above it, avoid it and do not enter it or else you will die.

All over this area, there are big, red valves you can turn. Turning them will make a nearby pipe spray out bug spray for a few seconds. Use this as a way to get rid of chasing Female Death Moths.

If in multiplayer, if a Female Death Moth catches you and doesn't kill you on the spot and instead, tries to take you to the nest you can be saved by a teammate if they turn on a Bug Spray Valve in your path in time.

Once you do find that exit door, run for it to get out of the Terror Hotel.
Entities - Male Death Moths & Female Death Moths

Male Death Moths are harmless and at most will make you feel weird if you do not like bugs or moths. Their only purpose in the game is to be a source of Moth Jelly for the player to proceed through Level 5 and be used for the player to escape entities easier or explore the level faster.

They are found only in Level 5 and in some houses in Level 9. Since they are harmless there are no tips to give here on how to deal with them. However, the Female's are so much bigger and much worse to deal with.

Female Death Moths are very much a threat and tend to cling onto walls. Waiting for prey to get too close. If the player gets their attention they will flap their wings and make noise before chasing the player. The player cannot outrun them and if you need more time try and cut corners to gain a bit more time.

If you are being chased the only way to get one off of her back is to find a Bug Spray Valve and turn it. Turning it will cause a pipe near it to spray out bug spray which will make the Female Death Moth retreat back to the wall where she was hanging.

To avoid being chased at all, if you see one or know one is nearby from the Thermometer you should crouch and stay crouched until you are safe. Crouching lets you get much closer without any of them noticing you. However, do not get in arms reach since at that point they will see you.

You can find the Female Death Moth in the Boiler Room of Level 5 and Level 8.

  • Crouch if you're in a room with a Female Death Moth inside.
  • If spotted, run to the nearest valve and turn it on.
  • If you hear scuttling, run and turn on the nearest valve.
  • Use a thermometer to track a Female Death Moth. If the temperature is 125 Fahrenheit (51.5 Celsius), it means that a Female Death Moth is nearby. If the temperature is 140 Fahrenheit (60 Celsius), it means that the hive is extremely close to you, and you should leave immediately. If you are in a hive, the temperature peaks 788 Fahrenheit (420 Celsius)
  • Eat Moth Jelly or any item that provides the player with a temporary speed boost to increase your chances of survival if chased.

  • Do not point a Flashlight at them or sprint near them, it will trigger a chase sequence.
  • Do not trigger a chase sequence without knowing where the nearest valve is.
  • Do not crouch too close to them.
Bug Spray, Moth Jelly, and Thermometer

This is the main item of Level 5 and can also be found later on in some homes of Level 9, Bug Spray.

The player can use this to spray onto the Male Death Moths to provide them with Moth Jelly so they can have a good item or to proceed onward in Level 5.

The player can use this spray as many times as they like and never runs out. Since you can always find one in a Level where Male Death Moths are, after beating Level 5 feel free to drop it for inventory space.

This is Moth Jelly. It is the best consumable item next to Almond Water. As said above you can only get this from spraying Male Death Moths with Bug Spray. It is very useful for exploring levels quicker and escaping entities easier. If you can grab one you should and save at least 1 for emergencies.

Upon consumption:
  • 25% of Sanity is restored
  • A temporary speed boost
  • A temporary stamina boost

This is a Thermometer. Only found in the Boiler Room in Level 5 and nowhere else. The purpose of this is to tell the player the current room temperature to see if a Female Death Moth is nearby or the nest. If players have a hard time figuring things out:
  • 72 degrees Fahrenheit when outside of hot rooms
  • 127 degrees Fahrenheit when next to a hot room with a moth inside
  • 140 degrees Fahrenheit when near the hive
  • 150 degrees Fahrenheit when near a machine and a Female Death Moth (Rarely appears)
Level 2 Revisited

Welcome back to Level 2. Like the last time you were here follow the same instructions (if you forgot go back up) as before but, go to FUN instead. When you're running away from the Smile keep your eye out on the right side for a multi color light show and a ladder. Walk up to the ladder to escape this Level and head into Level Fun...
Level Fun

Welcome to Level Fun. A strange Level that is infested with Partygoers and lots of equipment for parties.

When entering the Level it is crucial you learn this since at the moment there is no hint for the red balloons or peeking.

In this level you will primarily be stealthy. Crouching past the entities so they do not notice you and give chase. While hiding under tables and popping red balloons to gain their attention for a distraction. If you hold Q or E you will peek around a corner. While this is useful in some Levels, this is a really good Level to use it to avoid walking around a corner and being seen and likely killed for it.

Those are crucial for getting past this Level. Also, the bottle of pink or red liquid, do not drink it. It is Liquid Pain.

At the start of the Level you must pop a balloon and hide under a table so that 1 of the Partygoers looks a different direction so you can crouch through. As long as you're crouching a Partygoer cannot see you even if you are somewhat in its eyesight. Unless you are directly in front of it or walk into them you will be safe.

Use all of the knowledge above to maneuver around the Level until you get to a room that doesn't match the rest of the Level's carpet floor. In this area you are now 100% safe unless you led one there, and can now take a breather as you walk towards the exit. Just walk up to a slide in the wall and you will slide down into Level 37.

If in Multiplayer, be sure to use communication and think things through before triggering a chase or popping a balloon so everyone can hide and be ready for it.

Alternatively, one person can make a dash for the exit while another is being used as chase bait. This is risky however, on higher difficulties such as Nightmare to where if a player dies they restart the Level.

Here is a map of Level Fun
Entity - Partygoers

Found in Level Fun and later Level Fun+ is the Partygoers. They are huge in numbers, in height, and are always carrying a red balloon.

These childish monstrosities are very dangerous since usually if one of them sees you, the others will group up together and chase you like a hive mind.

They do not wander around and just dance in place to the music of the Level. Except for Level Fun+ later in the game in 2 areas in particular. Where they will walk around.

As long as it's not facing you, it won't come after you. If it's impossible to go around without it seeing you, trigger a chase by popping a red balloon or making it see you, then hide under a table. This will most likely turn it around.

  • Crouch when trying to get around one.
  • If spotted, run for the nearest table and crouch under it.
  • Peek around a corner before going

  • Walk/sprint behind or near it, as it will trigger a chase.
  • Pop a balloon with no intention of getting under a table.
  • Trigger a chase without knowing where the nearest table is.
  • Touch them.
    [*[ Run around a corner before peeking

Level Fun is considered as the hardest Level in the game so hopefully now you are very much geared for it with this info and the map in the Level section above.
Liquid Pain

Liquid Pain is a consumable item that you DO NOT want to consume. Otherwise you will die shortly after consumption.

If you see a bottle full of red or pink liquid do not grab it to save inventory space and potentially an accidental consumption.

You can find them on multiple Levels and some Sub-Levels starting to appear in Level Fun.
Level 37 - Sublimity

Welcome to Level 37. This Level has no entities and your sanity will not go down but, rather go up until it is full.

This place is mostly safe, do not go into big bodies of water that can drown you and into very dark rooms. If you go into a dark room and your vision starts to glitch out, immediately leave the room so you do not die.

Otherwise the Level is easy and safe.

If on Multiplayer, everyone spawns in a random location away from each other. The player hosting the lobby will spawn in the same spot every time (refer to the map image below)

Level door - Nearby the exit area is a room with many arches and is a bit dark. Nearby it is a big, empty room with water and a staircase upwards. Up the staircase is the Level door.

After you wander around the Level for awhile you should eventually find the exit door with a red light. Getting next to the door will take you to one of the most liked Levels in the game, also one of the most dangerous. Level !.

Here is the room with the exit:

Here is a map of the entire Level should you need extra help locating the exit or Hub door. The middle far left is the Hub door, the far right side with the "!" is the exit room.
Level ! - Run for your Life!

This is one of the most liked levels of the game, Level !.

