Better Sway
Type: Mod, Server
15.765 KB
2023年5月23日 15時16分
2024年10月24日 13時59分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Better Sway

Are you fed up of your gun bouncing all over the place while aimed in, like your character has some sort of uncontrollable spasm in his/her arms? Well not anymore! Much reduced sway but breath holding, crouching and prone still affects sway as in vanilla DayZ. Tested and working in 1.21

Please rate etc if you like.

No repacks without my consent.

15 件のコメント
unicornsmustdie 2月25日 7時41分 
awesome mod thanks
Midnight92TTV  [作成者] 2024年10月24日 14時02分 
Should be fixed now. Just re-uploaded the mod, no actual changes. Published id shows now though.
Reborn. 2024年10月24日 2時32分 
Could i repack this mod and try to fix this issue ?
Midnight92TTV  [作成者] 2024年10月19日 5時16分 
As far as i know, this isn't a mod issue my dudes, it's how it's being downloaded. The mod ID is automatically assigned when uploading it to workshop, you can see it has a mod ID because it's in the address bar at the top of the page. If you manually copy the ID into the meta.cpp file that's downloaded your end, then your players won't get any issues and neither will DZSA.
Reborn. 2024年10月17日 8時53分 
needs fix for dzsa has a Steam Workshop ID of '0'.
NEXISS 2024年6月17日 2時46分 
Great mod, But..... DZSA Launcher server check is reporting a steam ID 0 so the DZSA launcher won't load the mod when you join the server, the server then kicks the joining player out for a missing PBO. any chance of addressing this issue please.
Midnight92TTV  [作成者] 2024年2月17日 7時32分 
More tweaks planned, no repacks at the moment. Thanks
<ACR> Rambo 2024年2月17日 7時29分 
Hi we are having sway issues with the Tundra on our server. Can I use this in our server pack to fix the issue please or will there be more tweaks done soon?
A HITMAN 2023年8月1日 17時03分 
Dang ok thank brother
Midnight92TTV  [作成者] 2023年7月25日 9時57分 
It is done per weapon unfortunately. That also wouldn't include any modded weapons, so probably not worth the time.