Heroes of Civilizations

Heroes of Civilizations

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Heroes of Civilizations - Achievement Guide
This guide will help you complete the achievements in Heroes of Civilizations. It'll provide insight into why some achievements won't trigger and also an easier path to triggering other achievements. I spoke to the developer recently and he was kind enough to fix many of the broken achievements so a previous version is no longer necessary. It took some work to figure out why some of these achievements didn't trigger so if this guide helps you please do let me know.
Save Backup
You'll want to back up your save regularly as the game itself can reset your save when verifying files through Steam or while playing the game normally.

The file location is:
Steam\steamapps\common\Heroes of Civilizations\data\save.conf
If the tracker for any of the achievements goes over the requirement (ie 11/10), the achievement won't trigger when you end up following the steps in the Achievement Unlock section. This can happen because you got one extra win or the game gave you 2 wins which happens sometimes. To fix this, delete your save and start new; see the save location above. I suggest you don't edit the file itself as this will get you banned from achievement trackers.

General Notes
  • For the skirmish achievements, you'll have to play the game normally. The opponent can't attack since you control both sides. Set their attacking units to attack or defend based on which has the lower amount of points so you can easily destroy their pieces. You can only set their attacking units to defend after that unit's first round on the board.
  • The in-game achievement counter does not update until you reselect the mode from the drop down menu. You can also check your progress using the save file.
  • Focus on one achievement at a time since saves can reset and one achievement can affect the other.

Rule Master Achievement
Some of these tutorials are impossible. Luckily, I've found replaying the same tutorial increases the counter and the easiest tutorial is 3-UnitTypes. All you need to do is select BP and have your Hero (Perseo 7/3) attack the left card (Athena, 2/6) for the win. Rinse and repeat 10 times, you might need to do this in a single session.

Ancient Conquerer Achievement
Singleplayer - Campaign - Standard - 1a-RebelArmy
Activate chainmail and select the archer (Toxotai). Click BP and attack directly with him for an instant win. Repeat till you reach a total of 20, you might need to do this in a single session.

Hero Conqueror
Singleplayer - Campaign - Heroic - 1-MycenaeWar
You need to do this in a single session. Use Ciclops' special to replace the only card on the board (Merchant), set to attack position. Click EP to lose. Repeat this 10 times.

Skirmish Achievements
Singleplayer - Skirmish - Standard - <pick Civilization>
These are straightforward, must play 10 times for each civilization. Might need to finish each civilization in a single session.
Achievement Unlock
Once the achievement requirements have been met:
  1. Shut down the game
  2. Launch the game from Steam again
  3. This time select Launcher. This is the game editor which will unlock achievements and allow you to make mods for the game.
  4. Follow one of the below sections depending on version
  5. If you're doing the skirmish achievements, select the civilization you want then click Refresh. Otherwise click refresh. Achievement should pop up immediately.