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How to deal with floppa and the mechanics
By liby
how to deal with fatass cat
Floppas Mechanics
As you start up the game you may begin to wonder: "How do I deal with Floppa?" Well it can be said in 3 words "LOOK AT FLOPPA" looking at floppa makes him not teleport to you. You may be thinking "But wait this is a slender game?" and to that I say yes and no. Floppa is the exact opposite of slender man. Floppa has one more trick up his sleeve. If you are close enough to him he will start making your screen glitch out. If this happens "RUN AWAY" when this is happening from what I can tell a counter in Floppa is counting up every time this happens. When that counter reaches the max, then Floppa kills you. One more thing to mention, if you look away for a split second he immediately teleports to you or an surrounding area.
Player Mechanics
It is best to sprint at all times hell treat this game like the damn source engine in portal. At this point just bunny hop away from Floppa. You have a flashlight that has a battery, you can see this battery in the top right. It is better to just turn off your flashlight as it is really bright. Walking is the worst thing you could do because of how damn slow it is.
Adding Them Together
When you spawn Floppa is usually right next to you so run away immediately. Once done look at Floppa no matter what, this is ensure he doesn't get a good teleport on you and destroy you. I like to use a strategy I have deemed "Floppa Management" Floppa Management is where you can't see where Floppa is so you flick your camera and get away from him as quickly as possible. To be honest I don't have a strategy of getting the pages like this, all I have to say is estimate if you are gonna hit the page.
Winter Mode
Honestly this is the hardest mode in the game with the strategys you have to use. You have to estimate where the pages are on a timer and campfires. The timer in question is thermometer. If this thermometer reaches 0 then you die. The way to keep this up is by standing next to campfires and waiting for 1 or 2 seconds. Other than that it is the same as normal.