Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium

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Megaman The Power Fighters 2 Boss Weaknesses
Por CameGube
Boss Weaknesses for all Routes of Power Fighters 2
Stop Wily
Centaur Man: Gyro
Shadow Man: Centaur Arrow
Bubble Man: Shadow Blade
Heat Man: Lead Bubble
Plant Man: Atomic Fire
Gyro Man: Plant Shield

Mad Grinder: Centaur Arrow

Wily 1: Lead Bubble

Wily 2: Shadow Blade
Rescue Roll
Elec Man: Power Stone
Dive Man: Thunder Beam
Slash Man: Dive Missiles
Cut Man: Slash Claw
Shade Man: Rolling Cutter
Stone Man: Noise Crush

Yellow Devil: Thunder Beam (he's a ♥♥♥♥♥ anyway)

Wily 1: Slash Claw

Wily 2: Thunder Beam
Find Parts
Air Man: Super Arm
Quick Man: Air Shooter
Pharaoh Man: Quick Boomerang
Gemini Man: Pharaoh Wave
Napalm Man: Gemini Laser
Guts Man: Napalm Bomb

Mecha Dragon: Quick Boomerang

Wily 1: Super Arm

Wily 2: Air Shooter