When you enter this level you will be in a small room with 1 exit. The doors nearby will have entities in them waiting for you to start running. Once you walk a certain distance from them they will bust open the doors and begin chasing you. Your best choice is to Run for your life !

The path to the exit won't be easy. As there are objects in the hallway you must run around, doors that can swing open, objects you have to jump over, and sometimes some lights will fall from the ceiling.

So be ready to run around or jump over at a seconds notice so best pay attention.

Near the end of the hall a door will open widely, I would suggest taking it for an easier time. Once you get to the end of the hallway a door will be open for you to run into. Where you will go to the next Level which is also strange an unique like this since it has no number in its name, The End.

If in multiplayer makes sure to all be together when you start the entity horde chase. Otherwise, Partygoers from the nearby doors will bust through and kill everyone.

Since this map is from the wiki, I will add some info from the person who made this for you to better understand :

Simply follow the map's instructions. If you become better at this level, many new ways to go through open up, hardest being the big pile of rubble that you usually skip by going through the left door near the exit of the level.

Physics objects (marked by blue) on the map are very unreliable in multiplayer but sometimes singleplayer as well. You simply have to watch out where they fall and go to the opposite side.

The End

Welcome to The End. Although it isn't actually the last level in the game. Lore wise, it is a level meant to lure people in before they are killed and is usually entered by fake or sometimes real Exit door's.

This level is a square with many shelves, a desk in the center with a computer, a couple tables to hide under, and 2 fire alarms that can only be used once. Will talk about those in the entity section for this Level.

When entering the Level turn on the computer so you know how many tapes are left for you to collect. Your goal is to collect all the tapes on the shelves and tables and if you already interacted with the computer the exit will appear before you. If you collect all the tapes but, haven't activated the computer you will have to.

It is in your best interest to turn it on as soon as you can. It can also be used as some kind of light source.

After 90 seconds, the lights will turn off. Forcing you to use a Flashlight or other methods of sight to get around.

If on Multiplayer, you will need to collect more tapes. With 3-4 players being the max since they shared the same amount needed.

24 Tapes - 1 Player
32 Tapes - 2 Players
48 Tapes - 3-4 Players

While collecting the tapes only 1 entity will be around to cause some trouble, The Scratcher. Let's talk about it now.

Here is the map layout if needed :
Entity - The Scratcher

This is a huge fella. If you remember near the beginning of the guide there was some info about voice chat.

Well, if you use it near this fella it's best you do not talk when near it or it will move towards you and kill you.

There are many things about this entity.

It will crawl around the Level and make shushing noises and it will only chase if you are too close to it or making noise. If you're being chased you can hide under the 2 tables to avoid it. It rarely goes into the corners as well so you can do that. There is also 2 fire alarms in 2 corners of the Level. Interacting with it will make an alarm play and lure The Scratcher towards it until it is done. These can only be activated once so make use of these 2 distractions.

If the lights go out in The End, the entity's eyes will glow in the dark.

Here is some tips :

  • Stay far away from it.
  • Keep an eye on it at all times so you know its location.
  • Crouch and get near a wall if it gets close.
  • Use tables to hide when being chased
  • Use fire alarms to distract it for a time
  • Be directly in the corner to hide

  • Walk/Sprint near it.
  • Look away for long enough, as it can walk into you or near you.
  • If using in-game voice chat, do not talk anywhere near it.
Level 9223372036854775807 - The Escherian Stairwell

Welcome to Level 9223372036854775807. For typing and reading purposes. From this point it will be called Level 922-.

In Level 922- you will spawn at the bottom of a staircase with a note on the nearby wall. This Level is infinite in length so you must follow the Note.

Walk up the infinite stairwell and keep an eye on the floor number as you go up. RNG is involved so it may take more or less time each run through of this Level. Once you notice that one is incorrectly labelled as 94 instead of whichever number it should have been go up and once past that floor with it jump down into the center of the staircase. Where you will fall all the way back down to the bottom of it and noclip through the floor. This will take you to Level 94.

If you're on Nightmare difficulty, you will have the worst RNG every time, making you have to climb to the actual 94th floor before dropping.

Level 94 - Motion

Welcome to the strange looking, Level 94. When you start this Level look at the street sign next to you for the Note. This is the main thing happening in this area of Level 94. Traverse through the neighborhood and keep an eye out for the sky starting to change to night. On the streets you will occasionally see a van with some Almond Water next to and even inside of it. Hopping in will make travel faster. It can also lock the doors at night.

When it is night time you have 2 choices. If in a van stay inside of it and stay away from the doors so you don't get killed by the entity of this section, Animations. If you're not in a van or close to one rush into a house, turn off the lights with the light switch then hide under the bed or in the closet until morning.

Whether you see the sun come up or hear the music outside playing you are safe. If you do not turn off the lights the Animations will bust down the door enter the house. If you're hiding you are still safe but, do not leave your hiding spot or be killed.

This will happen about 3-4 times as you travel towards the castle. Under it is rope that you must climb to enter it.

Level Door - Beat the level to unlock it. You won't find it playing the Level. However, unlike other level doors using 94s will NOT be a 2 way door. Once you go in you cannot exit from Level 94 to The Hub. You have to escape the Level naturally or reopen your game.

Once inside the castle the path forward is blocked off. If you look at the floor you will notice shapes inside of circles. Walk into the cubes to push them. Look at the top of the cubes so you know where to push them. There is 4 of them, a circle, a star, a square, and all three of the shapes combined. Once all of them are on their spots the path will open up and in the hallway is the 2nd note of the Level.

Do not take your eyes off of the Animated King until you're ready for the "boss fight." As there are some items around you can nab if you need any.

Once you look away he will disappear from the stand and shortly, the lights will turn off. Behind the Animated King stand is a roller coaster and a timer going up on it.

Your goal now, is to keep looking around for him and stare at him to avoid being killed by his giant hammer. I would recommend staying near the podium and putting yourself in a position to where he can only come from 1 direction and look that way.

Once you survive for 100 seconds it will honk to let you know it is up. When it's up and ready interact with the roller coaster to ride on into Level 6. A level that is also seen as hard and very maze like.
Entity - Animations

These puppet-like entities are called Animations. When it is night time on Level 94 they will come out and hunt anything they can find and kill them. In this case, you and maybe your friends if in multiplayer. They are fast as well so you should be hiding before it is fully night. They hunt in small groups as well so they can end up surrounding you easily.

As soon as you see the sun going down, you should run to the closest house and hide. Alternatively, being in a van is also safe. Stay near the front of the van when the doors closed so you don't get caught. Sometimes this might not end up working so take your chances. You should also close the lights so the Animations don't catch you. You can hide in either the bed or the closet. If you're playing with 3 or 4 players be sure to go into 2 different houses since the only hiding spots are a bed and closet. 2 per house.

  • Hide in houses as soon as you see the sun going down
  • Turn off the lights of the house at night
  • Move quickly through the level
  • If in a van, stay near the front of it to avoid being caught. This may not always work.
  • If playing with 3-4 players split up with 2 players per house since there is only 2 hiding spots.

  • Stay out after the sun goes down
  • Keep the lights on of the house at night
  • Stand around in the houses at night, due to Animations being able to knock down doors and break into houses
  • Stay near the exit door of the van
  • If playing with 3-4 players do not all go into the same house since there is only 2 hiding spots.
Entity - The Animated King

This is the Animated King. The ruler of Level 94.

The Animated King is only seen inside the castle of this level and won't attack until his "boss fight" begins when the player(s) look away from him for a couple seconds.

When it begins, players must look for him and keep an eye on him so he disappears. They must repeat this until the timer reaches 100 seconds so they can escape the level via the roller coaster.

  • Turn around all the time and look out for him
  • Move continuously
  • Stay still for long periods of time
  • Wait more than 100 seconds
Level 6 - Lights out
Welcome to the darkness of Level 6. This place has little light in it so be sure to use a flashlight when navigating.

