The art of Coping
"It's always funny meeting the delicate cheaters you have exposed and kicked from a server a few days later. They always try so hard to get back at you, starting a vote kick on you and even exposing their voices in voice chat to simply call one a cheater. Such scrawny and pathetic voices as well, you can tell they are pathetic in real life. What's even funnier is when their plan doesn't work and they simply leave the match because nobody trusts cheaters who are furries. Did i mention how hard they tried to kick me?

This is their profile:
Name at that time: Mysterio (owned by Spektrum)

Go check them out! make sure to kick this pathetic little furry when you see them in a game. Thanks!"
4 件のコメント
Toby®  [作成者] 11月11日 20時13分 
Wdym, they got banned
talos 11月8日 19時04分 
i just came across that dude on a 2fort pub
Toby®  [作成者] 2023年11月21日 10時28分 
So i've been told. I guess him being a furry/degenerate was already enough to make that assumption. Thanks for letting me know
Vortex Flash Hider 2023年11月20日 22時38分 
hes a pedo lol