Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The Pissman Doctrine
De ThePissman
The Piss Sniper. A menace to society, a team player, and a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Today we'll be talking about Team Fortress 2's most stupid subclass. I'm the Pissman and welcome to The Pissman Doctrine.
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Appreciating the Jarate
At it's core, TF2 is a very stupid game. Sure, tons of people can sweat their asses off in a pub and completely delete the entire lobby. I, however, am not one of these pub stompers. I am really heckin bad at this game. I honestly much prefer playing like a total dumbass and doing stupid funny ♥♥♥♥ than trying, and failing, to sweat my ass off in a 15 year old game. And that is where my enjoyment in the Piss Sniper comes from.

Jarate is really funny. FishStickOnAStick once said that it is Sniper's best weapon and honestly, it really is. The benefits of using Jarate, as opposed to anything else in the secondary slot, are a great asset to your team. Your buddy on fire? Piss. A cluster of enemies on the cart? Piss. Wanna randomly throw piss on your teammate in the spawnroom for no conceivable reason other than to be a jerk? Piss.

That whole point I made about playing like a dumbass really comes together here. Even when using the Jarate and doing the Schadenfreude after doing literally anything, I am still providing great untility to my team. I'm still extinguishing them, I'm still giving them mini-crits, and I'm still getting points. With the Piss Sniper loadout, even while playing like a total idiot, you are still actively contributing to the team.
The Pissman Philosophy
Now that you understand the practicality of the Piss Sniper loadout, let's discuss the philosophy of the Pissman. When you're mid at the game, like me, killing people is hard. Imagine shooting a 151 health Demo, who lives on 1, and they dying immediately. That's me when playing Sniper in a nutshell. It's hard to feel useful when you're constantly in the respawn que. Well as already discussed, with the Jarate you can still feel useful, despite still dying horribly.

Now there are different ways to act as the Pissman, however all of them basically hinge on you maximizing your Jarate usage by marking enemies and extinguishing teammates. Even in scenarios where using Jarate is most definitely not ideal and will 100% get you killed, still use it. Everything else I will mention is optional. Like I said earlier, I enjoy using the Schadenfreude after doing literally anything with the Jarate. If you really wanna let people know just how funny you find it that you coated them in your golden shower, then by all means.

However, say you also enjoy killing people and aren't content with just watching the assists pile up. That's fine. In truth, you can still most definitely use your sniper rifle and still kill people, but it's still a must to absolutely maximize your Jarate usage. It isn't enough to just equip it in your secondary slot and call yourself a Pissman. Anyone can do that. As soon as you leave spawn, look for something to piss on. As soon as the meter refills, look for something to piss on. No matter what, you always must piss on something.

In truth, so long as one always uses their Jarate as soon as they can, even in the most un-ideal situation, they are the true Pissmen. Staring down a heavy and fully knowing you're gonna die? Might as well get a quick leak in. The weapons used really don't matter. You can be a Jarate fanatic and equip the Sydney Sleeper, Jarate, and Bushwhacka, Or you could instead just use a Conscientious Objector with a picture of Jarate on it as your melee. That's what I like to do sometimes.
Mann vs Machine
I'll also quickly mention the Jarate's utility in MVM. While I personally find pissing on robots to be much less satisfying than people, much like in casual, the Jarate remains an effective support tool all the same. Marking giants for your team is especially useful, even if there is already a Scout on your team to do so. The Jarate enables you to mark giants for death from long range, whereas Scouts need to get close and hit them with the fan of war. It also has a large radius of effect, so you can mark entire hordes of robots for death with it. I find this especially useful for large clusters of crit robots my team otherwise might struggle against.

The Jarate, much like other weapons in MVM, can also be upgraded. The slow upgrade is very useful against Super Scouts, and the recharge speed upgrades allow you to recharge the Jarate in a little as 4 seconds. So yeah, Jarate is pretty damn good in MVM. Makes me wonder how much hell Sniper's bladder is going through though.
When it comes down to it, the Pissman is a lot like playing regular Sniper. It's more the philosophy of understanding and respecting the power of the Jarate and using it to it's absolute fullest that makes the Pissman the Pissman. Beyond that, you can probably do whatever. That's what I appreciate about the Piss Sniper. The sheer flexibility of this dumb playstyle. Any tryhard Sniper main or gibus vision can do it, so long as they have a jar and a fully bladder handy. Thank you for reading. This is my first guide so I hope you all enjoyed reading me rant about a virtual jar of piss.

Also I forgot to mention, I own a Collector's Festive Jarate so I am uniquely qualified to talk about this. Thank you.
3 commentaires
vigilante42 23 juin 2024 à 18h10 
CopperStorm 16 juin 2024 à 15h17 
You are truly the William Shakespeare or Herman Melville of our time. Thank you. May you live in peace piss.
Send Me Bootleggers(lobotomized) 15 juin 2024 à 14h36 
use sydney sleeper