Some rooms have some Almond Water, Energy Bars, and even Juice.

When entering this Level search the nearby rooms for a flashlight since you'll need it for the first half of the Level.

After awhile you will hear and then see a room with a flickering light switch with a Note on it, grab a LiDAR Scanner to proceed forward. It has a radar to see if an entity is near you and if you click mouse 1 it will shoot out glow in the dark light particles.

Player colors are Green circles, red circles are the Wretches that roam this level in the darkness area. The glow in the dark light particles will also change colors occasionally when firing them out. Usually if you reequip it. If you hear or see the Wretch nearby crouch next to the wall to avoid being caught.

Any other light source in this area will not work so be sure to use this. Navigate through this area using it until you end up finding the door to Level 7.

Here is a map for the entire Level:
Entity - Wretch

When a wanderer loses their sanity they will go under a 3 stage process that ends with them becoming a Wretch. Attacking anything they find and are capable of using tools if they find any.

They are found on Level 6, Level 9, and the Abandoned Outpost. Due to this info when you read those Levels come back here to learn about tips for Wretches specifically in those Levels. So here are the tips against the Wretch.

Level 6
  • Sneak whenever you hear a wretch coming close to you using the Lidar Scanner and then hug the wall.
  • Use the LiDAR Scanner for knowing when a Wretch is coming close.

  • Walk/Sprint when a Wretch is nearby.
  • Freak out when the Wretch is bumping into you.
  • Stand in the path of the Wretch.

Level 9
  • Close the doors on them. Make sure to lock the door because Wretches are able to open them.
  • Run out of the house that he's in.
  • Crouch to avoid it finding your location
  • Forget to lock the doors in level 9.
  • Crouch when near them, they can see you unlike Level 6 so if seen refer to the Do's
Abandoned Outpost
  • Hide in a locker or in a vent to avoid being seen
  • Crouch so he doesn't hear you
  • Listen for doors opening, it might be passing through one nearby
  • Run around blindly into rooms or around corners
  • Try and trap it early, get all of the Almond Concentrate in the machine first
LiDAR Scanner

LiDAR Scanner's are used to traverse the dark area of Level 6 to get to the exit.

The radar is for letting them know where the Wretch is at (red circle) and where their teammate(s) are at (green circle)

Pressing (not holding) mouse 1 will shoot out light particles that glow in the dark so you can get a a sense of your surroundings. These will occasionally change into different colors if you reequip it after firing some out.
Level 7 - Thalassophobia

Welcome to Level 7. This level is divided into 2 areas. The floating houses and the underwater section.

Level Door - When getting here from level 6, do not go down the stairs, look to your left and walk around to find it.

When you go down the stairs there are items you can nab for your sanity. There is a note by the window you can check as well. 4 boats will be outside, 1 for each player.

Use WASD to move the boat around and check some houses for more items if you need them. Inside one of them is a Note and some Flare Guns.

These are used for seeing through the fog for a short time and can be used in multiplayer to reveal your position to your teammate(s) as well.

When you get to the lighthouse the fog will begin to clear away.

You will see a water cage and some diving helmets. Grab one, put it on and enter the cage to start a cut scene that leads into the underwater section.

During this scene The Thing on Level 7 will knock it loose and you will be able to leave it and swim around. The ocean floor is sandy with many rocks and sea weed or kelp around. Your goal is to find a giant rock and swim above it and go down into it. Follow the lights under the water to lead you into Level 8.

Here is a map for both sections:
Entity - The Thing on Level 7

The Thing on Level 7 is the only entity on this level. Currently, it is only used for a cut scene and is harmless.

It's a giant fish-like creature resembling the angler fish.
Flare Gun & Diving Helmet

Flare guns can be found in a house in Level 7 with a note next to it.

It's used to temporarily see through some of the fog and in multiplayer is used to give your position away to your teammate(s).

Other than that there is no real use for it after the fog clears when you get to the lighthouse.

Diving helmets are found by the water cage and must be equipped to proceed forward so you can get closer to getting to Level 8.

Once equipped you cannot take it off or use other items until you get to Level 8. Where you will take it off immediately.
Level 8 - Cave System

Welcome to the cavernous Level 8.

When you enter this Level there is some items on the table. If on single player the walkie talkie shouldn't be grabbed and should use that inventory space for something else.

Walk forward into the decontamination room and interact with the Bug Spray Valve. There is some text which hints towards there being Female Death Moths. If needed, scroll back up for their info on this Level. Usually most of the same stuff applies such as crouching when near them.

Sometimes when walking around the cave will collapse and block the path you just came in. Which does nothing in Single player but, in Multiplayer it will split up the team if they are not travelling through together.

Continue forward to the next decontamination room and then head forward til you find the bridge. It is recommended you take the bridge. Read the note on the right side of it.

Walk or crouch across it, if you sprint on it the bridge will break and you will most likely die as a result. If on multiplayer, cross it one at a time or else it will break.

It is best to go this way so you can nab the items on the table. If somehow you survive the bridge collapsing or if on multiplayer a teammate breaks it, there is an alternate path nearby. Check the right side of the bridge and try and move upwards into a hole that you need to crouch into.

Both will lead to the final area where Skin-Stealers await you, if needed scroll back up to their section for more info. In this level there is 2 of them with flashlights to make their presence easier to spot. Unlike other Levels, there is no hiding spot except the decontamination rooms at the start and end of this area.

Once you get past the Skin-Stealers you will find a ladder and nearby, a giant gap that leads into darkness. When you revisit this Level you will be on the other side of the gap so keep that in mind.

Climb up the ladder so you enter a portion of Level 0, in it is a room that resembles Level 0.2 and nearby is The Manila Room.

Here is a map of the Level:
Walkie Talkie

These are some Walkie Talkies that you'll find in a couple Levels. Useless in single player but, useful in multiplayer for long distance voice chat for those listening in.

Not only that, they can also be used to make a beeping noise that will let your teammate(s) know where you are.
The Manila Room
Welcome back to Level 0, but, not in the same area where you were when you started this adventure.

You are in a small area that has a room that resembles Sub-Level 0.2 and nearby, The Manila Room.

Level door - When coming in from Level 8 hug the left wall before the area with the 0.2 and Manila rooms

When entering this level proceed forward and look around at both rooms. The Manila Room has a note in it.

Go to the room that looks like 0.2 and turn the lights off 3 times and pay attention to the walls. The object will cast shadows onto each number that you must use to unlock the locker in the Manila Room.

Unless a future update makes the code random, the code is Square, Circle, Arrow.

After opening the locker there is items inside and a Chainsaw. Use it to break the nearby boards and continue walking. You will eventually noclip into Sub-Level 0.11 by accident.

This is a chainsaw. It is found only in 2 Levels, the portion of Level 0 with the 0.2 room and The Manila Room and in Level 0.11 which is needed in both Levels to proceed forward.

It is used to break wooden boards that are keeping doors locked and the entrance to Level 0.11 blocked.

As stated earlier with the Crowbar, DO NOT try using this as a weapon against entities ! You will just get yourself killed.
Sub-Level 0.11 - Water Damage

Welcome to the gloomy and unsettling Sub-Level 0.11 !

When spawning in you are in a random place, if in multiplayer all players will spawn in random spots with the path leading to a main area.

At the start of this area is a table with a Note, items, and a Chainsaw.

Your goal in this area is to look around and use the Chainsaw to open doorways so you can find all 4 Levers and pull them so the gate opens up so you can leave the Level.

If on multiplayer, the more players there are the shorter the timer is on each Lever. If with 4 players everyone needs to co-ordinate when to pull the Levers so they are all on.

Due note, that as more players are killed the levers will take more time to turn off. That way if 4 players enter the Sub-Level and all but 1 die, they can still beat it by them self.

Finding them won't be easy since 2 of the 4 Levers are in random locations every time. If you get a game over they will change positions. So be sure to check every room and note their locations if on single player or with 2-3 players.

