Space Engineers

Space Engineers

33 ratings
Ares at War Guide (WIP)
By CaptainArthur and 1 collaborators
Setup & Mods
How to Start a world
New game -> Workshop -> Click Ares at War -> You can change mods after creating the world

Industrial Overhaul

Please replace AaW part 3 with AaW part 3 IO

Additional MES-NPC mods
Yes you can run additional MES NPC mods (reavers, assertive), but it can mess with AaW, and you can break it by hitting the faction limit. So not recommended. Same counts for [EEM] Exploration Enhancement Mod.

type /wc unsupportedmode to prevent interior turrets from being removed. Note that the special Cronyx ammo will not work if you use weaponcore vanilla replacer.

Real Orbits
You need to install real orbits mod, start a game, then go to the save direction and do a find and replace on for <GravityFalloff>7</GravityFalloff> to <GravityFalloff>2</GravityFalloff> and then delete the sandbox sb5 in the save directory. Load in the game and it will show orbits.

AIEnabled/Crew Enabled
In addition if it is added some factions have dropships that will land and deploy their soldiers.

Do not use these mods
  • Expanded settings
  • Infestation Enabled mod
  • Better Stone
Dedicated Server
Basic guide
Start the world in singleplayer then copy it to the server.
Official DS guide for beginnners:

Idk why, but after loading in the world for the first time, you need to save and reload the world otherwise the npc stations won't spawn.

You can enable and disable story events with /AaW.EnableStoryEvents /AaW.DisableStoryEvents.
I recommend only enabling Events when most people are online, otherwise people might miss the story event. Story Events are enabled by default!
AaW Features
Ares at War is not a complex campaign with missions, characters, faction selection or all the fancy stuff you can think of. Find out below what the features of Ares at War are:

3D Globe map

Story Events are events that changes the world you play in. Think of an unknown faction entering the Ares System, or a faction declaring war on an other faction. It is basically to spice up the world

Example story event
The "2h" means that event will expire in 2 hours, if the player isn't near the GPS marker in time. The Story Event will be simulated.

When do Story Events happen
Combination of these factors: MES threatscore, player near locations, world state.

News Event
Put down a LCD, check for "News feed" in scripts

/AaW.EnableStoryEvents /AaW.DisableStoryEvents
Keep in mind after a world has loaded, it takes 5 to 25 min before events become eligible

Faction Strength
Each faction has Strength, Capacity, Production, and Aggression scores.

A faction will gain strength points by productions every 15min, and loose points by loosing ships. If Strength>Capacity, then the Strength score cannot be increased by productions.

Destroying ships and bases will increase the Aggression score.
Put down a LCD, check for "AaW Strength tracker" in scripts
Note: A playerfaction will not show up here.


Colony ownership
Currently only colonies on Agaris can be owned by a faction. The GC and the FAF are the only faction that can own a colony atm.

If the colony is owned by a faction then that faction should have a base nearby. Destroying that base will result in a change in ownership.

Note: A playerfaction can not take ownership of a colony
If you can't find your answer here ask them in the discord server.