Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

125 vurderinger
(Bank) Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.
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5.491 MB
17. juli 2023 kl. 21:47
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
(Bank) Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.

I 1 samling af NameInvalid
NameInvalid's Brazil assets
40 genstande
commissioned by Bastet69

A bank located at Centro, Campina Grande-PB, Brazil.

contain 2 variations
- with bank sign and art displays
- without sign and without art displays
texture shared

alternate Financial District version
by macluk

Building type : unique
✅ keyword : bank, banco, nordeste
✅ size : 5x4
✅ color variations : red, brown, grey, blue - adjustable with RePaint
2.8k tri, 1k tex
lod 116, 128 tex


[] alternatively : Patreon[]
9 kommentarer
Gordinho da Saveiro 23. juli 2023 kl. 19:10 
qual essa estrada que conecta ao banco
Nyrob€€ 19. juli 2023 kl. 4:50 
Wow, so many details and still a small texture size, very well done!
NameInvalid  [ophavsmand] 19. juli 2023 kl. 3:39 
ok find way to contact me, either here or Discord NameInvalid#3419.
I send you file.
macluk 19. juli 2023 kl. 3:15 
macluk 19. juli 2023 kl. 3:13 
Hmm... could I do it for you and publish it with references to you and this asset? Similarly to what I've done with my first few assets or adding you as a creator?
NameInvalid  [ophavsmand] 19. juli 2023 kl. 2:30 
sorry I don't have that DLC, can't check / make that type of item.
macluk 19. juli 2023 kl. 1:45 
is there a version for the Financial DLC somewhere? :)
Checo Mx 18. juli 2023 kl. 6:31 