Not only that, the Howler is back to cause some mayhem. If needed, scroll back up to read about it. The main thing here to avoid it is to peek around corners and use the lever rooms and vents to hide in.

Once the gate is opened on the other side is another lever that will force it open. Useful for multiplayer so all 4 players can get through.

After this you will find a door that takes you to Level 188.

Here is a map of the Sub-Level
Level 188 - The Courtyard of Windows

Welcome to the 2nd smallest Level in the game currently, Level 188.

This Level is very, very simple. When walking forward you will see a door and to your right, windows.

After entering the room past the door you will see an elevator that requires a code and next to it on the table is the Note.

Go back and note the windows that stand out from the rest in the horizontal row.

Use this knowledge to get the code needed to open the Elevator. Once you unlock it, walk inside it and press a button to head back to Level 8...remember that gap from earlier ?

If you forget or just want to run through the code is 415314
Level 8 Revisited
After returning to this cave system from Level 188 you will be on the other side of the gap from earlier. Continue following the path and head upwards to exit into Level 9.
Level 9 - Darkened Suburbs

Feels like home a little bit. This is Level 9. A dark neighborhood with danger inside and outside homes.

When you come here from Level 8 there is a bench nearby with items and a Note. The note is very useful for this Level. Head into the house in front of you and search it for items, as you look around when you close a door check the upper half of it for a tiny slider. Interact with the slider to lock the door. Do it again to unlock it then you can open the door. This is something very important so do not forget it.

Level door - When coming in from Level 8, head to the House immediately to your right and search it, there is a door that goes downward into a basement. You will find the door down there.

While searching the first house you might hear loud footsteps. You are safe inside the house from The Neighborhood Watch. Only 1 of them is on the Level and follows a set path and is loud. Do not get in its line of sight and if it chases you, you're most likely dead since it's faster than you. Your only hope is to run inside a house.

In the middle of the Level is a fence that is locked. Your goal is to get inside the M.E.G. base. Outside of it is another bench with more items and the same Note from earlier. Check the mini map on it to see a map of the Level. On it you should see houses that are blinking red. You must head to those houses and find a computer. Interact with the computer until it is done. If you exit out of the computer it will reset. Make sure you're safe before you mess with it.

It ain't that easy though. Besides The Neighborhood Watch roaming the streets, inside some homes have a Wretch in them. If needed scroll back up to see info about it for this Level. Important things to note about them is that, they are not blind like in Level 6 so do not be in its line of sight and be sure to crouch to make less noise. If you are chased you can run outside and wait since they cannot leave or you can hide in a room and lock the door.

If it couldn't be a bit harder, the Level has the computers in random spots every time you enter the Level. If you die, it doesn't change but, it is unique every time you enter it.

Some houses with the computers are 100% safe, some have a Wretch, some have items, and there are houses that are a mix of items and are safe or with a Wretch inside.

You might find a gate with a keycard terminal nearby it. Ignore it for now.

Once you turn all the computers on the gate will unlock, enter the M.E.G. base and follow the arrow to the basement to enter...The Abandoned Outpost.

Here is a map of the Level, every house that is marked as safe, a Wretch, and the Hub door is a potential spot for a computer to be at.

Entity - The Neighborhood Watch

Eye see The Neighborhood Watch nearby.

Only found in Level 9, this giant eye with legs that end in hands will roam the streets in a set path. It is faster than the player even with juice so be sure to avoid being chased or you are likely to die from it.

Here are some tips:

  • Listen for its loud footsteps to make informal decisions
  • Stay away from its line of sight (the front has more eyesight range than the backside)
  • Hide out of sight behind bushes or inside houses to avoid being seen

  • Run towards any loud footsteps you hear
  • Get too close to it from behind
  • Be in front of it
  • Be in a sandwich scenario with it and a Wretch
Abandoned Outpost
Welcome to the Abandoned Outpost.

When entering this place proceed forward and in the first notable room listen to the video that plays. If you forgot you can keep reading. Among other things.

Your goal in this area is to find the 4 bottles of Almond Concentrate and put them into the machine, afterwards have the Wretch chase you and lure it into the trap. Push the shower forward and turn the red handle to spray it.

The Wretch will be cured and you can now grab the keycard. Head back out to Level 9 after getting the keycard.

This area can be dangerous so read the Wretch section back up for info and tips for it in this area. Don't forget to listen for it as it opens doors, use lockers and vents to hide, and always peek around a corner just in case.

Here is a map of the Abandoned Outpost:
Almond Concentrate

This is what the bottles of Almond Concentrate look like. As said above, find all 4 and put them in the machine to get closer to getting that keycard from the Wretch. Other than that, they server no other purpose and cannot be drunk like Almond Water.
Level 9 Revisited

After returning here from the Abandoned Outpost with the keycard from the now cured Wretch. Head to the closed gate and use the keycard to open it. Head inwards to get to Level 10.
Level 10 - The Bumper Crop

You are now in the last fully done Level in the game, Level 10.

When spawning in follow the road and every few seconds turn around and look at the Faceling Rogue to make it flee back into the wheat fields. Keep doing this until you get to the farm.

At the farm, grab all the items you'll need and if in Multiplayer, grab the walkie talkies just incase you or a teammate get lost for the next area.

Reading the Note you should now know your objective.

Follow what path there is and into the fields and head straight for the red light. When you reach it you will see a Windmill and a generator. Turning it on will turn the light green and turn the next on one (red light). Repeat this process of following what path there is from the Windmill into the field, hug the fence for an opening and keep heading straight for the light until you find the parking lot that leads out of the Level and into Level 3999.

This sounds safe but, it isn't. When you're about to enter the wheat field after the 1st generator a Farmer Faceling will appear, turn the chainsaw on, and chase after you. Do not walk into him unless you want to literally get shredded.

Other than that, this Level is pretty easy once you know what to do.

Here is a map of the whole Level:
Entity - Facelings
Say hello to the Facelings, they are humanoids that lack facial features.

Faceling Rogue's only appear on the road to the Farm on Level 10 and Farmer Faceling will appear after the 1st generator is turned on and hunt the player.

Here are their tips.

Faceling Rogue

  • Turn around every few seconds and stare at them until you see them walk towards the fields
  • Run away so you have more time to look at it before it catches up and grabs you

  • Keep walking and never turning around
  • Walk, since you will have less time to turn around and look at it before it grabs you

Farmer Faceling

  • Use the startup time on your first encounter to gain more distance on it before it starts chasing
  • Use Juice to get speed
  • Get far away until you cannot hear its chainsaw, you most likely lost it
  • Run blindly in a wheat field without knowing your layout, you might just corner yourself
  • Run towards any chainsaw noise you hear
Level 3999 - The True Ending

Welcome gamer to Level 3999.

Level door - after spawning in, check the left side before continuing down the long hallway.

Once you enter this level and head down the hallway you will see an elevator on the left side, a note next to it, and lots of games. Your goal is to look around the room for the elevator code.

If you have trouble finding it : In the corner of the room is arcade tickets on a table, it has the code on it. 9-3-1 is the code and it is NOT randomized so if you can remember this you can just speedrun 3999 faster than normal.

As you're taking the elevator to the next Level, watch the video that is being played. You are going to need this.
Sub-Level 0.2 - Remodeled Mess & Sub-Level 0.1 - The Danger Zone

Welcome to a Sub-Level that is a mixture of two. The main area is Sub-Level 0.2 which has the entrance and exit and Sub-Level 0.1 which is where you will be going to do some work and not die horribly.

As you enter this Sub-Level from 3999 there is some items you can grab to keep yourself sane and a lot of warning signs. Do NOT go past those signs or else you will die (you will later though). With some notes nearby.

There is a map that can be seen nearby that lets you know how many rooms are left to be powered on (red light meaning it needs to and green meaning it already is on)

If you remember that video from the 3999 elevator you should know what comes next, Noclipping.

