The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using Witcher Signs
Beginners are prone to mistakes when utilizing signs in The Witcher 3, but this handy guide details the most common mishaps to avoid.
This guide can help them and the more experienced folks avoid the common pitfall associated with Witcher signs. As the re-release has changed some things, primarily the inclusion of quick sign casting, we decided to update the piece to make it as up-to-date as possible.
Ignoring Quick Sign Casting

A recent addition to The Witcher 3 is quick sign casting. This feature removes the need to switch your equipped sign. Instead, you can unleash any one of them you want by hitting the indicated button.

So, for instance, if you want to fire out an Aard sign on the Xbox, you just need to hold RT and press 'A.'

This feature isn't automatically enabled. You need to head into options and then gameplay to switch quick sign casting on. It makes the act of using Witcher signs much smoother, so don't ignore it.
Not Wearing Medium Armor For A Sign Build

Those used to the mechanics in other RPGs may assume light armor is best for magic utilization. Others may think to use heavy armor as it doesn't cause a huge debuff to movement like in other games.

However, almost all Medium armor has some buff to endurance, which is needed to cast signs, or buffs to signs themselves. So, make sure to find and equip the right set of armor for how you like to play.
Performing Cast And Roll Combos

Rolling halts stamina regeneration if the bar isn't full, prolonging the time until you're able to cast another sign.

This makes the cast-roll away-cast tactic unviable unless you've constructed a solid sign build with heavy regeneration buffs. Even then, you want to put as much stamina towards constant sign usage as you can in that case.

Granted, cutting out rolls altogether isn't very realistic as they carry Geralt further than his dodge. Still, they should be used sparingly, mainly reserved for large enemies with wide attack spans.

Replacing rolls with a succession of side steps or backward leaps would prove more beneficial.
Using Alternative Forms In Place of The Standard Sign

Alternative signs are the second tier of unlockable sign abilities in Geralt's character tree.

Even though they require you to sink more ability points into the branch to unlock, alternative sign modes are just that; alternative, meaning they are different, not better. This is a fact many players overlook, assuming more points mean greater effect.

Igni is one sign you want to differentiate between its forms. The base cast expells a cone-shaped burst of fire that can hit several enemies. The alternative form shoots a continuous stream of fire, which Geralt can aim and walk slowly while casting.

Another important difference is that the base cast uses all of Geralt's stamina at once while the fire stream continuously drains stamina until it runs out or Geralt lets up.

Stamina regeneration will have a delay after being depleted by fire stream, whereas regeneration is fairly brief after a basic cast with enough stamina buffs.
Casting Igni Near Explosives

Speaking of, Igni's a great crowd control tactic, setting groups of Drowners and most fleshy adversaries alight with ease, many times dispersing them in a panic for easy pickings. However, if the Witcher isn't careful, he can get caught in the flames just as easily.

Everybody has done it at least once, whether they don't realize they're in the vicinity of swamp vapors or that the overturned barrel nearby is an explosive one.

Regardless of which oversight you're guilty of, everyone has experienced the shock of unexpectedly being blown into a fiery heap amidst the heat of battle.

Next time save yourself the infuriated embarrassment and be sure you've surveyed your surroundings before lighting up your enemies.
Attacking Enemies After Using Axii On Them

Attacking a target for the increased chance of an instant kill after using Axii on them is certainly a viable tactic. Still, if the kill doesn't succeed, Axii's effect is broken.

If the insta-kill fails, the cast becomes a big waste of stamina, which can be a grave mistake when fighting a group. Besides, there are easier ways to create an instant kill opening, such as Aard's knockdown perk.

Confounding a stronger enemy, then turning your sights onto advancing assailants is a more beneficial tactic when using Axii.

After taking care of the minor threats while the heavy hitter is subdued, Geralt can focus on the beefier opponent one on one without watching his back.

When facing mounted opponents, by all means, have the mount throw them to the ground with Axii and get those guaranteed and ever-satisfying instant kills.
Using Axii's Puppet Ability Amid Combat

Brainwashing an enemy to fight for you is an alluring prospect, but the execution of casting this sign is too lengthy in the heat of combat.

Geralt likely won't get to execute the sign before taking a hit from other assailants. If he does, he's almost sure to suffer a blow right after and will have to wait for his stamina to regenerate before casting another sign.

Furthermore, the 'puppet' he manipulates doesn't have an amazing hit chance, making this tactic a gamble that rarely pays off.

It's better to cast this alternative sign mode at the very start of combat, while Geralt still has some distance between him and the enemy onslaught.
Not Buffing or Utilizing Quen

Some players may overestimate their abilities or underestimate the threat. Either way, everyone has been guilty of not utilizing Quen enough at one point or another.

As long as you can avoid taking a hit long enough, you can recast Quen as soon as the previous shield is broken, so there's no reason to let your guard down. Consistently renewing your Quen shield guarantees constant coverage from mistimed dodges or unexpected blows.

It's also advisable to upgrade Quen to 'Explosive Shield.' That way, it will knock back enemies when the shield is broken, giving Geralt time to recover.

Not only that, but 'Explosive Shield' can cause damage to reverberate onto the enemy and even provides the chance for a knockdown, which grants Geralt an opening for an instant kill.
Using Quen Against Enemy Hordes

One instance where Quen may fall short is amid enemy hordes. Once you've gotten used to utilizing Quen constantly, it may be second nature to pop up that shield.

But when Quen only protects against one hit and you find yourself amongst an onslaught of attackers, casting it is essentially a waste of stamina at that point. You're better off going with a crowd-control method like Aard or Igni if the enemies are especially susceptible to fire.
2 comentarios
MuD >SERVIÇOS PC ONLINE<  [autor] 7 JUL a las 9:53 a. m. 
NeoSapphire 7 JUL a las 7:10 a. m. 
I'll openly admit that I overuse Quen