Continue left and search around. You will find doors that are locked and patches on the floor so you can noclip into 0.1, your goal is to go into 0.1 with flashlights on to protect yourself from Smilers and open the doors down there to unlock the corresponding one in 0.2 (i.e. opening a door and inside has toilets on the ceiling means that the door that has toilets in 0.2 can now be opened).

There is 5 doors to open up so you can do them 1 by 1 or all at once since 0.1 also has noclip areas that take you back to 0.2 (Useful for running away from the single Skin-Stealer down there).

Once you enter any of the rooms in 0.2 interact with the generator and click when the meter stick is in the highlighted area.

You can use the noclip area as a rough (if not exact) map of 0.1 so you can find the doors you're missing easier.

Once all 5 generators are on head back to the starting area and now you can flip a switch to have a gate go down so you do not get devoured by the Bone Thief. However, that gate will open again so once you flip the switch you must run to the exit on the other side quickly. Once you get inside the exit it will be used to take you to another Sub-Level. A delicious one...
Entity - Bone Thieves

This big yellow fellow is a Bone Thief. It only appears in Sub-Level 0.2, guarding the exit. It is easy to avoid since it is in a big, dark tunnel that has many warning signs outside of its attack range.

When a player gets in the attack range they are dead, with no way to run away once it is attacking. It will teleport the victims bones elsewhere so they cannot move and then picks that player up and swallows them whole before going back into the darkness.

  • Avoid going in its area of attack prematurely
  • Flip the switch (when powered on) and run quickly to the exit

  • Go into its area prematurely
  • Walk to the exit after flipping the switch

Sub-Level 6.1 - The Snackrooms

Welcome to the smallest area in the game, Sub-Level 6.1. Once you enter this place be sure to pile up on your sanity and many drinks, especially Juice for the next area afterwards.

Also, when you spawn in get out of the elevator before it falls or else you will die. After stocking up there is a note to the left side of the spawn, look at it and head behind the counter to input the code
The code is, top row to bottom, left to right : 3, 7, 5, 2

Once you put it in the doors will open nearby so you can head into the next area. If you loved Level ! then you're going to love its Sub-Level.

Level !~! - Hotel Chase

Just like its main Level counterpart, you're going to be running for your life. However, before that continue down the hallway and head left, there is a note and a pressure plate. If in Singleplayer you can press it yourself, if in Multiplayer 1 or more players will have to stand on it to keep a nearby gate open (and should stay on it until you leave that area).

After going past the gate there is a Lever on a wall. Drink some juice just before pulling it because once you pull it (opening a door near the pressure plate) a Clump will start chasing after you. I tell you to drink your juice 1st so that A) you get more speed so you can get more distance early on for any errors when running and B) your teammate(s) on the pressure plate can start running sooner with you so they don't get off the pressure plate that will lock you with it and be eaten.

As you run down the hallways doors will open to block you so be ready to move your mouse or press A or D to move out of the way. Keep running and when you see a blue light area to run into it. Being there will restore your sanity AND keep you 100% safe. Grab the chainsaw before opening a door and dropping down. Once you do drop down turn around and use the Chainsaw on a blocked door to be able to open it and continue running.

In this area there are wrong paths that if you take, a Smiler will spawn at the end of the dark hallway and will chase after you (it is faster than you and the Clump so as you fail, remember the correct path). After running there will be a hole that you must drop into that has a blue light coming from it. Continue running once you fall down. Follow the exit signs so you run around a bookshelf and down a flight of stairs and into another doorway, take a right. There will be a blue light that appears for a brief moment before the door to it closes, do not go towards it, take a right, then a left, and you just need to keep running and then you are safe again and done with the Sub-Level. A nearby door will take you to a Level you have already been to but, instead of it just being 1 room and a puzzle for the elevator it is now the actual level itself...

Here is 2 images for the Level (the 2nd image is where you drop down into the hallway after getting the Chainsaw, starting on the right side of the image)
Entity - Clump

Photo taken by yours truly

Clumps are giant creatures of many legs and arms and have a single mouth in the center of their bodies. If once reaches you it will devour you.

Level !-!
  • Keep running and do not slow down
  • Drink Juice or some Moth Jelly for a speed boost to increase your distance away from it
  • Don't look back to see it since you will slow down or even stop moving for a moment

  • Stay still or walk
  • Run towards it

Sub-Level 37.2

  • Keep out of sight
  • Peek around corners before proceeding forward
  • Jump into a body of water so it stops chasing you
  • Keep note of where it is before turning any Valves since it makes zero noise at all except for when it kills a player

  • Run around a corner blindly
  • Start turning a valve if you don't know where it is (this opens you up for a surprise attack)
Level 188 - The Courtyard of Windows (Revisited)

Welcome back to Level 188. Unlike the last time you were here you're not gonna be here for a minute and move onward.

Level door - When entering the Level check the doors on the left side to find The Hub it should be near a sign that has "H" written on it.

For this level you will be using an elevator to travel from this floor to another one back and forth. Moving TVs that have a sticky note on them to let you know where you need to put them. There is a note nearby on a table that shows this.

When you go to the floor you can go left or right, they do connect btw so like a long hallway. Check the hotel rooms, bathrooms, etc. for the TVs. When you find one interact with it to start moving it around. When you need to turn stop moving then use A or D. When in this state of moving it you will be slow so have doors open to run into them to hide from an Aranea Membri that roams the hallways.

When in the hotel rooms if you see the curtains move and an entity behind the window do NOT get too close or else you will be killed. These hotel rooms can also have supplies in them to keep you sane.

The TV spawn locations are random so you cannot memorize them, once they spawn they won't change their location so if you do remember where you have not checked you can just run to those locations to look for them.

When you get back to the elevators push the TV into the one with the electric puddle inside then go into yours and head back up. Then move the TV in the correct place and go back down over and over until you have all 3. Once all 3 are placed a door nearby will open. Go through the doorway and do the instructions on the wall. Another Aranea Membri will appear to try and get you before you can make the jump. Once you go down you will head to the next Level. You have been there before as well but, things won't be as easy or safe like before...
Entity - Window Entities

Say hello to the Window Entity. On Level 188 they inhabit the windows in some of the hotel rooms, watching the player(s) as they traverse the room and knock on it to tempt them to get closer. If a player gets too close they will break the window and grab and strangle the players neck til they die.

Because they don't move it is easy to avoid them.

  • Stay away from windows until you know there isn't a Window Entity there. (W.E. for short)
  • Walk into rooms instead of sprinting so you don't get caught off guard if you reach the window before the W.E. opens the curtains to show itself

  • Run straight towards a window when entering any hotel room
  • Approach the window when there is an entity there
Entity - Aranea Membri

This entity is a large, spider-like creature with a skull for a head. In Level 188 one will roam the hallways for players to kill. It is extremely fast so you are not gonna outrun it and will be forced to hide in a room.

Later on, when the exit door is opened getting too close to the lit area instead of jumping down will have one emerge from the ceiling and start chasing any player outside.

If it catches the player it will tilt its head then kill them with a single bite.

  • Keep nearby doors open so you can have an easier and faster time hiding
  • Peek around a corner before going towards it

  • Take too long to enter a room due to its high speed
  • Run around a corner if you don't know where it is
Level 37 - Sublimity (Revisited) & Sub-Level 37.2 - Dark Poolrooms

Welcome back to Level 37. Except this time it isn't as safe like before.

When you enter this Level you must crouch and slide under a small hole in a nearby wall to go forward. In this area you will be using a floatie boat to traverse the pools to go forward, occasionally getting off of it to turn some valves to fill the place up with more or less water so you can go forward.

If you see a body of water that is green that is a disease called, Hydrolitis Plague and you should definitely use the floatie boat to get past it since you will die in seconds if you stay in it. Here is the note and a map of the level.

In the 1st area in 37 just use it until you need to climb a ladder to turn many valves quickly (they have timers and they will be shorter the more players there are).

However, in total of 3 times you will be forced to leave it and climb downwards into Sub-Level 37.2, which is a dark place with a Clump in each area looking around for a meal.

When entering each area of 37.2 be sure to turn all the valves you find until the nearby water container is completely full. If you cannot tell turn 1 or 2 valves and check back on it so you know what to look for when it is full. Some areas have more valves to turn than others so be sure to check the tank before leaving. If you do, don't worry because it will save each time you turn a valve.

The areas are very dangerous since some bodies of water have Hydrolitis Plague in them and you should avoid falling into it and if you do, get out of it as quickly as possible. Also, the Clumps make zero noise when moving around. The only time they make a noise if when they kill a player. So be sure to know where it is before turning a valve so it doesn't sneak up behind you for an easy kill.

Besides the Clump and infected water, there are other dangers. In the 2nd area in 37 there is waterfall that you must exit the boat before you go over into it to turn some valves. There is also a bridge...remember the bridge in Level 8 ? Same rules for making it break so do not break it. If you do however, you can take a nearby ladder and get to the other side to raise the water level so you don't fall into the pit.

In the areas for 37.2 you need to turn valves as stated, area 1 and 2 has 4 valves you need to turn while the final area has 7 valves you need to turn. Here is map images for the dark areas with valves. (Note: Area 3 map image is still in the works)

After you do all 3 areas in 37.2 you just need to move forward until you find a staircase. Climb up it and pick a slide to leave this place and enter a place that is even more fun...
Entity - Hydrolitis Plague

Hydrolitis Plague is a disease that infests some areas in your revisit to Level 37 and some areas in Sub-Level 37.2 as well. In the lore, this disease will cause a victim to die over a course of a few hours with a 16% survival rate. Since this is a video game, it obviously won't take that long.

  • Avoid bodies of water that are infected with the Hydrolitis Plague (from here forward, referred to as H.P.)
  • Use the floatie boat to traverse over it safely
  • If you fall into a body of water with H.P. quickly leave it because standing in it for a few seconds will result in death

  • Stand in a body of water infected with H.P. for too long
Level Fun+

Welcome back for more fun. You're now in the Sub-Level of Level Fun, Level Fun+. This time it will take more time to get through.

The main area has the exit locked with a gate, a key machine that will open it, 4 exits into different areas to get those keys, and tons of tables that have a lot of supplies (they will respawn if you re-enter the area) for you to keep yourself sane.

Since you can do any of the 4 areas in any order here is each one. Also, when you beat an area it will be locked so you cannot go back to an area you already beaten and waste time. -

Funhouse Sector = There is a note nearby and fireworks on some nearby tables. Your goal in this area is to stun Party Hosts (can be on the walls and ceiling) to be able to open the blue doors forward and forward until you get the key.

This area is very dangerous, because after a set amount of time Partygoers will be summoned by the Party Hosts to hunt down all the players within the area. So like the original Level Fun, hide under a table quickly ! After stunning a Party Host or moving around be sure to hide under a table prematurely to best avoid being killed.

The blue doors are the way forward, however, if you do not hit all the Party Hosts in that section the doors won't open to the next one so be sure to check every doorway, wall, and ceiling to make sure you got them all. Once all the Party Hosts have been dealt with the Partygoers will no longer come out to hunt you down. Making the area safe to traverse to grab the key and leave.

Be careful when throwing fireworks. They can kill you and your teammates if in Multiplayer.

Arcade Sector = This area has 2 floors. The bottom floor is 100% safe and should be used to look around for each glowstick color and read the note nearby (There is 4 colors, Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue).

Once you have all 4 head upstairs into the dark area and place the glowsticks on the upper floor near their correct symbol, the symbol will be more revealed as you get closer and if the correct color is out. If you forgot which symbol goes to which one, check the node nearby the note on the bottom floor.

If you forget, it is Red present, Yellow eye, Blue cloud, and Green balloons. Upstairs is not safe since your sanity will go down and there is 1 Partygoer walking around, yes walking around. However, its eyesight is very poor so even if it looking in your direction it won't give chase until you are too close. So be sure to peek around corners, use a flashlight to look further in since Glowsticks only light up the area near you, and note the closest table that you can hide under if it gives chase. As far as I know it cannot go downstairs so you can just run out of that dark area to be safe.

Playhouse Sector = This area is 100% safe entirely! Your goal is to find a VHS tape in 1 of the 3 rooms nearby the TV which also has a Note nearby it (randomly picks 1 to spawn at).

Follow the instructions on the tape and pop the balloons in that order, it will be 1 color, than that color again and another one, (i.e. Green 1st, Green then Yellow for 2nd, etc.) repeat this until all the balloons are popped and the nearby door will unlock so you can get the key. If you fail at any point all the balloons will respawn. If you have memory issues, type the order in the text chat in game so you can tell. There will be 5 instructions in total with each one adding 1 more balloon to pop.

Party Sector = This area is dangerous to be in so be ready to hide under a table at any point. Your goal is to keep popping the balloons until you get a key from one, then grab the key and leave (will make a sound when you pop the right balloon).

However, it isn't safe because 3 Partygoers walk around the area and their eyesight is not poor so be ready to hide under a table. The key can be in ANY balloon, whether it is a balloon out in the open or nearby a table. Since popping balloons can attract Partygoers be ready to hide once you know they're coming for you. Be sure to listen out for that sound so you can grab the key. The key will choose a random balloon to be inside of so be ready.

Once you have all 4 keys (or you can do each one as you get it) use the key machine to insert them so you can open the gate and leave this place. Use WASD to move the device so it lines up with the correct color hole to that key and click to insert the key so it goes into it and falls. If you fail it will reset before the click so you can make your tiny adjustments to get it in.
Entity - Party Hosts

The Party hosts are cake-like entities that have a single eyeball in the middle and are the leaders of the Partygoers. In-game, they will alert your position to the Partygoers every few moments. They can be on walls and ceilings as well. They do have a weak spot, their eyeball.

  • Throw a firework directly at them from a safe distance to kill them and not kill yourself from the blast
  • Kill them so you can proceed forward
  • Take note of the closest table to hide under when it alerts Partygoers of your location

  • Throw a firework when too close to them
  • Stand out in the open with no intent of hiding or killing one (Partygoers will come to you)

Fireworks are a tool used in 1 area in Level Fun+ to kill Party Hosts so you can proceed forward into the next room to repeat this until all of them are killed so you can get the key and leave the area.

Be careful however, if you're too close to the Party Hosts when you throw it at them the explosion will kill you once it makes physical contact with it. If you miss or a teammate does, get away since it can kill teammates as well.

Be sure to tell your teammate(s) when you're going to throw it so they know to look and see where they need to go to avoid being killed in the festive explosion.

This is a red glowstick.

Glowsticks are found in 1 area in Level Fun+ to light up the correct symbols corresponding to each color to open a door to get a key. The 4 colors are, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green.

Pulling one out will light up the area around you, unlike a flashlight it won't light up a hallway by you just looking down it. Clicking will make you drop the glowstick (you can pick it back up) to mark a spot for a light source or light up the symbol.

In the area where they appear they're on the bottom floor on tables. Each table having 4 of a single color, totaling to 16 altogether. More than enough to get the symbols and use some for a light source if you don't have a flashlight to use.
Level 52 - The School Halls

Back to school is always fun, except for the Partypoopers since that is where nearly all of them died.

Hub door - When entering this Level check the right side immediately in the room with supplies and Notes. The room you start in.

This level is perhaps the easiest if you have the patience and don't rush it. As the note states you need to find a Partypooper and follow its movements. After spotting a player it'll motion them to follow it to the exit of this Level.

As you follow behind it, copy its movements. If it starts crouching you NEED to crouch where it did and not until you walk into the spot it stops crouching. If it runs you should also run to keep up with it.

Failing to do so will either make you get separated from it OR get a Partygoer's attention and it will end up being your death as well as the Partypooper's death. If in singleplayer getting caught will be your death but, in Multiplayer depends where your teammate(s) are at when they get you they can be safe...but, they will either get lost and killed since the Partypooper ran ahead with no one following it OR the death of it and the player(s) will be forced to restart the level to reset everything, die to reset everything, or navigate the school alone and lost hoping they don't get killed like their supposed guide.

As long as you follow the Partypooper and copy its movements you will be safe and reach the exit after 2-ish minutes. Very easy Level once you know how it works.
Entity - The Partypoopers

The Partypooper's are the only entities in this game that are friendly towards you. You will see drawings of them in Level Fun+, and see one dead and another one alive in Level 52.

Its purpose in the game is to guide you safely out of Level 52 so you don't get killed by the Partygoers.

In lore they once had a war with the Partygoers, named The Fun War, which resulted in many casualties with the Partygoers being victorious over them. The Partypoopers are now few in numbers and if you ever see one to follow it exactly. For now only 1 is seen alive in Level 52 however, if a future update adds more of them be sure to follow them and stray from the path or their movements.

  • Copy their movements exactly
  • Follow them

  • Ignore their movements as your guide through the Level
  • Get them killed, this will make things much harder for you to escape
Sub-Level 55.1 - Tunnel Level

Welcome to Sub-Level 55.1 which is your final destination in the game as of Part 4.

When entering this Sub-Level there is supplies to keep you sane, flashlights for sight and safety against Smilers, Cameras, and a Note.

Your goal is to take 6 pictures to unlock the hatch above the elevator so you can leave this place. 2 pictures per floor with an exception if on Multiplayer.

The elevator has a lever on it. Interacting with it will loop on actions. Making it lower, stop, making it rise, stop, and back to making it go lower. So be sure to interact with it at the right time so if you need to use it in an emergency you're going the right direction.

The pictures you need to take are the same except for the first one. The first picture will be determined whether you're doing this alone or in Multiplayer. You will also need to be a bit close sometimes for the picture to count as collected.

The pictures you need to take will correspond to each floor you go to using the elevator. So in order:

Multiplayer exclusive : Take a picture of a teammate or multiple teammates

After this use the elevator to go down to a floor that resembles Sub-Level 0.2, which is safe to traverse.

Singleplayer exclusive : Take a picture of the graffiti on a wall, "Who is here?"

Then explore that floor and find a construction site that has Level 0 on the other side of the material and take the picture. Return to the elevator after this.

Heading downwards is now a floor that resembles Sub-Level 0.3 (A Level 0 Sub-Level that is Level 0 but icy cold with blue lights and darkness) and explore it to take a picture of a van with tires. This and the next floor are NOT SAFE. After this you will need to go to or let it come to you. Take a picture of a Howler. There is some lockers nearby you can use to hide in or run back to the elevator and make it rise to avoid being killed.

After this picture head downwards towards the final floor that resembles Sub-Level 0.11.

Remember how there were flashlights at the starting floor ? You better have brought one since it is much easier to use against the Smilers instead of the Camera (which has a delay between taking pictures).

You can stand on the elevator and wait for the Smilers that try to kill you and use the flashlight to kill them. Unlike the Sub-Level 0.2 and 0.1 combo earlier with the Bone Thief these Smilers will NOT respawn when killed so you can wait a bit, kill them all or many and then proceed to do your business as a photographer. However, there is a Skin-Stealer on this floor as well so be ready to run and follow whatever rules you have with your teammate(s) to know if it is them or not.

Explore around and take pictures of the moai statues and then take a picture of the Skin-Stealer itself. Due note that you do NOT need it to show its true form for the picture. If you see it disguised sneak up behind it and take the picture and it will count.

Once you took your 6th and final picture head back to the elevator and let it rise upwards so you can get to your exit...

This camera is used only in Sub-Level 55.1 and is used to take the 6 pictures needed to open a hatch to the exit above the elevator.

It can also be used to kill Smilers but, it has a delay when clicking to use it. Which can result in your death if you click it too late.

So it is better to use a flashlight to kill them and only pull the camera out to take the pictures you need.
Ending #1 (Spoiler)
After beating Sub-Level 55.1 and taking the elevator upwards you enter a floor that is full of plant life on the floor. Nearby is an open door that has a static TV and the other opens up into a pit of light.

Falling into this light will finally make you Escape the Backrooms...except you're not inside a building or out in the open. You noclip back to Earth (Called the Frontrooms in the lore) but way above the ground. As you fall your camera keeps recording until you fall onto a highway filled with traffic. The camera cuts out for a brief moment before coming back on before it is destroyed by a car driving by.

You got (Currently the only) the ending of the story mode. Your hopes of escaping have come to fruition but, at the cost of your life. Unless endings get their own names I will for now dub this as

That Flattened Ending

(Feel free to suggest name ideas)

For now this is the end of the game...until more Levels and with them, new endings are added. For now your journey of pain and fear fueled by your determination to leave this place and tell the tale all were for nothing as you to die after a great height. At least you died in a place where you will be found.
Upcoming content
Now that you know how to currently beat the game note that there is still more content coming. Here is a list of what is going to be added :
  • New player model (Toggle to be this new on or the current one)
  • Survival Game Mode
  • Hide And Seek Game Mode
  • Confection (Zombies/Infection) Game Mode
  • Punching/Stun People (Hide And Seek)
  • Level Selector (The Hub Button In Main Menu)
  • Level 0 Expansion
  • Updated Item system
  • Missions
  • Player progression system
  • Unknown system to help Fancy make more Levels quicker and or easier
  • Secret endings
  • Secret Levels
  • Procedural Generation
  • Level Editor
  • Console Support
  • Level 974 - Kitty's House along with the entity, Kitty
  • Non-linear Level path (1 level having multiple exits to other levels)
  • New Almond Water can model
  • The End rework
  • The Thing on Level 7 (Actual threat, not just for a cutscene)
  • Level You Cheated
  • Animations for using items in 3rd person (So teammates can see you doing stuff and not just standing there when you drink something)

Some of these will easily add replay ability to the game as well as more modes with friends besides the main mode. This list also only the list of things that is 100% going to be added to the game while there are other things that might be added. If you want that list join Fancy's discord server, check the [CONFIRMED STUFF] section and check the pins. That way you can get a bigger picture of what might be coming. Also note, some of the stuff above is planned BUT is currently unknown when it will be added such as Console Support and Level 974.

Here is a link to Fancy's discord server which also has a link to the Wiki discord server as well :

If that link does not work go to Fancy's youtube channel and pick any Backrooms dev video and check the description. Here is his channel :
Special Thanks
This is where all the people who made images, had information, etc. are listed for the content in this guide.

  • RoystbitOfficial - For making most of the Full Game guide on the official wiki which inspired this guide to be made and the order and structure of this guide as well. Also for the Level 0 map image, almond water, Level 3 map image, Level 5 map image for The Boiler Room, Male & Female Death Moth images, Level 94 Castle image, Level 8 map image, Sub-Level 0.11 header image, Level 9 map image, Level 52 image

  • Conner'sGaming Corner - For the images of the Level 0 Note, Both Level 1 Notes, The Hub Note, Level 3 Note, Level 3 image, Level 4 image, Level 5 image, Level 5 map images for The Halls and The Hotel, Level 4 map image, Level 9223372036854775807 Note, Level 94 image for the neighborhood area, Both Notes for Level 94, image header for Level 6, Level 6 Note, Level 6 Map image, Level 7 header image, Level 7 second note, Level 7 map images for both areas, Level 9 header image, The Abandoned Outpost map image, Level 10 map image, Level Fun map image, Sub-Level 0.11 Map image, The End Map image, Level 37 Map image, Level 3999 Note, Sub-Level 0.1 image, Sub-Level 6.1 image, Sub-Level 37.2 Steam Promo image, Hydro Plague image, Sub-Level 55.1 image, Party Pooper image, Camera image, Level 0.2 & 0.1 combo Notes, 6.1 Note, 188 Note 2, 37 Note, 37.2 Note, 52 Note, 55.1 Note, 6.1 Map image

  • Ralsyeeeeei - For the Level 0 image, Skin-Stealer, Smiler

  • EzraPlaysAnything - For the Howler image

  • Dismisser - For the Rope and Flashlight images, Energy Bar image, Crowbar image

  • Gutengrimes - For the Level 1 images for each section

  • GameEnjoyer2000 - Hound model image, Wretch model image, The Neighborhood Watch model image

  • Gingerowo - Level 2 image, The Scratcher image, Animations image

  • Fiberizing - Electrical puddle image and the map for their locations, Juice image, Moth Jelly image, Bug Spray image, Thermometer image, The End image, LiDAR Scanner image, Flare Gun image, Walkie Talkie image, Chainsaw image, Aranea Membri image, Level 188 image, Level Fun+ image, Glowstick, Firework, Level 1 Smiler Area map

  • クロノマーズ(black marz) - for making a Youtube video with all the games death scenes where I took a screenshot for Level !'s header image, The Thing on Level 7 image

  • MattForScience - Level ! map image

  • Valisy - Level 9223372036854775807 image

  • ThatStickGuy - The Animated King image

  • 2011Daniel - Level 8 image header, Level 188 image header, The Abandoned Outpost image header, Level 10 image header, Level 3999 image header

  • SUSSY GUSSY123 - Level 0.2 room image, The Manila Room image

  • Shad0w941 - Faceling Rogue image

  • RobbyBobby170 - Map layout of Level 1, Section 3

  • Fancy - Level 0.2 (full level) image from his discord server

  • Loxem - Ending #1 image

  • DBoksteru - Level !~! Map images

  • TheOneFBela - Level 37.2 map images and Level Fun+ map images

  • Fancy - For making this game

  • Myself - Level 7 first Note, The Thing on Level 7 image, Diving Helmet image, Level 8 Note, The Manila Room Note, Sub-Level 0.11 Note, Level 188 Note, Level 9 Note, Abandoned Outpost Note, Almond Concentrate image, Keycard Terminal w/ gate in Level 9 image, Level 10 Note, Farmer Faceling image, Bone Thief image, Clump image, Window Entity image, Party Host image, Level Fun+ Notes (all 5), !-! Note
This section is optional to read and is just trivia that might be interesting to those who learn of the game later in its life or those who came to it just now and wish to know some things about the game.

  • Level 0 used to end once you fixed the Ladder as it lead into a vent instead of a key
  • Level 1 used to be just the Smiler section before it was overhauled and added with more areas and Skin-Stealers
  • Level 2 didn't have multiple paths when it was added
  • Smiler's used to have a body. Now only the one on Level 2 has one.
  • Hounds are the entity with the most balance changes to them. A total of 4 changes.
  • The lock combination in The Hotel area of Level 5 only has 3 codes. So if you looked them up you can just guess them 1 by 1 until it opens instead of finding all the papers
  • Level 5 is the longest level
  • Level 1 is the Level with the most areas in it
  • Level 9 was teased the most by Fancy, 2 images and a GIF of The Neighborhood Watch
  • Level Fun, Level !, Level !-!, and Level Fun+ are no longer able to be read on the backrooms fandom wiki, if you wish to learn about them you can watch YouTube videos of people reading the Levels and Sub-Levels
  • Level 3999 is the last Level when Part 3 came out
  • Level 7 was the last Level when Part 2 came out
  • Level 94 was the last Level when Part 1 came out
  • Level 9223372036854775807 on the fandom wiki was later lowered and is now known as Level 922
  • Originally, Level 37's nickname was Poolrooms before it was changed to Sublimity. This is seen on Fancy's devlog where it showed the nickname of it on the Fandom wiki before they changed the name to have it match with the Wikidot one
  • In Level 6, There is no natural light anywhere in the level except for in the beginning, which is light from a midnight sky that shoots through windows.
  • In the lore, Level 6 is 100% covered in darkness and may or may not have entities unlike in game
  • The End is based off of the Fandom wiki version
  • There was originally an Entity called "The Ghost Smiler" in the original Level 1, which would kill you by going up the Ramp in the garage in the Final Area.
  • In previous versions the static gain was a lot more heavy when looking at the Howler
  • Level 188 is currently the smallest Level in the game (Not counting your revisit)
  • Sub-Level 6.1 is currently the smallest Sub-Level in the game
  • The Abandoned Outpost is still in Level 9, so it's the only level in the game that isn't a Backrooms Level.
  • The Scratcher entity is unique to this game and isn't on any version of The End
  • The old model of The Scratcher is the same but, was entirely black in color
  • The Manila Room in game is unique and seems to take elements from both the Fandom Wiki and Wikidot variants
  • Similar to how The Hub has a view of Level 0, the Abandoned Outpost in Level 9 has a view of Sub-Level 0.1
  • Originally in Level 2 you would be chased by a Lighthead (Sirenhead except a light head) before Fancy read comments on the devlog that it didn't fit the game and then changed it to be a Smiler
  • The first Note ever was showcased in the fourth Video Fancy made.
  • In Level Fun, there's a blue door that is locked near the exit and cannot be opened. Using UUU engine to enter it will result in you finding a glowstick. There's also a note about it hidden in the game files. You can check the Notes page on the wiki to see it.
  • Later that unused Note ^ would be added to Level Fun+ along with glowsticks
  • The M.E.G. base in The Hub has an elevator that cannot be used currently
  • In the 3rd section of Level 1 there is a 20% chance that the elevator will spawn in the 1st floor, and a 40% chance in the other two floors.
  • The Dark Blue Tile rooms in Level 37 do not exist on the Wikidot or Fandom Wiki versions of Level 37 so they are unique to this game
  • The Level Door to Level 0 used to not exist until Part 3 released
  • The door to Level 94 unlocks itself automatically upon beating the level and is the only one that is opened like this
  • The Partygoers old model looked more cartoony before Fancy made them more twisted and real like how they currently look. You can check their page on the wiki to see this model
  • Sub-Level 55.1 is unique to this game and never existed on any Backrooms wiki
  • Sub-Level 55.1's nickname is because it is named tunnellevel in the game files, unless Fancy gives it an official name I will be using that for it
The Ghost™  [author] 23 Sep @ 12:07pm 
Unless he recently said something about the update it looks like it's fine. We just don't get a lot of teasers and related. It'll just drop when it drops.
邻里守望 23 Sep @ 4:02am 
Looks like fancys got some problem with the next update. It's so slow and its not yet comin
The Ghost™  [author] 23 Jul @ 12:12pm 
Updated Upcoming Content
The Ghost™  [author] 23 Jul @ 12:08pm 
Updated Special Thanks
Added map images to 37.2 and Fun+
Credits to TheOneFBela for the map images
Added wiki names to Level Fun+ for the sections
The Ghost™  [author] 11 May @ 10:33am 
Added a new image to Level 1 Revisited of the Smiler area. Image by Fiberizing.
GuyfromtheWAN 5 Apr @ 4:16am 
for level 55.1, you dont need to take a picture to kill the smilers. just looking at them with the camera is good enough
finnyfunn 23 Mar @ 6:41pm 
help walter get on steam
Furkann 19 Feb @ 2:06pm 
I finished EBS today :D thx :sans: :sans: :sans: :sans: :sans:
The Ghost™  [author] 10 Feb @ 1:26pm 
Thanks to DBoksteru for the Level !~! Map images

Added them to that Level section and added him to the special thanks
The Ghost™  [author] 4 Feb @ 11:51am 
Updated guide version number so it matches the file version.